Thursday, July 16, 2015

A build tour and interview with TaLon56

Since I had such a good interview with memyself yesterday, I figured why not try again with another one of the LZ regulars who are always helpful to the newbies.  So when I saw TaLon56 at the LZ yesterday, I figured why not try to get an interview with him as well.

Zephyr Fox:    say TaLon56 would you mind showing me your build sometime?  I love to give you an interview like the one I did for memyself yesterday for my blog.
Silly Putty:    little gas, not too much gas!
Silly Putty:    grrr
TaLon56:    sure thing
Silly Putty:    and do not light a match

I start to let TaLon56 know that I’ll do this next week, when he sent me an invite.

Zephyr Fox:    Perhaps next week on a slow day.  I like to have a little something extra for my blog each day.

Grrrrr, I think.  But, why the heck should I be upset at all?   Now that I'm in the moment, why don't I just go with the flow?  So Zap, I’m there.  And, I've gone very local so I can do this interview without listening in on all the distracting global chatter.

TaLon56:    what ya wanna know?
Zephyr Fox:    I was kinda thing bout doing this next week, but here we go.
Zephyr Fox:    How long have you been build here in AW?
TaLon56:    I am all ears @( __)@
TaLon56:    since 2003
TaLon56:    I started making objects in 2004
TaLon56:    This is Wisteria Lane
Zephyr Fox:    Ya,  I was actually here in 1995, but went a way in 2002 when it cost a bit for the citizen ship

Zephyr Fox:    I see your really into the plants.
TaLon56:    I am building this so Citizens will have more choice in objects to build with
Zephyr Fox:    Do you garden or farm in the real world?
TaLon56:    press Object Yard
TaLon56:    as you can see it is not just palnts
TaLon56:    plants
Onexpresso:    b
TaLon56:    Hiyas One
TaLon56 has a guest visitor at his build who I’ve seen at the LZ, but haven’t really chatted with as yet, Onexpresso.

TaLon56:    ya like the aquarium?
Onexpresso:    nice maple tree
Onexpresso:    yes
Onexpresso:    looked at bubbles
Zephyr Fox:    Nice fish
TaLon56:    that is a Tiki Bubbler :P
Onexpresso:    ohh
TaLon56:    to put air in the water :)
Onexpresso:    to bad plants not waving

Zephyr Fox:    did MeL help?
TaLon56:    I have a tribute area for MeL's plants
TaLon56:    and cotars
TaLon56:    but I have done all the rest

Zephyr Fox:    I see the shark jumping
TaLon56:    LOL I will make them wave One
TaLon56:    that is a test rotation
Onexpresso:    certain fish stay bottom, middle or top
TaLon56:    for the Seaquarium I am about to build
Onexpresso:    some are hyper
Onexpresso:    lol
TaLon56:    kinda like a real one huh?
TaLon56:    :)
Onexpresso:    sorry text stuck

Zephyr Fox:    I'm currently working on an animated maze my self
TaLon56:    Coolio
Onexpresso:    ohh
TaLon56:    Every texture you see here is New to Alpha world

Zephyr Fox:    I got the Idea from The Maze Runner movie
Onexpresso:    the one I had started a few years back . meant to rework it to change colors
Onexpresso:    yes saw idea

Zephyr Fox:    just posted a snap shot of the Killer Bunny monster in my blog just a few min ago
Onexpresso:    killer bunny
Onexpresso:    thanks for warning
TaLon56:    O-O
TaLon56:    :P
Zephyr Fox:    like in monte python
Zephyr Fox:    that skit was funny as hell
TaLon56:    I have a few models in Freebies world
Zephyr Fox:    it will make a great monster, when the animation is finished.
Onexpresso:    need giant carrot
TaLon56:    Kartan tole me when he moved it all to the Uberpath I had the most models in Freebies

Zephyr Fox:    have you build any movers or used stuff with PE here on your build?
TaLon56:    look at the aquarium it is a PA I just made
TaLon56:    the bubbles
Onexpresso:    ohhh
TaLon56:    it is a PE
Onexpresso:    has anyone heard from Ima I will need to send a snail mail, no email as yet
Zephyr Fox:    Well it is a fine looking fish tank.  PE = Particle Emmitter
TaLon56:    I modeled a lot of models for movers
TaLon56:    rocket boards
Onexpresso:    cute bubbles
TaLon56:    rocking chairs
TaLon56:    all kinds of models
TaLon56:    benches
Zephyr Fox:    It's kinda a steep learning curve for me cuz I'm basicly a coder.
Onexpresso:    is lowly housewife.
TaLon56:    I have about 15,000 models I have made in my computer
TaLon56:    some of them are at
Zephyr Fox:    and with models it is clumsy finger and alot of trial and error
TaLon56:    in my free stuff section
Onexpresso:    listens
Onexpresso:    to geek talk
Zephyr Fox:    Thanks for the tip on the web page.  I take a look later.
TaLon56:    I also have models in the World of Warcraft vault
TaLon56:    and never Winter Nights
TaLon56:    I gave them about 2000 models each
TaLon56:    :)
Zephyr Fox:    Sound like you know your stuff when it come to the rendering
TaLon56:    I have made a few models :)
TaLon56:    but I want to make an area of new builds that people can use to build with in Alpha World
Zephyr Fox:    Well the bunny is really my first attempt.  When you get time check out the blog and see for your self.
TaLon56:    This is more like an AWG yard than a Build
Zephyr Fox:    It looks more like a mad dog than a cute bunny.
TaLon56:    I do believe I have seen it
TaLon56:    at the LZ
Zephyr Fox:    ugly little cus
TaLon56:    Like a ChiHuaHua bunny
Zephyr Fox:    not so cute at all
TaLon56:    :P
TaLon56:    is the bunny a model?
Zephyr Fox:    any way I now with time I'll get better.
TaLon56:    Yep it takes practice
Zephyr Fox:    I really started from scratch with it. but saw Silly Putty's at the LZz and got a few ideas.
Zephyr Fox:    I don't think I would ever found the hair texture on my own.
TaLon56:    I like making the mundane things that most modelers don't like to do , like a pencil for instance

Zephyr Fox:    Hey one are you still there?  Hope we did bore you to death.
Onexpresso:    reads back text
Onexpresso:    checking out site
Onexpresso:    not bored by mentors
Onexpresso:    never
TaLon56:    I have known Onexpresso for a long time
Zephyr Fox:    I just trying to do a short interview for my blog.
Onexpresso:    quagulating after spagetti
Onexpresso:    ahh ok
Onexpresso:    ty bows
TaLon56:    :)
Zephyr Fox:    Any way I've only been back for a few weeks now and I'm into a very ambious build I'm calling ZeFoxVille.
TaLon56:    When you get to Articulating avatars that will be fun :P
Onexpresso:    is it a french fox
TaLon56:    could be Spanish
TaLon56:    :)
Onexpresso:    sighes busy packing to move for now
TaLon56:    where ya moving to?
Onexpresso:    sneak in here play hookie
Onexpresso:    same state just back to original countyl, as a stop over to country
TaLon56:    Feel free to use anything you find here on your build
Onexpresso:    thanks
TaLon56:    scale it to your liking
Zephyr Fox:    I'm doing all sorts of themed stuff, and will open an Employment office in the near future so every one can have a chance to contribute.
Onexpresso:    I had origional planjned to make a world years ago that now looks like redroses
TaLon56:    You also Zephyr
Onexpresso:    loves autum
TaLon56:    Catwoman has been using a lot og these builds here
Onexpresso:    ah ok
Zephyr Fox:    I when all way to .1 on the scale on the bunny it is still big
TaLon56:    I made Red Roses for her
TaLon56:    they are just over here
Onexpresso:    is that lazzysuzy world where everything is giant
TaLon56:    I do not remember One
Onexpresso:    LQQKS at TaLon
Onexpresso:    sighes and wishes

Zephyr Fox:    I see many is this a good photo repositoy?
TaLon56:    so far it is
TaLon56:    I use it because the code is small
TaLon56:    uses less room in the box
Zephyr Fox:    I've been having an issue finding a good repository for the build.
Onexpresso:    alot of my saved stuff on older systems that are in stgorage for repair.....
TaLon56:    Imgur is a good one
Zephyr Fox:    thank  the second good tip today.
Zephyr Fox:    tks. Much
Onexpresso:    needs note for the how to do...a master object code to use for mulitple, left in ground.s someone had told me once
TaLon56:    Welcome
TaLon56:    an adone?
Onexpresso:    maybe
TaLon56:    wait right here , I will be right back
Onexpresso:    master object is left in ground with a code. name
Onexpresso:    ok
Zephyr Fox:    the amimate me is tricky.  I'm using the timer now for all of my frame seq.
TaLon56:    make a pole4.rwx
Onexpresso:    brushing up on the basics I was learning before
TaLon56:    create name pp23,animate me . 1 1 0,astart;adone picture name=r,astart pp23
TaLon56:    this is a code for an adone pole
Onexpresso:    tlegram to me
Onexpresso:    okay, so it keeps object load down right
Onexpresso:    thanks
TaLon56:    yes

TaLon56:    just replace the name of the picture
Onexpresso:    oka
TaLon56:    and each adone needs a new name
Onexpresso:    yes
Onexpresso:    reading trying to learn
TaLon56:    Tuna Blues was Great with adone poles
Zephyr Fox:    TaLon I'm using name= with much of the seq. now and you need to set up one timer with a name.  Then use it over and over again for each object.
TaLon56:    so was Dreamer2
Onexpresso:    tuna blues?
TaLon56:    uh huh to both :P
Onexpresso:    timer?
TaLon56:    it depends on what you are doing with each object
Onexpresso:    seq timer?
TaLon56:    it is like PE's, everyone has a different use
Zephyr Fox:    I've even got a rotary teleport bump panel for each of the different levels of my Maze
TaLon56:    Mazes are like trains and trollys
Onexpresso:    lol thanks for warning
Zephyr Fox:    and I can get a bump panel to turn off, so it wont trigger multiple times.
TaLon56:    like if you want a wall to move to crush the person it needs a set time and wait
Onexpresso:    maybe should open a world for mazemakers
TaLon56:    and a loop sync
Onexpresso:    only mazes
Onexpresso:    builds
Onexpresso:    :)
TaLon56:    Corn Maze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Onexpresso:    oh wait did they do that already
Onexpresso:    lol
TaLon56:    :D
TaLon56:    I am doing one for Halloween
TaLon56:    I have the corn made
TaLon56:    it is at the end of TaLon Tree Lane
Onexpresso:    fun listening to you

Zephyr Fox:    any way I plan to beta at the end of the month and will announce it in the blog when it is ready to check out.
Onexpresso:    just has not gotten to do anything as yet
Onexpresso:    steep learning curse to envision,
TaLon56:    If Ido not burn out there is gonna be a lot of new stuff in Alpha world
Onexpresso:    ohhhh
TaLon56:    to build with
Zephyr Fox:    I've got to rap this up soon so I can get back to the real world.  Is there any thing else you would like to show me TaLon?
TaLon56:    just come back later and go to the telly and walk around
TaLon56:    there is a lot of stuff here
TaLon56:    I need to go walk the Prime Minister
Onexpresso:    telly?
TaLon56:    Have a Great day
Zephyr Fox:    Ok Will do.  I have something in the blog tomorrow and well telegram the link to you then.
TaLon56:    the teleport I shwed you
TaLon56:    it goes to different areas here
Zephyr Fox:    Tanks for the time.  Great chatting with you too One.
Onexpresso:    you have a great day
Onexpresso:    :)
Onexpresso:    ah y
Onexpresso:    hope did not get in the way
Zephyr Fox:    in 4321......Poooof......

It was only after I'd teleported away from this impromptu interview that I realized that I had forgotten to ask if I could publish his build coordinates.  So, if you're curious and wish to borrow a little of his models, you'll just have to ask him.  Sorry, but I want to be as confidential as possible with everyone's build when I interview.  I want to see if  I can get a tour from MeL, but I'm almost too afraid to ask, because when I see her at the LZ, she always seems to be busy in her Peace Keeper persona.  Anyway, don't be surprised to see me trolling around the LZ for my next AW interview victim.


For any interested AW citizen I received an after post telegram from TaLon56:

Telegram from TaLon56, sent just now: 
AlphaWorld 31491N 30209W       <----------- this is the coordinates for the teleport station on Wisteria Lane Zephyr


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