Sunday, July 26, 2015

Impromptu Tour with TenYearsGone

Again intensely into my build and barely viewing the global chat when I see TenYearsGone chatting with Alphaworldian.  Suddenly I see that Ten is in full blown "I'm giving a tour" mode and since I had been kinda thinking of trolling an interview from him, I went into "I'll follow the leader mode." and popped on in to see how much I could get for the blog.  To my surprise, Ten was most accommodating and I learned tons of stuff about his build without saying very much. Here is the chat log from that visit:

Alphaworldian:    the horror, TenYears, the horror
Alphaworldian:    I saw your EBTS build TYG
TenYearsGone:    it does sound a bit disturbing, now that you mention it
TenYearsGone:    Did you catch a fish?
Alphaworldian:    you made activeworlds look more... graphically updated
Alphaworldian:    it looks really nice
TenYearsGone:    Graphically updated? Well, I suppose that it's just not 1996 any more
Alphaworldian:    it is in most of alphaworld still
TenYearsGone:    Yes, well, from my exploration, I should have said 1997, because that seems to be the peak of the building days
Alphaworldian:    but looking at your plot in EBTS, it actually looks like something from the previous game generation
Alphaworldian:    never thought I'd see the day
TenYearsGone:    Well, you aren't going to get the best of 2015 without software  that costs more than your house
Alphaworldian:    there is software that is low cost and looks far better than activeworlds, i.e. benchmark tests
Alphaworldian:    I'm just trying to compliment your build is all TYG
TenYearsGone:    Oh sure, if you want software that looks good, skyrim is no slouch
Alphaworldian:    it looks spectacular
TenYearsGone:    Well, thank you.... I ddn't enter EBTS to lose after all
Alphaworldian:    I know right :p
Alphaworldian:    where is Happy Valley at?
Alphaworldian:    er, the coords
Alphaworldian:    do you have recent builds there?
TenYearsGone:    let me get to the LZ of it
Alphaworldian:    I am quite interested in your work now :o
TenYearsGone:    Happy Valley Landing Zone
TenYearsGone:    You will be exploring for a while.... I have been building here 4 year
TenYearsGone:    s
Alphaworldian:    nice
Alphaworldian:    I really like your terrain and new builds
Alphaworldian:    Happy Valley is in SW City?
TenYearsGone:    Yeah, I have been meaning to do something with this coastline for a while
TenYearsGone:    Next door.... SW City calls this the Outlands, and it's area code 901 on SW Tel
Alphaworldian:    you should have Happy Valley become apart of SW City
Alphaworldian:    assimilate!
TenYearsGone:    Well, technically SW City is just the two main islands, and everything else is Outlands
Alphaworldian:    ah
TenYearsGone:    But we have 2 different  kinds of SW Interactive gaming nodes... farming anf fossil digging
TenYearsGone:    Some of the shopping, a Logger's Restaurant, and one new SW City character.... Ted Nougat
Alphaworldian:    nice planes
TenYearsGone:    two of them fly
Alphaworldian:    I don't see a mover for the big plane :(
TenYearsGone:    Take a mining helmet if you go into the caves across the street
TenYearsGone:    Too many objects to link up in that one
Alphaworldian:    darn
TenYearsGone:    Seriously... it's dark in those caves
TenYearsGone:    waaaaaay dark
TenYearsGone:    and make sure you have the Stonerhenge bit cached..... if you die in those caves, that i
Alphaworldian:    where's the caves?
BeeBo:    hey alpha
Alphaworldian:    hi beebo
BeeBo:    funny yall talkn bout caves
TenYearsGone:    See the planes? Almost straight West
BeeBo:    ive been going thru liz's
BeeBo:    hey tyc
BeeBo:    TYG
TenYearsGone:    Hi Beebo
BeeBo:    mine if i join
TenYearsGone:    Happy Valley Landing Zone
BeeBo:    thanks for the ride
TenYearsGone:    AW'ian headed Southwest from there
BeeBo:    was  just checkin out LIz liz's caves   and yall started talking but caves
Alphaworldian:    ::O
Alphaworldian:    WOW
BeeBo:    thought maybe yall were watchn me LOL
Alphaworldian:    nice looking terrain
Zephyr Fox:    Hi Ten
TenYearsGone:    With luck you should be getting to AW'ian just as he gets killed, and then you can see the pe-show with sound that happens when someone gets ressurected
TenYearsGone:    Hi Zephyr
Alphaworldian:    oh no my helmet came off
TenYearsGone:    Actullay the best death in Happy Valley had to be Myrth... he lit a bomb, then stood beside it to see what happens when it goes off
TenYearsGone:    good luck finding your way around down there with no light.... you might try finding another one.... or just shift straight up
TenYearsGone:    That bit is sort of for exploring in a group since you will need lights, bombs, and a gun to find your way through
BeeBo:    im just walkn the track
Zephyr Fox:    Diabolically difficult and exciting too! Great Stuff
TenYearsGone:    Diabolical? dunno.... but when we play rough here, there's guns and bombs
BeeBo:    that way i dont get lost
TenYearsGone:    Walking the tracks is one thing.... or you could take the trolley and ride them
BeeBo:    really i past them
TenYearsGone:    there will be another one... they only go 320 meters
BeeBo:    hmmm     thers one invisble  LOL
BeeBo:    couldnt figure why i got stuck LOL
TenYearsGone:    That's it... I am taking a trolley to find you guys.... right after I get a coffee
Zephyr Fox:    The trolley ride is the best part of Happy Valley
Zephyr Fox:    I'm looking forward toward doing a monorail at my build

TenYearsGone:    server movers are cool

TenYearsGone:    uh oh.... that rain l hear may have thunderboomers with it
Zoinks:    surely not thunderboomers
TenYearsGone:    could be..... eeeeeeh, could be
BeeBo:    eeckkk ran outta track   nice  walk
TenYearsGone:    I don't know about you guys, but I just heard an explosion.... that one was in the virtual world
Zoinks:    rain rain go away little zoinks wants to play! LOL
TenYearsGone:    ran out of track?
Zoinks:    explosion? Gasps!
Zephyr Fox:    LOL
BeeBo:    well  i dont see any more
TenYearsGone:    Zeph, we may be on the wrong trolley line
Zoinks:    explosion of wonderful colors
Zephyr Fox:    You guide I'll follow
Zoinks:    weeeeeeeeeee
Zoinks:    waaahoooooo

TenYearsGone:    well, I was looking for BeeBo and AW'ian
BeeBo:    lol im by maself  invite me lol
TenYearsGone:    whenthe mover stops
BeeBo:    yup walked past here
BeeBo:    neva found alpha
BeeBo:    just kept walking
TenYearsGone:    he might be in the caves West of here
BeeBo:    i like the coplor changes
BeeBo:    color changes
BeeBo:    one time i was green
BeeBo:    follows zwph

Subminion:                    Well, Hello! Come to dig up some fossils? That is great !
Subminion:                    There is a dry area in the cave system that has preserved many fossils in excellent condition. Look for the areas with no vegitation, and that is where you are likely to find them
Subminion:                    This is an interesting cave system in many ways, not the least of which is that it has remained completely unknown to our people until Harold, Cedric, and Butch discovered Harry here.

TenYearsGone:    I'll take the bombs

Subminion:                    Who is Harry? You may well ask... and that is just it... No one knows who or what he is, except that he is a giant flaming, flying skull. That is a model of him on that crate.
BeeBo:    lol  tyg  got boomers
Subminion:                    Many people in Happy Valley wanted  Harry destroyed, but Harold would not have it ! He would not allow anyone to destroy anything out of ignorance, so he keeps Harry at his farm now..
Subminion:                    Somewhere in these caves is the answer to who and what Harry actually is, but the way is extremely dangerous; you will not be able to do it alone.

Zephyr Fox:    Nice dialog

Subminion:                    The entire cave system is unstable. This does not pose a problem to we subminions, but you may find it very dangerous. Here is an explosives kit that contains six explosive devices.

TenYearsGone:    lights please

Subminion:                    You may find it useful for clearing away cave ins, but I hope I don't have to mention that bombs are dangerous....

TenYearsGone:    thank you

Subminion:                    You may also want to take along a gun. There are cave dwelling creatures that can not be reasoned with, and some of them are very dangerous.
Subminion:                    Of course you are not likely to run into any of them if you stick to the dry area of the cave with the fossils.
Subminion:                    If you wish to delve deeper then please do not try it alone. The explosives kit is here if you need it. The key to the case is on the crate under the model of Harry.

TenYearsGone:    Yeah, I should do sound files fo that dialog
Alphaworldian:    lol
Alphaworldian:    Pete Zhaa hut
BeeBo:    that be neat
TenYearsGone:    Most of those places have  joke names
BeeBo:    sooo who gots the gun
Alphaworldian:    Dark Fire and Ice Cream lol

TenYearsGone:    You guys see the bomb, right? don't go in there

BeeBo:    yup
BeeBo:    well that was neat
Zephyr Fox:    Yea god stuff
TenYearsGone:    ok, should be safe now
Zephyr Fox:    ^good
BeeBo:    why hes going in first lol
TenYearsGone:    Oh look... blew the top of the hill right off
Alphaworldian:    oh my
Alphaworldian:    a sp00ky cemetery

TenYearsGone:    you made it to the cemetary already?

TenYearsGone:    we will have to hurry if we want to catch AW'ian
TenYearsGone:    I am now clicking to climb this rope

BeeBo:    cool
BeeBo:    talons oak are nice
TenYearsGone:    Those aren't TaLons
TenYearsGone:    stop at this house to hear from sweets
BeeBo:    ohh      sweets
TenYearsGone:    Yeah, she recorded some sound files for me, so I let her flog her books here

TenYearsGone:    click the avatar, or the crystal... or both

sweets:              That is my crystal. I use it to keep an eye on Harry.

sweets:              He usually just flies around, not really bothering anyone.
sweets:              This tends to bother the tourists a little, but we are used to it.
sweets:              I kind of feel sorry for him in a way. Sure he's immortal, and all that, but everyone seems to be afraid of him.
sweets:              Too bad, because he didn't ask to be a human sacrifice, and enchanted to become the Immortal Guardian of a temple so evil that the earth swallowed it whole.
sweets:              Of course since the earth did that he's free to do as he pleases. Now he runs a video shop in Happy Valley.
sweets:              Hey, that crystal is low on batteries. It probably won't give you a picture much longer
sweets:               Welcome back. Did you have a nice trip?

BeeBo:    now  thats just about what sweets would do
TenYearsGone:    she always wanted a black star, too
Zephyr Fox:    books too.
TenYearsGone:    yep, books
TenYearsGone:    and she tells me that being a writer doesn't pay much
TenYearsGone:    let's find AW'ian before he finds a weapon and figures out how to use it
BeeBo:    hey  movie could be in the works one day  who knows
BeeBo:    lol
TenYearsGone:    everyone click?
TenYearsGone:    seems that way....
BeeBo:    yup walk past this realli like the color cahnges
BeeBo:    changes
Zephyr Fox:    nice seasonal effect
TenYearsGone:    Just for future reference, this next build it the teleport park.... let me know if you want a teleport to your build
Zephyr Fox:    sure thing when it's a little more ready for prime time in a few months

TenYearsGone:    might as well click
Zephyr Fox:    I don't know why but i don't see the Trolley
TenYearsGone:    hmmmm, looks like a mover failure
TenYearsGone:    let's walk
TenYearsGone:    This is where AW'ian was about an hour ago
BeeBo:    ice cream    LOL dark  fire and ice  at that
TenYearsGone:    You remember Ridley, right/
TenYearsGone:    ?
BeeBo:    lol   the hut name  to cute too
BeeBo:    thats an awesome take on names
TenYearsGone:    This exact trolley is why sweets no longer rides trolleys

TenYearsGone:    oh good, the uni didn't crash
TenYearsGone:    please ignore the minor mover failure
BeeBo:    i liked te yeah the lites  here made me think  of that movie   close encounters
TenYearsGone:    This is what a Scented Nectar garden looks like after she removed her textures
TenYearsGone:    click Beebs
TenYearsGone:    ooops
BeeBo:    thATS OKAY
BeeBo:    olayn in the lites
BeeBo:    playin

BeeBo:    yeah i walk the tunnel here
BeeBo:    very neat
BeeBo:    ahhh
TenYearsGone:    Off global, the Happy Valley Strip bar is still in there, but it's a straight dance club now
TenYearsGone:    The security system is still in place thought
TenYearsGone:    so it will teleport you away if you try to break in
Zephyr Fox:    Ooops BeeBo.s gone
BeeBo:    yup it hijacked me
TenYearsGone:    no, she's just out of local range
TenYearsGone:    Yeah, sometimes the trolleys connect when you bump them... don't know why
TenYearsGone:    Beebs? did you try to break into the strip bar after I told you not to? Obviously not
BeeBo:    lol
Zephyr Fox:    i've walked real tracks before and you can't run and your feet hurt real bad after
BeeBo:    maybe later
BeeBo:    lol
BeeBo:    lol
TenYearsGone:    I deleted all the costumes, but they are saved to AWGs
Zephyr Fox:    beebo gota click once everyone boards
BeeBo:    lol i musta been typn
BeeBo:    its all good
TenYearsGone:    see this radio transmitter?
TenYearsGone:    I think I will put an RJB Radio logo on it
BeeBo:    i like the waves  effects alot
Zephyr Fox:    nice visual effect
BeeBo:    ya need  high voltage signs too
TenYearsGone:    I call it "Old Sparky
TenYearsGone:    I wanted one that said "Hig Voltage Rock and Roll"
BeeBo:    and add maybe a  electrocuted squirrel  lol we get that alot

TenYearsGone:    This is where I think AW'ian was when he said he found a sp00ky cemetary

Zephyr Fox:    they every have a holloween build contest?
TenYearsGone:    don't go in there without having the resurecttion area cached//// it will kll you
TenYearsGone:    the resurection routine fails if it isn't already loaded

TenYearsGone:    They might have, but it would have been before my time
The Courier:    ayyy
BeeBo:    cool
BeeBo:    that was neat
TenYearsGone:    where are you, Beebs?
BeeBo:    course i went in ot the graveyard
BeeBo:    wher are you guys'
The Courier:    exploring
TenYearsGone:    did you get resurrected after? I doubt it, because you would be near me
BeeBo:    lol  saw the pretty lites
BeeBo:    than i tele back the the grave site
BeeBo:    see zaph
TenYearsGone:    huh,, wfs, but I am back
BeeBo:    zeph
The Courier:    dang son, these builds were 1998?
BeeBo:    hmmm  not to sure bout these swords
Zephyr Fox:    Say, I got zapped by Bach the other day when you guys were playing teleport tag when I was checking out a chat link
Zephyr Fox:    Was that to here?

TenYearsGone:    the place to click is at the top of the handle
BeeBo:    now the ? is  why do we need these swords
TenYearsGone:    Yeah,,,, probably
TenYearsGone:    smack me with one and see
TenYearsGone:    Beebs is just not smacking me with her sweord
Zephyr Fox:    Very nice effect
TenYearsGone:    There, that worked for me
You have died. You will be ressurected in 60 seconds
Zephyr Fox:    Yip I died
Preparing new body.....

Infusing spark of life.....
BeeBo:    in this cave
You are alive again
Zephyr Fox:    nice audio effect
TenYearsGone:    someone smacked Zephyr again
TenYearsGone:    Yeah, too bad it like pulling teeth to get a decent war going
Zephyr Fox:    thanks I needed that
BeeBo:    fiund  a torch to lite  this cave
TenYearsGone:    wonder what Beebs found in the cave
BeeBo:    fure
BeeBo:    fire
BeeBo:    and dead ends
Zephyr Fox:    LOL
TenYearsGone:    oh, there is another way out
TenYearsGone:    look up
BeeBo:    climbing up
BeeBo:    in the walls
TenYearsGone:    looks like Beebs found the halbeards
TenYearsGone:    there is also a reaper scythe, a light saber, a bat'leth, and a set of vampire teeth
BeeBo:    this  torch is soo coolll
BeeBo:    leaves a trail
TenYearsGone:    I have an SW Comit original weapon, called a Zoey Blade
Alphaworldian:    yeah?

Alphaworldian:    is that from SW interactive TYG?
TenYearsGone:    Well, I borrowed it to use in the swordfighting game
TenYearsGone:    1383s 3208e for those wanting co ords
BeeBo:    havn fun with the torch
The Courier:    SWI
The Courier:    the interactive games they had were fun.
The Courier:    I think you still can actually play them
TenYearsGone:    yep, still works
You have died. You will be ressurected in 60 seconds
Zephyr Fox:    yip wacked again
Preparing new body.....
Infusing spark of life.....
You are alive again

You have died. You will be ressurected in 60 seconds
Zephyr Fox:    This is fun, but yip I'm dead again
Preparing new body.....
TenYearsGone:    yeah I am dead too
Infusing spark of life.....
You are alive again

TenYearsGone:    I think Beebo whacked us
BeeBo:    lol i booted maself
TenYearsGone:    ooops
Zephyr Fox:    wow now I'm dissy the world spins, and I'm disorientated
TenYearsGone:    I never put in a routine to make the world spin
TenYearsGone:    Zeph, you have no weapon
BeeBo:    havn fun just playn with the torch and watchn the trail
Zephyr Fox:    must be the teleport to the dark place
TenYearsGone:    yeah, you lose your weapon when you die
TenYearsGone:    Oooooh, there goes Mita
You have died. You will be ressurected in 60 seconds
Zephyr Fox:    dam batlet
Preparing new body.....
Infusing spark of life.....
You are alive again

TenYearsGone:    too bad VQ is offline.... she hasn't used her teeth in so long

BeeBo:    bbl     had lots o fun   thanks   tyg   zeph
TenYearsGone:    Ok, laters Beebs
Zephyr Fox:    Cya beebs
TenYearsGone:    wars would be so much more fun with combatants
Zephyr Fox:    wow I must have lost too much blood.  I can't pick up a sward now
Mita:    you could take out
TenYearsGone:    built a swordfighting set in reunion and tried to instigate a war there.... You should have heard all the whining !
BearSkin:    LOL!
BearSkin:    Good Morning Tooo ALLL
TenYearsGone:    ooooh noooooo !
Zephyr Fox:    I'm gona try teleport out and back to fix....brb.....
Zephyr Fox:    yup that worked

BearSkin:    Sex Drugs and Rock n Roll!
BearSkin:    LOL
Zephyr Fox:    sorry ten I couldn't resist
Mita:    why are you sorry..he never
BearSkin:    jus kiddn' pay no attention to the bears
BearSkin:    and don't feed 'em
BearSkin:    LOL
TenYearsGone:    I know this looks like a chain saw
SirGreendown:    awww
Alphaworldian:    hello!
dbzfan345:    hello
dbzfan345:    getting started
dbzfan345:    :)
SirGreendown:    I'm sad, Catwoman has left AW
Alphaworldian:    good start so far
TenYearsGone:    but it's Grell Sutcliffe's reaping scyther
Mita:    what you mean she left mean for awhile?
dbzfan345:    its centered east-west, but i'll push it back a bit to make room for the other two
TenYearsGone:    so much for the reaping scythe
SirGreendown:    Telegram from Catwoman, sent Sat Jul 25, 2015 5:59 AM:
SirGreendown:    Dear close friend Sir green, tell him good bye for me, i cannot live in aw with all that memories, i go broke, so i leave, RedRoses is closed and grey private world now, nobody can enter anymore, she run out end of year, i forgave him and wish him the bes
Alphaworldian:    are you going to have enough room for all the buildings?
dbzfan345:    shrunk down, yes
SirGreendown:    best for the rest in his life,was very nice to be your close friend Sir, hugs     i will miss you all
TenYearsGone:    Yeah, listen to the bonehear posting personal telegrams on global
dbzfan345:    my main goal is for the plaza area to look correct, and shrink all other sides for space
Alphaworldian:    good luck scaling it
Alphaworldian:    you'll never get proper scale in activeworlds
You have died. You will be ressurected in 60 seconds
dbzfan345:    well, the plaza sides will be to scale, all other sides will just get cut off when it looks nicest
dbzfan345:    :)
dbzfan345:    this is as close to scale as it'll get
Preparing new body.....
Infusing spark of life.....

dbzfan345:    the funny thing is my NYC buildings are all round about 30 meters taller then the real ones
You are alive again
dbzfan345:    except for the UN building which is WAY too tall it turns out
Zephyr Fox:    Hey Thanks for the tour ten. Need to get back to the build.  I'll put this in my Blog and Post it to MyAW tomorrow morning.
dbzfan345:    but it looks correct outside of that, so close enough
TenYearsGone:    Well, I just gave up and blocked him, too bad mute doesn't work on global
Mita:    hey before ya leave
Mita:    would you be interested in helping out at the school? either guide or teacher

TenYearsGone:    Ok Zeph, that would be great
SirGreendown:    the Bank of China Building was to scale remember
dbzfan345:    ya
dbzfan345:    black magic i say
dbzfan345:    :)
Alphaworldian:    the activeworlds scale is screwy
Zephyr Fox:    (to Mita) sure after I do a few more interview and get ZeMaze Level one to beta
Mita:    awesome let me know when. thanks!!

dbzfan345:    funny thing is the one i did that is almost perfect scale-wise is 22 Cortlandt St...the one that isn't well known at all
dbzfan345:    lol
Zephyr Fox:    Teleporting out in 4321...Poooof.....
TenYearsGone:    And another one is off to build

TenYearsGone has been working on his build call "Happy Valley" for more than 4 years.  If you're ever exploring his build you may just stumble upon some of  the old SWcity build which is actually next to his.  And he actually has some other things such as the mover airplanes, which I mentioned in a previous.  Sorry Guys, but I  could not resist flying low and chopping off heads for a few minutes that  day.

Ten is considered a master builder by the AW community and a lot of fun to be around, just don't be a Derpster and get on his bad side or you may be in for some rather harsh  "I'll expose you" critical type chat at the LZ.  I actually witness him and Bach Zaa putting in some very serious hours at the LZ before the Expo golive date last month.  And, if you're not an actual total Derpster and disrespectful, you may find him very helpful.  So please try to loosen up and LOL a little when you're around him, and you may him a find him a very enjoyable citizen as I did to chat with.  Click  on the jump link below, if you wish to check out his build yourself.


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