Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Many Worlds Tour with SirGreendown

For most new citizens looking for a little help at the LZ, SirGreendown can be a plethora of information. And, although he attempts to dispense accurate non-deceptive help, you may find that the leaders such as MeL, TenYearsGone, and Bach Zhaa are out constantly catching his inaccuracies.  I don’t know, but he seems to take it quite well when there is a Derp session aimed at him. 

You will also find that he was but a youngster, when he began his intro into building in AWTeen, and he’s become the AW ambassador of sorts there.  He truly enjoys exploring so much, that he has even taken the time to ferret out the LZ of my semi-secret build.  He is still young, and a bit argumentative about the things he is passionate for such as the KC Chiefs, but over all I find that he can be very helpful, if you’re tolerant of his youthful energetic zippiness.  He may seem a bit pesky at times, but he is never too intolerable to chat with. As you can see from the chat log below, this tour was one hell of a roller coaster type of an interview, in which physically and mentally, I was not fully prepared for.

SirGreendown:    hi
Zephyr Fox:    Hi SirGreendown
SirGreendown:    look at me

Mouxi:    ok
Zephyr Fox:    Nice move SG
SirGreendown:    on one of Merry's movers
SirGreendown:    check out this mover I made
Mouxi:    hello
SirGreendown:    hi Mouxi
SirGreendown:    a traveling Dornford's Sign
SirGreendown:    brought here from my personal Thousands Coords
Zephyr Fox:    say SG would you like to show me a little of yor builds now?
SirGreendown:    yeah sure
Zephyr Fox:    just go and send me a join me when your there.
SirGreendown:    there are builds in many worlds I will show you
SirGreendown:    not just Phoenix City but other builds too
SirGreendown:    I shall conclude in Phoenix City
» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to Simple Geometry - Enjoy building in this world and please observe and respect our Content Guidelines located at

abc 19.98S 51.66W 0.00a 167

SirGreendown:    we shall start here
SirGreendown:    the town of Pythagoras in the world abc
SirGreendown:    I build in any world Building Rights are on
Mouxi:    hello
SirGreendown:    hi M,ouxi
» Immigration Officer:    Public building is enabled

pollen 27.82N 116.01W 0.03a 1

SirGreendown:    Buzz City is what this will be
Zephyr Fox:    Pollen sounds like a bee world
SirGreendown:    the Hardware Store was the first build in Buzz City
Mouxi:    abc is not nice
SirGreendown:    it is a very old world Mouxi
Mouxi:    abc?
SirGreendown:    most public building worlds in AW are older than you Mouxi
Mouxi:    ok
Zephyr Fox:    there any movers here SG?
SirGreendown:    yeah abc has been around since 1997
SirGreendown:    no v4's in this world
SirGreendown:    next we will go to Colony which is PG13
(whisper from) SirGreendown:    Options - Settings - General
(whisper from) SirGreendown:    to change maximum rating
(whisper from) SirGreendown:    I whisper this so Mouxi who is only 11 doesn't change maximum rating
Zephyr Fox:    ok I'm fine on the settings
SirGreendown:    good
» Immigration Officer:    welcome to Colony Alpha

colony 61.18N 113.78E 1.60a 0

SirGreendown:    Brava Centauri is my towen here
SirGreendown:    town*
SirGreendown:    this building I am in 400m tall
SirGreendown:    tallest building in Colony
Zephyr Fox:    Say how tall has anyone built in Alpha?
SirGreendown:    Fire and Ice Houses
SirGreendown:    Physics area
SirGreendown:    for bowling Pink then Blue then White
Zephyr Fox:    a little collider stuff.
SirGreendown:    right here was the first thing I built on Colony Alpha

* ActiveWorlds chat session: Sun Jul 26, 2015 8:55 AM *
» Immigration Officer:                                                                                                                   It was twenty years ago today...
"It was Wednesday June 28th, 1995. I don't recall the exact time. I think it was in the evening though... after a long day of work getting the identity server to work. My best guess would be around 8:00 pm PDT. On "day one", people could reserve an identity for the first time. This was the day that several people beat me establishing their identity. By the time I immigrated, I was citizen #4! I asked them if I could reset the citizen database to get citizen #1. They gladly agreed. Within the next few hours we had our first citizens of AlphaWorld."
» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.
» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to Metatropolis! Smile, ENZO loves you.

cofmeta 1000.41S 1011.86W 0.02a 317

Zephyr Fox:    ooops a little too click happy
SirGreendown:    Electric City in cofmeta
SirGreendown:    inside this mall is a Japanese Hibachi Grill restaurant
SirGreendown:    I haven't found another one in AW
SirGreendown:    so I build one
Zephyr Fox:    too there's no Japanese chief
SirGreendown:    I'll probably make another one in another world
» Immigration Officer:    Mars Welcome Message:
Welcome to the Red Planet!  Please use the built in web browser to find and rate the amazing artifacts of Mars!  Claim some land and join our colony!

mars 674.99S 1504.40W 0.02a 356

SirGreendown:    I also have a modulafr house here too
» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to Atlantis - Enjoy building in this world and please observe and respect our Content Guidelines located at - 3D Axis Rotation is enabled in Atlantis

atlantis 200n 400e 0.2a 0

SirGreendown:    this will be a mall right here
» Immigration Officer:    Entering Winter's Wonderland & Educational Series.  Everyone has Build Rights in Winter!    Enjoy the fun!   For world information list, Just say ' World Info '  In Chat.  For world object yard just say ' New Yard '  in Chat line.
[Winter Helper]:    Welcome to ActiveWorlds - Enjoy your Visit and the Fun of Winter Wonderland, and remember Please Don't Feed The Animals!

winter 629.20N 2054.39E 1.05a 279

SirGreendown:    my Holiday Village House
» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.

memyself:    pie100.rwx
SirGreendown:    my town and movers in Alpha
memyself:    pie10.rwx
memyself:    for a slice
Zephyr Fox:    I've tried the broomsticks here.

SirGreendown:    my 2 hour contest build
Zephyr Fox:    not bad

memyself:    whats the object name talon
memyself:    what yuu use it on
SirGreendown:    my house near Ground Zero

memyself:    we need pie in the face pie
memyself:    splat.rwx
Zephyr Fox:    I was here last week.  My first build was close to here
memyself:    :))
SirGreendown:    ah okay

SirGreendown:    my EBTS build

memyself:    ok
Zephyr Fox:    say what does EBST mean?
SirGreendown:    Extreme Builders Talent Show
SirGreendown:    in each building is a scene with timers
memyself:    the plate could be metal or like it is
memyself:    cool
memyself:    very nice
memyself:    no pot1.rwx does not
memyself:    just blurs the color
SirGreendown:    now for the historic builds and then to Phoenix City
memyself:    ok
SirGreendown:    this is from 2009
SirGreendown:    under an old account
memyself:    can make a tire with that too
SirGreendown:    this was the town I started in Alpha in 2009 and never finished
memyself:    so not a model
» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to AWTeen! Have a great time exploring and building in this fine world.

awteen 2650.81N 2513.33W 0.01a 85 0.01a_85

SirGreendown:    this was my area in 2009
» Immigration Officer:    You are being joined by SirGreendown.
SirGreendown:    Jungletown, my first build
SirGreendown:    Ferruccio built a nice house here
Zephyr Fox:    I see a mover but the click didn't work
SirGreendown:    my AWTeen Cribs house from 2009

SirGreendown:    my tourist area from 2008

Zephyr Fox:    they say mover, but nothing happens when I click
SirGreendown:    Phoenix City

awteen 2185.22S 3596.04W 0.01a 7

» Immigration Officer:    You are being joined by SirGreendown.
SirGreendown:    I can't even see you, I will restart
SirGreendown:    better
SirGreendown:    feel free to explore around here for a bit
Zephyr Fox:    thanks
Zephyr Fox:    say I pulled a double shift last night and I'm just about to pass out.
Zephyr Fox:    Need to wrap this up.
SirGreendown:    ok
SirGreendown:    up the stairs is a teleport center
SirGreendown:    for my builds
Zephyr Fox:    Good. I was not able to record the coords.  I make sure that gets into the blog
Zephyr Fox:    anyway I need to nap now.
Zephyr Fox:    I'll send you a link when I post to the blog.
SirGreendown:    ok
Zephyr Fox:    4321.......PoooooF........

As you can see, SirGreendown’s tour was a bit difficult for me to keep up with, but it was very enlightening to see the commitment that he has towards the AW community.  And, it was somewhat caotic when compaired to my privious interviews/tours (as well as beng difficult on the blog editing).  Overall, it was a great tour, and I’m sure that he will have a more significant place in the AW history book as he continues to participate and grow as an AW citizen.


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