Zephyr Fox: Hey Sir squeeky do you have time for one of my blog interviews?
Sir Squeeky o: suyre
Sir Squeeky o: ops sure
Zephyr Fox: just go then send an invite
Sir Squeeky o: nods
Sir Squeeky o: were you want to go
Zephyr Fox: Sir S. can you go to your best build and talk about it. tks
Sir Squeeky o: mm ok
Zephyr Fox: A new cit was asking about cars yesterday.

Sir Squeeky o: this is my city
Sir Squeeky o: wedding park is nice
Sir Squeeky o: clik on the sign
Zephyr Fox: I see that you have two Gold Stars. So you've been building for a while here?
Sir Squeeky o: yes since 1999
Sir Squeeky o: stated this in 2001
Sir Squeeky o: its pretty big
Zephyr Fox: I have to take fotos and get coords. Hard to keep up sometimes but I'll try
Sir Squeeky o: okies
Sir Squeeky o: have not done anything in awile
Sir Squeeky o: morning Tree
Zephyr Fox: Wow a big head. So you do modeling.
Sir Squeeky o: yeah alittle
Sir Squeeky o: with rocks
Zephyr Fox: Im into mazes and movers myself
Sir Squeeky o: cool
Zephyr Fox: love the stuf with PEs.
Sir Squeeky o: not god wqith that
Sir Squeeky o: good
Zephyr Fox: I see you have your own build yard?
Sir Squeeky o: yeah mostly texture
Zephyr Fox: I don't quite have control on shear yet, but I'm working on it.
Sir Squeeky o: kay
Zephyr Fox: There was a Newbie yesterday at the lz trying to locate autos for a build. You have a lot here to look at.
Sir Squeeky o: yeah all over
Sir Squeeky o: a lot hmm
Zephyr Fox: have you seen any of my blog tours yet?
Sir Squeeky o: no
Sir Squeeky o: got lots behind here
Zephyr Fox: The most recent was on Sir Green, and the best I did was on TenYearsGone.
Sir Squeeky o: col
Zephyr Fox: It is best if you just drag me along and talk about the build. but allow me some questions.
Sir Squeeky o: ok
Zephyr Fox: I'll take the chat log and then add photos and links after.
Sir Squeeky o: this was done by Meera
Sir Squeeky o: rainty first build
Sir Squeeky o: thius is one of the good build
Sir Squeeky o: wonder if y9u know Jadra
Zephyr Fox: No Jadra I'don't think so.
Sir Squeeky o: pretty good maze
Sir Squeeky o: think the way out
Sir Squeeky o: yup
Sir Squeeky o: just go true tyhe boulders
Sir Squeeky o: not bad ?
Zephyr Fox: very niceSir Squeeky o: nods
Zephyr Fox: I've been looking at many Mazes lately
Sir Squeeky o: ohh
Zephyr Fox: trying to make mine unique
Zephyr Fox: great train.Sir Squeeky o: thank you
Sir Squeeky o: city hall
Zephyr Fox: a few PE here.
Zephyr Fox: nice
Sir Squeeky o: yeah tried
Sir Squeeky o: like i said builds all over
Sir Squeeky o: this i build my self
Zephyr Fox: Is that a cat I see?
Sir Squeeky o: yes it is hehe
Sir Squeeky o: turn out pretty good
Zephyr Fox: I tried to model a bunny and it looked angry.
Sir Squeeky o: chuckles
Sir Squeeky o: one sewc
Zephyr Fox: wow curtins.
Sir Squeeky o: yeah
Sir Squeeky o: this i tried something new
Sir Squeeky o: all high rise
Zephyr Fox: not bad
Sir Squeeky o: working street light
Sir Squeeky o: lots of PES
Sir Squeeky o: forgot were i put them
Zephyr Fox: Say very impressive CAV on the avitar.
Sir Squeeky o: mine ?\\
Zephyr Fox: Yea the armor
Sir Squeeky o: oh yeah i like it cost me anoft hehe
Sir Squeeky o: lots of land here
Zephyr Fox: I tried to costomize mine but I still don't like it that much.
Sir Squeeky o: ohh ok
Sir Squeeky o: wellthere more but that will take awile
Sir Squeeky o: got tunnels all over
Sir Squeeky o: goes all over
Zephyr Fox: Movers in the water?
Sir Squeeky o: yup
Sir Squeeky o: chucjkles goes ewvery were
Sir Squeeky o: if you like to leave this just go up
Zephyr Fox: OK' I'm u[
Zephyr Fox: up
Sir Squeeky o: well that most of it
Zephyr Fox: So this is just one of many builds thenn?
Sir Squeeky o: yes
Zephyr Fox: How many more?
Zephyr Fox: Other worlds?
Sir Squeeky o: oh gosh
Sir Squeeky o: yeah will need to find the coordinates
Sir Squeeky o: need to findit later
Sir Squeeky o: going for surgary next month
Zephyr Fox: Just gram me if you would like to mention them in the blog: http://zephyr-fox.blogspot.com/
Sir Squeeky o: ok ty
Sir Squeeky o: Hope you like the tour
Zephyr Fox: I need to wrap this up. So do have a teleport center for your builds?
Sir Squeeky o: yeah
Zephyr Fox: Could you point that out?
Sir Squeeky o: this the center
Sir Squeeky o: with teleports
Zephyr Fox: OK gotcha this was the first thing you took me to this tour.
Sir Squeeky o: yes
Zephyr Fox: I should have this done in a couple of days and will post a notice in MyAW about it.
Sir Squeeky o: building has most my build
Zephyr Fox: Thank you very much for the tour.
Sir Squeeky o: right
Sir Squeeky o: i enjoyed it
Zephyr Fox: I'll gram you when it is posted.
Sir Squeeky o: ok ty
Sir Squeeky o: take care
Zephyr Fox: that's a wrap....gone to the build......4321......PooooF........
Sir Squeeky o: waves
Anyway, it was quite an enjoyable tour, and I was able see a major build with some of the similar features such as the maze as I am working on. This build definitively has many more modeling ideas, and Sir Squeeky o definitely had much more to show if time permitted. You may just find yourself in a very sociable build chat at the LZ with Sir Squeeky o sooner than you may think. It was well worth the time to look around and view some of the talented work he has done on his build. Need a car model idea? Try looking at Relms City.
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