Keshi: Ok I have to say today is an exciting day for me. Not only is Explorers CLub back but my son, my youngest. is packing to head off to college.
Tree Saw: lol perra i can pretend:)
Cablecar Gal: yes youa re ok
Keshi: :)
Cablecar Gal: hugs
dbzfan345: i got a letter from the NC DOT telling me my car inspection is due by the end of Spetember, and thank god its not due till then, cause it says it was mailed on June 28th
dbzfan345: i just got it today
memyself: hiya Keshi :)
perra: 19:58:02 Keshi: Ok I have to say today is an exciting day for me. Not only is Explorers CLub back but my son, my youngest. is packing to head off to college.
Cleet: next best thing.. those american beach girls are too fast.. cant caatch them
Keshi: Those who know the Explorer Club outings and those who are new to this I am sure will not be disappointed
Cleet: looking good rea :)
Tree Saw: hehe cleet
Cleet: red
Keshi: thansks i will
Keshi: hey Cleet NYG and CCG and everyone else so many to say hi to
perra: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Includes all )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) From Keshi
Keshi: Glad you could make it OK
Keshi: perra I love you my friend share the hugs with zanna for me (Hugs)
perra: i will dear
perra: lol
SirGreendown: hi Gunsmith100
Cablecar Gal: hello gunsmith100
perra: 47 people in aw
Keshi: yes please be careful of oks heart LOL
Keshi: ALright folks
Keshi: you ready to get started
perra: 20:02:51 Keshi: you ready to get started
Keshi: Welcome everyone to the Explorers Club! I am so happy to share our return.
Keshi: Thank you for coming out to explore today.
Keshi: If you know of any locations you would like us to visit send me a gram with world name and/or coordinates of the location of build.
Keshi: Today we will be going to a world that was originally won in bingo in 1999.
Keshi: This world has grown from a P10 into the P90 world we will visit today.perra: 20:04:41 Keshi: This world has grown from a P10 into the P90 world we will visit today.
Keshi: This world is being built in almost everyday, so you might see some construction sites on your travels.
perra: 20:04:54 Keshi: This world is being built in almost everyday, so you might see some construction sites on your travels.
Keshi: Many people have helped create this world whether it be actual building or through making the objects the owner needed to make the world come to life.
Keshi: For more specific information on those who have helped in this world please ask the world owner while you are exploring.
Mouxi: where is the dance center in AW?
panne: me either in 1999
Keshi: It certainly has been a successful journey that we are fortunate to be able to share together today.
Keshi: When you enter the world note the many names on the immigration officers message as these were dear friends of this world owner whom have passed but will always be remembered.
Keshi: This world has many interactive activities and sites to see and do that show how this world owner tried to capture the feeling an beauty of the real life city loved but the owner.
Keshi: Transportation can certainly be done by using the teleports at the teleport center,however, you might try to ride the taxis, buses, cable cars, boats, or subway about the world.
Keshi: You might also like other fun ways to get around like golf carts, balloon rides, boat rides, horses you can race, carriage rides and have fun on amusement park rides at Playland.
Keshi: There are other unique places like a wonderful zoo, a driving range, a horse racing track where you can race, and a newly updated airport.
Keshi: You can find iconic site the focus on the world theme like the Coit Tower, Pier 39, Alcatraz Island, City Hall, Lombard Street,and the Cliff house along with other well known landmarks created with the world owner's perspective.
Keshi: For those of you who have not guessed where we are going the name and theme of the world coinside and it is SfGate.
Keshi: This world owner has been in ActivWorlds for about 17 years and lived near San Francisco for many years. SHe is also a GK. Her name is CableCarGal.
Keshi: If you click on the SfGate on the world list you will arrive at the Teleport Center Across from Playland.
panne: yes nice world indeed , goog choice ;)
panne: good*
Keshi: Please use global Chat so we can all share the experiences in the world.
Keshi: Ok let go explore SfGate. Just click on the world list.
perra: bye all
Keshi: See you there!
Keshi: perra let everyone know where we are ok
Keshi: huggs
perra: explorer club is in SFGATE
Astraenaut: we are getting crazy weather here
Cablecar Gal: where are you from
memyself: must be big cell limit here
Keshi: wb T
Dodgy: I was thinking that
Cablecar Gal: the world is a p-90
Astraenaut: the midwest
Cablecar Gal: iamin california
Cablecar Gal: andiot is sunny
Astraenaut: it's been dark like evening since this morning
Astraenaut: rainy
Dodgy: Manchester UK HOT and humid
dbzfan345: well i've got to head out
Dodgy: kk dbz
dbzfan345: you have an awesomw world here
dbzfan345: :)
Keshi: ut oh h Zf you might fall ion water
Dodgy: see you tomorrow no doubt
Cablecar Gal: ok dzm hugs and thanks for coming
Keshi: com e back and explore more another time dbzfan
Keshi: welcome Zephyr Fox
TaLon56: Where di everybody go?
TaLon56: Welcome back Zephyr
Cablecar Gal: hello zephyr
Astraenaut: explorin'!
Dodgy: 60S 6E
Keshi: i am by the Ferry building
Cablecar Gal: welcome to the explorer gathering]
memyself: im on the water ride
NY Giants: im at the movie theater
Zephyr Fox: I can only stay a short while
memyself: whats playing
Astraenaut: i'm going to asume i'm in chinatown
Keshi: well the world is always open for visitors
TaLon56: I am at the Chowder house
Cablecar Gal: yes there is a version of chinatown here
Cablecar Gal: short version
Cablecar Gal: but
Keshi: there is a cool subay systeme here too
Keshi: wish i could type
Cablecar Gal: the air planes
Astraenaut: i really like it, ccg. I mean, I love everything, but the little chinatown is so different than normal AW stuff
Cablecar Gal: that are here
Astraenaut: loooove it
Cablecar Gal: thanksdeawr
Cablecar Gal: a alot of that
Cablecar Gal: came from imagine

Cablecar Gal: the planes came from imagin e
Imagine: :)
Dodgy: Astraenaut == take photos please
Cablecar Gal: models in the airport came from Keshi
Cablecar Gal: the models inthis world
Keshi: we even have new objects for bathroom stalls at the airport LOL
TaLon56: Ypu headed out Dodgy?
Cablecar Gal: came from imagine pelican starheart
Dodgy: no, I'm in a pedal boat
Cablecar Gal: red s zarolne
Keshi: ahh at playland
Cablecar Gal: starheart
Cablecar Gal: for the ladies I have new persume bottles
Cablecar Gal: in the gift shop\
Cablecar Gal: thanks to zarolene
Dodgy: typical, always some hooligan on a jet-ski
NY Giants: lol
TaLon56: fer sure Dodgy :P
Dodgy: :)
Cablecar Gal: hey did any on e go to the rock
NY Giants: floors it and splatters up water at dodgy
SirGreendown: who made the Minions, was that by Horsy?
Cablecar Gal: horsy\
NY Giants: dodgy want to race?
Cablecar Gal: hey did any on e go to the rock
Cablecar Gal: and see alcatraz
Cablecar Gal: hello riana
Dodgy: er,,, well you would win
Doctor PHD: CableCar Gal what did you mean that "one inr was real life" :)
Cablecar Gal: welcome to the explorer gathering
Cablecar Gal: i mean the ones in the world
Cablecar Gal: doctorphd
memyself: ihop is open :)
Cablecar Gal: yes it is
Astraenaut: ihop made me hungry
NY Giants: anyone want to see what happens when ccg cooks?
Cablecar Gal: yea me too
NY Giants: 1 house destroyed
NY Giants: 1 firetruck destroyed
NY Giants: their still putting out that fire
Cablecar Gal: if you go to the rock u may see some intresting things
Cablecar Gal: like the medical clinic
Cablecar Gal: I am finehun
Doctor PHD: Where is the train ride ?
Astraenaut: i need to go there after my balloon ride
Cablecar Gal: hugs and thanks for asking
Keshi: Rianahiya
Cablecar Gal: your welcome
Doctor PHD: tram
Cablecar Gal: thanks for being apart of the explorer club gathering]
Doctor PHD: OK had the big train ride
Doctor PHD: Winery tram ride must be it.
Keshi: I magine the planes look good
Dodgy: has anyone rode the subway?
Imagine: thank you :)
Cablecar Gal: please do ride the planes
Doctor PHD: Stairs ? I', on crutches
Dodgy: ha
SirGreendown wants Steamed Catfish
Astraenaut: CHOO CHOOO
NY Giants: if you have ccg cook it you will want a dr
Zephyr Fox: very nice water ride
Cablecar Gal: hey now there is a cookin g schoo;here
Cablecar Gal: too
Keshi: i am glad that the airway to plane worked out
NY Giants: me too
Cablecar Gal: one of my vision for the world was to make a cooking school
Doctor PHD: more stairs i hope i don't fall of this platform
Cablecar Gal: and it has a working kitchen
Cablecar Gal: thanks to max poly
TaLon56: Careful Doc
SirGreendown: nice combo of the Old AWTeen Playground objects and a newer Playground object set

Cablecar Gal: we evenhave a casion here
Cablecar Gal: and a horse race track
Doctor PHD: those stairs worked just great
Astraenaut: found alcatraz! i'm excited since i've been there irl
Cablecar Gal: thanks sir
Keshi: cool
Keshi: hey i will brb
Cablecar Gal: I hope some one is taking pictures for panne
Cablecar Gal: k
Cablecar Gal: thanks
Astraenaut: i'm taking some
Cablecar Gal: k
Cablecar Gal: thanks dear'
Doctor PHD: This rides are so neat.
Cablecar Gal: thanks doctor\
Cablecar Gal: that means alot to me
Cablecar Gal: ny gaints did allof the movers
Cablecar Gal: he is a genious
Zephyr Fox: a roller coaster and ballon ride.
Cablecar Gal: hey did any one see the furniture
Cablecar Gal: store
Cablecar Gal: by the ferry building
Doctor PHD: Cablecar Gal what a nice world you have did a lot of work.
Cablecar Gal: thanks dear\
Cablecar Gal: hugs
Cablecar Gal: thanks to keshi and ny giants
Cablecar Gal: it took a village
Doctor PHD: (((hugs) for you
Cablecar Gal: hugs honey
TaLon56: Every single thing in the world is trying to keep me from Exploring, now there is a huge storm coming
TaLon56: Dang Dingaty Darn
Cablecar Gal: oh gads talon
TaLon56: Yep big ole Lightening bolts too
Cablecar Gal: wellIhope you can explore the world talon
TaLon56: as long as the power don't go out I am good
SirGreendown: I'm at McD's since I'm eating that irl right now
Doctor PHD: i'm on the sub way now
SirGreendown: they redid their chicken sandwich now it has Buttermilk
NY Giants: click on the helicopter you can fly it
TaLon56: I can not be sure but I believe I am riding on the handle bars of a go cart :P
Astraenaut: the planes are awesome!
Cablecar Gal: k talon
Doctor PHD: ok NY GIANT WILL DO when i get off the subway
NY Giants: ok
NY Giants: their at the airport
Cablecar Gal: your models dear talon are widly displayed
Cablecar Gal: here in the world
Astraenaut: fly a plane, tal
NY Giants: what you think that is a f
NY Giants: 18
NY Giants: lol
NY Giants: you need to take off on the runway
TaLon56: Please keep all seats in the forward and upright position
Astraenaut: lol
Dodgy: last time TaLon flew was on Turtle Island
Dodgy: Gia Roses' world
Dodgy: remember?
TaLon56: This is your Pilot TaLon and this promises to be an Exciting Flight BuWah Hahahahahahahahahahaha Ha Ha
TaLon56: Folks if you will look out your windows you will notice we are over water and Hopelessly Lost at sea :D
Dodgy: sounds about right
Dodgy: TaLon..?
TaLon56: Uh Yeah Dodgy?
Dodgy: remember Turtle Island?
TaLon56: Indeed I do
Dodgy: ;)
Zephyr Fox: nice plane mover
Dodgy: how many kebabs you ate that day haha
Astraenaut: I need to head out for a bit - I took some good pics and will be back later! /poof
SirGreendown: hi Dagim
Cablecar Gal: bye dear'
TaLon56: If I remember right about 4 :P
Dodgy: yep ha ha
Cablecar Gal: ok astraenaut
Dodgy: oooooo I hear thunder...
Dodgy: ok,,,, NY Giants?
TaLon56: I been hearing thunder for 40 minutes now
Dodgy: how did you get the hanger doors to move like that?
NY Giants: sorry was afk for a minute say it again
Cablecar Gal: magic dodgy
NY Giants: rotate command
Dodgy: how do you get the hangar doors to open like that?
NY Giants: oh
Dodgy: woah.... RAIn
NY Giants: i have 2 doors on each side
NY Giants: and you put a dual command in
Dodgy: I have garage doors similar
NY Giants: 1 tells 1 door to open so much and the other opens the other door more
NY Giants: but both at same time seq
TaLon56: that looks like Move commands
Dodgy: but can't make them move like this
TaLon56: not rotate
Dagim: get me out of here
NY Giants: was thinking other doors
Dodgy: nah, these here
NY Giants: brt
NY Giants: ok
NY Giants: you put names in each door
NY Giants: so you could use
NY Giants: d1l
NY Giants: d2l
NY Giants: then other 2 doors
NY Giants: d1r
NY Giants: d2r
NY Giants: create sign;activate move -7.5 0 0 name=d1l time=3 wait=20 global,move -14 name=d2l time=3 wait=20 global,move 7.5 0 0 name=d1r time=3 wait=20 global,move 13.75 name=d2r time=3 wait=20
Dodgy: wow
SirGreendown: Dilbert is at the Ice Cream Parlor
NY Giants: ok commang got shortened
Dodgy: I'd never have got that on my own
Cablecar Gal: yes sirgreen he is
NY Giants: but you get the picture dodgy?
NY Giants: just work the #s
Dodgy: I do, thank you. I'll try that next time I'm drunk
NY Giants: so you get the timing right
NY Giants: lol
Dodgy: oh, I have the best thoughts then
NY Giants: im not as thunk as you drink i am
Cablecar Gal: we do have a bar at the airport
Cablecar Gal: and a soda fountain
NY Giants: cool gin and tonics
NY Giants: or 7 and club
TaLon56: And besides we have all day sober to Sunday up in
TaLon56: :D
Cablecar Gal: talon if you explored the world
Cablecar Gal: dear you will see I have used your models
Dodgy: ...and it's a bank holiday Monday here
Cablecar Gal: in a lot of places
TaLon56: I have seen them ccg
TaLon56: at the fruit stand
Cablecar Gal: smiles
Tree Saw: I'm glad i exlored SFGate years ago CCG when i had a good PC
Dodgy: TaLon has the best trees,flowers, shrubs
TaLon56: and a few other places
Cablecar Gal: thanks dear
Tree Saw: I came back to chat was all
Cablecar Gal: wb tree
Tree Saw: ty CCG hugs
Cablecar Gal: hugs
Tree Saw: i remmeber the zoo
Cablecar Gal: did any of you go ont the swan boat ride
Cablecar Gal: thanks
TaLon56: even if I can not click on them I always know my models when I see them :)
Tree Saw: i was on that ..yes
Cablecar Gal: k
Dodgy was considering taking the CB aerial off the car because of the lightening... but I don't think it's a good idea to be standing outside holding a 6 foot steel rod in the air
Cablecar Gal: i wonder what ever happened to gentleheart
TaLon56: Oh Lookie fresh cut carrots and watermelon
TaLon56: and Grapes Yummmmmmmmmmm
Doctor PHD: Helicopter i'm amazing at this ride and hopelessly loss
Dodgy: Gentleheart drove stockcars
Cablecar Gal: aloha iao
Cablecar Gal: welcome to the explrer club
Doctor PHD: i found the airport :)
Tree Saw: ccg this is how worlds other than APjah appear to me
Tree Saw:
NY Giants: hi iao
NY Giants: aloha
Cablecar Gal: k dear
Cablecar Gal: hugs
Tree Saw: thats the clearest shot iv had too LOL
Cablecar Gal: ahok
Cablecar Gal: yes we have
Tree Saw: the one today in here is blue and covers more ground lol
Cablecar Gal: dear
Cablecar Gal: it is just so special you came]
SirGreendown: Tree Saw you could go to Colony Alpha and abc and probably Mars and cofmeta and not have that issue
Cablecar Gal: today
TaLon56: Welcome Back Tree Saw
Tree Saw: right SGD
Tree Saw: ty Talon
Tree Saw: i guess its whats known as a Center View Camera issue in Water Worlds
SirGreendown: it is because the Ocean render doesn't work on older graphics engines
Cablecar Gal: your welcome
Cablecar Gal: dear how is the island
Cablecar Gal: no bad storms
Cablecar Gal: are you safe
Tree Saw: right and i wont pay to upgate the driver o thei sLappy SGD
Tree Saw: this isnt really that old of a Laptop
Tree Saw: it is a Vista machine though :)
Cablecar Gal: yes for sure
Cablecar Gal: well there are many things for you to see here
Cablecar Gal: and I hope you can enjoy them
Cablecar Gal: you can ride a asirplane
Cablecar Gal: nice to see you
Cablecar Gal: Hello to pelican
Cablecar Gal: from the airport
TaLon56: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh that word again Vista!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P
Cablecar Gal: hello pelican
Dodgy: oooohhh bad idea to fly a plane over LZ... PC freezes with 488 to go oops
Tree Saw: its a pathetic excuse for an online entertainment tool Talon lol
TaLon56: Oh, very Nice BBQ pit with hotdogs on em
Cablecar Gal: yep I thought you would like that
Cablecar Gal: hugs
TaLon56: and Lookie Strawberries
Dodgy: coming in to land....
Doctor PHD: Helicopter ride was awesume
Cablecar Gal: k
Cablecar Gal: thanksdoctor
Cablecar Gal: did u ride ont he swanboat ride
Dodgy: 31S 54E
Cablecar Gal: the swans were made b y starheart
Cablecar Gal: the tunnels for the subway were made by star heart
TaLon56: I found the Pea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cablecar Gal: the cars made by pelcian\
Zephyr Fox: (to [sfgatebot]) hello
Dodgy: I did see the swanboats as I flew the plane overhead... but I was so scared I had my eyes closed most of the time
Doctor PHD: i will look for it CCG
TaLon56: Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a hot Diggity with Mustard
TaLon56: Ya Gotta love a Hot Diggity with Mustard
TaLon56: and Steaks on the grill Yummmmmmmmmmm
Cablecar Gal: hello pelican
Tree Saw: im making oone irl now talon hahah (all beef doggies)
Tree Saw: side of mac and cheesy :)
TaLon56: Oh Yum
SirGreendown: Alex Smith threw his first Touchdown pass to a Wide Receiver in 594 days yesterday in the Kansas City Chiefs 14-13 win over Seattle Seahawks in preseason
Tree Saw: I'll eat my way to happiness doggonnit ! lol
Cablecar Gal: yea that modelc ame from pelican
Cablecar Gal: hi models are widely used in the world here
SirGreendown: Jeremy Maclin of course caught that pass
Cablecar Gal: as well as starhearts
Cablecar Gal: zarolene
Cablecar Gal: red s
Cablecar Gal: imagine
Cablecar Gal: lo
Cablecar Gal: myself
Dodgy: CCG, is Union station near you?
TaLon56: My food is here be right back'
Cablecar Gal: not near me
Dodgy: ok
Cablecar Gal: rightnow
Dodgy: ok
Cablecar Gal: but I had hopped to do one inhere
SirGreendown: Dody, Union Station is not in SF
Keshi: i am back
Dodgy: d
Click on the jump link below, if you wish to check out the sfgate build yourself.
sfgate 42S 25W
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