Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Polishing up the Maze Monster’s Animation

I had testing down and nearly completed today:

Several objects have the code:


create name NB1, color black, visible off; bump visible NLF01 on, visible NLW1 on, visible on, say "Lights out; Super Scary Mode on!", warp 1xxxx.95n xxx.00e -1.5a 180, timer noiT1 "-1" reset; at tm noiT1 0100, visible nm1 on;


create timer noiT2 "-1" reset; at tm noiT1 0200, noise http://zefoxville.atwebpages.com/sounds/rec0627-022113.wav; timer stop

create  timer noiT3 "-1" reset;  at tm noiT1 30000, move 10 0 0 time=2 wait=5 name=nm1, visible nm1 no,visible nm2 on; at tm noiT2 32000, move 0 0 20 time=2 wait=5 name=nm2; timer stop

create timer noiT4 "-1" reset; at tm noiT1 33000,visible nm2 no, visible nm3 on, move 10 0 0 time=2 wait=5 name=nm3;at tm noiT1 37000, visible nm3 no,visible nm4 on; timer stop

create timer noiT5 "-1" reset; at tm noiT1 37200, Say "Oh no, you've been touched by a Noiprocs, initiating emergency teleport."; at tm noiT1 37300,move 0 0 3 name=nm4; at tm noiT1 47000,visible nm4 no; timer stop

This is still rough as the sound and movements are still a little out of phase.

I was also at the LZ again today trying to socialize again.  I got this stats link from Bach Zaa: 



Monday, June 29, 2015

Animation work and more chat.

I started earlier this morning and chatted for a few second with SirGreendown before heading off to the but only via Telegram mainly.  There was a V6 connection issue he had with MeL’s website that “Thunder Jack” was able to fix.

Telegram from SirGreendown, sent Sun Jun 28, 2015, 11:22 PM:
Hi Zephyr Fox, Me and Rick's IP addresses both had trouble connecting to MeL's website http://qrmgraphics.net  Thunder Jack did end up finding the problem and fixed it.   It was really important because Rick is the CEO of AWI, he is in charge

I believe this Rick is Mr. Noll ([[E N Z O]]/Uncle Enzo).  I didn’t see him in at the Photoshoot on Saturday.  Take a look at my photo in a previous blog post or with this link:

Once again I’m working on a multi-function animation to move the Noiprocs in its attack sequence.  And since this has a rather difficult learning curve as it has limited commands, an only 256 char. action window, and the fact that I’ve already darkened that corridor.  So I set up a small test sandbox on land just above to directly mimic the actions I want below.  Here is a photo of this sandbox:

I don’t have a lot of debug time today as there are real world issues to work on, but I’m very close with this one. Be nice to have a build expert assist, but I not sure that would be such a good idea.  Too many bad experiences flood back to my thoughts on this.

I did, however, spend a little time in the LZ about 10:30 VRT:

Zephyr Fox:    Hello everyone
MeL:    Howdy Zephyr =)
Highwayman:    heya zeph
Gremot:    never tell a woman she talks too much, just say, um huh
Dovestar:    howdy Zephy
MeL:    SGD.. you should repeat what you hear from certain ppl. for sure
MeL:    could cause a long chain command of bad things
MeL:    you should NEVER repeat
Highwayman:    like a title wave?
MeL:    mhm
Dovestar:    Wash, Rince Repeat um nooo
Zephyr Fox:    Hey MeL do they still have sunday meeting?
Highwayman:    finally sppencer for hire season 1 finished downloading...
Dovestar:    Wah Rince retreet?
Gremot:    can cause something bigger tsunami ... a 3 or for nami
MeL:    yes Zephyr
Gremot:    3 or 4
SirGreendown:    who wasn't here when Ron Britvich showed up today?
Storm Raven:    (((((((((((((MeL))))))))))))))))))
MeL:    Hugss Storm Raven
Dovestar goes back down rabbit hole. (Rabbit hates it when i do that)
Dovestar:    i wasnt
Dovestar:    was at work
SirGreendown:    well he came back to AW today
Dovestar:    i say the fb about it cool
MeL:    Listen to what Iam Saying SGD..
SirGreendown:    he created it ya know
MeL:    take note
SirGreendown:    I am
MeL:    good
Dovestar goes afk to play with radio station
Gremot:    SirG ...  all we know is someone showed up with that name .. he wasnt here long enough & didnt say enough to know who it was
OklahomaTraveler:    867-5309
Highwayman:    well he did say he hasnt sang ixles in the wind for some time now...
Storm Raven:    hey thats my phone number
Highwayman:    pppixles*
OklahomaTraveler wonders what Jenny's area code is.
Highwayman:    and he knew who digigardener was
Highwayman:    867?
Gremot:    try them all HWY
MeL:    5558675309
Highwayman:    typical cali number in the movies...lol
MeL:    mhm
OklahomaTraveler smooches Highwayman, just because..
Highwayman:    not bwhile im eating pleaSE
MeL:    My Eyes!  My Eyes!  >_<
OklahomaTraveler:    Apologies. LMAO
Highwayman:    i dont share when im eating
Storm Raven:    well I guess it is the season of the rainbow flag  lol
Highwayman:    lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Um, no! LMAO
MeL:    gessh
OklahomaTraveler goes back to cuddling up with Mel...
MeL:    it represents southern rock.. dukes of hazzard to me
OklahomaTraveler:    That explains those daisy duke shorts... Wow!
Storm Raven:    shoot as a conservative white male from the south thats the only way to get respect these days  lol
Highwayman:    guess all the buildings should say, in gov. we trust?
MeL:    but, we arent gonna get on that subject
MeL:    its a senative issue at the moment for some
Highwayman:    so sensitive as a boil on my foot?
Highwayman:    so=as
MeL:    My Eyes!   My Eyes!   >_<
Highwayman:    lol
Storm Raven:    you know as much as the government lies to us I find it amazing that so many look to the government to solve all our problems
OklahomaTraveler rubs sensitive skin.
MeL:    dont think so many does anymore, SR
Highwayman:    hands off the mooms
OklahomaTraveler:    Sorry.
OklahomaTraveler switches to nodes.
Highwayman:    lol
MeL:    you rubbing hwm's mooms?  o_o
Highwayman:    more like moles
MeL:    now yall goto bed tonight and think about tha
MeL:    toohhh the nghtmares
OklahomaTraveler gasps..
Highwayman:    will fredy be in it?
OklahomaTraveler:    Ok, I have to go wash my hands now.. and my eyes.. and my brain.. maybe that will help.. I hope!
MeL:    I doubt it. you're a lost cause, OT
Highwayman:    use lava soap OT
memyself:    use lava
Zephyr Fox:    Wow, hot button topics tonight
Highwayman:    dont need that much taken off....loool
Highwayman:    heya SW
Highwayman:    oh he left
MeL:    maybe he didnt wanna be called out
Zephyr Fox:    I hearing thunder in the real world and thunder in the VR world.
Highwayman:    nah , he was looking for another place
MeL:    sunny in the vr world
MeL:    need a bot to make it rain a little
Zephyr Fox:    Big thunderstorm here in Las Vegas
MeL:    aahh
MeL:    we got up to 108 here today. hot sucka
Highwayman:    wow aussie and legliz are in here
Zephyr Fox:    And people think it never rains here
Highwayman:    checks calendar
OklahomaTraveler:    Hot buttons? :D
MeL:    haha
Zephyr Fox:    I was at 110F today here
MeL:    whew
Zephyr Fox:    Nice to hear thunder after that
Onexpresso:    HI
memyself:    well you are in the desert
Highwayman:    OONE!
MeL:    howdy 1x  =)
Onexpresso:    is back
Highwayman:    hi zombie
zombiefan:    hi highwayman
Onexpresso:    battery died after photo, then cable dumbly shut off,,,,,
Onexpresso:    did the pic come out ok?
Onexpresso:    Hi MeL
Onexpresso:    :)
Onexpresso:    believe me got a cable credit!
Highwayman:    oh cool, i seen that before
MeL:    the aw communit pic ?
Onexpresso:    hi Zombienfan
Onexpresso:    hi Highwayman
zombiefan:    hi one
Bach Zhaa:    derp
Zephyr Fox:    MeL one more question about the Sunday meeting before I get back to by build.
Onexpresso:    yes
MeL:    slurp
MeL:    http://i.imgur.com/vTddUgH.jpg
MeL:    there ya go One
Onexpresso:    hi Zephyr
OklahomaTraveler:    Hey One.. good to see ya..
OklahomaTraveler winks at Zombie..
Zephyr Fox:    Do they post the minutes and where?
OklahomaTraveler:    Bach!!
MeL:    Bach does the Sunday meetings,.he be the guy to talk to  =)
Onexpresso:    Ty Oklamoma
Onexpresso:    ty MeL
MeL:    ^_~
OklahomaTraveler:    They keep minutes?  :P  Thought it was just chat logs..
Zephyr Fox:    Bach can you chat for a sec.
MeL:    rolls-eyes @ OT
Onexpresso:    oh CCG came
Bach Zhaa:    I could use help with the chat log if anyones interested
Highwayman:    came where?
Bach Zhaa:    :)
OklahomaTraveler:    Mel, can you get a second?  All in favor? Opposed? Nobody? ....ok.. motion carries.
Onexpresso:    showed up for the photo session
Zephyr Fox:    I send you a telegram
Onexpresso:    hands Bach soap
Highwayman:    ahh, yes she did
OklahomaTraveler:    Omg! Omg! Omg! Omg! I got a telegraph!
MeL:    I can get 3rds darlin
MeL:    wait what we talking about
OklahomaTraveler:    :|
MeL:    blinks
Bach Zhaa:    donno  I was out of range over dare  o_o
Onexpresso:    Okay you did take more then one picture right MeL????
Onexpresso:    I musta battery poofed , cause am not in pictured.
Storm Raven:    wow is this a big vaporizer?
MeL:    I didnt take any. One.. bach did the photo
Onexpresso:    looks at Bach
Bach Zhaa:    We took the pictures on Saturday and I was able to photoshop folks in throughout the day sunday
Storm Raven:    how do you load this thing
Dovestar:    Anyone for Under Truth , Over Dare?
Dovestar:    lol
Bach Zhaa:    so umm   next year?
Onexpresso:    wondered about the photoshop part
Onexpresso:    hmm
MeL:    lol SR
Onexpresso:    has to put me in
OklahomaTraveler:    I'm not pictured either... :'(  I'm used to it though.. I'm such a lowly chap in this prestigious platform.  I'm used to it..
Bach Zhaa:    :\
Onexpresso:    knows the feeling OT
MeL:    seriously guys. not true
Dovestar:    lol i always am hidden in a corner or behind someone, this is the first time even though iin a corner i was visible
Dovestar:    lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Bach just don't love me no mo'...  He used to check out my nodes and doesn't even do that anymore..
Dovestar:    Though i be a lowly as well
MeL:    rolls eyes
Gremot:    just draw in stick figures for them of us that missed it
memyself:    tourists
Onexpresso:    lol Gremot
Onexpresso:    rolls eyes
OklahomaTraveler:    LMAO Gremot
Dovestar:    Be humble Be quick and avoid jumping Candlesticks
OklahomaTraveler:    They don't tickle.  I sat on one once by accident.
OklahomaTraveler:    Wait, what are we talking about again??
Dovestar:    lol
Bach Zhaa:    my butt
MeL:    lol
OklahomaTraveler:    :O
Gremot:    hold on while i add you OT .. oh wait, toyr stick figure need tall hair though, rite?
OklahomaTraveler:    Don't talk about Mel that way! :O
Dovestar:    Qouting The Fonz - Sit on it Potsii
Bach Zhaa:    (_i_)
OklahomaTraveler:    That's right.. LOL
Dovestar:    Aaaaaaaa
Bach Zhaa:    soak it in dove..
Gremot get a thicker felt tip pen
Bach Zhaa:    lol
Highwayman:    think ill watch sencer fr hire eisode 1
Dovestar:    Take a long hike on a mountain without shoes
Dovestar:    lol
MeL:    NOTICE'.. Sexual Harrassment in this Area will not be Reported. However,. it will be "Graded"  =)
Bach Zhaa:    lol
Gremot:    ack... all i can draw on there is Bart Simpson hair
Bach Zhaa:    You're outa here!!   B+
Dovestar:    not in winter though, dont want you to get frost bitten
Bach Zhaa:    lol
Zephyr Fox:    Sorry guy got to get back to the build. Nice chatting Thanks 4321 Pooooof..


Sunday, June 28, 2015

Struggles with the Noiprocs’ colorization sequence and more.

The timer command function was not so baffling from the Wiki document at:

But as I found out that much of my problem was in syntax errors as usual.  It sure would be nice to have a good code editor for the object, and perhaps there is, but I have yet to find any documentation on it.

It took me more time than I had suspected but I did finally get it debugged.

First I need to work on the noise, and then it’s on to the move and sting sequence.

As I was doing trail and error testing on my color animation seq.  I saw this interesting interaction:

TaLon56:    Howdy korg
SirGreendown:    http://imgur.com/YrDqE0K,MmJAKag,yNV4me0,w4CKuie,au8P5MZ,AhByOSU,tr8JPIn,Okzx8Ua,donLppq
TaLon56:    Which old GZ is that?
TaLon56:    the recent old one or the old old one?
TenYearsGone:    The new old one, of course
TaLon56:    LOL
SirGreendown:    the new old one from 2007-2015
TenYearsGone:    We only go to the old old one to laugh.... er I mean look, at the 1996 builds
TaLon56:    I spent a few Loverly Years at the old old one
SirGreendown:    I do however remember when the old old one was the GZ
TaLon56:    I was impressed by the Rotaty Thingys :)
TaLon56:    I remember when the Rotaty thingys were not there
I did go into the LZ to chat:
Zephyr Fox:    hello
Lazysuzy o:    1218 for you ten
MeL:    Howdy Zephyr
TenYearsGone:    Indeed it is Suzy QQQ, and that is why I feel the need for lunch
Lazysuzy o:    breakfast here
TenYearsGone:    So far the food has failed to prepare itself, so I need to go AFK
Lazysuzy o:    hb
MeL:    isnt that a bummer
Tree Saw:    the grass isnt getting itself mowed either    so I need to go afk
Zephyr Fox:    I'm still intensely working on the build, and having a dickens of a time with changing colors on an object through a timed seq.
Lazysuzy o:    life sucks to be single to do the work
Tree Saw:    without a rideing mower Suzi ..aye
MeL:    i got a headache just from reading that zephyr
Zephyr Fox:    yup it's trial and error right now.
Lazysuzy o:    even with a riding one... still have to do the work
MeL:    =)
MeL:    work is good for you, suzy
Zephyr Fox:    I'll get it soon.  just like the rotary trap door
Lazysuzy o:    work good for some people who can do it
MeL:    you can walk cant ya?.. thats all it takes to mow
Lazysuzy o:    yeah i can walk but health issues stops me from doing lot of things... sorry to say
DarXide:    holds a crucifix up to the mower and speaks in tongues
MeL:    smootches suzy
MeL:    alright, DarXide, you're just freakin me out
DarXide:    thanks Mel
MeL:    :D
DarXide:    i will never mow again in this life or the next ones
MeL:    haha
Lazysuzy o:    beside i dont own a lawnmower anyway
Silly Putty:    WOW??????
Silly Putty:    They gave me nooooo choice
Silly Putty:    wow
Silly Putty:    so darn easy
MeL:    well suzy qqq , that means paying a school boy to do it
Lazysuzy o:    nope ... something better
Lazysuzy o:    no charge
Silly Putty:    I'm glad the did not suffer
Silly Putty:    wow
Silly Putty:    can't believe I did THAT!
Silly Putty:    oops
Silly Putty:    I mean that
Silly Putty:    can't believe I DID that.
Silly Putty:    I KNOW I'M DOIN
Silly Putty:    poor babies
MeL:    >_>
Silly Putty:    ~_^
Silly Putty:    it's ok
Silly Putty:    ~_^
Silly Putty:    blind
Silly Putty:    hahahahahahahaha
Silly Putty:    hmm
Silly Putty:    not sure what I'm lookin at
MeL:    bug eyes
Silly Putty:    AWKKKKK
MeL:    nto what you're thinking, sp
Silly Putty:    cool
Silly Putty:    gangsters
Silly Putty:    OY
Silly Putty:    they mighty proud today
Zephyr Fox:    MeL How long was the planning phase of this new LZ?
MeL:    its ongoing
Silly Putty:    have to close windows and turn on AC
Silly Putty:    GANGstas
MeL:    =)
Silly Putty:    biracial?
Zephyr Fox:    I mean when did they start thinking it up
Silly Putty:    hmm
MeL:    Bach been thinking on it for awhile now. he put it into motion a few months ago
Silly Putty:    in MY neighborhood?
TenYearsGone:    About 6 months ago, Zephr
Silly Putty:    where they hidin?
Zephyr Fox:    I see it took quite a committee
MeL:    alot of work
Zephyr Fox:    very impressive
Dovestar looks down the rabbit hole and Says "not hiding down there"
Silly Putty:    *sigh
MeL:    Howdy Dovestar  =)
Silly Putty:    Dovestar!
Dovestar:    hi
Dovestar:    SP
Silly Putty:    the "QUIET" one
Silly Putty:    hmmm
TenYearsGone:    Back then it was just a white ground with circles marking out distances, so we could build without lag
Dovestar:    im only quiet when parked / afk or sleeping lol
Silly Putty:    OH
Dovestar:    ok and when im multitasking
Dovestar:    lol
Zephyr Fox:    TenYearsGone did you have brain storming meet ups
Silly Putty:    did you fix your windwhield yet?
Silly Putty:    when when when???????
Silly Putty:    not like you at all
Dovestar:    right now udating 2 laptops, uploading songs to one of my radios and watching bleach at the same time
Zephyr Fox:    or just one central planner
TenYearsGone:    not as many as you might think. The individual team members just did what we are good at
Silly Putty:    aww teamies
Dovestar:    Was a Rear Window and yes been fixed for som time
Silly Putty:    far out
Hyper Anthony:    heh, dedication
TenYearsGone:    Which is why I made the music and animation triggers for the Bouncy Thing
Dovestar:    So far out it is Like in Outer Space man
Silly Putty:    oh you were driving backwards.
Silly Putty:    ok
Dovestar:    ll
Zephyr Fox:    I'm just trying to get a feel for how the build team was formed, and how it got the coordination going
Silly Putty:    I think we call that reverse
Silly Putty:    you had it in reverse
Lazysuzy o:    wb ten
Dovestar:    nope was believe this or not a 40 mile per hour wind thrwing a folded cardboard box corner first in to the rear window
Silly Putty:    no wonder
Silly Putty:    wow
Silly Putty:    breakage
Dovestar:    never thought a card board box, empty , folded or not could do that
Silly Putty:    glad you got it fixed
Zephyr Fox:    anyway very very impressive on the build.  Thank you
MeL:    most of us have work together on oher projects before, Zep.. its done as a team
Dovestar:    got my workt o pay for it, was thier box lol thier neglegence
Dovestar:    lol
Dovestar:    reason why it took so long
Dovestar:    lol
TenYearsGone:    Well, as I saw it.... the individual builders just followed general guidelines, and tried not to step on each other's toes. General instructions including "don't lag it up"
Silly Putty:    OK
MeL:    tehre is a Organizer. some great builders. planners. decorators.. etc
Silly Putty:    gotcha
Silly Putty:    I understand
MeL:    There
Zephyr Fox:    I've had a little experiance being on a build team at Sun Microsystems
Dovestar is too unorganized to participate
MeL:    nods'
Dovestar:    lol
Silly Putty:    LIFE
Silly Putty:    we all need to be prepared
Dovestar:    Literally infectious Friendly Entity?
Silly Putty:    Weird in otherwords
TenYearsGone:    Thus, MaX and I put or music systems pretty much in the same place, so if one doesn't work, the other one will
Dovestar:    Lousy Impertinent Frozen Egghead?
Silly Putty:    hey
Dovestar:    Good idea
Dovestar:    ??
Silly Putty:    stop talkin about the pope like that
Dovestar:    Hey?
Silly Putty:    grrrrrrrr
Dovestar:    Not a pope reference
Silly Putty:    egghead
Silly Putty:    forgiven
Dovestar:    Egghead = Brainy as well
Silly Putty:    rot in Hell youuuuuuu
Dovestar:    no rotting today
Silly Putty:    takes longer?
Dovestar:    Possibly
Silly Putty:    Perhaps
Silly Putty:    ok
Silly Putty:    gotcha
Dovestar:    i do consume a tone of preservitives
Silly Putty:    huh?
Zephyr Fox:    Probably no gantt charting as they world have in the real world.
Dovestar:    Ton
Silly Putty:    preservatives
Silly Putty:    ohhhhhh ic
Dovestar:    lol
Silly Putty:    sure thing
Silly Putty:    baby
Dovestar:    Lovely Intellectual Friendly Egghead.
Silly Putty:    hee hee
Silly Putty:    still weird
Zephyr Fox:    I need to get back to my build.  Thanks for chatting.  Pooooof

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Creating the Noiprocs character or the antagonist of ZeMaze

I had started off thinking this would be a simple task.  I setup a sign within the maze to briefly describe the creature and give it a hideous sound.  It was this sound that I found most difficult.
I at first look through the various build yards, but could not find what I was looking for so I went about finding what I wanted online.  I did find a site that claimed to have free sound effects, however it required a paid subscription to use.  I was able to capture the sound and then attempted to put it up on a cloud site to be linked to by the “noise” command. this proved to be the most difficult.
Neither Google nor Microsoft cloud sharing links.  In fact after signing up for a few, none of them seem to work.  I then remembered using a Tripod account in the past to do this.  But, I found that I could no longer ftp to the tripod account, so I went searching until I located a free ftp hosting site that would allow me to ftp this .wav file to it and could be accessed the way the “noise” command required.

This is the file that I made and placed it into the corridor sign: http://zefoxville.atwebpages.com/sounds/rec0627-022113.wav

After this, I created an object in a maze lair (dead end) for the Halloween object
“krm-skullchair2.rwx” and began to work on a timer that would animate the colors of red, white, and black to make it with a midi and the fx sound file an even scarier monster in the dark.
Here is a photo of the “Noiprocs” in red skin:

Tonight I’ll work on the test phase of the animation and develop the attack sequence.

Shortly after 1pm Nevada time, I looked at the chat window and saw that Bach Zaa was involved in an activity directing a large group of avitars to stand still on spots within AW.  I then hurried over to the AW LZ to find that they were setting up for the photo shoot.  I took a photo then went over to see if I could get in on this event as well:

* ActiveWorlds chat session: Sat Jun 27, 2015 10:59 PM *

» Immigration Officer: Welcome to ActiveWorlds!
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» Immigration Officer: Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.
Bach Zhaa: hey Zephyr
Tart Sugar: Ima be AFK so I hope my av is straight
Good Person: (((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Cath))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) yup
Bach Zhaa: down in front
Lady Dragon: hi cathrine
sweets: too late?
Highwayman: zeph!
Lensman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO2mYAaOzwo
T q r u l e s: Zephy!
Dodgy: no sweets
Zephyr Fox: Hey
Storm Raven: hi sweets
Cathrine.: its been a long time since ive been on here
Iao Moonshadow: rutroh sweets is in the house ;-)
Lady Dragon: SWEETS!  hugs
Highwayman: yeah it has
AlbertaGold: nope...glad your here.....wouln't be a complete pic... :)
Cathrine.: TQ you got a battery for my mouse?
sweets: ok lol good...went to store but bar down street is having horseshoe throwing competition so got carried away there
sweets: hiiiiiii
T q r u l e s: plenty
Bach Zhaa: see where Im pointing Zephyr
sweets: I am hyped now lol
T q r u l e s: triple a or double
KittenWithClaws: hey sweets
Cathrine.: double
Cathrine.: and just one
SirGreendown: hi sweets
Dodgy: so,,, did Tq and Catherine see the vulcan bomber today?
T q r u l e s: thats in the wooden drawer thing
sweets: horseshoes and rock n roll....nd beer flowing...yeahhhhh what a night
Bach Zhaa: stand there
T q r u l e s: in the kitchen
Cablecar Gal: hey cathrine   hugs    it has been a long time
Cablecar Gal: I am glad your here
Cathrine.: CCG!!!!! hi
T q r u l e s: I'll go down and get it
Cathrine.: its nice to be back
T q r u l e s: brb
sweets: and I just at the most amazing potato salad LMAO
AlbertaGold: lol...we're heating up here....using a friends's wi-fi....
KittenWithClaws: hb tq
sweets: so can we do this so I can return to the party?
Bach Zhaa: Cathrine and Tq   Im gonna move you guys
Iao Moonshadow: sounds like a good parrrtee
Kenneth: Tabitha, stay in the picture until Bach says it's done
sweets: yeah it was is lol
Good Person: hands Merry a donut and hands Moon a spam cookie lol
Cathrine.: move us?
Bach Zhaa: yes
Merry.: thankyou GP
Good Person: yw
LizLiz: how you doing Cat?
Catwoman: oh just awake
LizLiz: ahhh I figutred so
Bach Zhaa: Im good   were you here for the community picture earlier today?   would you still like to be in it?
LizLiz: I'm just getting ready for sleep LOL
Bach Zhaa: got a minute?
Bach Zhaa: :)
LizLiz: can I still be in  it?
Bach Zhaa: hey Vera  :)
LizLiz: hey Vera hon! XXX
Vera: yhry
Vera: ops
Bach Zhaa: stay
LizLiz: staying LOL
Bach Zhaa: take one step toward me..  a baby step
Bach Zhaa: kk
LizLiz: good enough?
LizLiz: kewl
zombiefan: hi everybody
Bach Zhaa: one more time   a baby step toward me
zombiefan: hi catwoman
Bach Zhaa: stop
Bach Zhaa: perfect
Bach Zhaa: :D
LizLiz: is that good?
Bach Zhaa: smile
LizLiz: I am
zombiefan: hi liz
Vera: that piramide over there is sooo my staly:)))
LizLiz: Hi Zombiefan I'm getting picture taken
Bach Zhaa: Ill get you next zombie  :)
zombiefan: cool
zombiefan: hi bach  :D
Vera: style
Bach Zhaa: ok  thanks Liz
Bach Zhaa: kk  zombie and vera  :)
SirGreendown: this is so great that Bach is gonna add LizLiz and James to the picture
Vera: hey  green i will get this leg for a stew
zombiefan: :D
LizLiz: Bach I'm glad youare smart
Vera: Dusk ?
Vera: nice garden'i was here
Bach Zhaa: hey vera  you want in the picture Vera?
Vera: where?
Bach Zhaa: right here
Bach Zhaa: in that corner
Bach Zhaa: its important
Vera: ok
Vera: not moving
SirGreendown: notice how last year's photo has the Old Generation of AWTeen that moved on to VP and this years has a couple of the new generation
Bach Zhaa: perfect
Bach Zhaa: stay right there
Vera: yes SIR;)
Bach Zhaa: thats Rick over next to you btw  lol
zombiefan: did you take my pic yet?
Bach Zhaa: hehe
Bach Zhaa: zombie
Vera: Dusk ltns
SirGreendown: hi Duskbat
LizLiz: hey DuskieXXX
SirGreendown: and happy birthday to you
Vera: gives Dusk a cixinha
Bach Zhaa: right here
SirGreendown: since it's the 28th here already
zombiefan: thanks
Bach Zhaa: take a baby step toward me
Bach Zhaa: perfect
Bach Zhaa: one more step toward me
Bach Zhaa: hey Dusk
Bach Zhaa: kk  right there
zombiefan: did you get it?
Bach Zhaa: one step toward me
Bach Zhaa: perfect  stay
Bach Zhaa: please
Bach Zhaa: ;D
LizLiz: glad I had time to do this Bach . my hubby been demanding time for house stuff today LOL
Bach Zhaa: more back
Vera: hugs to 3rd and shannon
Bach Zhaa: now a baby step toward me
Bach Zhaa: perfect
LizLiz: ty
Bach Zhaa: zombie  you moved
LizLiz: for AW gallery
Bach Zhaa: stay
Bach Zhaa: lol
zombiefan: ok
Bach Zhaa: hey shannon
Bach Zhaa: you wanna be a birde?
LizLiz: Zombie gots ants in her pants LOL
Shannon...: hey Bach
zombiefan: lol liz  :D
zombiefan: hi shannon :)
LizLiz: takes a lot of concentration kids we gotta listen to how Bach wants us
Bach Zhaa: everyone stay still while i get shannon situated
Vera: Shannonnnnn hugs:)
LizLiz: k
Bach Zhaa: and Liz,  Im done taking your picture if you need to go
LizLiz: thankyou hon
LizLiz: XXXX
Bach Zhaa: :)
LizLiz: you so  special
SirGreendown: hi Shannon
LizLiz: someone feed Duskbat
SirGreendown: I did it again
LizLiz: no hon not yet
Bach Zhaa: take a baby step toward me
Bach Zhaa: perfect
Bach Zhaa: stay right there
Vera: i am diabetic... can't feed him....lol
Bach Zhaa: Cat  were you here before?
LizLiz: aww bless your heart
LizLiz: we have more than we need I'll feed him
Bach Zhaa: oh yes..  your in the pic
LizLiz: probably working
Vera: Shannon huged you  alll the wayyyyy thereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee     lol
SirGreendown: http://imgur.com/24huSoJ,2HEoLRD,84KYaWw,itP5Ocg#0 Ozy's Airship at the Old Landing Zone, cuz noone will care anymore so why not
Bach Zhaa: smile everyone  :)
Vera: cheesseeeee
Bach Zhaa: kk  :D  Thank you   :D
Bach Zhaa: woot
Vera: ty;)
Bach Zhaa: all done
LizLiz: awesome . Thankyou for your work Bach
Bach Zhaa: Im putting it together now and filling in holes   lol
LizLiz: cool
SirGreendown: http://imgur.com/24huSoJ,2HEoLRD,84KYaWw,itP5Ocg#0 isn't this funny or what
LizLiz: hb Catwoman
Vera: still remembers when all used to get together for this picture day:(((
SirGreendown: nite Duskbat
Bach Zhaa: your next to GP liz   and vera is up by CCG and NM
Bach Zhaa: lol
LizLiz: cool
SirGreendown: where is James at Bach?
Bach Zhaa: on the wall to the right or stage left
LizLiz: first time someone took time to make us a good picture Baach
SirGreendown: like right here?
Bach Zhaa: down a ways  but yes
SirGreendown: kind of near me sort of
SirGreendown: good, so he's close to me
LizLiz: dang it's been that long ago I came to AW?
SirGreendown: http://i.imgur.com/84KYaWw.jpg Bach, do you think this is funny
LizLiz: Celine is who brought me in here I don't know whwere she is now?
Vera: Celene you mean?
Bach Zhaa: im gonna work a while..   telegram me if someone needs adding before tomorrow  :)


TGIF and more

Well I actually made it to the TGIF again it was 9pm my time and 2am VR time.  I had missed much of the party at that point.  However, I did participate:

» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.
» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to AWReunion!  Happy 20th Birthday AW!!!!!!
Welcome Zephyr Fox! For basic bot commands say:  "<help"
Your chat is set to globally.
[GameBot]:    4. DarXide: dry rub BBQ ribs
[GameBot]:    5. KittenWithClaws: dark red like blood
[GameBot]:    6. Tree Saw: de rp
[GameBot]:    OklahomaTraveler has now 16 votes
[GameBot]:    7. Toxor: daring rant
[GameBot]:    8. Swifter: Dear red riding hood,want to come over?
[GameBot]:    Tree Saw has now 16 votes
[GameBot]:    Tree Saw has now 17 votes
[GameBot]:    9. KittenWithClaws: dream runaway
MeL:    Howdy Zephyr  =)
[GameBot]:    10. Grell Sutcliffe: death reaper
[GameBot]:    Toxor has now 11 votes
[GameBot]:    11. OklahomaTraveler: Dude! Right now I'm running from Kitten.. She's dangerous!
[GameBot]:    Toxor has now 12 votes
[GameBot]:    12. KittenWithClaws: dream reaper
Zephyr Fox:    Hello Mel
Tree Saw:    4
[GameBot]:    DarXide has now 19 votes
[GameBot]:    13. DarXide: dry red wine
[GameBot]:    KittenWithClaws has now 37 votes
[GameBot]:    KittenWithClaws has now 38 votes
[GameBot]:    14. Toxor: done real good
[GameBot]:    OklahomaTraveler has now 17 votes
Tree Saw:    what happend to bach
[GameBot]:    Toxor has now 13 votes
MeL:    not sure
KittenWithClaws:    hey catwoman
Tree Saw:    nb    (no big deal)
Catwoman:    guten morgen
[GameBot]:    Voting stopped
[GameBot]:    What is bv ?
Tree Saw:    Hugs catwomean
Catwoman:    hugs Tree
MeL:    Hugss Catwoman
KittenWithClaws:    being varified a kook
[GameBot]:    Accept answer being varified a kook from KittenWithClaws
Tree Saw:    being virtual
[GameBot]:    Accept answer being virtual from Tree Saw
[GameBot]:    Accept answer bachs very quiet from MeL
Swifter:    Bass vibes
[GameBot]:    Accept answer Bass vibes from Swifter
Tree Saw:    LOL Mel
Grell Sutcliffe:    big virus
[GameBot]:    Accept answer big virus from Grell Sutcliffe
KittenWithClaws:    boring virus
[GameBot]:    Accept answer boring virus from KittenWithClaws
[GameBot]:    Accept answer big veal bones in a dry white wine sauce with no cat at all in it from DarXide
KittenWithClaws:    lol darx
Tree Saw:    LMAO Darx
Grell Sutcliffe:    blank visage
[GameBot]:    Accept answer blank visage from Grell Sutcliffe
[GameBot]:    Let's vote for winner, write or whisper number of phrase you like to me.
[GameBot]:    For bv answers were:
[GameBot]:    1. KittenWithClaws: being varified a kook
KittenWithClaws:    brown vibes
[GameBot]:    2. Tree Saw: being virtual
[GameBot]:    3. MeL: bachs very quiet
[GameBot]:    Tree Saw has now 18 votes
[GameBot]:    4. Swifter: Bass vibes
[GameBot]:    KittenWithClaws has now 39 votes
[GameBot]:    5. Grell Sutcliffe: big virus
[GameBot]:    6. KittenWithClaws: boring virus
[GameBot]:    Grell Sutcliffe has now 19 votes
[GameBot]:    7. DarXide: big veal bones in a dry white wine sauce with no cat at all in it
[GameBot]:    Tree Saw has now 19 votes
[GameBot]:    KittenWithClaws has now 40 votes
[GameBot]:    DarXide has now 20 votes
[GameBot]:    8. Grell Sutcliffe: blank visage
Tree Saw:    7
[GameBot]:    DarXide has now 21 votes
[GameBot]:    KittenWithClaws has now 41 votes
KittenWithClaws:    brb
Tree Saw:    hb
MeL:    hb
DarXide:    meow
MeL:    come on in Zephyr and grab a dance =)
[GameBot]:    Sorry, MeL you can't vote twice ;)
MeL:    oohhh
[GameBot]:    Voting stopped
[GameBot]:    What is cx ?

So the question was here: “How do I tell the GameBot my words to accept?”
At first I tried just to whisper:

[GameBot]:    What is si ?
KittenWithClaws:    yup
Tree Saw:    loved the bot metaphores
KittenWithClaws:    searching-for-something interesting
[GameBot]:    Accept answer searching-for-something interesting from KittenWithClaws
Grell Sutcliffe:    sigh instantly
[GameBot]:    Accept answer sigh instantly from Grell Sutcliffe
[GameBot]:    Accept answer silly ill little human from MeL
Grell Sutcliffe:    slight insanity
[GameBot]:    Accept answer slight insanity from Grell Sutcliffe
Tree Saw:    send in the bots
[GameBot]:    Accept answer send in the bots from Tree Saw
Zephyr Fox:    (to [GameBot]) one eyed purple people eaters
KittenWithClaws:    signing-up=for insanity
[GameBot]:    Accept answer signing-up=for insanity from KittenWithClaws
MaXPoly:    slerpin ice crean
[GameBot]:    Accept answer slerpin ice crean from MaXPoly
[GameBot]:    Accept answer slightly insane from DarkMatter
Grell Sutcliffe:    sing incantations
[GameBot]:    Accept answer sing incantations from Grell Sutcliffe
[GameBot]:    Accept answer suddenly interesting from Toxor
KittenWithClaws:    so-want ice cream right now
[GameBot]:    Accept answer so-want ice cream right now from KittenWithClaws
KittenWithClaws:    sound-of incantations
[GameBot]:    Accept answer sound-of incantations from KittenWithClaws
[GameBot]:    Let's vote for winner, write or whisper number of phrase you like to me.
[GameBot]:    For si answers were

Of course it didn’t help that I was way off with the phrase.  I soon realize that almost every  citizen chat showed as a different color.  So the next time I tried it was normal chat but with the right phrase:

[GameBot]:    What is sa ?
Grell Sutcliffe:    same angle
[GameBot]:    Accept answer same angle from Grell Sutcliffe
KittenWithClaws:    something annoying
[GameBot]:    Accept answer something annoying from KittenWithClaws
Zephyr Fox:    goodnite grenden
MaXPoly:    smile activeworlds is 20
[GameBot]:    Accept answer smile activeworlds is 20 from MaXPoly
[GameBot]:    Accept answer strong acting from Toxor
Grell Sutcliffe:    stupid angela
[GameBot]:    Accept answer stupid angela from Grell Sutcliffe
[GameBot]:    Accept answer sour apple with  from DarXide
DarXide:    oops
Swifter:    Slime attack from Kitten with claws
[GameBot]:    Accept answer Slime attack from Kitten with claws from Swifter
Tree Saw:    Sneaky avatar
[GameBot]:    Accept answer Sneaky avatar from Tree Saw
Grell Sutcliffe:    shinigami attack
[GameBot]:    Accept answer shinigami attack from Grell Sutcliffe
Zephyr Fox:    Sad Adam
[GameBot]:    Accept answer Sad Adam from Zephyr Fox
KittenWithClaws:    nice grell
[GameBot]:    Accept answer sanity antidote from DarkMatter
[GameBot]:    Let's vote for winner, write or whisper number of phrase you like to me.
[GameBot]:    For sa answers were:
[GameBot]:    1. Grell Sutcliffe: same angle
KittenWithClaws:    sorry not thinking
[GameBot]:    2. KittenWithClaws: something annoying
[GameBot]:    3. MaXPoly: smile activeworlds is 20
KittenWithClaws:    missed it
[GameBot]:    KittenWithClaws has now 52 votes
[GameBot]:    4. Toxor: strong acting
Swifter:    2
[GameBot]:    KittenWithClaws has now 53 votes
[GameBot]:    5. Grell Sutcliffe: stupid angela
[GameBot]:    Toxor has now 15 votes
[GameBot]:    6. DarXide: sour apple with
[GameBot]:    7. Swifter: Slime attack from Kitten with claws
[GameBot]:    8. Tree Saw: Sneaky avatar
[GameBot]:    KittenWithClaws has now 54 votes
[GameBot]:    9. Grell Sutcliffe: shinigami attack
[GameBot]:    Tree Saw has now 25 votes
[GameBot]:    10. Zephyr Fox: Sad Adam
[GameBot]:    11. DarkMatter: sanity antidote
[GameBot]:    Tree Saw has now 26 votes
[GameBot]:    DarkMatter has now 9 votes
Tree Saw:    snickers
Tree Saw:    votes for underdog ..again
DarXide:    tootsie roll
Tree Saw:    10
[GameBot]:    Zephyr Fox has now 1 votes
MeL:    Howdy enkii  =)
[GameBot]:    Voting stopped

There now I  was on the score board.
This was my next try and it got no points:

[GameBot]:    What is dd ?
Grell Sutcliffe:    dumb dog
[GameBot]:    Accept answer dumb dog from Grell Sutcliffe
KittenWithClaws:    hey zephyre
[GameBot]:    Accept answer dirty deeds from MeL
KittenWithClaws:    dark demon
[GameBot]:    Accept answer dark demon from KittenWithClaws
DarXide:    done dirt cheap
[GameBot]:    Accept answer done dirt cheap from DarXide
enkii:    divine donuts
[GameBot]:    Accept answer divine donuts from enkii
Swifter:    Devil dog
[GameBot]:    Accept answer Devil dog from Swifter
KittenWithClaws:    dueling donuts
[GameBot]:    Accept answer dueling donuts from KittenWithClaws
Zephyr Fox:    do dee
[GameBot]:    Accept answer do dee from Zephyr Fox
[GameBot]:    Accept answer desert dust from Toxor
DarXide:    dark dome
[GameBot]:    Accept answer dark dome from DarXide
KittenWithClaws:    dum de dum dum daaaaaaa
[GameBot]:    Accept answer dum de dum dum daaaaaaa from KittenWithClaws
[GameBot]:    Let's vote for winner, write or whisper number of phrase you like to me.
[GameBot]:    For dd answers were:
[GameBot]:    1. Grell Sutcliffe: dumb dog
[GameBot]:    2. MeL: dirty deeds
[GameBot]:    3. KittenWithClaws: dark demon
[GameBot]:    Grell Sutcliffe has now 24 votes
[GameBot]:    4. DarXide: done dirt cheap
[GameBot]:    5. enkii: divine donuts
[GameBot]:    6. Swifter: Devil dog
[GameBot]:    7. KittenWithClaws: dueling donuts
[GameBot]:    enkii has now 1 votes
[GameBot]:    Swifter has now 14 votes
[GameBot]:    8. Zephyr Fox: do dee
[GameBot]:    9. Toxor: desert dust
[GameBot]:    10. DarXide: dark dome
[GameBot]:    11. KittenWithClaws: dum de dum dum daaaaaaa
[GameBot]:    KittenWithClaws has now 55 votes
[GameBot]:    KittenWithClaws has now 56 votes
[GameBot]:    KittenWithClaws has now 57 votes
MeL:    dang kitten is on a roll
[GameBot]:    KittenWithClaws has now 58 votes
KittenWithClaws:    hehe
Tree Saw:    9
[GameBot]:    Toxor has now 16 votes
[GameBot]:    Toxor has now 17 votes
[GameBot]:    Voting stopped

At the end of the game this is how it looked:

[GameBot]:    What is bb ?
Grell Sutcliffe:    black butler
[GameBot]:    Accept answer black butler from Grell Sutcliffe
Highwayman:    be back
[GameBot]:    Accept answer be back from Highwayman
DarkMatter:    hiya Z
KittenWithClaws:    bubble buster
[GameBot]:    Accept answer bubble buster from KittenWithClaws
Catwoman:    wb
DarkMatter:    happy friday :)
Swifter:    Black bear
Zephyr Fox:    big bird
[GameBot]:    Accept answer Black bear from Swifter
[GameBot]:    Accept answer big bird from Zephyr Fox
Highwayman:    lol catz
zombiefan:    happy friday  :)
KittenWithClaws:    breaking balls
[GameBot]:    Accept answer breaking balls from KittenWithClaws
Catwoman:    lol blonde
Bach Zhaa:    beautiful butts
[GameBot]:    Accept answer beautiful butts from Bach Zhaa
Highwayman:    ouch
Catwoman:    oh i silly and tired blonde
Highwayman:    it is late
Grell Sutcliffe:    baldroy burnt the food again
[GameBot]:    Accept answer baldroy burnt the food again from Grell Sutcliffe
Catwoman:    i should open my eyes
Highwayman:    coffee??
Catwoman:    yes is to early for me
KittenWithClaws:    bad boa constrictor
[GameBot]:    Accept answer bad boa constrictor from KittenWithClaws
[GameBot]:    Let's vote for winner, write or whisper number of phrase you like to me.
[GameBot]:    For bb answers were:
[GameBot]:    1. Grell Sutcliffe: black butler
Catwoman:    yes needs my coffee and think drink
[GameBot]:    2. Highwayman: be back
[GameBot]:    Grell Sutcliffe has now 30 votes
[GameBot]:    3. KittenWithClaws: bubble buster
[GameBot]:    4. Swifter: Black bear
KittenWithClaws:    nice one grell
[GameBot]:    5. Zephyr Fox: big bird
[GameBot]:    KittenWithClaws has now 95 votes
Catwoman:    and my toast blonde
[GameBot]:    6. KittenWithClaws: breaking balls
[GameBot]:    7. Bach Zhaa: beautiful butts
[GameBot]:    KittenWithClaws has now 96 votes
[GameBot]:    KittenWithClaws has now 97 votes
[GameBot]:    Bach Zhaa has now 14 votes
[GameBot]:    8. Grell Sutcliffe: baldroy burnt the food again
[GameBot]:    9. KittenWithClaws: bad boa constrictor
[GameBot]:    KittenWithClaws has now 98 votes
KittenWithClaws:    lol grell, i et that one too
KittenWithClaws:    *get
Grell Sutcliffe:    *sharp-toothed grin*
Grell Sutcliffe:    I'm fairly predictable, I think
Catwoman:    is a lot rainy outside
zombiefan:    we been getting lots of rain this week too
[GameBot]:    Voting stopped
[GameBot]:    Game is ended.
[GameBot]:    Winner is KittenWithClaws with 98 votes!
KittenWithClaws:    well, with that name i can guess where most of yours come from
Highwayman:    missed the rain today, maybe tommoprrow
DarkMatter:    yowza
Grell Sutcliffe:    of course
KittenWithClaws:    yay!
Catwoman:    yes zombie is hot and rainy here
Grell Sutcliffe:    wtg
KittenWithClaws:    ty
Catwoman:    my garden need the rain
Genevieve:    Congrats Kitten!
DarkMatter:    wtg Kitten with TALONS
KittenWithClaws:    thanks for all the votes minna
Highwayman:    its over?
Bach Zhaa:    woohooo Kitten..  ran away with that one
KittenWithClaws:    hehe, just having fun
Keshi:    wtg kitten
Bach Zhaa:    vey cool
MeL:    Congrats! Kitten
KittenWithClaws:    but dang, two off from 100
Bach Zhaa:    r
Highwayman:    she needed 2 more votes for a hundred
KittenWithClaws:    ty everyone
MeL:    wow
Catwoman:    i love that nick name kitten with claws
Swifter:    :-)
Zephyr Fox:    nice kitty
Highwayman:    who cheater her??.hahaha
Bach Zhaa:    well,  means the 100 spot is still available  ;)
MeL:    haha
Catwoman:    lol blonde
Highwayman:    oh i think it was me
KittenWithClaws:    ty catwoman, old nickname from an old friend
Catwoman:    hahaaha
KittenWithClaws:    love yours too
Catwoman:    ya my nicknmae is very old too
KittenWithClaws:    well, game done and early wake up tomorrow, time to say goodnoght
Catwoman:    i use them start 2007
zombiefan:    night kitten
Keshi:    ok you  guys wont believe me  my  Real life nick name is Angel
KittenWithClaws:    or rather goodnight
Catwoman:    nite nite kitten
Genevieve:    Sleep well Kitten
DarkMatter:    bon soir kitty
Keshi:    nite nite  kitten
Swifter:    Have good dreams :-)
Bach Zhaa:    goodnight kitten  :)
KittenWithClaws:    nite nite
MeL:    Night Kitten
KittenWithClaws poofs
Zephyr Fox:    I'm too tired to stay awake. It's been fun good night all.

This is where I went off to my build location, did the AFK function and fell asleep.


I plan to get up and work a little on the “at” and “timer” commands when I awake.
As well as getting some sounds effect wav for the trap door events.  I’ve decided to name my monsters “noiprocs,” a palindrome of scorpion.


Friday, June 26, 2015

About Zephyr Fox

Back in 1995, in my Mountian View, Ca home I watched an episode of the then popular tech series "Cnet Central", where they had an episode about virtual reality, which introduced me to this online VR world called "Alpha World".  I remember that I was hooked as soon as I was in world and building. But, back then the building was limited and painful (no ctrl function for quick land claim as today).  At that time, I was working as Network Specialist and Systems Administrator at the WSJ plant in Palo Alto, Ca that once existed up on Page Mill Rd. near the Stanford Campus.

I tried a few times to do ambitious builds only to find my stuff had been deleted when I returned.  When the cost of having citizenship was raised to $60 in 2002, and the memory of being deleted a couple of times still stinging, I could no longer imagine that it was worth any sort of build effort.  This was actually about the same time that I was laid off from Sun Microsystem, which eventually forced my move to Las Vegas, NV.  So, I actually went Rip Van Winkle on it, putting it out of my mind as my personal real world issues were becoming less ignorable.  I spent 20 years in Silicon Valley, and I had a good life.  But things are very different for me today.

So just recently, I decided come back to see what had become of AlphaWorld.  I fully expected to see that they were defunct, but a few years back I do recall discuss VR chat rooms with someone and found that they were still around.  I was so discouraged about the bad experience that I had with AW in the past that I was actually taking up Second Life more as it was a more popular environment for chatting in VR.  However, I still enjoyed AW for the simple build interface, and this is what I like the most.  To build something that was visually appealing in only a short period of time, and had the possibility to do more.

So recently when pressures of my personal life had become too great, I decide to find an outlet to relieve the hypertension which I was developing from the stress by reentering AW.  I started to build on June 14 with a project called ZeFoxVille.  This blog was created shortly after to journal my activities there.  Find more information about ZeFoxVille at the city planning page: https://sites.google.com/site/zefoxville/ 

I have always used zephyfox and I did find that I was in a file maintained on Muaz's AW web site: zephyrfox #357588  To me the previous builds are history and can be deleted, if I knew where the builds were and could do so, but I do hope that the current build will not become history and vaper as technology goes.

I'm currently welcoming trusted helpers for the Zefoxville project.  I would prefer a telegram, but you can also contact me at mark89121@yahoo.com

Yesterday’s AW activity.

I spent much of my activity yesterday totally enveloped into my Maze project.  I got the shells of all six mazes put in, and full tested the rotary six teleport trap transporter for the mazes.  Now when Someone stumbles onto the claim, they are will be whisked a way to this special labyrinth.  I’m expecting a huge surprise, from the normal unsuspecting tourist.

This is a very intense build, and today I need to focus on the real world, but I do intend to do the TGIF.  This I plan to do this evening.  I’m sure that it will be in the AWreunion world.  Hopefully, I will not pass out right away as I did at the last one from the fatigue of my Real World job.  I did not simply go away from the key board physically, but I was definitely asleep.  I very rude thing to do, and I’ll try to move on before this happens tonight.

I’ll did get an invite from MeL, so I’ll try to be a little more interactive this time and not so troll-ish.  I was also in contact with SirGreendown via telegram who provided me with the coordinated of the AW LZ prior to the AWexpo opening and the LZ change.  I wanted to study the Star Gate type of portal for some brain storming with the Maze project.

I want to keep the project under raps, as I’m still setting up the foundational project plan and vision.  I want to recruit builders, but I’m pretty sure that I’m not prepared enough as yet.  I must think about this very carefully, and not be in too much of a rush.  This is it for today.  I have yet to put a link to the Project Web Site in at the City Planning Office and will try to that this morning. https://sites.google.com/site/zefoxville/.

I spent an extraordinarily huge about of time on testing and refining the teleport trap rotary.  I found that the animated sequence often get suck in memory and you must fully exit AW after a change to unstick it.  I would often make a change and find that the new change did not work until after I did an exit.  It was a very painful day of trial and error.  At least I’m patient enough not to become too frustrated and just give up as I would have back in 1995.


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Problems with levels and the solution

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post.  I ran into an issue with the area being full when I went to put in a sign on one of my test LZs, so I had to rethink my whole vertical plan.  I can still do a few vertical, but need to restrict this to just two maze levels.  I think if I cluster 5 on top of 5, things will work out just fine. 

It took me some time to get the bump transport pad to function as I wanted, but I am very satisfied with the results. A different level in a not so random sequence, just like in The Maze Runner movie.  They are going to love it.

I just have bits and pieces going now, but it should shape up to be one on AW Grandest projects, if I can get the help I need.  I certainly can’t expect to get this done without working with some of the regular build citizens.  And this is why I need to spend a little of time socializing at the LZ each day.  Last night all I did was listen in on the chat. I know that this will change as I become more comfortable and confident chatting.  So no chat session to post today. 


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

New LZ and More chatting.


This was done yesterday;

I went into Alpha World this morning and found that they had changed the LZ to the new AWExpo site.  I would have been excited about this, but I was expecting the LZ that I had just grown accustomed to and found I was upset at myself for not bookmarking the original location of the LZ.  It is hard now to find things now in AW without having that bookmarked coordinate.

So as not to forget, the 2015 AWExpo it is at 7700S 1400E

As I think of it, I realize that I need to continue to hone my chat skills and be more flamiliar at the LZ.

* ActiveWorlds chat session: Mon Jun 22, 2015 6:32 AM *

Zephyr Fox:    hello
KassieHave:    Hi
Zephyr Fox:    Wow a different LZ this morning
SlowChems:    hey
Zephyr Fox:    Now I wish I had Bookmarked yesterday's LZ
» Immigration Officer:    Warning! The connection to the world is currently down. Your changes may be lost. (aw)
» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.

* ActiveWorlds chat session: Mon Jun 22, 2015 2:52 PM *

» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to ActiveWorlds!
Live long and prosper.

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» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.
Zephyr Fox:    hello
Bach Zhaa:    its trees and transparencies that can slow things down
Bach Zhaa:    hey Zephyr Fox
Earendil37:    lol 29.9 fps
Zephyr Fox:    Hey Bach Zhaa
Bach Zhaa:    nice   lets keep it that way  :)   woot
Zephyr Fox:    Bach Zhaa I've been exploring and you've some really great builds with a lot of animate events. Kinda wow for me.
Bach Zhaa:    :D
Bach Zhaa:    thank you.    I really like what AW is capable of
Zephyr Fox:    I was there in 1995 when it opened, but it was painful back then and went away when they started charging more in 2002
Bach Zhaa:    yeah  lots of folks left then  :\
Zephyr Fox:    I got erased a few times, and that was very discouraging.
Zephyr Fox:    I went back to the old Jumanji build last week, and remember that back then it was in the middle of a lot of empty.
Bach Zhaa:    neat.   brings back memories.   :)
Bach Zhaa:    you on our citizens board yet?  if not, mind if I add you?
Bach Zhaa:    you can take a selfie even now that youve stopped in   ;D
Zephyr Fox:    I have aready built a 20 x 20 maze at a new site, and I'm using some of your example animation for the trap door events.
Zephyr Fox:    I'm now more confident in the past that I can accomplish something here that can last.
Zephyr Fox:    I want it to feel a little like the Maze Runner move. Where things change each time you go in.
Zephyr Fox:    This is a rather ambitious build that will take a little time and perseverance.
SlowChems:    was there an event yesterday?
Bach Zhaa:    maybe I left vis and you said something..  if so,  talk to and make that global
Gremot:    oh Bach next time you're over close to pano, try the  test video panel i put above the "underwater pano" sign, see if it works (it also has osd=on)
Zephyr Fox:    Bach Zhaa I've got a long way to go on this build I'm doing and will let you know in the future when I'm ready for primetime.
Bach Zhaa:    lol
Zephyr Fox:    Thanks for chatting.
Bach Zhaa:    thats cool  :)  take your time   we've been here 20 years already   lol
Bach Zhaa:    and its free now.  no excuses  ;)
Gremot:    only excuse will be gov shut down of internet
Zephyr Fox:    That's the beauty of it.
Bach Zhaa:    lol
Bach Zhaa:    no  never starts   says connecting then poof
Gremot:    wow  . . . something not rite there, thats just a basic  media + utube url
Bach Zhaa:    hmm
Gremot:    thats what i was wondering though .. its actually not starting for you
Gremot:    that meqans others will also have problem with that one
Gremot:    it works for me and some though
Bach Zhaa:    oh oh
Bach Zhaa:    i change 2045 to 512   I dont think that has any affect anymore
Bach Zhaa:    the res=
Gremot:    ahh .... thats weird though
Bach Zhaa:    not sure thats even supported  it takes the native res from the vid
Gremot:    try  rez=1440
Gremot:    that may be highest
Bach Zhaa:    no
Bach Zhaa:    let me remove it altogether
Bach Zhaa:    I dont think there will be a change in quality

So, after this I took a good look at how I was going to get the maze to be different every time.

1. Multiple mazes each at a different under ground level.
2. astart and astop trap door to create a rotator bump transport to each level

The multiple levels are easier by saving the entry in an object group.
I then found information in the online builder’s Academy:

So here is how it is going down.

1. trespassers (Newbe Stumblers) will be transported to a pad directly in front of the City Planners Office,  where they will continue to stumble into the maze trap door bump port to a starting point maze ending in the glade to have the feel of the Maze Runner Movie.  I know this seems diabolical, right?  Effectively scary enough for any newbe or any trespassing wonderer to not want to enter by just wondering arround.  But now your in a much scarier maze full of hidden danger. But, you can always hit a panic button and go to the main information portal for Zefoxville.

I’m still research the movie to see how many levels they had, but essentially, I could just keep building levels.  I’ll run the trap door tomorrow.


This was done today:
I did get a rotary bump transporter to work, but I ran into the following when I was try to put a sign into one of the maze levels:

» Building Inspector:    Try building somewhere else because this area is full

I did not count on this and I am current rethinking level placement.  This is going to work, but it may require more space than I had planned.  This may be more difficult than I had anticipated.  I may want to check with MeL who had a little telegram chat with me today.

Anyway, I’m done for today,  I’ll be redoing a few things tomorrow,