To begin with I’m in pain due to an accident with my scooter. Some idiot cut me off and I had to lay it down again. Painful each and every single time. I don’t recommend scooters in a town full of jerks.
I’m not too broken, but a very close call that left me in a great deal of pain. And, at the end of the day the scooter would not even start and left at the office. Normally it would take just 15 minutes, but on the bus it is over an hour. At $3 in gas every two weeks, I would still rather have a scooter, However, with a better job, I could have a car again.
I got into AWReunion at about 2am VR time and it was dead. I had more fun stopping off at the TGIF the day before
I also had a chat with SirGreendown today:
SirGreendown: hi Earendil
Earendil37: hi mister
Catwoman: hello Eanderil
Earendil37: hey hi my catwoman
SirGreendown: I've got TaLon on board for bringing his Wisteria Lane stuff over to AWTeen
Catwoman: its work ?
Earendil37: hi hyper anthony
Hyper Anthony: Hey E
Hyper Anthony: Keeping well?
SirGreendown: we've got xaw26 there
Catwoman: ah ja
SirGreendown: that's all you need for his stuff
Catwoman: yes
SirGreendown: and the pictglobes we've got those too
SirGreendown: for the fruits and veggies
Catwoman: i will try in my worlds too
SirGreendown: yes definitely
SirGreendown: I have a new house I'
Earendil37: anthony you work on your build
Hyper Anthony: Yeah E I'm at elkins beach
SirGreendown: I'm starting near GZ
SirGreendown: and it has some of TaLon's plants by it
Earendil37: sirgreen if you need a build place on the anthony zone tak to him
Catwoman: free land there ?
SirGreendown: hardly, but I found enough for a house
Catwoman: ah
Catwoman: yes this area is full
Judge Duvet: good night
SirGreendown: did you know I meant the historic Old GZ
SirGreendown: Urban renewal at it's finest right here
Zephyr Fox: G'night Judge Duve
SirGreendown: not done yet
SirGreendown: but you get the idea
Zephyr Fox: SirGreendown, I found tons of space way out around the 20000 mark any where you transport.
SirGreendown: I have lots of land already in 15 worlds
Catwoman: afk
SirGreendown: AWTeen is my home world
Earendil37: hmm anthony why you not build the interior to
SirGreendown: Mr. BI, Earendil
Hyper Anthony: I do on some of them
SirGreendown: that is probably my guessn as to why
Hyper Anthony: I might on this one later
Hyper Anthony: Would rather get the outside done first incase I disappear again for years
Hyper Anthony: So it at least looks finished
Earendil37: yes
SirGreendown: I have the Building Inspector burning in flames in the mountains that Phoenix City's northern half is situated in
Earendil37: or aw stuff disappear
SirGreendown: right next to the Stone Table from Narnia
SirGreendown: Blue Green Gem and Gaia have a Building Inspector Stew being cooked at Bald Mountain Castle
SirGreendown: I've been thinking a lot lately about how great Seiya was
Zephyr Fox: Well things have certainly changed a lot here since 1995, and one of the biggest buzz topics was about the Jumanji build.
Zephyr Fox: Happy 20th
SirGreendown: oh I got to the Sony Pictures tour guide all about the ties with AW
SirGreendown: a few months ago
SirGreendown: the Jumanji build looks better now in stunning HD
Zephyr Fox: And I can find a single one of my old build made before 2002 when they started charging and I left.
SirGreendown: wanna see what is really amazing nowadays
SirGreendown: actually even this is Historic now
Zephyr Fox: Sure SirGreendown
SirGreendown: the Crystal Crush
SirGreendown: my favorite of Seiya's Starbuilds
SirGreendown: shame she passed away a few years ago
Earendil37: for me is the intestin
Zephyr Fox: I tried to do a build of columbia university with video history items like JFK put a man on the moon speech.
Zephyr Fox: I even had flushing toilets in the rest rooms.
SirGreendown: Kuma Bear has Flushing Toilets in AlphaWorld
Zephyr Fox: That is before they went to paid citizenship, and the rendering suck when there was too much streaming
SirGreendown: of course what used to lag folks out doesn't anymore
SirGreendown: it takes a lot to lag me out on my new PC
Zephyr Fox: Well in my build it was the first time it was done that I know of. That was around 2000, and every thing is working much better today.
SirGreendown: what was your citname then?
Zephyr Fox: I was about to create a 20 x 20 maze here in just two days.
Zephyr Fox: I'm now putting in all the trap door extras
Zephyr Fox: zephyrfox
Kuma Bear: flushing toilets were not so hard but getting the water to go down the way i wnated was tricky
SirGreendown: I want to try to find your old stuff for you, that's why I want to know
SirGreendown: hi Kuma
SirGreendown: ltns
Kuma Bear: hi SirGreendown
Earendil37: hey kuma the queen of build
Kuma Bear: awwww thats awlful nice Earendil37
SirGreendown: Kuma you know your house near GZ
SirGreendown: the new one
Kuma Bear: ohh you found that one wink
SirGreendown: I'm building a house not too far from there
Kuma Bear: i went way over board on that one
LizLiz: LOL I gotta go eat unch brb asap anyone still awake?
SirGreendown: also I've got in my new AWTeen texture yard over 10,000 textures, I still need to add another 1500 of the AWTeen textures to it
Kuma Bear: for a simple town house is it stuffed
Zephyr Fox: The problem is it has been over 10 years and I no longer have any co ordinates because I relocated after the dot com bust and I had to let many things go.
SirGreendown: the extension is AWTeen has over 12,000 textures on its Object Path
Zephyr Fox: I love texture yard. One of the first things I did was find Little Bulls
SirGreendown: it rivals the Yellow textures
SirGreendown: AWTeen 2436.25S 3593.04W 0.00a 351 is the texture yard for AWTeen
SirGreendown: it's all alphabetical for now
Kuma Bear: true but i only count or use ones that AWI supports on there servers i hate ot have them go away
SirGreendown: it's on a separate AWI server Kuma
Kuma Bear: really?
SirGreendown: yeah
Zephyr Fox: I even tired the Web Page World when they offered a thirty day trial
SirGreendown: the website is
SirGreendown: instead of
SirGreendown: so it's still under their fold
Kuma Bear: ahh
Zephyr Fox: I found Mauz's old history page today.
SirGreendown: I'm pretty AWI wouldn't the textures for the 2nd largest world in AW with almost 40 million objects go away
Zephyr Fox:
SirGreendown: is the extension for the AWTeen textures and the names for them are all at the AWTeen texture yard at AWTeen 2436.25S 3593.04W 0.00a 351
Zephyr Fox: I still have issues with going from chat to move the avitar
Zephyr Fox: I book marked the page, thanks
SirGreendown: I'm so happy TaLon56 came back to AW
SirGreendown: I was really hoping he would return
SirGreendown: and not only did he, he's giving us Wisteria Lane
SirGreendown: a lot of great textures
Zephyr Fox: I only remember citizen that seem to be gone now like Lara and Little Bull.
Zephyr Fox: I think I remember MeL
Zephyr Fox: Anyway I'm working on a fairly large build at the moment in AW, and I hope that I can bring myself back up to speed and impress everyone with the build
Zephyr Fox: Hard to do because I've been gone for so long.
Zephyr Fox: Thanks for your kind chat SirGreendown, but I want to get back to the project now.
Zephyr Fox: I'll add you to my contact and mention this in my blog.
Zephyr Fox: Thank you.
SirGreendown: I'm headed to sleep folks
SirGreendown: goodnight everyone
Zephyr Fox: good night SirGreendown
SirGreendown: I've checked into the Station House Motel tonight
SirGreendown: in Bleakwood
Kuma Bear: the honeymoon suite?
Zephyr Fox: Don't let the bed bugs bite
SirGreendown: just a standard room I think
SirGreendown: Room 11
SirGreendown: my avvy will rest here tonight
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