Sunday, June 28, 2015

Struggles with the Noiprocs’ colorization sequence and more.

The timer command function was not so baffling from the Wiki document at:

But as I found out that much of my problem was in syntax errors as usual.  It sure would be nice to have a good code editor for the object, and perhaps there is, but I have yet to find any documentation on it.

It took me more time than I had suspected but I did finally get it debugged.

First I need to work on the noise, and then it’s on to the move and sting sequence.

As I was doing trail and error testing on my color animation seq.  I saw this interesting interaction:

TaLon56:    Howdy korg
TaLon56:    Which old GZ is that?
TaLon56:    the recent old one or the old old one?
TenYearsGone:    The new old one, of course
TaLon56:    LOL
SirGreendown:    the new old one from 2007-2015
TenYearsGone:    We only go to the old old one to laugh.... er I mean look, at the 1996 builds
TaLon56:    I spent a few Loverly Years at the old old one
SirGreendown:    I do however remember when the old old one was the GZ
TaLon56:    I was impressed by the Rotaty Thingys :)
TaLon56:    I remember when the Rotaty thingys were not there
I did go into the LZ to chat:
Zephyr Fox:    hello
Lazysuzy o:    1218 for you ten
MeL:    Howdy Zephyr
TenYearsGone:    Indeed it is Suzy QQQ, and that is why I feel the need for lunch
Lazysuzy o:    breakfast here
TenYearsGone:    So far the food has failed to prepare itself, so I need to go AFK
Lazysuzy o:    hb
MeL:    isnt that a bummer
Tree Saw:    the grass isnt getting itself mowed either    so I need to go afk
Zephyr Fox:    I'm still intensely working on the build, and having a dickens of a time with changing colors on an object through a timed seq.
Lazysuzy o:    life sucks to be single to do the work
Tree Saw:    without a rideing mower Suzi ..aye
MeL:    i got a headache just from reading that zephyr
Zephyr Fox:    yup it's trial and error right now.
Lazysuzy o:    even with a riding one... still have to do the work
MeL:    =)
MeL:    work is good for you, suzy
Zephyr Fox:    I'll get it soon.  just like the rotary trap door
Lazysuzy o:    work good for some people who can do it
MeL:    you can walk cant ya?.. thats all it takes to mow
Lazysuzy o:    yeah i can walk but health issues stops me from doing lot of things... sorry to say
DarXide:    holds a crucifix up to the mower and speaks in tongues
MeL:    smootches suzy
MeL:    alright, DarXide, you're just freakin me out
DarXide:    thanks Mel
MeL:    :D
DarXide:    i will never mow again in this life or the next ones
MeL:    haha
Lazysuzy o:    beside i dont own a lawnmower anyway
Silly Putty:    WOW??????
Silly Putty:    They gave me nooooo choice
Silly Putty:    wow
Silly Putty:    so darn easy
MeL:    well suzy qqq , that means paying a school boy to do it
Lazysuzy o:    nope ... something better
Lazysuzy o:    no charge
Silly Putty:    I'm glad the did not suffer
Silly Putty:    wow
Silly Putty:    can't believe I did THAT!
Silly Putty:    oops
Silly Putty:    I mean that
Silly Putty:    can't believe I DID that.
Silly Putty:    I KNOW I'M DOIN
Silly Putty:    poor babies
MeL:    >_>
Silly Putty:    ~_^
Silly Putty:    it's ok
Silly Putty:    ~_^
Silly Putty:    blind
Silly Putty:    hahahahahahahaha
Silly Putty:    hmm
Silly Putty:    not sure what I'm lookin at
MeL:    bug eyes
Silly Putty:    AWKKKKK
MeL:    nto what you're thinking, sp
Silly Putty:    cool
Silly Putty:    gangsters
Silly Putty:    OY
Silly Putty:    they mighty proud today
Zephyr Fox:    MeL How long was the planning phase of this new LZ?
MeL:    its ongoing
Silly Putty:    have to close windows and turn on AC
Silly Putty:    GANGstas
MeL:    =)
Silly Putty:    biracial?
Zephyr Fox:    I mean when did they start thinking it up
Silly Putty:    hmm
MeL:    Bach been thinking on it for awhile now. he put it into motion a few months ago
Silly Putty:    in MY neighborhood?
TenYearsGone:    About 6 months ago, Zephr
Silly Putty:    where they hidin?
Zephyr Fox:    I see it took quite a committee
MeL:    alot of work
Zephyr Fox:    very impressive
Dovestar looks down the rabbit hole and Says "not hiding down there"
Silly Putty:    *sigh
MeL:    Howdy Dovestar  =)
Silly Putty:    Dovestar!
Dovestar:    hi
Dovestar:    SP
Silly Putty:    the "QUIET" one
Silly Putty:    hmmm
TenYearsGone:    Back then it was just a white ground with circles marking out distances, so we could build without lag
Dovestar:    im only quiet when parked / afk or sleeping lol
Silly Putty:    OH
Dovestar:    ok and when im multitasking
Dovestar:    lol
Zephyr Fox:    TenYearsGone did you have brain storming meet ups
Silly Putty:    did you fix your windwhield yet?
Silly Putty:    when when when???????
Silly Putty:    not like you at all
Dovestar:    right now udating 2 laptops, uploading songs to one of my radios and watching bleach at the same time
Zephyr Fox:    or just one central planner
TenYearsGone:    not as many as you might think. The individual team members just did what we are good at
Silly Putty:    aww teamies
Dovestar:    Was a Rear Window and yes been fixed for som time
Silly Putty:    far out
Hyper Anthony:    heh, dedication
TenYearsGone:    Which is why I made the music and animation triggers for the Bouncy Thing
Dovestar:    So far out it is Like in Outer Space man
Silly Putty:    oh you were driving backwards.
Silly Putty:    ok
Dovestar:    ll
Zephyr Fox:    I'm just trying to get a feel for how the build team was formed, and how it got the coordination going
Silly Putty:    I think we call that reverse
Silly Putty:    you had it in reverse
Lazysuzy o:    wb ten
Dovestar:    nope was believe this or not a 40 mile per hour wind thrwing a folded cardboard box corner first in to the rear window
Silly Putty:    no wonder
Silly Putty:    wow
Silly Putty:    breakage
Dovestar:    never thought a card board box, empty , folded or not could do that
Silly Putty:    glad you got it fixed
Zephyr Fox:    anyway very very impressive on the build.  Thank you
MeL:    most of us have work together on oher projects before, Zep.. its done as a team
Dovestar:    got my workt o pay for it, was thier box lol thier neglegence
Dovestar:    lol
Dovestar:    reason why it took so long
Dovestar:    lol
TenYearsGone:    Well, as I saw it.... the individual builders just followed general guidelines, and tried not to step on each other's toes. General instructions including "don't lag it up"
Silly Putty:    OK
MeL:    tehre is a Organizer. some great builders. planners. decorators.. etc
Silly Putty:    gotcha
Silly Putty:    I understand
MeL:    There
Zephyr Fox:    I've had a little experiance being on a build team at Sun Microsystems
Dovestar is too unorganized to participate
MeL:    nods'
Dovestar:    lol
Silly Putty:    LIFE
Silly Putty:    we all need to be prepared
Dovestar:    Literally infectious Friendly Entity?
Silly Putty:    Weird in otherwords
TenYearsGone:    Thus, MaX and I put or music systems pretty much in the same place, so if one doesn't work, the other one will
Dovestar:    Lousy Impertinent Frozen Egghead?
Silly Putty:    hey
Dovestar:    Good idea
Dovestar:    ??
Silly Putty:    stop talkin about the pope like that
Dovestar:    Hey?
Silly Putty:    grrrrrrrr
Dovestar:    Not a pope reference
Silly Putty:    egghead
Silly Putty:    forgiven
Dovestar:    Egghead = Brainy as well
Silly Putty:    rot in Hell youuuuuuu
Dovestar:    no rotting today
Silly Putty:    takes longer?
Dovestar:    Possibly
Silly Putty:    Perhaps
Silly Putty:    ok
Silly Putty:    gotcha
Dovestar:    i do consume a tone of preservitives
Silly Putty:    huh?
Zephyr Fox:    Probably no gantt charting as they world have in the real world.
Dovestar:    Ton
Silly Putty:    preservatives
Silly Putty:    ohhhhhh ic
Dovestar:    lol
Silly Putty:    sure thing
Silly Putty:    baby
Dovestar:    Lovely Intellectual Friendly Egghead.
Silly Putty:    hee hee
Silly Putty:    still weird
Zephyr Fox:    I need to get back to my build.  Thanks for chatting.  Pooooof

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