I went to last nights TGI event in AWreunion, but still did not get much from it. I could see that they were voting on something, but did not have a clue of what it was. There is still a lot to learn, but I am seeing that I need to set up a dialog with the citizens who can best help me. The question is “How?”
I only managed an hour before falling a sleep at the keyboard, but I did see many names with stars, and know from a query at the GZ that they have something to do with their seniority within AW. How this is determined, I don’t have a clue yet.
I managed to get all of the wall done in the maze, but I see that getting in all of the bells and whistles are going to be the most time consuming part of this build. I spend a little time on it every day until it is done. Mean while, I see that I’ll have to spend a little of time each day at GZ, just to get to know things better.
I see that there has been improvement here, but it is still very painful to gain knowledge on the best way to create a vision. And, I don’t know how to best approach doing so. The question is “Do I have the time? and Should I be doing it?”
I decided to give chat a try at ground Zero and this is what I got at 8AM VR Time:
» Immigration Officer: Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.
Ezexcelsis: im back
Ezexcelsis: .....
Tree Saw: wb
Ezexcelsis: tY
Tree Saw: i was googling a rumor I heard yesterday irl
Ezexcelsis: cool
Tree Saw: I'm happy that I have no real knowledge of these things I hear
Ezexcelsis: y?
Tree Saw: I just recall what my dad always told me...
Tree Saw: believe NOTHING you hear, and only half of what you see
Ezexcelsis: True
Tree Saw: it's so true what he said
Ezexcelsis: i agree
Tree Saw: I'll be sure to give him a call tomorrow
Tree Saw: I do hope he got my card in time :)
Ezexcelsis: i dont have a dad...
Tree Saw: I'm sorry Eze
Tree Saw: you do..(did) and cant really say you dont ..can you?
Ezexcelsis: he died of lung cancer... when i was 16
Ezexcelsis: i pray to him alot
Ezexcelsis: talk to him
Tree Saw: I'm sorry for your loss at such an age Eze
Ezexcelsis: wasnt to long ago to me im only in my twenties
Ezexcelsis: still hard sometimes
Tree Saw: it must be
Ezexcelsis: I appreciate the emapthy, Its a good quality.
Tree Saw: I do understand. I've lost the few close frends I did have in this life
Tree Saw: i was just thinking of them yesterday
Tree Saw: thought how nice it would be if they were still alive So i could go sit with them (being selfish)
Ezexcelsis: a day before he died he let me drink beer with him... i was 16
Tree Saw: it was my own selfish desire i longed for them Eze. I'm shameful
Tree Saw: I miss having a g/f like her to do things with. I had no one to go with me.
Ezexcelsis: Dont be, everyone has thier faults, and i enjoy people with a lot of faults, because when theres faults theres friction, and when theres friction, theres fire... perfect people are cold... they have no fire
Tree Saw: yes .she was on fire, so to speak
Ezexcelsis: ..... im talking personality fire
Tree Saw: I knew what you meant :)
Ezexcelsis: ah, well i see you as one o those people with a special flame :)
Tree Saw: everyone has that flame
Tree Saw: to be kindled
Ezexcelsis: some peole are scared to show it
Tree Saw: yah...but nothing to be alarmed over.
Tree Saw: I wished I would have been a better friend to her
Ezexcelsis: i wish i wouldnt have been dis respectfrul towards my dad
Tree Saw: I might have told her things ...things that could have changed the course she was on
Tree Saw: dont get me wrong... she was a good girl, just a bad driver
Ezexcelsis: you shouldnt think like that though
Tree Saw: i didnt put her on the course.. but I could see her road
Tree Saw: she was a great mom
Tree Saw: it's ok..Yanno i can click this window shut at any moment hehe
Ezexcelsis: lol
Tree Saw: twitching to do so now :)
Ezexcelsis: my broadcaster is acting strange
stanly: returning back to the surface
Tree Saw: off to enjoy the lush paradise that awaits me outside the other window
Ezexcelsis: ouch my elbow hurts
Tree Saw: Avast mightys
Ezexcelsis: i banged it while i was high...
Ezexcelsis: my elbow
Tree Saw: hit your funny bone?
Tree Saw: lol
stanly: i see sky again its been days hehe
Ezexcelsis: yeah now it hurts cause im low
Ezexcelsis: omg i ate like twelve bags of ruit snaks
Tree Saw: Y?
Tree Saw: stanly the sky's full of stars
Ezexcelsis: munchies
stanly: i mean I had been building underground and kept my avatar down there for days during
Tree Saw: it has its medicinal purposes...sure
Ezexcelsis: stress, headaches
Ezexcelsis: getting work done
Ezexcelsis: and by every now and then im reffering to every other day
Tree Saw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRIbz8Kf1aE
Tree Saw: this is what I want in my head ColdPlay
Tree Saw: i dont care..if you wanna tear me apart
Tree Saw: cuz you're a sky..you're a sky ..full of stars
Ezexcelsis: nice song i listen to coldplay, favorite song is viva la vida
Tree Saw: thats why they make the big bucks Eze : )) hehe
Ezexcelsis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvgZkm1xWPE
Tree Saw: have a nice day in Para para paradise
Ezexcelsis: I like U2 mostly
Tree Saw: who does Paradise?
Tree Saw: i guess i just confused them didnt I lol
Ezexcelsis: not sure
Ezexcelsis: coldplay
Tree Saw: yup viva la vida is neat
Tree Saw: because everybody wants to rule the world :) (but thats not really true) but relates to it
Ezexcelsis: coldplay
Tree Saw: sweep the streets I use to own
Ezexcelsis: i have climbed highest mountains i have run through the fields only to be with you
Ezexcelsis: still havent ound what im looking for
Tree Saw: my missionarys in the foreign fields
Ezexcelsis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_ISAntOom0
Tree Saw: that chipmonks peeshed at the mothballs hehe
Tree Saw: if you want to go back to work..I do understand
McBanny: flutters
Tree Saw: Mc Bannisterrrrrr
McBanny: tree beakkk
TenYearsGone: I foresee death, taxes, and looming tails
McBanny: death ... texas ... and looming tails
TenYearsGone: ominous looming tails
McBanny: loomery
Ezexcelsis: i hear jerusalem bells are ringing, roman calvary quiors are singing.....
TenYearsGone: very scarry children, very scary
Ezexcelsis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnqtkcgGa78
Ezexcelsis: McBanny, different name...
McBanny: beak growls
Ezexcelsis: hey im good
TenYearsGone has heard tell of growling beaks before.....
McBanny: tails and feeet
TenYearsGone: no, tails and feet do not growl
TenYearsGone: only beaks, and then, only ominous ones
Zephyr Fox: (to McBanny) I've got a question that I hope you can answer, if I'm not interrupting you?
McBanny: beak cannot see blue text in whisper cause wearing blue blockers
TenYearsGone: how does beak know that someone is whispering then, hmmmmm?
McBanny: beaks smart
TenYearsGone: oh yeah... good reason
Tree Saw: Blues Blockers hehehe
TenYearsGone: Beak can not hear BB King, Muddy Waters, Otis Redding, Howlin' Wolf, not Robert Johnson
Zephyr Fox: (to TenYearsGone) {Zephyr Fox: (to McBanny) I've got a question that I hope you can answer, if I'm not interrupting you?} Since McBanny has Blue blockers than maybe you can answer a question?
TenYearsGone: Derp.
TenYearsGone: I distinctly said derp.
TenYearsGone: perhaps everyone else derped too
Zephyr Fox: Can someone please help this not so new guy to understand a thing or two about what happened in AW, since he when rip van winkling a decade ago? I have a question or two about getting help here.
McBanny: erie wings
TenYearsGone: you didn't derp too, did you, McBanny?
McBanny: beark
TenYearsGone: Everything went black, and then Happy Valley because significantly less happy. It was a derp.
TenYearsGone: now the chickens are sad.
McBanny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulIOrQasR18
Tree Saw: the kind of mind it takes
Tree Saw: to pull it off
Tree Saw: to put us on
Zephyr Fox: Wow! How can a guy get a little help about catching up with not being so retro in AW?
Tree Saw: but Im catching on..
Tree Saw: im catching on
TenYearsGone: there were some bad words in that video
Tree Saw: soon i'll be gone from the mass confusion
Tree Saw: its been so long... so long
TenYearsGone: I wish he had thought of the chickens before dismissing the roosters like that
McBanny: I wasnt finished computer
McBanny: 2009
McBanny: was so long ago
McBanny: and this computer is telling me it is
Tree Saw: oh wow..you were quoting a chitty song
Tree Saw: the other nite LOL
Tree Saw: i couldnt click cuz only had 4 meg lol
Tree Saw: hmmm
TenYearsGone: This one has less bad words... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyCIpKAIFyo and it reminds me of The Bouncy Thing
Zephyr Fox: It's a wonderful world. I see tree of green, Red rose too. I see them bloom, for me and you. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.
Ezexcelsis: hello
Ezexcelsis: i went off to build for a bit
Zephyr Fox: hello Ezexcelsis
Ezexcelsis: hi Zephyr
Ezexcelsis: avacadoes!
Zephyr Fox: could you possibly answer a simple question for me?
Ezexcelsis: yeah sure!
Zephyr Fox: Do they still have the guides here for a not so old timer
McBanny: the core i7 920
McBanny: I put together in march 2009
McBanny: that was fun
McBanny: times are changing and im waiting on the core i7 6700K
Ezexcelsis: guides, like gatekeepers?
McBanny: gonna like idea going from 2.66ghz up to 4.2ghz
Ezexcelsis: thta can show you around?
Zephyr Fox: Someone that assists the new bees
Ezexcelsis: yeah, they usually have some sort of person assigned to that all the time, but i dont thin thats been happening
Ezexcelsis: a gatekeeper
Zephyr Fox: I'm just trying to do a little catch up.
Ezexcelsis: I mean, i could help you, what do you want to learn? How to build?
Zephyr Fox: I been gone form AW for almost a decade and I'm attempting a city build here.
Ezexcelsis: ok... hmmm
Ezexcelsis: im gonna put u on my contacts and i will teleport invite you to somewhere i can show you some stuff hold on... stay here
Zephyr Fox: I don't want to give too much away but I've already built a maze in the last 2 days
Ezexcelsis: oh, you know how to build?
Zephyr Fox: I'd like to put in the bells and whistles. I need to find some bump ideas
Ezexcelsis: i have a friend who is working on a city but isnt really able to come on anymore
Ezexcelsis: here i will show u holdon
Zephyr Fox: I want to make the maze holloweenish.
Zephyr Fox: A little scary
Zephyr Fox: but fun
McBanny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-__sarROj-I smooothhh
Zephyr Fox: lie the move maze runner
Zephyr Fox: like the movie maze runner
» Immigration Officer: Welcome to Yellow!
AW's 20th Anniversary Party in Yellow!
June 14, starting 10:00 pm VRT. Coords: 152.1s 1824.4e .33a 262°
Zephyr Fox: here
Zephyr Fox: hello
Ezexcelsis: k look around, you can build on the outskirts and add on
Ezexcelsis: feel free to look at the actions for the objects n such too, my friend buily all of this but put me in charge of expansion
Ezexcelsis: have fun!
Zephyr Fox: I'm already building in AW, and prefer to build there. I have an attachment to keep on improving there.
Ezexcelsis: cool
Ezexcelsis: theres alot o ideas around here i can tell u that
Zephyr Fox: Ok. However, I do not intent to just dump the construction in AW.
Zephyr Fox: Can you just tell me, about how I can find interesting builds?
Ezexcelsis: flying around, thats just about it
Ezexcelsis: or go to some of AWreunions build lots
Zephyr Fox: Can you tell me about how I can find interesting Halloween builds of the past for the Ideas I need for the bump panels.
Ezexcelsis: this is a pretty interesting build
Ezexcelsis: i dont know anything about halloween buids
Ezexcelsis: hmmm see interesting, a greenhouse with marijuana
Zephyr Fox: Yes, and I want to keep it a secret for now, But I've already created a 20 x 20 maze using the same size panels as the grass.
Ezexcelsis: ok
Ezexcelsis: go to global chat, im teleporting somewhere
Zephyr Fox: Just enough to have fun, but not too big to loose interest.
Zephyr Fox: Zephyr Fox: Just enough to have fun, but not too big to loose interest.
Ezexcelsis: yes
Ezexcelsis: here teleport to me
Zephyr Fox: So what I want to do is create like horror chamber types of traps. As if it were like the movie Maze runner
Zephyr Fox: Send the invite please
Ezexcelsis: this is my build
Ezexcelsis: just a place to chill
Ezexcelsis: the tvs work so do the screens over here
Ezexcelsis: hear the music?
Zephyr Fox: Yes, I've got the midis down. Builds suspence.
Ezexcelsis: midis?
Zephyr Fox: IMidi
Zephyr Fox: Sloppy hand on the key board
Ezexcelsis: ah
Zephyr Fox: I can type very fast, but awful sloppy
Ezexcelsis: if u like halloween stuff u should see the efects i have outside
Zephyr Fox: I often misspell. TG they put in a spell checker.
Ezexcelsis: see all the rocks?
Zephyr Fox: ok that hurt I use to make walls non solid so that would not happen.
Ezexcelsis: the red pane of glas isnt solid
Ezexcelsis: now the green pane
Ezexcelsis: i could make a slender-man type fog
Ezexcelsis: and FNAF style lighting
Zephyr Fox: I started read bout that in AW
Ezexcelsis: particle emitters?
Ezexcelsis: alright i gotta go im tired, i encourage you to click the televisions inside the house
Ezexcelsis: enjoy!
Zephyr Fox: Ok thanks
Ezexcelsis: one of those tvs plays a full movie
Well as you can see the way people are in AW still really has not changed much for the betterment of the class of citizen you’ll find at GZ. McBanny and Tree Saw were rather cold and trollish in their response, and Ezexcelsis actually provided the most help. I was able to gather a little info for the Lyceum build in Zefoxville.
The lame stupid trollsters still exist to make themselves feel superior harming the harmonious and being a scourge upon AW citizens instead of producing an honored legacy. Not unlike the Homeless that plague all cities, especially Las Vegas, which is similar in many ways to AW.
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