This was done yesterday;
I went into Alpha World this morning and found that they had changed the LZ to the new AWExpo site. I would have been excited about this, but I was expecting the LZ that I had just grown accustomed to and found I was upset at myself for not bookmarking the original location of the LZ. It is hard now to find things now in AW without having that bookmarked coordinate.
So as not to forget, the 2015 AWExpo it is at 7700S 1400E
As I think of it, I realize that I need to continue to hone my chat skills and be more flamiliar at the LZ.
* ActiveWorlds chat session: Mon Jun 22, 2015 6:32 AM *
Zephyr Fox: hello
KassieHave: Hi
Zephyr Fox: Wow a different LZ this morning
SlowChems: hey
Zephyr Fox: Now I wish I had Bookmarked yesterday's LZ
» Immigration Officer: Warning! The connection to the world is currently down. Your changes may be lost. (aw)
» Immigration Officer: Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.
* ActiveWorlds chat session: Mon Jun 22, 2015 2:52 PM *
» Immigration Officer: Welcome to ActiveWorlds!
Live long and prosper.
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» Immigration Officer: Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.
Zephyr Fox: hello
Bach Zhaa: its trees and transparencies that can slow things down
Bach Zhaa: hey Zephyr Fox
Earendil37: lol 29.9 fps
Zephyr Fox: Hey Bach Zhaa
Bach Zhaa: nice lets keep it that way :) woot
Zephyr Fox: Bach Zhaa I've been exploring and you've some really great builds with a lot of animate events. Kinda wow for me.
Bach Zhaa: :D
Bach Zhaa: thank you. I really like what AW is capable of
Zephyr Fox: I was there in 1995 when it opened, but it was painful back then and went away when they started charging more in 2002
Bach Zhaa: yeah lots of folks left then :\
Zephyr Fox: I got erased a few times, and that was very discouraging.
Zephyr Fox: I went back to the old Jumanji build last week, and remember that back then it was in the middle of a lot of empty.
Bach Zhaa: neat. brings back memories. :)
Bach Zhaa: you on our citizens board yet? if not, mind if I add you?
Bach Zhaa: you can take a selfie even now that youve stopped in ;D
Zephyr Fox: I have aready built a 20 x 20 maze at a new site, and I'm using some of your example animation for the trap door events.
Zephyr Fox: I'm now more confident in the past that I can accomplish something here that can last.
Zephyr Fox: I want it to feel a little like the Maze Runner move. Where things change each time you go in.
Zephyr Fox: This is a rather ambitious build that will take a little time and perseverance.
SlowChems: was there an event yesterday?
Bach Zhaa: maybe I left vis and you said something.. if so, talk to and make that global
Gremot: oh Bach next time you're over close to pano, try the test video panel i put above the "underwater pano" sign, see if it works (it also has osd=on)
Zephyr Fox: Bach Zhaa I've got a long way to go on this build I'm doing and will let you know in the future when I'm ready for primetime.
Bach Zhaa: lol
Zephyr Fox: Thanks for chatting.
Bach Zhaa: thats cool :) take your time we've been here 20 years already lol
Bach Zhaa: and its free now. no excuses ;)
Gremot: only excuse will be gov shut down of internet
Zephyr Fox: That's the beauty of it.
Bach Zhaa: lol
Bach Zhaa: no never starts says connecting then poof
Gremot: wow . . . something not rite there, thats just a basic media + utube url
Bach Zhaa: hmm
Gremot: thats what i was wondering though .. its actually not starting for you
Gremot: that meqans others will also have problem with that one
Gremot: it works for me and some though
Bach Zhaa: oh oh
Bach Zhaa: i change 2045 to 512 I dont think that has any affect anymore
Bach Zhaa: the res=
Gremot: ahh .... thats weird though
Bach Zhaa: not sure thats even supported it takes the native res from the vid
Gremot: try rez=1440
Gremot: that may be highest
Bach Zhaa: no
Bach Zhaa: let me remove it altogether
Bach Zhaa: I dont think there will be a change in quality
So, after this I took a good look at how I was going to get the maze to be different every time.
1. Multiple mazes each at a different under ground level.
2. astart and astop trap door to create a rotator bump transport to each level
The multiple levels are easier by saving the entry in an object group.
I then found information in the online builder’s Academy:
So here is how it is going down.
1. trespassers (Newbe Stumblers) will be transported to a pad directly in front of the City Planners Office, where they will continue to stumble into the maze trap door bump port to a starting point maze ending in the glade to have the feel of the Maze Runner Movie. I know this seems diabolical, right? Effectively scary enough for any newbe or any trespassing wonderer to not want to enter by just wondering arround. But now your in a much scarier maze full of hidden danger. But, you can always hit a panic button and go to the main information portal for Zefoxville.
I’m still research the movie to see how many levels they had, but essentially, I could just keep building levels. I’ll run the trap door tomorrow.
This was done today:
I did get a rotary bump transporter to work, but I ran into the following when I was try to put a sign into one of the maze levels:
» Building Inspector: Try building somewhere else because this area is full
I did not count on this and I am current rethinking level placement. This is going to work, but it may require more space than I had planned. This may be more difficult than I had anticipated. I may want to check with MeL who had a little telegram chat with me today.
Anyway, I’m done for today, I’ll be redoing a few things tomorrow,
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