I started earlier this morning and chatted for a few second with SirGreendown before heading off to the but only via Telegram mainly. There was a V6 connection issue he had with MeL’s website that “Thunder Jack” was able to fix.
Telegram from SirGreendown, sent Sun Jun 28, 2015, 11:22 PM:
Hi Zephyr Fox, Me and Rick's IP addresses both had trouble connecting to MeL's website
http://qrmgraphics.net Thunder Jack did end up finding the problem and fixed it. It was really important because Rick is the CEO of AWI, he is in charge
I believe this Rick is Mr. Noll ([[E N Z O]]/Uncle Enzo). I didn’t see him in at the Photoshoot on Saturday. Take a look at my photo in a previous blog post or with this link:
Once again I’m working on a multi-function animation to move the Noiprocs in its attack sequence. And since this has a rather difficult learning curve as it has limited commands, an only 256 char. action window, and the fact that I’ve already darkened that corridor. So I set up a small test sandbox on land just above to directly mimic the actions I want below. Here is a photo of this sandbox:
I don’t have a lot of debug time today as there are real world issues to work on, but I’m very close with this one. Be nice to have a build expert assist, but I not sure that would be such a good idea. Too many bad experiences flood back to my thoughts on this.
I did, however, spend a little time in the LZ about 10:30 VRT:
Zephyr Fox: Hello everyone
MeL: Howdy Zephyr =)
Highwayman: heya zeph
Gremot: never tell a woman she talks too much, just say, um huh
Dovestar: howdy Zephy
MeL: SGD.. you should repeat what you hear from certain ppl. for sure
MeL: could cause a long chain command of bad things
MeL: you should NEVER repeat
Highwayman: like a title wave?
MeL: mhm
Dovestar: Wash, Rince Repeat um nooo
Zephyr Fox: Hey MeL do they still have sunday meeting?
Highwayman: finally sppencer for hire season 1 finished downloading...
Dovestar: Wah Rince retreet?
Gremot: can cause something bigger tsunami ... a 3 or for nami
MeL: yes Zephyr
Gremot: 3 or 4
SirGreendown: who wasn't here when Ron Britvich showed up today?
Storm Raven: (((((((((((((MeL))))))))))))))))))
MeL: Hugss Storm Raven
Dovestar goes back down rabbit hole. (Rabbit hates it when i do that)
Dovestar: i wasnt
Dovestar: was at work
SirGreendown: well he came back to AW today
Dovestar: i say the fb about it cool
MeL: Listen to what Iam Saying SGD..
SirGreendown: he created it ya know
MeL: take note
SirGreendown: I am
MeL: good
Dovestar goes afk to play with radio station
Gremot: SirG ... all we know is someone showed up with that name .. he wasnt here long enough & didnt say enough to know who it was
OklahomaTraveler: 867-5309
Highwayman: well he did say he hasnt sang ixles in the wind for some time now...
Storm Raven: hey thats my phone number
Highwayman: pppixles*
OklahomaTraveler wonders what Jenny's area code is.
Highwayman: and he knew who digigardener was
Highwayman: 867?
Gremot: try them all HWY
MeL: 5558675309
Highwayman: typical cali number in the movies...lol
MeL: mhm
OklahomaTraveler smooches Highwayman, just because..
Highwayman: not bwhile im eating pleaSE
MeL: My Eyes! My Eyes! >_<
OklahomaTraveler: Apologies. LMAO
Highwayman: i dont share when im eating
Storm Raven: well I guess it is the season of the rainbow flag lol
Highwayman: lol
OklahomaTraveler: Um, no! LMAO
MeL: gessh
OklahomaTraveler goes back to cuddling up with Mel...
MeL: it represents southern rock.. dukes of hazzard to me
OklahomaTraveler: That explains those daisy duke shorts... Wow!
Storm Raven: shoot as a conservative white male from the south thats the only way to get respect these days lol
Highwayman: guess all the buildings should say, in gov. we trust?
MeL: but, we arent gonna get on that subject
MeL: its a senative issue at the moment for some
Highwayman: so sensitive as a boil on my foot?
Highwayman: so=as
MeL: My Eyes! My Eyes! >_<
Highwayman: lol
Storm Raven: you know as much as the government lies to us I find it amazing that so many look to the government to solve all our problems
OklahomaTraveler rubs sensitive skin.
MeL: dont think so many does anymore, SR
Highwayman: hands off the mooms
OklahomaTraveler: Sorry.
OklahomaTraveler switches to nodes.
Highwayman: lol
MeL: you rubbing hwm's mooms? o_o
Highwayman: more like moles
MeL: now yall goto bed tonight and think about tha
MeL: toohhh the nghtmares
OklahomaTraveler gasps..
Highwayman: will fredy be in it?
OklahomaTraveler: Ok, I have to go wash my hands now.. and my eyes.. and my brain.. maybe that will help.. I hope!
MeL: I doubt it. you're a lost cause, OT
Highwayman: use lava soap OT
memyself: use lava
Zephyr Fox: Wow, hot button topics tonight
Highwayman: dont need that much taken off....loool
Highwayman: heya SW
Highwayman: oh he left
MeL: maybe he didnt wanna be called out
Zephyr Fox: I hearing thunder in the real world and thunder in the VR world.
Highwayman: nah , he was looking for another place
MeL: sunny in the vr world
MeL: need a bot to make it rain a little
Zephyr Fox: Big thunderstorm here in Las Vegas
MeL: aahh
MeL: we got up to 108 here today. hot sucka
Highwayman: wow aussie and legliz are in here
Zephyr Fox: And people think it never rains here
Highwayman: checks calendar
OklahomaTraveler: Hot buttons? :D
MeL: haha
Zephyr Fox: I was at 110F today here
MeL: whew
Zephyr Fox: Nice to hear thunder after that
Onexpresso: HI
memyself: well you are in the desert
Highwayman: OONE!
MeL: howdy 1x =)
Onexpresso: is back
Highwayman: hi zombie
zombiefan: hi highwayman
Onexpresso: battery died after photo, then cable dumbly shut off,,,,,
Onexpresso: did the pic come out ok?
Onexpresso: Hi MeL
Onexpresso: :)
Onexpresso: believe me got a cable credit!
Highwayman: oh cool, i seen that before
MeL: the aw communit pic ?
Onexpresso: hi Zombienfan
Onexpresso: hi Highwayman
zombiefan: hi one
Bach Zhaa: derp
Zephyr Fox: MeL one more question about the Sunday meeting before I get back to by build.
Onexpresso: yes
MeL: slurp
MeL: there ya go One
Onexpresso: hi Zephyr
OklahomaTraveler: Hey One.. good to see ya..
OklahomaTraveler winks at Zombie..
Zephyr Fox: Do they post the minutes and where?
OklahomaTraveler: Bach!!
MeL: Bach does the Sunday meetings,.he be the guy to talk to =)
Onexpresso: Ty Oklamoma
Onexpresso: ty MeL
MeL: ^_~
OklahomaTraveler: They keep minutes? :P Thought it was just chat logs..
Zephyr Fox: Bach can you chat for a sec.
MeL: rolls-eyes @ OT
Onexpresso: oh CCG came
Bach Zhaa: I could use help with the chat log if anyones interested
Highwayman: came where?
Bach Zhaa: :)
OklahomaTraveler: Mel, can you get a second? All in favor? Opposed? Nobody? ....ok.. motion carries.
Onexpresso: showed up for the photo session
Zephyr Fox: I send you a telegram
Onexpresso: hands Bach soap
Highwayman: ahh, yes she did
OklahomaTraveler: Omg! Omg! Omg! Omg! I got a telegraph!
MeL: I can get 3rds darlin
MeL: wait what we talking about
OklahomaTraveler: :|
MeL: blinks
Bach Zhaa: donno I was out of range over dare o_o
Onexpresso: Okay you did take more then one picture right MeL????
Onexpresso: I musta battery poofed , cause am not in pictured.
Storm Raven: wow is this a big vaporizer?
MeL: I didnt take any. One.. bach did the photo
Onexpresso: looks at Bach
Bach Zhaa: We took the pictures on Saturday and I was able to photoshop folks in throughout the day sunday
Storm Raven: how do you load this thing
Dovestar: Anyone for Under Truth , Over Dare?
Dovestar: lol
Bach Zhaa: so umm next year?
Onexpresso: wondered about the photoshop part
Onexpresso: hmm
MeL: lol SR
Onexpresso: has to put me in
OklahomaTraveler: I'm not pictured either... :'( I'm used to it though.. I'm such a lowly chap in this prestigious platform. I'm used to it..
Bach Zhaa: :\
Onexpresso: knows the feeling OT
MeL: seriously guys. not true
Dovestar: lol i always am hidden in a corner or behind someone, this is the first time even though iin a corner i was visible
Dovestar: lol
OklahomaTraveler: Bach just don't love me no mo'... He used to check out my nodes and doesn't even do that anymore..
Dovestar: Though i be a lowly as well
MeL: rolls eyes
Gremot: just draw in stick figures for them of us that missed it
memyself: tourists
Onexpresso: lol Gremot
Onexpresso: rolls eyes
OklahomaTraveler: LMAO Gremot
Dovestar: Be humble Be quick and avoid jumping Candlesticks
OklahomaTraveler: They don't tickle. I sat on one once by accident.
OklahomaTraveler: Wait, what are we talking about again??
Dovestar: lol
Bach Zhaa: my butt
MeL: lol
OklahomaTraveler: :O
Gremot: hold on while i add you OT .. oh wait, toyr stick figure need tall hair though, rite?
OklahomaTraveler: Don't talk about Mel that way! :O
Dovestar: Qouting The Fonz - Sit on it Potsii
Bach Zhaa: (_i_)
OklahomaTraveler: That's right.. LOL
Dovestar: Aaaaaaaa
Bach Zhaa: soak it in dove..
Gremot get a thicker felt tip pen
Bach Zhaa: lol
Highwayman: think ill watch sencer fr hire eisode 1
Dovestar: Take a long hike on a mountain without shoes
Dovestar: lol
MeL: NOTICE'.. Sexual Harrassment in this Area will not be Reported. However,. it will be "Graded" =)
Bach Zhaa: lol
Gremot: ack... all i can draw on there is Bart Simpson hair
Bach Zhaa: You're outa here!! B+
Dovestar: not in winter though, dont want you to get frost bitten
Bach Zhaa: lol
Zephyr Fox: Sorry guy got to get back to the build. Nice chatting Thanks 4321 Pooooof..