Sunday, July 26, 2015

Impromptu Tour with TenYearsGone

Again intensely into my build and barely viewing the global chat when I see TenYearsGone chatting with Alphaworldian.  Suddenly I see that Ten is in full blown "I'm giving a tour" mode and since I had been kinda thinking of trolling an interview from him, I went into "I'll follow the leader mode." and popped on in to see how much I could get for the blog.  To my surprise, Ten was most accommodating and I learned tons of stuff about his build without saying very much. Here is the chat log from that visit:

Alphaworldian:    the horror, TenYears, the horror
Alphaworldian:    I saw your EBTS build TYG
TenYearsGone:    it does sound a bit disturbing, now that you mention it
TenYearsGone:    Did you catch a fish?
Alphaworldian:    you made activeworlds look more... graphically updated
Alphaworldian:    it looks really nice
TenYearsGone:    Graphically updated? Well, I suppose that it's just not 1996 any more
Alphaworldian:    it is in most of alphaworld still
TenYearsGone:    Yes, well, from my exploration, I should have said 1997, because that seems to be the peak of the building days
Alphaworldian:    but looking at your plot in EBTS, it actually looks like something from the previous game generation
Alphaworldian:    never thought I'd see the day
TenYearsGone:    Well, you aren't going to get the best of 2015 without software  that costs more than your house
Alphaworldian:    there is software that is low cost and looks far better than activeworlds, i.e. benchmark tests
Alphaworldian:    I'm just trying to compliment your build is all TYG
TenYearsGone:    Oh sure, if you want software that looks good, skyrim is no slouch
Alphaworldian:    it looks spectacular
TenYearsGone:    Well, thank you.... I ddn't enter EBTS to lose after all
Alphaworldian:    I know right :p
Alphaworldian:    where is Happy Valley at?
Alphaworldian:    er, the coords
Alphaworldian:    do you have recent builds there?
TenYearsGone:    let me get to the LZ of it
Alphaworldian:    I am quite interested in your work now :o
TenYearsGone:    Happy Valley Landing Zone
TenYearsGone:    You will be exploring for a while.... I have been building here 4 year
TenYearsGone:    s
Alphaworldian:    nice
Alphaworldian:    I really like your terrain and new builds
Alphaworldian:    Happy Valley is in SW City?
TenYearsGone:    Yeah, I have been meaning to do something with this coastline for a while
TenYearsGone:    Next door.... SW City calls this the Outlands, and it's area code 901 on SW Tel
Alphaworldian:    you should have Happy Valley become apart of SW City
Alphaworldian:    assimilate!
TenYearsGone:    Well, technically SW City is just the two main islands, and everything else is Outlands
Alphaworldian:    ah
TenYearsGone:    But we have 2 different  kinds of SW Interactive gaming nodes... farming anf fossil digging
TenYearsGone:    Some of the shopping, a Logger's Restaurant, and one new SW City character.... Ted Nougat
Alphaworldian:    nice planes
TenYearsGone:    two of them fly
Alphaworldian:    I don't see a mover for the big plane :(
TenYearsGone:    Take a mining helmet if you go into the caves across the street
TenYearsGone:    Too many objects to link up in that one
Alphaworldian:    darn
TenYearsGone:    Seriously... it's dark in those caves
TenYearsGone:    waaaaaay dark
TenYearsGone:    and make sure you have the Stonerhenge bit cached..... if you die in those caves, that i
Alphaworldian:    where's the caves?
BeeBo:    hey alpha
Alphaworldian:    hi beebo
BeeBo:    funny yall talkn bout caves
TenYearsGone:    See the planes? Almost straight West
BeeBo:    ive been going thru liz's
BeeBo:    hey tyc
BeeBo:    TYG
TenYearsGone:    Hi Beebo
BeeBo:    mine if i join
TenYearsGone:    Happy Valley Landing Zone
BeeBo:    thanks for the ride
TenYearsGone:    AW'ian headed Southwest from there
BeeBo:    was  just checkin out LIz liz's caves   and yall started talking but caves
Alphaworldian:    ::O
Alphaworldian:    WOW
BeeBo:    thought maybe yall were watchn me LOL
Alphaworldian:    nice looking terrain
Zephyr Fox:    Hi Ten
TenYearsGone:    With luck you should be getting to AW'ian just as he gets killed, and then you can see the pe-show with sound that happens when someone gets ressurected
TenYearsGone:    Hi Zephyr
Alphaworldian:    oh no my helmet came off
TenYearsGone:    Actullay the best death in Happy Valley had to be Myrth... he lit a bomb, then stood beside it to see what happens when it goes off
TenYearsGone:    good luck finding your way around down there with no light.... you might try finding another one.... or just shift straight up
TenYearsGone:    That bit is sort of for exploring in a group since you will need lights, bombs, and a gun to find your way through
BeeBo:    im just walkn the track
Zephyr Fox:    Diabolically difficult and exciting too! Great Stuff
TenYearsGone:    Diabolical? dunno.... but when we play rough here, there's guns and bombs
BeeBo:    that way i dont get lost
TenYearsGone:    Walking the tracks is one thing.... or you could take the trolley and ride them
BeeBo:    really i past them
TenYearsGone:    there will be another one... they only go 320 meters
BeeBo:    hmmm     thers one invisble  LOL
BeeBo:    couldnt figure why i got stuck LOL
TenYearsGone:    That's it... I am taking a trolley to find you guys.... right after I get a coffee
Zephyr Fox:    The trolley ride is the best part of Happy Valley
Zephyr Fox:    I'm looking forward toward doing a monorail at my build

TenYearsGone:    server movers are cool

TenYearsGone:    uh oh.... that rain l hear may have thunderboomers with it
Zoinks:    surely not thunderboomers
TenYearsGone:    could be..... eeeeeeh, could be
BeeBo:    eeckkk ran outta track   nice  walk
TenYearsGone:    I don't know about you guys, but I just heard an explosion.... that one was in the virtual world
Zoinks:    rain rain go away little zoinks wants to play! LOL
TenYearsGone:    ran out of track?
Zoinks:    explosion? Gasps!
Zephyr Fox:    LOL
BeeBo:    well  i dont see any more
TenYearsGone:    Zeph, we may be on the wrong trolley line
Zoinks:    explosion of wonderful colors
Zephyr Fox:    You guide I'll follow
Zoinks:    weeeeeeeeeee
Zoinks:    waaahoooooo

TenYearsGone:    well, I was looking for BeeBo and AW'ian
BeeBo:    lol im by maself  invite me lol
TenYearsGone:    whenthe mover stops
BeeBo:    yup walked past here
BeeBo:    neva found alpha
BeeBo:    just kept walking
TenYearsGone:    he might be in the caves West of here
BeeBo:    i like the coplor changes
BeeBo:    color changes
BeeBo:    one time i was green
BeeBo:    follows zwph

Subminion:                    Well, Hello! Come to dig up some fossils? That is great !
Subminion:                    There is a dry area in the cave system that has preserved many fossils in excellent condition. Look for the areas with no vegitation, and that is where you are likely to find them
Subminion:                    This is an interesting cave system in many ways, not the least of which is that it has remained completely unknown to our people until Harold, Cedric, and Butch discovered Harry here.

TenYearsGone:    I'll take the bombs

Subminion:                    Who is Harry? You may well ask... and that is just it... No one knows who or what he is, except that he is a giant flaming, flying skull. That is a model of him on that crate.
BeeBo:    lol  tyg  got boomers
Subminion:                    Many people in Happy Valley wanted  Harry destroyed, but Harold would not have it ! He would not allow anyone to destroy anything out of ignorance, so he keeps Harry at his farm now..
Subminion:                    Somewhere in these caves is the answer to who and what Harry actually is, but the way is extremely dangerous; you will not be able to do it alone.

Zephyr Fox:    Nice dialog

Subminion:                    The entire cave system is unstable. This does not pose a problem to we subminions, but you may find it very dangerous. Here is an explosives kit that contains six explosive devices.

TenYearsGone:    lights please

Subminion:                    You may find it useful for clearing away cave ins, but I hope I don't have to mention that bombs are dangerous....

TenYearsGone:    thank you

Subminion:                    You may also want to take along a gun. There are cave dwelling creatures that can not be reasoned with, and some of them are very dangerous.
Subminion:                    Of course you are not likely to run into any of them if you stick to the dry area of the cave with the fossils.
Subminion:                    If you wish to delve deeper then please do not try it alone. The explosives kit is here if you need it. The key to the case is on the crate under the model of Harry.

TenYearsGone:    Yeah, I should do sound files fo that dialog
Alphaworldian:    lol
Alphaworldian:    Pete Zhaa hut
BeeBo:    that be neat
TenYearsGone:    Most of those places have  joke names
BeeBo:    sooo who gots the gun
Alphaworldian:    Dark Fire and Ice Cream lol

TenYearsGone:    You guys see the bomb, right? don't go in there

BeeBo:    yup
BeeBo:    well that was neat
Zephyr Fox:    Yea god stuff
TenYearsGone:    ok, should be safe now
Zephyr Fox:    ^good
BeeBo:    why hes going in first lol
TenYearsGone:    Oh look... blew the top of the hill right off
Alphaworldian:    oh my
Alphaworldian:    a sp00ky cemetery

TenYearsGone:    you made it to the cemetary already?

TenYearsGone:    we will have to hurry if we want to catch AW'ian
TenYearsGone:    I am now clicking to climb this rope

BeeBo:    cool
BeeBo:    talons oak are nice
TenYearsGone:    Those aren't TaLons
TenYearsGone:    stop at this house to hear from sweets
BeeBo:    ohh      sweets
TenYearsGone:    Yeah, she recorded some sound files for me, so I let her flog her books here

TenYearsGone:    click the avatar, or the crystal... or both

sweets:              That is my crystal. I use it to keep an eye on Harry.

sweets:              He usually just flies around, not really bothering anyone.
sweets:              This tends to bother the tourists a little, but we are used to it.
sweets:              I kind of feel sorry for him in a way. Sure he's immortal, and all that, but everyone seems to be afraid of him.
sweets:              Too bad, because he didn't ask to be a human sacrifice, and enchanted to become the Immortal Guardian of a temple so evil that the earth swallowed it whole.
sweets:              Of course since the earth did that he's free to do as he pleases. Now he runs a video shop in Happy Valley.
sweets:              Hey, that crystal is low on batteries. It probably won't give you a picture much longer
sweets:               Welcome back. Did you have a nice trip?

BeeBo:    now  thats just about what sweets would do
TenYearsGone:    she always wanted a black star, too
Zephyr Fox:    books too.
TenYearsGone:    yep, books
TenYearsGone:    and she tells me that being a writer doesn't pay much
TenYearsGone:    let's find AW'ian before he finds a weapon and figures out how to use it
BeeBo:    hey  movie could be in the works one day  who knows
BeeBo:    lol
TenYearsGone:    everyone click?
TenYearsGone:    seems that way....
BeeBo:    yup walk past this realli like the color cahnges
BeeBo:    changes
Zephyr Fox:    nice seasonal effect
TenYearsGone:    Just for future reference, this next build it the teleport park.... let me know if you want a teleport to your build
Zephyr Fox:    sure thing when it's a little more ready for prime time in a few months

TenYearsGone:    might as well click
Zephyr Fox:    I don't know why but i don't see the Trolley
TenYearsGone:    hmmmm, looks like a mover failure
TenYearsGone:    let's walk
TenYearsGone:    This is where AW'ian was about an hour ago
BeeBo:    ice cream    LOL dark  fire and ice  at that
TenYearsGone:    You remember Ridley, right/
TenYearsGone:    ?
BeeBo:    lol   the hut name  to cute too
BeeBo:    thats an awesome take on names
TenYearsGone:    This exact trolley is why sweets no longer rides trolleys

TenYearsGone:    oh good, the uni didn't crash
TenYearsGone:    please ignore the minor mover failure
BeeBo:    i liked te yeah the lites  here made me think  of that movie   close encounters
TenYearsGone:    This is what a Scented Nectar garden looks like after she removed her textures
TenYearsGone:    click Beebs
TenYearsGone:    ooops
BeeBo:    thATS OKAY
BeeBo:    olayn in the lites
BeeBo:    playin

BeeBo:    yeah i walk the tunnel here
BeeBo:    very neat
BeeBo:    ahhh
TenYearsGone:    Off global, the Happy Valley Strip bar is still in there, but it's a straight dance club now
TenYearsGone:    The security system is still in place thought
TenYearsGone:    so it will teleport you away if you try to break in
Zephyr Fox:    Ooops BeeBo.s gone
BeeBo:    yup it hijacked me
TenYearsGone:    no, she's just out of local range
TenYearsGone:    Yeah, sometimes the trolleys connect when you bump them... don't know why
TenYearsGone:    Beebs? did you try to break into the strip bar after I told you not to? Obviously not
BeeBo:    lol
Zephyr Fox:    i've walked real tracks before and you can't run and your feet hurt real bad after
BeeBo:    maybe later
BeeBo:    lol
BeeBo:    lol
TenYearsGone:    I deleted all the costumes, but they are saved to AWGs
Zephyr Fox:    beebo gota click once everyone boards
BeeBo:    lol i musta been typn
BeeBo:    its all good
TenYearsGone:    see this radio transmitter?
TenYearsGone:    I think I will put an RJB Radio logo on it
BeeBo:    i like the waves  effects alot
Zephyr Fox:    nice visual effect
BeeBo:    ya need  high voltage signs too
TenYearsGone:    I call it "Old Sparky
TenYearsGone:    I wanted one that said "Hig Voltage Rock and Roll"
BeeBo:    and add maybe a  electrocuted squirrel  lol we get that alot

TenYearsGone:    This is where I think AW'ian was when he said he found a sp00ky cemetary

Zephyr Fox:    they every have a holloween build contest?
TenYearsGone:    don't go in there without having the resurecttion area cached//// it will kll you
TenYearsGone:    the resurection routine fails if it isn't already loaded

TenYearsGone:    They might have, but it would have been before my time
The Courier:    ayyy
BeeBo:    cool
BeeBo:    that was neat
TenYearsGone:    where are you, Beebs?
BeeBo:    course i went in ot the graveyard
BeeBo:    wher are you guys'
The Courier:    exploring
TenYearsGone:    did you get resurrected after? I doubt it, because you would be near me
BeeBo:    lol  saw the pretty lites
BeeBo:    than i tele back the the grave site
BeeBo:    see zaph
TenYearsGone:    huh,, wfs, but I am back
BeeBo:    zeph
The Courier:    dang son, these builds were 1998?
BeeBo:    hmmm  not to sure bout these swords
Zephyr Fox:    Say, I got zapped by Bach the other day when you guys were playing teleport tag when I was checking out a chat link
Zephyr Fox:    Was that to here?

TenYearsGone:    the place to click is at the top of the handle
BeeBo:    now the ? is  why do we need these swords
TenYearsGone:    Yeah,,,, probably
TenYearsGone:    smack me with one and see
TenYearsGone:    Beebs is just not smacking me with her sweord
Zephyr Fox:    Very nice effect
TenYearsGone:    There, that worked for me
You have died. You will be ressurected in 60 seconds
Zephyr Fox:    Yip I died
Preparing new body.....

Infusing spark of life.....
BeeBo:    in this cave
You are alive again
Zephyr Fox:    nice audio effect
TenYearsGone:    someone smacked Zephyr again
TenYearsGone:    Yeah, too bad it like pulling teeth to get a decent war going
Zephyr Fox:    thanks I needed that
BeeBo:    fiund  a torch to lite  this cave
TenYearsGone:    wonder what Beebs found in the cave
BeeBo:    fure
BeeBo:    fire
BeeBo:    and dead ends
Zephyr Fox:    LOL
TenYearsGone:    oh, there is another way out
TenYearsGone:    look up
BeeBo:    climbing up
BeeBo:    in the walls
TenYearsGone:    looks like Beebs found the halbeards
TenYearsGone:    there is also a reaper scythe, a light saber, a bat'leth, and a set of vampire teeth
BeeBo:    this  torch is soo coolll
BeeBo:    leaves a trail
TenYearsGone:    I have an SW Comit original weapon, called a Zoey Blade
Alphaworldian:    yeah?

Alphaworldian:    is that from SW interactive TYG?
TenYearsGone:    Well, I borrowed it to use in the swordfighting game
TenYearsGone:    1383s 3208e for those wanting co ords
BeeBo:    havn fun with the torch
The Courier:    SWI
The Courier:    the interactive games they had were fun.
The Courier:    I think you still can actually play them
TenYearsGone:    yep, still works
You have died. You will be ressurected in 60 seconds
Zephyr Fox:    yip wacked again
Preparing new body.....
Infusing spark of life.....
You are alive again

You have died. You will be ressurected in 60 seconds
Zephyr Fox:    This is fun, but yip I'm dead again
Preparing new body.....
TenYearsGone:    yeah I am dead too
Infusing spark of life.....
You are alive again

TenYearsGone:    I think Beebo whacked us
BeeBo:    lol i booted maself
TenYearsGone:    ooops
Zephyr Fox:    wow now I'm dissy the world spins, and I'm disorientated
TenYearsGone:    I never put in a routine to make the world spin
TenYearsGone:    Zeph, you have no weapon
BeeBo:    havn fun just playn with the torch and watchn the trail
Zephyr Fox:    must be the teleport to the dark place
TenYearsGone:    yeah, you lose your weapon when you die
TenYearsGone:    Oooooh, there goes Mita
You have died. You will be ressurected in 60 seconds
Zephyr Fox:    dam batlet
Preparing new body.....
Infusing spark of life.....
You are alive again

TenYearsGone:    too bad VQ is offline.... she hasn't used her teeth in so long

BeeBo:    bbl     had lots o fun   thanks   tyg   zeph
TenYearsGone:    Ok, laters Beebs
Zephyr Fox:    Cya beebs
TenYearsGone:    wars would be so much more fun with combatants
Zephyr Fox:    wow I must have lost too much blood.  I can't pick up a sward now
Mita:    you could take out
TenYearsGone:    built a swordfighting set in reunion and tried to instigate a war there.... You should have heard all the whining !
BearSkin:    LOL!
BearSkin:    Good Morning Tooo ALLL
TenYearsGone:    ooooh noooooo !
Zephyr Fox:    I'm gona try teleport out and back to fix....brb.....
Zephyr Fox:    yup that worked

BearSkin:    Sex Drugs and Rock n Roll!
BearSkin:    LOL
Zephyr Fox:    sorry ten I couldn't resist
Mita:    why are you sorry..he never
BearSkin:    jus kiddn' pay no attention to the bears
BearSkin:    and don't feed 'em
BearSkin:    LOL
TenYearsGone:    I know this looks like a chain saw
SirGreendown:    awww
Alphaworldian:    hello!
dbzfan345:    hello
dbzfan345:    getting started
dbzfan345:    :)
SirGreendown:    I'm sad, Catwoman has left AW
Alphaworldian:    good start so far
TenYearsGone:    but it's Grell Sutcliffe's reaping scyther
Mita:    what you mean she left mean for awhile?
dbzfan345:    its centered east-west, but i'll push it back a bit to make room for the other two
TenYearsGone:    so much for the reaping scythe
SirGreendown:    Telegram from Catwoman, sent Sat Jul 25, 2015 5:59 AM:
SirGreendown:    Dear close friend Sir green, tell him good bye for me, i cannot live in aw with all that memories, i go broke, so i leave, RedRoses is closed and grey private world now, nobody can enter anymore, she run out end of year, i forgave him and wish him the bes
Alphaworldian:    are you going to have enough room for all the buildings?
dbzfan345:    shrunk down, yes
SirGreendown:    best for the rest in his life,was very nice to be your close friend Sir, hugs     i will miss you all
TenYearsGone:    Yeah, listen to the bonehear posting personal telegrams on global
dbzfan345:    my main goal is for the plaza area to look correct, and shrink all other sides for space
Alphaworldian:    good luck scaling it
Alphaworldian:    you'll never get proper scale in activeworlds
You have died. You will be ressurected in 60 seconds
dbzfan345:    well, the plaza sides will be to scale, all other sides will just get cut off when it looks nicest
dbzfan345:    :)
dbzfan345:    this is as close to scale as it'll get
Preparing new body.....
Infusing spark of life.....

dbzfan345:    the funny thing is my NYC buildings are all round about 30 meters taller then the real ones
You are alive again
dbzfan345:    except for the UN building which is WAY too tall it turns out
Zephyr Fox:    Hey Thanks for the tour ten. Need to get back to the build.  I'll put this in my Blog and Post it to MyAW tomorrow morning.
dbzfan345:    but it looks correct outside of that, so close enough
TenYearsGone:    Well, I just gave up and blocked him, too bad mute doesn't work on global
Mita:    hey before ya leave
Mita:    would you be interested in helping out at the school? either guide or teacher

TenYearsGone:    Ok Zeph, that would be great
SirGreendown:    the Bank of China Building was to scale remember
dbzfan345:    ya
dbzfan345:    black magic i say
dbzfan345:    :)
Alphaworldian:    the activeworlds scale is screwy
Zephyr Fox:    (to Mita) sure after I do a few more interview and get ZeMaze Level one to beta
Mita:    awesome let me know when. thanks!!

dbzfan345:    funny thing is the one i did that is almost perfect scale-wise is 22 Cortlandt St...the one that isn't well known at all
dbzfan345:    lol
Zephyr Fox:    Teleporting out in 4321...Poooof.....
TenYearsGone:    And another one is off to build

TenYearsGone has been working on his build call "Happy Valley" for more than 4 years.  If you're ever exploring his build you may just stumble upon some of  the old SWcity build which is actually next to his.  And he actually has some other things such as the mover airplanes, which I mentioned in a previous.  Sorry Guys, but I  could not resist flying low and chopping off heads for a few minutes that  day.

Ten is considered a master builder by the AW community and a lot of fun to be around, just don't be a Derpster and get on his bad side or you may be in for some rather harsh  "I'll expose you" critical type chat at the LZ.  I actually witness him and Bach Zaa putting in some very serious hours at the LZ before the Expo golive date last month.  And, if you're not an actual total Derpster and disrespectful, you may find him very helpful.  So please try to loosen up and LOL a little when you're around him, and you may him a find him a very enjoyable citizen as I did to chat with.  Click  on the jump link below, if you wish to check out his build yourself.


Saturday, July 25, 2015


Once again I go to TGIF about an hour later than my usual entry, but there are only about six or seven citizens there and I’m really too tired again to be up to chatting.  So, I go to the band stand and play around with the musical instrument movers until I fell asleep.  Here is what I’ve got from the log:

SirGreendown:    whatever you do, don't put me in a Shame Cube
zombiefan:    lol
SirGreendown:    goodnight Liz
SnOwKuPP:    buy it
SirGreendown:    goodnight everyone else
Good Person:    naw i ran out zombie ate them all lol
SnOwKuPP:    night Sir
CharleyO:    G'night SirG
zombiefan:    yes i love those donuts!  lol
CharleyO:    Hi ZF
SnOwKuPP:    hi Zephyr Fox
Shannon...:    I'm listening to NurseMom's favorite song is on there
Tarza.:    Well guys. Its time for bed...You all have fun and see ya tomorrow..hugs
Zephyr Fox:    Hello everyone
zombiefan:    i tried to make my own donuts once but they tasted like little cakes instead
Good Person:    nite sandy hugs
CharleyO:    G'night Tarza ... sleep well
Shannon...:    its called  "I'm going home"
zombiefan:    night tarza
SnOwKuPP:    nite nite
Tarza.:    Night and thanks for the dance Charley
Steve for Faith:    Good night Sandy
Tarza.:    Night steve
SnOwKuPP:    thinking of bed or a bed
CharleyO:    and thank you, Tarza
Shannon...:    hi Zephyr
Tarza.:    night Shanno
Good Person:    nite Sandy hugs
Shannon...:    Hi Steve
Tarza.:    hugs dave
Tarza.:    night all
SnOwKuPP:    nite nite
Shannon...:    night Tarza
Good Person:    Shannon you slow poke lol
Shannon...:    *sings* be careful what you wish for...cause you just might get it all !!!
Shannon...:    GP you nutter
CharleyO:    LOL
zombiefan:    cute short shorts  ;)
Shannon...:    ty zombie
Shannon...:    :)
Good Person:    LOL
zombiefan:    yw
SnOwKuPP:    :0)
Shannon...:    sings...these places and theses faces are getting I'm going home
SnOwKuPP:    me too
SnOwKuPP:    night yo all
SnOwKuPP:    hugs
Good Person:    plugs ears from Shannon singing lol
zombiefan:    how about Whiskey In The Jar?
Shannon...:    night Snowkupp
CharleyO:    G'night Snow ... sleep well
Good Person:    nite Snow hugsd
Shannon...:    haha GP  :D
SnOwKuPP:    poof
zombiefan:    night snow
Steve for Faith:    Im scaring them all away
Good Person:    nope Charley is lol
CharleyO:    LOL
Steve for Faith:    lol
Shannon...:    I dont think so Steve...ppl are just tired...its late at night
Steve for Faith:    I know Shannon
Shannon...:    :oD
Steve for Faith:    how have you been?
Good Person:    see Shannon is smart lol
Shannon...:    ohh so you been Steve ?
zombiefan:    hi steve
Steve for Faith:    too good it scary
Shannon...:    and GP is a smart alec  lol
Good Person:    me never lol
Shannon...:    too good huh ?
Good Person:    yeah lol
Steve for Faith:    yeah
zombiefan:    dances!
Steve for Faith:    but its for the good of all
Steve for Faith:    not just GP
zombiefan:    peter gabriel's purple hat and suit in his Steam music video sort of reminds me of an aw citizen  lol
CharleyO:    lol ... it does
Good Person:    so tomorrow Nursemom is going to renew my world
zombiefan:    cool gp
Shannon...:    oh yeah, zombie ?
CharleyO:    nice, GP
zombiefan:    :D
Steve for Faith:    good night everyone
Shannon...:    thats nice GP
Good Person:    nite steve
CharleyO:    G'night Steve
zombiefan:    nursemom is great
Shannon...:    night Steve...sleep well
Good Person:    that she is
Steve for Faith:    I will try to not  be a stranger like Im not already strange
CharleyO:    lol
Shannon...:    hehe
Good Person:    lol
Steve for Faith:    well I gotta be me
zombiefan:    investigation discover channel been having cool shows this evening
Steve for Faith:    nite all
Shannon...:    yeah....who else can you be ?
zombiefan:    night steve
CharleyO:    So, that's what you been doing, Zombie
zombiefan:    yes charlie  :D
Zephyr Fox:    nite steve
Shannon...:    what kind of shows, zombie ?
Good Person:    i wonder where zombie hubby OT is at lol
zombiefan:    he's not my hubby!  :P
Shannon...:    hahaha GP
Good Person:    lol
CharleyO:    he left earlier ..and was crying for his sweet Zombie.
Shannon...:    I dunno...maybe OT is working most of the time
zombiefan:    shows called Deadly Women  :O
Good Person:    awwwwww poor OT lol
Good Person:    i love that show
zombiefan:    ot was not crying for me  lol
Shannon...:    oh think I watched that before, zombie
Good Person:    yup he was lol
zombiefan:    likes id channel!
Shannon...:    sometimes I like to watch the travel channel
Shannon...:    or animal planet channel
zombiefan:    i watch travel channel some time s
Shannon...:    I saw GP on the animal planet channel...he was hanging with his monkey friends on there in the trees  hehe ;p
zombiefan:    another cool show is Southern Fried Homicide on id channel
zombiefan:    lol  :D
CharleyO:    LOL Shannon
Shannon...:    just kidding GP
Good Person:    very funny lol
Shannon...:    ;p
Shannon...:    the monkeys were all eating spam on the animal planet channel
CharleyO:    LOL
CharleyO:    LOLOL
zombiefan:    some of those deadly women on id channel are way too ruthless  :O
Good Person:    good for them lol
Shannon...:    hehehe
Shannon...:    thats true zombie
Good Person:    i love the show deadly women lol
zombiefan:    men beware  lol
Good Person:    i am lol
Shannon...:    haha
zombiefan:    always hide your money  :D
Shannon...:    and your credit card
Shannon...:    :D
Good Person:    why i spend mine lol
Shannon...:    :P
Good Person:    hey WOODY Bro
Shannon...:    hi stanly
WOODY.:    Hiya GP bro
CharleyO:    Hi stanly
CharleyO:    Hiya Woody
zombiefan:    another interesting show on there is Who The Bleep Did I Marry
WOODY.:    Hiya charley
Shannon...:    Howdy WOODY  hugss
zombiefan:    hi woody hugs!
WOODY.:    (((((((((((((((((((Shannon)))))))))))))))))
Good Person:    i bet zombie look cute in shorts like Shannon does lol
zombiefan:    i probably would look cute :D
Shannon...:    now thats a good question, zombie  lol
CharleyO:    We know who you married, Zombie ... no need to ask.
Good Person:    LOL
zombiefan:    i didnt marry anybody  :P
WOODY.:    we doO_O
CharleyO:    LOL
Good Person:    yeah u did OT lol
zombiefan:    i didnt marry him :P
Shannon...:    hehehe
Good Person:    want to bet lol
zombiefan:    he makes passes at the other aw women!
Good Person:    true lol
Shannon...:    dont listen to GP, zombie...he's lost all his marbles...if ya know what I mean  lol
Good Person:    LOL
zombiefan:    i know shannon  :d
zombiefan:    :D
Shannon...:    :D
WOODY.:    (((((((((((((((((Z)))))))))))))))))))))
zombiefan:    hugs!
Good Person:    WOODY spank Shannon will ya lol
Shannon...:    hahaha
zombiefan:    those shows on id channel make me glad im single  lol  :D
WOODY.:    she might like that
Good Person:    LOL
Shannon...:    *rolls eyes*  lol
Good Person:    lol zombie
zombiefan:    with black mask and whip?  :D
CharleyO:    LOL Woody
Good Person:    oh my lol
Shannon...:    hahaha
Shannon...:    ;p
WOODY.:    oh sounds like fun and gomes to me
zombiefan:    :D
Good Person:    lol WOODY Bro
CharleyO:    lol
Shannon...:    it would be fun for me to chase GP with a big skillet in my hand  :D
zombiefan:    :O
Good Person:    you think lol
Shannon...:    yup
WOODY.:    he would love that
Shannon...:    I bet he would
Good Person:    naw lol
zombiefan:    kinky!   lol
WOODY.:    hmmhmm
CharleyO:    and he'd probably stop now and then so you could hit him with it .. lol
Shannon...:    hahaha
Good Person:    lol
Good Person:    see zombie misses OT lol
Shannon...:    hehe
zombiefan:    i dont miss him at all  :P
CharleyO:    lol
Good Person:    fibber lol
WOODY.:    about like a fat kid miss;s kace
Shannon...:    if only OT could hear that you dont miss him  lol
Good Person:    yup lol
Good Person:    LOL Shannon
zombiefan:    he probably has his other aw women  :D
WOODY.:    or 3
Good Person:    maybe lol
zombiefan:    lol
Shannon...:    yeah bet he does
Good Person:    i am to old to have all the women of aw lol
CharleyO:    nah .... Ot's holding out for Zombie girl
Shannon...:    I hear ya, GP  lol
zombiefan:    yes they would wear you out too fast gp  :D
Good Person:    maybe lol
zombiefan:    ot isnt holding out for me  :P
Good Person:    yeah he is lol
zombiefan:    he's gonna have a long wait  LOL
Good Person:    LOL
CharleyO:    lol
Shannon...:    :oD
Good Person:    or maybe for Shannon lol
Shannon...:    hes not interested in me
Good Person:    you sure lol
zombiefan:    ive seen him smooch you  ;)
Good Person:    LOL OMG zombie
Shannon...:    hes too busy flirting with a lot of ppl  lol
zombiefan:    hehehe
Shannon...:    I mighta smooched him back  lol
zombiefan:    ;)
CharleyO:    LOL
Good Person:    i dont dare smooch Shannon she dangerous lol
Shannon...:    haha
Shannon...:    ya think ?
Good Person:    yup
zombiefan:    shannon might like it  hehheeh  ;)
Good Person:    naw lol
Shannon...:    ahh well better to be just friends  lol
Good Person:    see shesplaying hard to get lol
Shannon...:    haha
zombiefan:    yes no alimony to worry about  :D
Shannon...:    well, ppl cant even pay that if they dont have the money
Shannon...:    :)
Good Person:    i can i steal all of zombies money lol
zombiefan:    alimony is for the rich  lol
Shannon...:    yeah
zombiefan:    lol  gp :D
Good Person:    ok brb
zombiefan:    hides my money!  :O
Shannon...:    uh oh watch out zombie...GP said something about stealing your moeny  lol
Shannon...:    ok GP
zombiefan:    hides money in stereo!  lol
Shannon...:    BRB, I'm thirsty
WOODY.:    hb
zombiefan:    dances!
Good Person:    so did you get your bike fixed WOODY bro
CharleyO:    OK ... time for this one to try to sleep .... G'night to All ... sleep well when ya do!
Shannon...:    back
zombiefan:    night charlie
Good Person:    nite Charley
zombiefan:    wb
Shannon...:    night Charley
Good Person:    ty
Shannon...:    ty zombie
Zephyr Fox:    nite CharlieO
zombiefan:    would be fun to ride on woodys bike!
Good Person:    yeah its not as fast as my mini bike lol
zombiefan:    mini bikes sound fun too
Shannon...:    you got a mini bike, GP ? hehe
zombiefan:    :D
Good Person:    i use oo lol
Good Person:    to
Shannon...:    does it work good ?
Good Person:    it did i crashed it lol
zombiefan:    did you get injured?
Shannon...:    how can it work right if you crashed it ?
Good Person:    nope the bike did lol
Shannon...:    did you crash it today ?
zombiefan:    would be fun to have a motorcycle with a passenger seat on the side so i can take the dog for a ride too lol
Good Person:    Zombie i have no ideal lol no Shannon when i was a kid lol
Shannon...:    oh haha
Shannon...:    lets ask GP a whole lot more questions, he can be all confused  lol
Good Person:    you mean a side car Zombie on a motorcycle lol
zombiefan:    i guess i meant a side car :D
Good Person:    lets dont lol
Shannon...:    haha  you're fun to joke around with, GP  :D
Good Person:    i know you all love me lol
Shannon...:    yeah we love ya
zombiefan:    very sweet yes
Good Person:    awwww thanks
Shannon...:    :o)
Shannon...:    if we didn't...would we be talking to ya now ? lol
zombiefan:    we like your purple shirt  ;)
Good Person:    i am not swet i am sour  lol true shannon lol
Good Person:    sweet
Shannon...:    sour ? eeewww  lol
WOODY.:    ok  well it bed time
Good Person:    thanks lol
zombiefan:    i got to go find the dance button again brb
Good Person:    nite woody bro
WOODY.:    night everyone hugssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Shannon...:    night WOody
Shannon...:    sweet dreams
zombiefan:    night woody hugs!
Shannon...:    hugsssss
zombiefan:    the dance thing quits on me part of the time
Shannon...:    awww ;//
Good Person:    not for me
Good Person:    thats because your thinking of OT zombie lol
zombiefan:    i think it quits when i stay in one spot without moving my cav
zombiefan:    im not thinking of that casanova ot!  :D
Good Person:    LOL
Shannon...:    *sings* but the angels are older...they can see that the sun is setting fast...they look over my shoulder !
zombiefan:    heheheh
Good Person:    covers ears lol
zombiefan:    i rarely see stayjit dance
Shannon...:    noooo better not be covering your ears, GP !!  :P
Good Person:    he dont lol
Good Person:    why not lol
Shannon...:    maybe he dont care about seeing his avatar dance
zombiefan:    he builds great stuff
Shannon...:    yeah
Good Person:    naw hes shy lol
Shannon...:    is he ?
Shannon...:    maybe hes too busy to dance
Good Person:    dont know just a guess lol
Shannon...:    :)
zombiefan:    he seems to like singalot world
Good Person:    oh he does
zombiefan:    he seems to hang out there alot
Shannon...:    thats a nice world....when I was there I dont see a lot of ppl
zombiefan:    they tried to get me to build there but i prefer building in my world
Good Person:    picky picky lol
zombiefan:    lol
Shannon...:    I like to just build in alpha world now
Good Person:    i love building in alpha and yellow
Shannon...:    *sticks tongue out at GP*  :P
Good Person:    LOL
zombiefan:    becareful about alpha worlds.  Some times some citizens build around other peoples builds without even asking first
Shannon...:    yeah they do that...happened to me many times
Good Person:    thats why i cover a lot of land first lol
zombiefan:    they could build over the land though
Good Person:    nope
Shannon...:    I cover my land but some have put their stuff in cracks I left by mistake
zombiefan:    might be fun to build in yellow world some time
Shannon...:    I already have builds in Yellow world  :D
zombiefan:    you all build great  :)
Shannon...:    Yellow world has nice objects
Shannon...:    thanks and so do you, zombie :)
zombiefan:    thanks shannon  :)
Good Person:    i cover my cracks with a wall lol so they can put anything there lol
Shannon...:    :)
Shannon...:    hehe
zombiefan:    sirgreen sent some of us the cooridinates to some outdate build the other day!  It looked soo ugly ewwww!
Shannon...:    this is a dance contest...whoever stays up the latest and doesnt leave   joking  ;)
Good Person:    i bet lol
zombiefan:    :D
Shannon...:    oh he did ?
Good Person:    lol Shannon
Shannon...:    he might still be awake
Shannon...:    unless hes sleeping in an AW bed
zombiefan:    aw beds probably arent very comfortable
Good Person:    i have some out dated builds but they are not ugly lol
zombiefan:    your builds are cool gp
Shannon...:    yeah they are hard as cement  lol
Good Person:    thanks
Good Person:    Shannon hush lol
Shannon...:    I like GP's builds
zombiefan:    tornado proof  hehehe
Good Person:    thanks
Shannon...:    GP shuuuuuush !! :P
Good Person:    LOL zombie yup
zombiefan:    does your state get many tornados?
Good Person:    you mean calf ?
zombiefan:    yes
Good Person:    naw little ones once in a while
Shannon...:    I just thought of another question for GP  haha
zombiefan:    mostly some earthquakes over ther?
Good Person:    what lol
Shannon...:    do you have a water shortage over there where you live in Cali, GP ?
Good Person:    yeah i hate earthquakes lol
Good Person:    hmmm not yet
zombiefan:    we dont get earthquakes here in iowa
Shannon...:    I hope you dont have that problem in Cali.
Good Person:    calf does
Good Person:    me too
zombiefan:    i heard some where that california was gonna fall in the ocean some day unless thats just a tabloid story
Shannon...:    hope that never happens
Good Person:    that was years ago lol
Good Person:    it was a lie lol
zombiefan:    silly tabloid!
Shannon...:    yeah silly
Shannon...:    ppl are predicting a lot of things
Good Person:    not true one too
Good Person:    s
Shannon...:    like they say in September a big astroid or meteor is gonna fall on earth and cause tsunamis to the U.S...eastern coast area and maybe the west coast too...they dont know for sure though
zombiefan:    if you make an aw music video make sure it doesnt have Fleetwood Mac music or youtube will deactivate the audio
Good Person:    it didnt happen
Shannon...:    sorry they took that music off
zombiefan:    that stuff happens some times
zombiefan:    youtube also seems to be picky about Electric Light Orchestra band unless you are in usa
Shannon...:    hmmm
Good Person:    ok ladys i have to go reboot thanks for the dance  hugs
zombiefan:    night gp hugs
Shannon...:    ok GP if you say so  hugs
zombiefan:    thanks for the dance
Shannon...:    night GP
Good Person:    i will be back lol
zombiefan:    night hugs!
zombiefan:    see you later
Alphaworldian:    hey sonicburn
zombiefan:    where's the chips?  lol
zombiefan:    they ate all the chips!
stanly:    its nice to see you again though
Shannon...:    nice to see you too
Shannon...:    I got a pop up window when I was in this area
Shannon...:    wonder if it had anything to do with the music here
stanly:    maybe
stanly:    or a plugin
Shannon...:    I guess its around 8 am for you now
Shannon...:    yeah
stanly:    5:02pm actually
Shannon...:    oh
Shannon...:    I'm not good at guessing time some place else
stanly:    its ok
Shannon...:    :)
Shannon...:    are you busy stanly ?
stanly:    no, not at all
stanly:    just lonely
Shannon...:    thought you were preoccupied with something
Shannon...:    I get lonely too
stanly:    just sitting here
Shannon...:    oh
stanly:    wishing i had someone to talk to with skype too
Shannon...:    I can talk on skype with you...unless you wanna talk to someone else you know in skype
Earendil37:    i'm watching a nice movie now
Shannon...:    hi Earendil,,,glad you have a nice movie to watch
Earendil37:    the movie is natural born killer
Shannon...:    oh...think I might have seen that movie before
» Immigration Officer:    Warning! The connection to the world is currently down. Your changes may be lost. (aw)
» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Very Steep learning curve and more.

I can see by not being a chatty regular at the AW LZ that I’m missing out on a lot of good conversation, but I’m also attempting to meet a deadline at the build during the same time.  I was trying the last several days to create a visual effect to go along with the sound effect of the killer bunny attack.  It was something I saw at parties I went to such at Ten’s Monday Madness, and the TGIF party near the LZ.  However, I did not realize that the direction of the PE is fixed, and that you can not change the polar direction. Meaning that if the PE emits going N to S, it can not be turned to emit E to W.  However, it can be attached to a mover and will turn with the Mover direction.  This is the point where I’m now at, and I'm attempting the old tried and true trial by error method of learning both the PE and Mover as the help I’ve received thus far has been a little lacking for my understanding of these function.  I did ask Bach about a Master Build class, and he said that he would put this on the agenda at the community meeting, but my effort to gather minutes at the last meeting failed.  Here is a snapshot of the current bunny effort.

Anyway, the difficulty in not understanding these two coding items is causing a huge problem with my benchmark timeline.  I may in the end just going to beta, and then try to get the help after to resolve these issues. And of course, there are always real world issues I must attend to as well.


Monday, July 20, 2015

Meeting minutes and more.

Well, I took a look at the chat log when I reached home last night only to find that my little experiments on taking minutes was a disaster.  I only had a short period where I had the log, before my tap top lost the connection.  I will try this next on my computer which is connected directly to the internet though the router, and will run tests this week to see how well this will work.  Here is what I saw in my log:
* ActiveWorlds chat session: Sun Jul 19, 2015 12:39 PM *
» Immigration Officer:                                                                                                                   It was twenty years ago today...
"It was Wednesday June 28th, 1995. I don't recall the exact time. I think it was in the evening though... after a long day of work getting the identity server to work. My best guess would be around 8:00 pm PDT. On "day one", people could reserve an identity for the first time. This was the day that several people beat me establishing their identity. By the time I immigrated, I was citizen #4! I asked them if I could reset the citizen database to get citizen #1. They gladly agreed. Within the next few hours we had our first citizens of AlphaWorld."
» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.
TaLon56:    It would be nice to have a voting booth to vote in but one with hanging chads
TaLon56:    Someone go ask Chad if he can help
TenYearsGone:    we left him danling
TaLon56:    :O
memyself:    whos chad why you want hang him
Astraenaut:    haha
TenYearsGone:    he's the guy who spoiled all the ballots
TaLon56:    uh huh
perra:    lol
TaLon56:    and was responsible for the Bush by the white house :P
TenYearsGone:    There's the telespam ! The Meeting is almost upon us!
TaLon56:    Telespam Alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TenYearsGone:    RUN !
TaLon56:    I am so glad I am finished for today so I can make the meeting
TaLon56:    Order Order , I will have fries and a Burger
TenYearsGone:    it's a community beating
SirGreendown:    CM City is a very old city in AWTeen
Astraenaut:    i'm making plans for what to build in my lot next to you
SirGreendown:    from 2001
TaLon56:    I just put in 15 new plants :O
TenYearsGone:    An AW grow-op
memyself:    must be tired talon
TaLon56:    nuh uh
memyself:    got some weed in there :D
Astraenaut:    lol
MeL:    Howdy Howdy
TenYearsGone:    Hi MeL
memyself:    just a little patch to keep the cows happy
TaLon56:    Hey Hey
OklahomaTraveler:    27.5
MeL:    69.7
memyself:    42 people in here
MeL:    ohh I thought you was stating your fps
perra:    lol
perra:    Mel Hugssssss
MeL:    Hugss
Astraenaut:    lol
NurseMom:    hi everyone ;)  hugs for those that would like one
TenYearsGone:    7.8
Karten:    Afternoon Everyone
Astraenaut:    hello again
Chocolateberry:    hugs e1
SirGreendown:    42.2
perra:    hi Choco
perra:    hugs
SirGreendown:    RiccardoLeone posted a video a bit ago
TaLon56:    Ok, I stole a chair , I am ready :)
SirGreendown:    at the end the young boy, I think that is him
perra:    lol talon
OklahomaTraveler:    Bach looks like the pope gazing down on us...
NurseMom:    hehe
Chocolateberry:    lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Gotta run though.. :|  Catch ya'll later on..
perra:    cya ot
Astraenaut:    sure, just in time
Chocolateberry:    bye
MeL:    later OT
TenYearsGone:    maybe he's not interested in community beatings
Karten:    O-o
Astraenaut:    shrug
perra:    waves to Karten
Karten:    *waves back*
NurseMom:    brb
Karten:    DBL
Silly Putty:    :/
Chocolateberry:    hb mom
perra:    hb
Silly Putty:    such honor to be back
Silly Putty:    seriously
Tiffany Lace:    hi everyone
TenYearsGone:    Hi Tiff
Astraenaut:    hey Tiff
Bach Zhaa:    hey everyone  :)   we still have a few minutes left..  grab a beverage of choice and make yourself comfortable..    :)
Tiffany Lace:    break time
Karten:    *slurps some of his Mtn Dew, waiting to make the pizza*
Silly Putty:    hmm
perra:    sips coffe
Silly Putty:    where we sposed to be?
Karten:    anywhere here SP  you ok where ya are
TenYearsGone:    you are fine right there Silly Putty
Silly Putty:    good
Silly Putty:    do I HAVEta drink coffee???????
MeL:    gessh
Kenneth passes around lemonade
Karten:    *wonders if SP is like the toy, BOINGITY BOINGITY Boingity Boingity boingity boingity
TenYearsGone:    well, yes I am afraid that bit is mandatory
Silly Putty:    :)
memyself:    expresso
Silly Putty:    goody good
perra:    tiff congrats to your star
Bach Zhaa:    she doesnt see that Karten  in her camera, shes always seatedTiffany Lace:    thank you Perra
Bukka:    Greetings, Meeting. =o]
Chocolateberry:    brb have to reboot
Silly Putty:    I already had my cup for today
Silly Putty:    WINKS
Karten:    Afternoon Bukka
perra:    howdy Bukka
Astraenaut:    ooh Bach got his 3rd red too
Tiffany Lace:    you are considerate Perra
Bach Zhaa:    :)Tiffany Lace:    Yes he will stay 15 years
Bach Zhaa:    you like it?   kinda a turn on, right?  *winkperra:    atlist
Astraenaut:    lol
TenYearsGone:    yes he did, and there was a significant amount of butt-wiggling about it
perra:    lol bach
Tiffany Lace:    lol
Astraenaut:    did he touch butts with everyone?
Silly Putty:    meow
Chumana:    lol
Silly Putty:    somebody gettin married?
Silly Putty:    lolol
Tiffany Lace:    could be
Bach Zhaa:    not sure if Ill get bolds todayKenneth:    ahh
Silly Putty:    nooooooooo best man !
Astraenaut:    turns out you can't steal the chair out from under Tal
Silly Putty:    eeeeeeeek
perra:    if your lucky bach you might get it lol
TaLon56:    I used Super Glue when I sat down :)
SirGreendown:    someone should make a Barnerbee-style Olaf sculpture
memyself:    iim too high in my chair
SirGreendown:    Olaf from Frozen
Astraenaut:    yeah you are lol
Mouxi:    Ozy
Astraenaut:    if i sat like that irl i'd tip
SirGreendown:    hi Mouxi
Bach Zhaa:    Welcome everyone  :)Mouxi:    salut Sirgreendown
Kenneth:    :)
Tiffany Lace:    Ty
Mouxi:    :-) kennou!
Kenneth:    Hi Mouxi :)
perra:    hi Mouxi
Mouxi:    :-))))))
Mouxi:    I am tired, lol
Lazysuzy o:    use the gavel on bach head.... meeting has  come to order
Bach Zhaa:    hmm
Bach Zhaa:    :)
MeL:    =)
Kenneth:    :)
perra:    yay
Karten:    there ya go
Bach Zhaa:    Welcome everyone  :)perra:    he was lucky again bach
perra:    ty
Silly Putty:    I don't believe thisw
TenYearsGone:    Bach has acquired the sharpie.... This beating is in progress
TaLon56:    shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it is starting
Kenneth:    lol Ten
TaLon56:    :)
Mouxi:    hello TaLon "heel"
Bach Zhaa:    been a hectic couple hours here..  sorry for the funky start   lolSilly Putty:    :0
TaLon56:    Hi Mouxi
Mouxi:    (hell in french is talon)
The Courier:    Greetings everyone.
Mouxi:    heel*
panne:    heal
Mouxi:    oui
Mouxi:    merci pannou
Bach Zhaa:    I usually start the meeting with where we're at..  but most everyone been here already..  :DTiffany Lace:    hello who ever i missed
Silly Putty:    cheers
Mouxi:    panne, finalement emmanuel est très très très faché apres ruben
Bach Zhaa:    ...which means I REALLY could use a new spot next time, I think..Kenneth:    I've been asking that all my life.
MeL:    haha
Karten:    HAH
panne:    heel (of a foot) yes = talon (in french)
Bach Zhaa:    meetings here gonna get boringperra:    lol bach
Mouxi:    Il m'a même dit de dire à Ruben de téléphoner "Emmanuel"
» Immigration Officer:    Warning! The connection to the world is currently down. Your changes may be lost. (aw)
» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.
Vampara:    There isn't a down arrow pointing at you right now, though.
Astraenaut:    hiya
SnOwKuPP:    tank gooness
SnOwKuPP:    wot is gooness?
SnOwKuPP:    don't you just love tpos
memyself:    what problem
SnOwKuPP:    typos
SnOwKuPP:    aaaaw
SnOwKuPP:    poor lobster bib
SnOwKuPP:    lol
SnOwKuPP:    go to the head of the class
memyself:    yes ok im lookin for petal textures too
SnOwKuPP:    hey Allen
memyself:    lots of work in this

I’m still steeply fighting the learning curve on this Maze, but since I’m putting in a lot more with the killer bunny, it is looking much more fun to watch.  And, I hope everyone who will try the Beta will agree.  But the bunny model being a cube will need to be reworked for the final version of ZeMaze.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

A build update on ZeMaze.

Since I could not be at the DEAL OR NO DEAL last night, I did a trial run of the park and collect chat run of the chat log that I plan to do for tonight community meeting.  And, from what I can see, it was a success.  So today when I go to work, I’ll have the log set before I walk out the door and when I get home I’ll work up the blog with some minutes.  Cross your fingers type of test, because if it works as expected there just might be minutes now of each meeting.

First I had to correct yesterday's blog fubar, which I’m still not clear on what happened to have a clone of the previous post, but it was an embarrassment.  One which I do not wish to repeat.

Anyway, as for the build.  I’m finding that the move sequencing is proving a lot more challenging than I had anticipated, and I’ve decided to set the beta test back on level one a couple of weeks.  I also must put in some effort on the control room.  Not to give too much away, but a few server banks and a war room type of console look, a little like in the movie West World, but much more modern.  Bots talking and everything.  I hope to have a map of the entire ZeFoxVille build here like they have at the current AW LZ.  I also started to look at blender to model a new bunny and try to work this in as well like was done with the fishes I’ve seen near the LZ, but still the build is much less painful that in 1995.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Last Nights TGIF

Well I'm not sure how this happened but after I had published this post I went back later to look and it was a clone of the Kuma Bear Tour.  And the original text about falling asleep by the bar was gone.  I could see on the smart phone I use on the security job that I had a huge prblem, but could not correct this untill early Sunday morning.  I will now have to put in a safe guard to prevent a repeat.  A real real fubar snafu for me.  Something that the LZ crowd may Derp about.

For someone who use to QA a news paper, this was a nightmare.

Anyway, here is the chat log from when I arrived to when I awoke next tothe Bar early Saturday morning.

* ActiveWorlds chat session: Fri Jul 17, 2015 8:57 PM *
» Immigration Officer:                                                                                                                   It was twenty years ago today...
"It was Wednesday June 28th, 1995. I don't recall the exact time. I think it was in the evening though... after a long day of work getting the identity server to work. My best guess would be around 8:00 pm PDT. On "day one", people could reserve an identity for the first time. This was the day that several people beat me establishing their identity. By the time I immigrated, I was citizen #4! I asked them if I could reset the citizen database to get citizen #1. They gladly agreed. Within the next few hours we had our first citizens of AlphaWorld."
» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.
shooterz:    oh no political humor never works
MeL:    lol
SirGreendown:    TheYoungTurks is good, msnbc is good too
ShelleSea:    lol
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL Tree
CharleyO:    LMAO Tree
Tree Saw:    these are Old !  hahaha
OklahomaTraveler:    That one is, but it's always funny!
CoLor:    msnbc ROFL
DarXide:    truth, lie truth lie!!!
Tiffany Lace:    lol
Tree Saw:    LOL darc
CharleyO:    LOL DarX
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL Darx
Tree Saw:    Did you hear about the Irish guy that walked OUT of a bar?
SirGreendown:    Facts and Truth have a Liberal bias
Zephyr Fox:    hello everyone
ShelleSea:    no he didnt Tree
Tiffany Lace:    hello
Tree Saw:    \o/  shrugggs .it .... coullld happen
CharleyO:    Hi ZF
DarXide:    lol Tree
ShelleSea:    no Irish man ever walked out of a bar!
Tree Saw:    lol sea   hahah ik, r
ShelleSea:    and you never seen me on his arm either!
Tree Saw:    heh hehe
OklahomaTraveler:    Two men walked into a bar... the third man ducked.
CharleyO:    LOL
ShelleSea:    wink wink
CoLor:    msnbc doesnt know a fact or truth if it bit them on their arse
Tree Saw:    DUCK DUCK GOoose
DarXide:    lol OT
MeL:    Howdy Suzy QQQQQ
OklahomaTraveler:    It took me several weeks to get that joke. :|
Lazysuzy o:    hello mellllllll
CharleyO:    Hi Suzy
MeL:    Howdy Zep
Tree Saw:    how bout...The difference in a chorus line and three ring circus?
OklahomaTraveler:    Why did the blonde jump off the cliff? She thought her maxi pad had wings.
OklahomaTraveler:    Hey Suzy! ;)
Zephyr Fox:    Hi MeL
Tiffany Lace:    omg
MeL:    gawd
CharleyO:    LOL OT
Lazysuzy o:    hey hey hello helo hellooooooo
Tree Saw:    a three ring circus has cunning stunts  (ooops i better go now)  lol
Mita:    that was bad
Tiffany Lace:    yes
CharleyO:    LOL Tree
ShelleSea:    woah Tree.. good thing that wasnt a typo
Tree Saw:    or the difference in a pick pocket and a window peeker?
ShelleSea:    Ide have messed that up and gtot boote3d fast
Tree Saw:    a pick pocket snatches watches.
Tree Saw:    i know sea  OR if you get dyslexic and try telling it
OklahomaTraveler:    LMAO Tree, nice.. LOL
Tree Saw:    ha ha !
CharleyO:    LOL Tree
Tree Saw:    i gotta go    (cuz its time i just turned into a pumpkin)
ShelleSea:    lol
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL I bet.
ShelleSea:    Bye Tree *hugs*
OklahomaTraveler:    Have a good one Tree!
Mita:    gnight Tree
Tree Saw:    and my favor show's on      HUGS ya all (grope hugs)  lol
CharleyO:    G'night Tree Saw
MeL:    Night TS
Tree Saw:    TY everyone   good nite  (all names inserted)  =) Mel ty
Tarza.:    Nite Tree
MeL:    =)
Tree Saw:    nn
OklahomaTraveler:    Woohoo!! Grope hugs!  Those are the best kind.. ;)
Chumana:    nite Tree
Zephyr Fox:    Cya Tree
OklahomaTraveler grope hugs all the ladies.. ;)
DarXide:    nite Tree
Tiffany Lace:    good night
ShelleSea:    Bye Ot
Chumana:    Hello Suzy :)
Lazysuzy o:    hello shum
OklahomaTraveler:    Wait, I'm leaving? :O
SirGreendown:    I finally saw the Zefoxville GZ
Lazysuzy o:    ops
Lazysuzy o:    chum
ShelleSea:    Sorry
Chumana:    np :)
ShelleSea:    I can't multi task anymore
ShelleSea:    lol
ShelleSea:    I'm chatting with someone in whispys
OklahomaTraveler:    wb Shelle
MeL:    need pratice
ShelleSea:    and umm well you know the rest
DarXide:    you need a math co processor
Lazysuzy o:    blame me... i whsiper to her
OklahomaTraveler:    It's all good..
ShelleSea:    omg.. now I have a telegram
Lazysuzy o:    NOT me
OklahomaTraveler winks at Shelle
ShelleSea:    I have lots of telegrams
Aussie Tiger:    miss popular lol
ShelleSea:    I didnt know I had them
ShelleSea:    *blushes*
OklahomaTraveler:    I got a telegraph once.
MeL:    duh
OklahomaTraveler:    There's a tab over there that says Telegrams.. every now and then you should probably open it. :P
DarXide:    during the johnson administration?
ShelleSea:    yeah, now ya tell me OT!
ShelleSea:    hahahaha
OklahomaTraveler:    Hey, just trying to help out. :D
SirGreendown:    I sent you a telegram OT
ShelleSea:    Awesomeness
Lazysuzy o:    dont believe OT at all hehehee
SirGreendown:    it's Morse Code
OklahomaTraveler:    Morse code.. nice.. :P
ShelleSea:    ok Suzy
OklahomaTraveler:    Suzy, people that do usually get in trouble. :P
ShelleSea:    :-)
Lazysuzy o:    ot is trouble with cap T
ShelleSea:    Ohhhhh
ShelleSea:    someone got your number OT
OklahomaTraveler rubs up against Suzy and gives her a grope hug.
Lazysuzy o:    he a naughty boy
Lazysuzy o:    seeee
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL It's common knowledge, I think. :P
ShelleSea:    is he, do tell
TenYearsGone:    Thanks , but we knew that already
ShelleSea:    lol
OklahomaTraveler:    So... A blonde crashed a helicopter. A police officer asked her what happened. She says, "It got cold so I turned off the fan."
SirGreendown:    (310) 278-8000  Donald Sterling's Office Phone Number
CharleyO:    LOL OT
Chumana:    haha
OklahomaTraveler:    867-5309  <-- best phone number in the world...
OklahomaTraveler:    ...and I bet you couldn't read that without singing it!
Tarza.:    hehe OT
CharleyO:    I did sing .... LOL
OklahomaTraveler:    ...and now you'll hit me because that song is going to be stuck in your head for days!
Tarza.:    When charley?
CharleyO:    When OT wrote ... 867-5309 ... lol
ShelleSea:    Good Lord
ShelleSea:    do you know how many kids are dialing that dang number right now
ShelleSea:    LOL
OklahomaTraveler:    See.. I bet you sang 867-5309 when Charley typed it too..
ShelleSea:    Jennjy Jenny nwho can I turn too..
CharleyO:    LOL
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL Shelle
SirGreendown: Everyone for me, watch this and think about James and Blakey and Jonathan1515 and francesco20 and maybe they will come on
ShelleSea:    hahahaha
SirGreendown:    don't make me do what Mouxi does
SirGreendown:    I will do what Mouxi does
SirGreendown:    PLEASE
SirGreendown:    PLEASE
Tarza.:    Whats that green?
SirGreendown:    PLEASE
SirGreendown:    PLEASE
ShelleSea:    eeesh
Chumana:    hmmm
OklahomaTraveler whacks Green.
Tiffany Lace:    HE seems excited
OklahomaTraveler:    stupid bot.
[Acro Nym]:    Same to you, OklahomaTraveler
Lazysuzy o:    HARDER OT
Chumana:    lol
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL Suzy, I bet you say that to all the guys.
OklahomaTraveler:    :O
Lazysuzy o:    um no
Chumana:    ooowa
Tiffany Lace:    lol
Lazysuzy o:    just you to do it harder on green
ShelleSea:    Shhh.. Dont tell Bach I walked thru him.. He'll find a way to chagre double..
OklahomaTraveler:    Bach is still here? :O
Lazysuzy o:    yellls at bach
ShelleSea:    oh my gosh
CharleyO:    LOL
MeL:    bach is AFK. he has a bad headache
Lazysuzy o:    cause of you guys???
ShelleSea:    I just obtained one too
OklahomaTraveler:    I meant his avatar..
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL Suzy, thanks..
SirGreendown:    smart Bot
OklahomaTraveler:    Two blondes were walking down the sidewalk. The first blonde said, "Hey, look at that dog with one eye," so the second blonde covered up one eye.
CharleyO:    LOL OT
Chumana:    geez, lol
SirGreendown:    I just called you smart Acro Nym
ShelleSea:    >-x
SirGreendown:    where is the response for compliments
Aussie Tiger:    oops still here... i"m out.. ya be good now ;)
OklahomaTraveler wants some of what Green is on.
SirGreendown:    Cool Bot
OklahomaTraveler:    Have a good one Aussie!
MeL:    Night Aussie
ShelleSea:    Bye AussieTiger *hugs*
CharleyO:    G'night Aussie
Chumana:    tc Aussie
Tarza.:    Nite Aussie
Aussie Tiger hugs SS dont be a stranger lady
ShelleSea:    awww, thank you!
Good Person:    hiya Sandy hugs
Tarza.:    Hi and Hugs GP
ShelleSea:    if I become a stranger, I'll be back
MeL:    ((((((((((((( Spam Brat)))))))))))))))
Tarza.:    How you doing Dave?
CharleyO:    Hiya GP
OklahomaTraveler:    Hey GP
Good Person:    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( MeL brat ))))))))))))))))))))))
ShelleSea:    GP?
Good Person:    yes lol
zombiefan:    hi gp hugs
Lazysuzy o:    yeah he still around
ShelleSea:    [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ GP ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Lazysuzy o:    bratty as ever
OklahomaTraveler:    A blonde came up to the librarian & yelled, "This book sucks! There's way too many characters & the story makes no sense!" The librarian said, "So you're the one who took our phone book."
» Immigration Officer:    Warning! The connection to the world is currently down. Your changes may be lost. (aw)
» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.
Good Person:    mutes Suzy lol
SirGreendown:    we need this band to be official
Good Person:    ty lol
Nattie:    hi Chumana
Tiffany Lace:    hi Good person
SirGreendown:    either GP or OT get the Guitar
ShelleSea:    hahaha Spam!\
OklahomaTraveler:    Hey, I always behave.. GP is the one that's always in trouble!
SirGreendown:    stand by the mic
Chumana:    Hi Tiff and Tox
Lazysuzy o:    bite me GP
ShelleSea:    thats too funny TYG!
SirGreendown:    next to Storm Raven
CharleyO:    hey ... GP brought a can of SPAM with him ....LOL
Good Person:    hiya Tiff
OklahomaTraveler watches GP bite Suzy..
Good Person:    ty Charley lol
zombiefan:    lol
Toxor:    Hey Chumana
ShelleSea:    look behind you gp
Tarza.:    Oh no..SPAM
SirGreendown:    GP, I hear Iao Moonshadow really loves Spam too
Tiffany Lace:    lol charley
SirGreendown:    you 2 should date
Good Person:    yup she does lol
SirGreendown:    she is from Hawaii
Tarza.:    I can eat it too if its cooked good.
SirGreendown:    Hawaiians love Spam
OklahomaTraveler:    Good-Moonshadow to wed.  Reception in the spam room.
ShelleSea:    I wonder if Mona Lisa loved Spam
ShelleSea:    maybe thats whats up with her smkile
ShelleSea:    smile*
Good Person:    OT hush lol
Good Person:    LOL SS
SirGreendown:    we need a 4th band member
Lazysuzy o:    writes that down for gp
TenYearsGone:    why are you running away from your lunch, GP? don't you like your lunch?
SirGreendown:    so far it's me, KoL, and Raven Warrior
OklahomaTraveler:    Well, it sounded better than Person-Iao..
ShelleSea:    lol
SirGreendown:    Urbane Chaos, Bluescruiser, would either one of you join this band
ShelleSea:    MoonPerson
Lazysuzy o:    lmao
zombiefan:    dances!
OklahomaTraveler:    I haven't used that name in years..
SirGreendown:    we need a Guitarist
ShelleSea:    Urban Chaos... interesting name actually
OklahomaTraveler:    always liked that name though.. Urbane Chaos.. :D
Good Person:    well zombie can play one lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Before that, I was Monkey Dancer.. better not to ask on that one.
CharleyO:    G'night Tarza ... dream a good dream!
ShelleSea:    yeah, it is a good name
Good Person:    nite Sandy hugs
zombiefan:    yes i can play a bit  :D
Tarza.:    Nite everyone.
zombiefan:    night tarza
Tiffany Lace:    goodnight
ShelleSea:    Night Tarza :-)
Lazysuzy o:    sweet dreams tarza
Toxor:    night Tarza
Chumana:    nite Tarza, tc
OklahomaTraveler:    I can't get it back I don't think though.. lost my email for that account. :(
Tarza.:    Hugs to all and sleep well.
SirGreendown:    so yeah
OklahomaTraveler:    Have a great one Tarza! <smooches>
Zephyr Fox:    Nite Tarza
MeL:    Night Tarza, Hugss
Tarza.:    Have a great day tomorrow....hugs
OklahomaTraveler:    wb Mel
SirGreendown:    we are a Fab Four
CharleyO:    WB MeL
MeL:    ty
zombiefan:    i been practicing Doors songs
OklahomaTraveler:    I thought Fab was a washing detergent.
ShelleSea:    wb MeL
SirGreendown:    TenYearsGone, SirGreendown, Alphaworldian, and Storm Raven
Good Person:    seee told ya i was a angel ask SS lol
MeL:    ty
CharleyO:    Cool, Zombie
SirGreendown:    and One Direction: AW Edition
ShelleSea:    dont ask me, I'm no Angel
Lazysuzy o:    pinch mel
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL GP, Right.
TenYearsGone:    We are here all week, folks. Be sure to tip your waitress
Good Person:    no me lol
Lazysuzy o:    gp aint no angel either
SirGreendown:    we are just like One Direction
OklahomaTraveler:    I had a waitress? :O
SirGreendown:    but in AW
TenYearsGone:    I think you tipped her.... over the railing
SirGreendown:    hence the name One Direction: AW Edition
ShelleSea:    hahaha OT
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL So that means you can't sing or play? :P
zombiefan:    there seems to be more light over here than on the other dance floors
Good Person:    zombie is OT behaving lol
zombiefan:    ot pretends to behave lol  :D
ShelleSea:    I like it in the dark over here
OklahomaTraveler:    Zombie, you just turned up your brightness..
ShelleSea:    it's soothing
Good Person:    lol
ShelleSea:    :-)
TenYearsGone:    Wait... I thought you said we were going to be a band?
Good Person:    lol OT
OklahomaTraveler:    GP, I haven't behaved since the wedding. :P
OklahomaTraveler winks at Zombie
Good Person:    yeah i know lol
CharleyO:    LOL OT
SirGreendown:    yeah, we are a Boy Band
zombiefan:    lol at ot  :P
Lazysuzy o:    i believe that GP is worse then OT
SirGreendown:    just like One Direction
OklahomaTraveler waits to get slapped!
Good Person:    am not ask zombie lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Oh GP is definitely worse than me. That's a given.
zombiefan:    how is that suzy?  :D
TenYearsGone:    No one said anything about lipsyncing studio vocalists while a beatbox drones on
OklahomaTraveler:    You should have seen what he was doing the other day!  WOW!
SirGreendown:    or when I was little it was NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys
Lazysuzy o:    cause i said so
TenYearsGone:    yeah, no... I am out
ShelleSea:    I can't believe you just typed all of that without typos TYG
SirGreendown:    and The Beatles must have been when you were young
OklahomaTraveler:    LMAO Ten
SirGreendown:    you left just like Zayn Malik
CharleyO:    LOL OT & Ten
Good Person:    SS its good to see you back bop OT for me lol
Lazysuzy o:    and i know how GP is anyway
OklahomaTraveler:    Back Bop?  Is that a new band name now too?
ShelleSea:    yeah, I'm good.. I wont be bopping anyone
Good Person:    LOL OT
zombiefan:    he wants his women to cook him spam 10 times a day?  lol
Good Person:    oh no the spam lol
OklahomaTraveler:    I remember when bands used to play real music.. not digized carp.
Good Person:    lol zombie
CharleyO:    Open that can of SPAm, GP ... lol
zombiefan:    :D
Good Person:    naw lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Hey, I keep my spam covered up in public.. and nobody ever cooks it!  Ouch!
OklahomaTraveler:    Wait, what are we talking about again??
Good Person:    LOL OT
CharleyO:    LOL OT
Toxor:    you can be a power trio
ShelleSea:    I am SO not going to say it!
OklahomaTraveler:    Shelle...
OklahomaTraveler:    thanks.
ShelleSea:    nope nope no way
CharleyO:    LOL
Good Person:    i hate spam it gives me gas lol
zombiefan:    :O
Lazysuzy o:    rolls eyes
CharleyO:    LOL
Tiffany Lace:    lol
SirGreendown:  Google Image Search results for Horse
Lazysuzy o:    liar liar pants on fire GP
OklahomaTraveler:    :O GP
OklahomaTraveler:    That explains why it's always foggy here.
CharleyO:    LOL
Good Person:    ok i will behave MeLs watching me lol
OklahomaTraveler:    I could say so many things here.. but I'll leave it alone. :P
zombiefan:    :D
OklahomaTraveler:    Mel likes your spam.
Good Person:    she loves it lol
MeL:    Thats all OT could talk about, was your spam
OklahomaTraveler:    She could eat it all day!
zombiefan:    make sure its not moldy!
CharleyO:    LOL MeL
MeL:    lol zombie
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL Mel, not so much.. LMAO
Good Person:    LOL MeL
ShelleSea:    hahahaha
OklahomaTraveler:    Moldy spam? ewwwwww...
ShelleSea:    puts a whole new meaning to meatloaf
Tiffany Lace:    lol
MeL:    eww
CharleyO:    LOL
Good Person:    i love meat loaf lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Moldy Spamloaf?  Aren't they playing in concert next week?
Good Person:    lol
CharleyO:    I heard they were, OT
CharleyO:    LOL
OklahomaTraveler:    I used to like meatloaf until they came out with their second album.
ShelleSea:    might make it on the grunge sc3ene
zombiefan:    likes meatloaf with ketchup yum
ShelleSea:    I never liked the stuff
Good Person:    me to zombie and hot sauce lol
zombiefan:    i never put hot sauce on mine before
Tiffany Lace:    hot sauce  wow
ShelleSea:    I made so much of it for the ex..
OklahomaTraveler:    There's a fine line between meatloaf and week old ground beef mixed with a bunch of carp and heated up to pretend it's food.
ShelleSea:    wished he would have choked on it just once..
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL Shelle
CharleyO:    GP, Zombie, & hot sauce?
Tiffany Lace:    awful
OklahomaTraveler:    Think nice thoughts.. :P
zombiefan:    lol charlie
ShelleSea:    naw
Tiffany Lace:    lol
Good Person:    shhhhhhh Charley
ShelleSea:    lol
CharleyO:    LOL
zombiefan:    :O
OklahomaTraveler:    Mr. Sea dies of Meatloaf clogged airways.
CharleyO:    LOL OT
OklahomaTraveler:    I know there's a punchline there somewhere, I just can't think of it..
ShelleSea:    And I finally just stood there and watched
ShelleSea:    lol
ShelleSea:    Poifect
Good Person:    lol
CharleyO:    lol
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL Shelle Smiles.
ShelleSea:    God knows I saved his life a few times
OklahomaTraveler:    Was it a seaside accident?
ShelleSea:    *sips my sunny margarita *
ShelleSea:    maybe...
CharleyO:    LOL OT
OklahomaTraveler:    LMAO
OklahomaTraveler:    You should be sipping your bloody mary.
zombiefan:    dances!
ShelleSea:    thats for breakfast
Good Person:    brb donut time and i dont share lol
ShelleSea:    WHAT.......
OklahomaTraveler:    Spamnuts!
CharleyO:    LOL GP
zombiefan:    bummer1
Tiffany Lace:    i like jelly
zombiefan:    bummer!
Tiffany Lace:    or plain
Tiffany Lace:    birthday soon huh zombie?
OklahomaTraveler:    I finally figured out what donuts are for.  They go on dobolts.  You use them to put dohouses together.
ShelleSea:    My b-day was Monday
OklahomaTraveler:    Happy Birthday Shelle.. :)
ShelleSea:    Thanks :-)
zombiefan:    yes tiffany
CharleyO:    happy belated Birthday Shelle
ShelleSea:    Thanks Carley :-)
Tiffany Lace:    NEAR mu moms
ShelleSea:    CHarley
Tiffany Lace:    near my moms
OklahomaTraveler:    Ok, who's going to hold down Shelle for her spankin?
ShelleSea:    haha
Tiffany Lace:    happy birthday shelle
OklahomaTraveler grins mischievously..
ShelleSea:    Thank you Tiff :-)
Tiffany Lace:    yw
CharleyO:    You hold  Shelle down, OT
ShelleSea:    I see you had ZERO takers on that 1 OT
OklahomaTraveler:    Oh no.. I get to do the spankin'..  I called it first!
CharleyO:    LOL
OklahomaTraveler:    Shelle, doesn't surprise me. :|
ShelleSea:    hahahaha
zombiefan:    lol
Chumana:    lol
ShelleSea:    I was awaiting the bum rush.. it never happened
OklahomaTraveler:    I was just waiting for the bum...
ShelleSea:    hahaha
CharleyO:    lol
Toxor:    they should let bums go at their own pace
Good Person:    lol very funny OT
OklahomaTraveler:    They do.  I love watching them.  Especially in mini-skirts.
ShelleSea:    I bet this big biker bar dude has alot of stories to tell
OklahomaTraveler:    Tight bums are the best.
OklahomaTraveler:    There's a biker dude here? :O
zombiefan:    :D
CharleyO:    lol
Good Person:    OT zombie watching you lol
OklahomaTraveler checks out Chumana's bum..
zombiefan:    im not watching ot. lol
Tiffany Lace:    I wonder if candyland is on tomorrow
Good Person:    why not lol
ShelleSea:    he comes to a stance like he was once in the marines
Chumana is happy she is not wearing shorty-shorts or a skirt
zombiefan:    :D
Tiffany Lace:    I miss it
ShelleSea:    I dont trust him
OklahomaTraveler checks out Zombie's bum.. wowzer!
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL Chumana
CharleyO:    LOL Chumana
Chumana:    hehe
zombiefan:    lot at ot  :P
Good Person:    awwwwww why Chumana lol
Chumana:    no comment
Good Person:    darn lol
zombiefan:    likes short shorts :D
OklahomaTraveler does too.. :D
Good Person:    i have pink ones lol
zombiefan:    :O
Chumana:    i figured so, GP
Tiffany Lace:    he he
zombiefan:    i meant womens short shorts hehheeh
OklahomaTraveler:    Well carp.. that ruined it all for me.
Lazysuzy o:    okay um brb ... have trouble here...
ShelleSea:    pink short6 shots and spam
CharleyO:    LOL
Good Person:    oh lol
ShelleSea:    dear God
Chumana:    hahaha
Good Person:    lol SS
Tiffany Lace:    lol
Good Person:    and my sock match too lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Dear God is right.. GP's bright pink short shorts are going to give me nightmares.. and I'm already disturbed enough.
Good Person:    LOL OT
CharleyO:    LOL OT
ShelleSea:    hahaha
OklahomaTraveler:    :O Knee high socks and short shorts?  Ya got that tube top on too? :O
SirGreendown:    you realize Server Movers can be added on bump in single-rider, right?
Good Person:    nope lol
CharleyO:    LOL
OklahomaTraveler never ever eats spam again.. see what it causes??
zombiefan:    some one turned my blue jeans pink once when they washed my blue jeans with my red clothers grrrrr!
Good Person:    LOL OT
Tiffany Lace:    ohhh thats awful
CharleyO:    LOL Zombie
Good Person:    oh my zombie
SirGreendown:    you should do that with the pole dance rides
SirGreendown:    add on bump single rider
Good Person:    OT loves pole dancing lol
SirGreendown:    it works with server movers
zombiefan:    throw him some nickels gp  :D
CharleyO:    LOL
Good Person:    naw lol
ShelleSea:    so, what do the stars mean?
OklahomaTraveler:    I got off the pole and got on the bar.. it's safer over here.  If I fall off drunk, I only go a few feet.. There's no safety bars on those poles!
Good Person:    how many years you been on aw
OklahomaTraveler:    Shelle, how dirty minded people are.
OklahomaTraveler:    or what GP said.
ShelleSea:    oh....
Good Person:    lol
ShelleSea:    hmm
SirGreendown:    ehmahgerd
SirGreendown:    guise
CharleyO:    Here you go, Shelle :
ShelleSea:    this could be a fun argument come Monday..
ShelleSea:    ty Charley :-)
CharleyO:    YW
Good Person:    Charley make a great GK lol
ShelleSea:    indeed
OklahomaTraveler:    Come Monday.. wasn't that a Jimmy Buffet song?
SirGreendown:    eye vill beith awn duh galleria zust belooo duh ParTay
zombiefan:    finally figured out how to record videos with aw's add on tab thing but the radio wont work over here for me
Good Person:    LOL OT
CharleyO:    that causes to many enemies, GP ..... lol
SirGreendown:    my name and pic will haunt this club
Good Person:    cool zombie
SirGreendown:    FOREVER!!!!
OklahomaTraveler:    I can never get the radio to work..
ShelleSea:    SirG just turned into Werner VonBron
Good Person:    lol Charley
OklahomaTraveler googles Werner VonBron..
Tiffany Lace:    wow what a guy
SirGreendown:    I will be under the Club in the Gallery
ShelleSea:    yeah he was an awesome guy
OklahomaTraveler:    Green, thanks for the warning. :P
zombiefan:    charlie could meet alot of cute women as gk  ;)
SirGreendown:    well once Bach or Wolvie or whoever gets around to it
Good Person:    <<< is cuter then OT lol
SirGreendown:    Heinz Haber
CharleyO:    LOL  Zombie
OklahomaTraveler:    GP!!!!!
zombiefan:    :D
Good Person:    yes
ShelleSea:    I met alot of cute women and I was under a rock at gz
ShelleSea:    lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Ok, well, I won't deny that.  Especially with those short shorts and tube socks. :P
Good Person:    LOL SS
ShelleSea:    nevermind, you had to be there
CharleyO:    LOL Shelle
Good Person:    LOL OT
OklahomaTraveler:    Shelle, do you have video? ;)
ShelleSea:    my ex kept that too
SirGreendown: Wehrner Von Braun
ShelleSea:    lol
SirGreendown:    and Heinz Haber
CharleyO:    lol
ShelleSea:    cant say I blame him
SirGreendown:    worked with Disney
Good Person:    OT you old goat lol
SirGreendown:    and were at the Opening of Disneyland 60 Years Ago today
OklahomaTraveler:    I've been called worse. LOL
SirGreendown:    on July 17th, 1955
OklahomaTraveler:    Green, you were there?
SirGreendown:    no
Good Person:    me to like brat lol
zombiefan:    what radio station are you all listening to over here?
ShelleSea:    OT, your font flows like someone I use to know in here....
SirGreendown:    Heinz Haber and Wehrner Von Braun were there
ShelleSea:    when I think of who it was I'll let ya know
CharleyO:    OT's font flows?
SirGreendown:    today is Disneyland's 60th Anniversary
OklahomaTraveler:    My font flows.. I never realized that.  Must be that time of the month.
SirGreendown:    July 17th
OklahomaTraveler:    :D
ShelleSea:    bwahahahaha
CharleyO:    LOL
Chumana:    O.o
MeL:    ahhahaa
Good Person:    tickles MeL lol
SirGreendown:    Disneyland is older than some of us
Good Person:    not as old as me lol
OklahomaTraveler grope hugs Mel..
OklahomaTraveler:    :O GP
zombiefan:    mel's cav is so cute that even i cant stop staring  ;)
MeL:    sorry Iam quiet.. been a hot day.  got up to 124.. think I got to ohot outside
Good Person:    lol OT
SirGreendown:    so you are older than 60 GP
Good Person:    yup
OklahomaTraveler:    Mel, same here..
zombiefan:    124 sounds way too hot
MeL:    i have having trouble breathign outside
CharleyO:    Wow ... about the same time I got up, too
ShelleSea:    I had to stop staring at MeL.. that pink was making my eyes sore
OklahomaTraveler:    I have to help with the market tomorrow and I'm worried about that.  I installed misters and cooling fans but it's not really helping any.
Good Person:    LOL SS
ShelleSea:    you ok MeL?
OklahomaTraveler:    I can't ever stop staring at Mel.. she's hypnotizing.
MeL:    not in this weather it wont Ot
zombiefan:    we never had 124 temperature over here in iowa
SirGreendown:    did you the average age of a viewer of The O'Reilly Factor is 72 Years Old
Good Person:    OT ??
SirGreendown:    Fox News' audience is literally dying
OklahomaTraveler:    I can't handle it much anymore myself.
OklahomaTraveler:    GP?
ShelleSea:    thats about right SirG
MeL:    me either. OT
Good Person:    go to your room
SirGreendown:    younger people are much more Liberal
OklahomaTraveler:    Fox is a load of crap anyway.. let it die.
ShelleSea:    72 and brain dead
OklahomaTraveler:    GP, Can I take Zombie, Chumana, and Mel with me? :D
ShelleSea:    lol
Good Person:    noooooooooooooooo
CharleyO:    LOL
zombiefan:    take us where ot?  lol
OklahomaTraveler:    It was worth a try..
OklahomaTraveler:    Zombie, nevermind.
Good Person:    in his room lol
zombiefan:    :O
SirGreendown:    watch CoLor says Fox News tells the truth, she is obviously dead wrong
OklahomaTraveler:    LMAO
ShelleSea:    do not go anywhere with OT....
CharleyO:    LOL
zombiefan:    with his video camera?  nasty dog!  :O
OklahomaTraveler:    Shelle, I have a shirt that says that.
Good Person:    LOL SS true
ShelleSea:    I bet!
Chumana:    wowzer zombie lol
OklahomaTraveler:    But this isn't the right time anyway.. because.. of.. well, you know.. my flow and all.
SirGreendown:    the biggie for me as to why I am a Democrat is Social Issues particularly LGBTQ Rights
OklahomaTraveler grins at Shelle
ShelleSea:    bwwwahahahaha
CharleyO:    LOL OT
SirGreendown:    but also the Economic and Foreign policies
Iao Moonshadow:    you're not pouring fast enough then OT
MeL:    Hugss lao
OklahomaTraveler:    LMAO Iao, I ain't sayin' a word..
ShelleSea:    That was perfect timing SirG
CharleyO:    Hiya Moonshadow
Good Person:    ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Moon ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) brat
zombiefan:    hi iao
OzySEO:    drink'em up, shoot'em down
OklahomaTraveler:    Moon, I heard that you and GP are getting hitched?
Iao Moonshadow:    heya Charley
Chumana:    Howdy lao
Iao Moonshadow:    hi zombie fan
Good Person:    what lol
Toxor:    Hi Iao and Ozy
SirGreendown:    Hi Iao, I found you a date
Iao Moonshadow:    ((((((((gp you spam brat)))))))
Iao Moonshadow:    what....
OzySEO:    hey Toxor
OklahomaTraveler:    Nothing, nothing at all..
ShelleSea:    Hello Ozy :-)
Tiffany Lace:    hi everyone
SirGreendown:    Good Person and you both love Spam
Iao Moonshadow:    hiya Toxor and Chumana
zombiefan:    hi tiffany
CharleyO:    Hi Ozy
OklahomaTraveler:    It's all Tiffany's fault anyway.
Chumana:    Howdy Ozy
Good Person:    hiya Tiff
Iao Moonshadow:    I can't stand spam
Tiffany Lace:    lol
OzySEO:    i'm on piano tonight, whos singing?
Tiffany Lace:    yeh blame me
Good Person:    fibber lol
OzySEO:    whers the guitarist?
zombiefan:    what radio station is playing over here?
SirGreendown:    you are from Hawaii Iao, Hawaiianhs love Spam
MeL rubs up against lao
OklahomaTraveler:    You're the one in lace. :P
Tiffany Lace:    that was fun ozy
Iao Moonshadow:    unless it is boiled twice, burnt to a crisp, and the last thing left on earth to eat
OklahomaTraveler never gets any rubs from Mel anymore.. :|
Iao Moonshadow:    who said SG lol
MeL rubs up against OT.. ( you big baby)
Iao Moonshadow:    i'm a native. but yes many do love spam.  i don't
CharleyO:    lol
ShelleSea:    >_>
OklahomaTraveler:    Woohoo!!!!!
Good Person:    Moon yourmore nutty then OT lol
SirGreendown:    I forget who 'twas
Iao Moonshadow:    gosh i hope so...
OklahomaTraveler:    Ok, I'm ready to go to my room now.. (Thanks Mel!)
Iao Moonshadow:    erm. wait.
MeL:    haha
CharleyO:    LOL OT
ShelleSea:    hahahaha
SirGreendown:    I think it was ChokelahomaVagabond
Iao Moonshadow pinches mel back
Good Person:    zombie needs to remarrie OT lol
MeL:    shakes it for lao   (((   (_I_)  ))))
zombiefan:    gp can marry ot  :D   hheheh
Good Person:    LOL MeL
OklahomaTraveler:    GP, I've been telling her that for awhile but all she does is slap me.  It's alright though..
CharleyO:    What? OT & Zombie got divorced???
ShelleSea:    re-marry
Good Person:    noooo lol
Iao Moonshadow:    bb-gun works
SirGreendown:    the mooning is honestly disgusting
OklahomaTraveler:    Charley, Yup.. actually, I think she was drugged anyway.
OklahomaTraveler moons Green.
SirGreendown:    0oh no
CharleyO:    Zombie drugged you, OT?
zombiefan:    gp and ot would look great together  :D
Iao Moonshadow:    *tosses a mask over sg's eyes
ShelleSea:    you two are virtually married?
Good Person:    zombie shhh lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Charley, she does that to all the guys, or so I've heard..
zombiefan:    hehehe
CharleyO:    LOL
SirGreendown:     oh noes
OklahomaTraveler:    Nah, Zombie is alright, but she couldn't handle the traveler.. :P
Good Person:    LOL
zombiefan:    yes ot is too nuts for me  :D
Chumana:    pa-ching
ShelleSea:    hahaha
OklahomaTraveler:    You like my what???
CharleyO:    LOL
zombiefan:    ewwww!
Chumana:    lol
OklahomaTraveler:    LMAO
ShelleSea:    Chumana says PaChing... poifect
Good Person:    OT get off the bar and get dressed lol
Chumana:    too late for that
OklahomaTraveler:    GP, Did I kick over your drink?  Sorry 'bout that..
Good Person:    lol
zombiefan:    throws ot some nickels!  lol
SirGreendown:  the stupidest documentary ever, What a Waste, It's a documentary about, Brady Quinn!!!!!
Good Person:    lol OT
Tiffany Lace:    Awww
OklahomaTraveler:    It's not a party unless someone is naked..
Chumana:    although he does have a nice "ebb and flow"
CharleyO:    LOL Chumana
OklahomaTraveler:    Hey, you gotta love my flow..
Good Person:    closes my eyes lol
Tiffany Lace:    no one naked here
Iao Moonshadow:    why waste my time if you say its so stupid of a waste of time.
Chumana:    :P
ShelleSea:    SirG, why dont you write your own documentary about someone that deserves it?
Iao Moonshadow:    thank goodness am half blind...
OklahomaTraveler:    Like, a documentary about me? :D
ShelleSea:    hahaha
Chumana:    lol lao
Good Person:    pinches Moon lol
OklahomaTraveler:    LMAO Iao, thanks for the vote of confidence.
ShelleSea:    geeezzz
CharleyO:    LOL
Iao Moonshadow:    you're welcome :-)
CharleyO:    LOL MeL
OklahomaTraveler:    Hey Kitty..
zombiefan:    enzo likes to experiment?
Lazysuzy o:    meow
ShelleSea:    I can't believe it's 1:06 and I'm sitting here, not drunk..
MeL:    over 3 years ago.. Rick started the pink drawers idea
Chumana:    lovely pic...
OklahomaTraveler:    Any link that says "Enzo" and has Pink Drawers in it should be banned.
MeL:    haha
OklahomaTraveler:    Shelle, that you know of..
zombiefan:    hi suzy  :D
Iao Moonshadow:    enzo is an experiment.  that guy behind the curtain
ShelleSea:    pretty sure I'm not..
OzySEO:    nice to have a couple of bouncers on the lower stage
Iao Moonshadow:    or av
Lazysuzy o:    back
TenYearsGone:    did you forget that I was being the spam can, Suzy ;)?
OklahomaTraveler:    Suzy, thanks for the warning.
Lazysuzy o:    um no ten
OklahomaTraveler:    wb Mel
MeL:    wb suzy
ShelleSea:    wb Suzy
Lazysuzy o:    thanks
TenYearsGone:    Oh, I thought you were dancing
CharleyO:    WB SuzyQ
OklahomaTraveler:    Oh, what a feeling..
Iao Moonshadow:    bouncers?  i don't wanna look to see which ones he means...
Chumana:    haha
ShelleSea:    maybe I am druck, the spam is talking..
ShelleSea:    drunk
OzySEO:    lol
Good Person:    LOL SS
OklahomaTraveler:    When the spam talks, you've had one too many.
CharleyO:    LOL
OzySEO:    that confirms it i thinl
OzySEO:    think
Chumana:    yup
Lazysuzy o:    that the trouble... DONT think
ShelleSea:    Oh, I forgot. I'm not in Kansas anymore..
OklahomaTraveler:    Kansas has seas?
Iao Moonshadow:    not thinking allowed
Iao Moonshadow:    *no even..
ShelleSea:    Thats why I'm not in Kansas anymore
CharleyO:    LOL Shelle
Iao Moonshadow:    welcome to hawaii!
SirGreendown:    Wish I could say that ShelleSea
ShelleSea:    :-)
OzySEO:    am i seeing things, or is TYG in his underwear?
OklahomaTraveler:    I tried to think once.. got tired of it and decided to go paint passing lines on curved roads.
Good Person:    <<< glad i am a angel and bops OT  lol
SirGreendown:    or Chelsea I guess
ShelleSea:    TYG is a can of spam
SirGreendown:    I am stuck in Kansas
ShelleSea:    seriously
Iao Moonshadow:    you kinda blend right on in with the beach already
Good Person:    yup he is
OklahomaTraveler:    :O Don't bop me!
Lazysuzy o:    GP you are the devil
SirGreendown:    Dictator Sam Brownback is a ruthless tyrant
Iao Moonshadow:    gp, i just finished dinner...
Chumana:    lol
OzySEO:    well, lets all strip and even things out, HAHA
Good Person:    am not ask MeL lol
Good Person:    awwwwww sorry moon lol
Lazysuzy o:    are too
Iao Moonshadow:    lol
OzySEO:    oh, thunder jacks already naked
ShelleSea:    thats pretty heavy Suzy, are you sure he's the Devil?
ShelleSea:    I mean I've met the Devil..
Lazysuzy o:    yes
Good Person:    LOL SS
Iao Moonshadow:    Deviled Spam
Lazysuzy o:    i have the picture to prove it
SirGreendown:    and all the typical Fox News Loving Gun Toting Gay Hating Christian Kansas Voter absolutely loves Sam Brownback
Toxor:    lol
CharleyO:    LOL Moonshadow
Good Person:    fake pics lol
ShelleSea:    Wait a sec...
zombiefan:    lol
ShelleSea:    SirG
OklahomaTraveler:    Shelle went down to Georgia, she had the devil to meet..
Good Person:    LOL OT
Iao Moonshadow:    whoooo nelly
ShelleSea:    I dont like fox news.. but I do love my guns
SirGreendown:    yeah
OzySEO:    ok, bands on a 5 minute break, i need a smoke, bb
MeL:    same here shelle.. cant take them away from us
SirGreendown:    I have to live in fear every day of being shot because I am gay
ShelleSea:    hell no
Iao Moonshadow:    that's like....way too many labels for me to follow
SirGreendown:    Guns are legal in schools in Kansas
OklahomaTraveler:    Guns and foxes work well together.. especially when you're hungry and need a new fur coat.
CharleyO:    lol
Good Person:    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Shannon )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
zombiefan:    hi shannon  :)
CharleyO:    hi Shannon
SirGreendown:    and anyone can have a gun without a license required
MeL:    Hugss Shannon
OklahomaTraveler:    Shannon!
Tiffany Lace:    mean
Chumana:    howdy Shannon
Shannon...:    hi zombie and Charley  :)
ShelleSea:    I own guns and I dont go around shooting gay people
Good Person:    i do my bb gun lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Tiff just called me mean. :O
Shannon...:    hi Chumana
MeL:    I own guns too
Shannon...:    hi ShelleSea
Lazysuzy o:    okay um sorry i will go out cause this conversation is um too hard for me right now...
Lazysuzy o:    bye
CharleyO:    Me too
OklahomaTraveler:    I shot a happy person by mistake once.  My rubber band slipped.  They wern't happy anymore.
Iao Moonshadow:    keep my silencer nice n quiet...
Lazysuzy o:    :(
Chumana:    tc Suzy
SirGreendown:    well I imagine most people in Kansas would shoot and kill me because of the fact I am gay
CharleyO:    LOL OT
Shannon...:    Hiya Mel  Hugss  :)
OklahomaTraveler:    Have a good one Suzy
Iao Moonshadow:    night suzy
MeL:    Hugss Shannon
ShelleSea:    How old are you SirG?
Shannon...:    GP  Hugssssss  :o)
SirGreendown:    they murder Abortion dioctors here too
SirGreendown:    I'm 20
OklahomaTraveler:    Think it's time for me to head out too.. it's late and I have to go try to round off infinity.
zombiefan:    night ot
MeL:    Night OT
MeL:    Night Suzy
Chumana:    tc OT
OklahomaTraveler:    Thanks Mel for another great party! :D
TenYearsGone:    They might, Sir Greendown, but maybe not because you are gay
Toxor:    nite OT
ShelleSea:    you are 20 years old?.... Move... Move to another state
Shannon...:    hi Tiffany
Good Person:    gee she always hugs me last lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Catch ya'll later on..
MeL:    ^_~
CharleyO:    G'night OT .... dream of spam
ShelleSea:    by7e by7e OT
CoLor:    SirG if u keep it in your pants and in your own bedroom and private like we adults do keep our love lives private you should be fine
Iao Moonshadow:    best for last i guess
SirGreendown:    I can't because my parents conttrol every aspect of my life
Good Person:    Moon behave lol
Iao Moonshadow:    make me. lol
Good Person:    naw lol
ShelleSea:    you are 20.. how does anyone control your life?
zombiefan:    come dance with us and the spam can shannon   ;)
ShelleSea:    do they control the air you breath?
Good Person:    LOL zombie
SirGreendown:    well the Supreme Court ruled I can legally marry
ShelleSea:    do you sleep in their bed?
Shannon...:    hi Moonshadow
zombiefan:    :D
Iao Moonshadow:    soooomtimes... all i need is the air that i breath...
Iao Moonshadow:    hiya Shannon :-)
SirGreendown:    I don't the Government imposing Christianity down people's throats
SirGreendown:    that is unconstitutional
ShelleSea:    I'm sorry, when I was 20 years old, I had my own place and worked a full time job.
zombiefan:    the spam can isnt moving much though  lol
MeL:    diddo Shelle
CoLor:    You can pretend all you want. but it will never be real. Because marriage is between a man and a woman. If you prefer to make a union between same genders its something else.
CharleyO:    me to, Shelle
Chumana:    same here
Good Person:    hes sleeping lol
Iao Moonshadow:    makes a good target though, zombie
ShelleSea:    right...
SirGreendown:    it is very clear in the First Amendment there should be a separation of Church and State
SirGreendown:    NO
SirGreendown:    NMO
TenYearsGone:    I am just waiting for GP to get hungry.... when he does, the spam can won't last long
Iao Moonshadow:    dag namit.
CoLor:    this nation was built on christianity and if you dont like it get out
MeL:    Easy SirG
Good Person:    Sir ??
Chumana:    hmmm
MeL:    stop it
CharleyO:    LOL Moonshadow
MeL:    change the subject
ShelleSea:    It's as easy as opening the door and walking out
ShelleSea:    oops
ShelleSea:    subject change!
Iao Moonshadow:    these boots are made for walkin.
Good Person:    LOL on you Moon
ShelleSea:    Well, I went for a walk today.. not... actually I went to eat and it was good.
Iao Moonshadow:    nancy....sinatra.
SirGreendown:    I want to die because of Bigots like CoLor who want to deny equal rights to me and may others
ShelleSea:    then I went to the beach for like 4 hours
ShelleSea:    got buirnt
ShelleSea:    it felt good
ShelleSea:    lol
Catwoman:    guten morgen
ShelleSea:    guten morgan Cat
Good Person:    hiya CW hugs
Chumana:    Good morning Cat
CharleyO:    G'morning Cat!
zombiefan:    morning catwoman
MeL:    Howdy Catwoman
Iao Moonshadow:    quite frankly, when you pull of a subject filled with labels and heated perspectives involved, prepare to be burned.
Tiffany Lace:    g morning catwoman
Good Person:    Moon your crazy lol
Iao Moonshadow:    better to party on right here...with good people
Tiffany Lace:    guten morgan
CoLor:    SirGreendown I have/had friends that are gay or bisexual. they never accused others with names because they held differeing views.
TenYearsGone:    No, GP. Iao is right
MeL:    Color....
MeL:    change the subject
Good Person:    nice dress Shannon
CoLor:    It is how life is. we respect each others right to hold a personal view. And I would hope you would enjoy life.
Iao Moonshadow:    and you are one of the sirgreendown.  so chill with us.
CoLor:    ok Mel
CharleyO:    SirG is gone
Iao Moonshadow:    said my peace.  i'm good.
zombiefan:    opens spam can  lol
TenYearsGone:    ow!
Good Person:    nooo lol
zombiefan:    :D
Iao Moonshadow:    gah, *grabs clothes pins*
CharleyO:    LOL Zombie
Good Person:    LOL Moon
Chumana:    hahaha
zombiefan:    lol
Good Person:    hiya Liz sis hugs
zombiefan:    hi catwoman
Catwoman:    lol
Tiffany Lace:    hello
Good Person:    hello Tiff
Iao Moonshadow:    hiya catwoman
Tiffany Lace:    hello again huh ?
Catwoman:    hi to all and hugs around
Good Person:    nope lol
zombiefan:    hugs
Catwoman:    hu tiff ??
Catwoman:    lol
CharleyO:    Hugs Cat
Tiffany Lace:    Danke
Toxor:    hi Catwoman
Catwoman:    bitte tiff
Good Person:    Liz ??
Tiffany Lace:    :)
Shannon...:    Hi Cat  :)
Catwoman:    i need my coffee
Shannon...:    Hi Toxor
Toxor:    Hey Shannon
Tiffany Lace:    I need something hot too
Shannon...:    Hi Thunder Jack and Nattie
Iao Moonshadow:    couple of surfer boys work
Catwoman:    hello Sir
SirGreendown:    hi
Nattie:    hi shannon
Good Person:    hands Tiff some hot spam lol
CharleyO:    LOL Moonshadow
Tiffany Lace:    hi sir
Tiffany Lace:    wb
zombiefan:    how much is a p30 world?
Shannon...:    Hi Color
Catwoman:    come dance Sir G
OzySEO:    30 liters of p
CharleyO:    lol Ozy
OzySEO:    oh wait, no thats not right
Shannon...:    hi Zephyr
Shannon...:    Hey Liz  hugss  :)
Iao Moonshadow:    wonderful, was dieing for the information aaaallll night
zombiefan:    my world expires in maybe 12 days and am thinking of upgrading from p20 to p30 if the price is right
LizLiz:    someone hold on to GP in case he gets lost LOL
Good Person:    hey Liz sis hugs
Iao Moonshadow:    48
Iao Moonshadow:    hiya lizliz
LizLiz:    Hey GP beo (((((you))))
Good Person:    LOL sis
LizLiz:    Bro
zombiefan:    hi liz
LizLiz:    Hi Moonshadow
LizLiz:    Hi Zombiefan
zombiefan:    i got to go click the dance button again brb
Good Person:    ok lol
CharleyO:    Zombie ... this should help :
CharleyO:    Hi liz
LizLiz:    I douldn't find the T so I couldn't 'click' it LOL
LizLiz:    Hi Charlie O
Good Person:    lol sis u nut
OzySEO:    alright, got me a couple of hotties
zombiefan:    dances!
LizLiz:    TJ and Nattie Hi you both XXXXX
zombiefan:    thanks charlie
Good Person:    hotties ??
SirGreendown: the Brady Quinn Documentary, a Documentary about a really awful Quarterback who really really sucks, but he is good looking, but that's the only good thing about him
LizLiz:    yup that's me bro GP
CharleyO:    Yw
Good Person:    lol sis
Nattie:    hi Liz
Iao Moonshadow:    you can also click the coin icon too zombiefan
LizLiz:    good to see you both Nattie
zombiefan:    thanks iao
LizLiz:    I love our Kitties
Chumana:    Hello Liz
LizLiz:    Hi Chumana hon XX
Good Person:    did SS leave
LizLiz:    ok ok Hi OSEO XXXXX
CharleyO:    yes, I think she did
Thunder Jack:    hello Liz
Good Person:    darn lol
OzySEO:    hey
Iao Moonshadow:    nice to see ya thunder jack and nattie
LizLiz:    good to see youTJ
zombiefan:    dances!
Thunder Jack:    dittos
LizLiz:    inally a nice party place for us eh?
Good Person:    yup brat party sis lol
OzySEO:    thats the biggest can of spam i ever seen
Good Person:    LOL
zombiefan:    :D
Chumana:    looks good in here, yes :)
OzySEO:    need 2 slices of bread for the spam
Good Person:    LOL
zombiefan:    with some mayo?
Iao Moonshadow:    and a torch
Good Person:    and hot sauce lol
Chumana:    oh heck ya :P
Chumana:    avocado
zombiefan:    the spam can is gone  :D
Chumana:    uh oh
Good Person:    cute slippers Shannon lol
Chumana:    we gotta eat Ten, now?
TenYearsGone:    mover must have timed out
Good Person:    lol ewwww
zombiefan:    ten might like that  lol
Shannon...:    ty GP  :P
Good Person:    lool
Good Person:    yw ;op
Chumana puts on some sterile gloves first :P
Shannon...:    they are sandals, GP
Good Person:    oh sorry all Moon fault lol
CharleyO:    LOL Chumana
TenYearsGone moves away slightly so it does not look like he is slow dancing with GP
Iao Moonshadow is just the crazy lady in the corner
Good Person:    lol Ten
zombiefan:    :D
Chumana:    lol...but its okay if you want to
TenYearsGone:    I have a comment, but I will refrain because I don't want to poke the bear
Chumana:    lol
Iao Moonshadow:    reloads. say what?
zombiefan:    what radio station is playing over here?
Good Person:    Liz you ok ?
LizLiz:    yeh GP bro
Good Person:    pokes MeL lol
MeL:    Hugss Liz
Toxor:    goodnight everyone and thanks MeL for the party
MeL:    Night Toxor  =)
zombiefan:    night toxor
TenYearsGone:    Niht Tox
Iao Moonshadow:    night Toxor
CharleyO:    G'night Toxor ... sleep well
Chumana:    nite Toxor, sleep well
TenYearsGone:    night, too
Shannon...:    night Toxor
OzySEO:    listening to my own music, alice cooper, schools out, which reminds me, new roller coaster in aws
Tiffany Lace:    NICE
Chumana:    cool
OzySEO:    called schools out roller coaster, lol
CharleyO:    And it works great, too!
zombiefan:    likes some alice cooper songs
Shannon...:    I used to listen to Alice Cooper years ago
Tiffany Lace:    goodnight everyone
OzySEO:    i got alot done since you saw it Charley, no signs to click, just walk in
Chumana:    nite nite Tiff
LizLiz:    Bite Tiffany
Iao Moonshadow:    night Tiffany
Shannon...:    night Tiffany
CharleyO:    G'night Tiffany ... sleep well
Good Person:    nite Tiff hugs
CharleyO:    Cool, Ozy ... I'll have to ride it again
Tiffany Lace:    see you all soon..hugs too
zombiefan:    night tiffany
OzySEO:    maybe an incentive for ppl to take a building class, teacher take'em on a ride after class, lol
Good Person:    lol
Iao Moonshadow:    they'll be eyeing i the whole class
CharleyO:    good idea ... lol
Iao Moonshadow:    or skip school :p
OzySEO:    lol
OzySEO:    its only 2 laps
Good Person:    Moon behave lol
Iao Moonshadow:    seriously, that WAS behaving
Chumana:    hehe
Good Person:    you sure lol
LizLiz:    GP you gotta let your hair down sometime LOL
Iao Moonshadow:    positivbe
zombiefan:    he has hair?  :O
Good Person:    i did sis lol
LizLiz:    do it to it Moon
Iao Moonshadow:    positive too..
CharleyO:    LOL Zombie
OzySEO:    only cost, your bank account number, pin number, ssn, to ride, no worries
Good Person:    yes i have hair lol
OzySEO:    only $1
zombiefan:    :D
Shannon...:    nice cowboy hat, that where you keep all your spam ? ;p
LizLiz:    get your groove on while you still can
TenYearsGone:    I tried to make one of those physics roller coasters once.... it was a bit too erratic, so I called it the Vomit Comet right before deleting it
Iao Moonshadow:    ah, i got hair.  was this a vote?
Good Person:    LOL Shannon noo lol
Chumana:    lol
CharleyO:    lol
OzySEO:    well, i got a bot script to easily create the tracks now, got an X1?
LizLiz:    only ifyou re in a contest Moonshadow
LizLiz:    I'll vote for ya
Iao Moonshadow:    ut oh, what i do now?
Iao Moonshadow:    *blush* I sorry just in case
CharleyO:    LOL
Good Person:    me to brat of the year lol
zombiefan:    sound like lots of studying to create a bot
LizLiz:    never apologise
Iao Moonshadow:    okay, i'm not sorry just in case
LizLiz:    the world is not your task-master
Iao Moonshadow:    *hugs*
LizLiz:    Hugs sis
Good Person:    bots are lazy like me lol
OzySEO:    na, get an X1, run the script, its easy, only 6 verbal commands
Iao Moonshadow:    bots are trainable, gp...
LizLiz:    GP you are not lazy
OzySEO:    exactly, lazy, thats how i wrote the script
Good Person:    am so ask Shannon sis lol
LizLiz:    hey I trained GP well enough right GP?
Iao Moonshadow:    lol
Good Person:    yup lol
Chumana:    lol
LizLiz:    GP throw herup then
CharleyO:    LOL
Good Person:    lol sis
SirGreendown:    Ozy, I would like that script in case I ever get around to paying for bot rights
OzySEO:    takes about 40 minutes to an hour to build a realistic life sized roller coaster track
LizLiz:    no use keepinh sickness in yourself
LizLiz:    Shannon behave???
OzySEO:    even provides for errors, and restarting from where ever you want
CharleyO:    That's true, Liz
Good Person:    wow you got to pay for bot rights
SirGreendown:    it will come in handy for the 2 Theme Parks I will build
SirGreendown:    including a full Disneyland
OzySEO:    for bot rights, but not the bot, or my scripts
LizLiz:    YEH you didn't know that GP?
SirGreendown:    in AWTeen
MeL:    wbSirG
LizLiz:    theygotta eat, they are not fat enough
zombiefan:    i thought the bots were free
Good Person:    sis Shannon dont know how to behave lol
SirGreendown:    I would like that script, please
OzySEO:    i got 2 bot limit GP, one dedicated to Combat 24/7, the other limit i play with, different bots, scripts, 2's enough mostly
Good Person:    i have three
SirGreendown:    I'll probably pay for bot rights at some point in the future
Iao Moonshadow:    fun with bots
OzySEO:    well, then your set
Good Person:    yup
Iao Moonshadow:    gonna have baby spam bots all over the place now
OzySEO:    it just means you can have any 3 running at one time
Good Person:    LOL Moon
OzySEO:    you can still have 20 bots, just can only run 3 at a time
Good Person:    bots dont have babies lol
zombiefan:    i dont know much about the bots yet
Good Person:    i do
Iao Moonshadow:    need paintball script to spray em all
Good Person:    lol moon
OzySEO:    they're just sub programs that aw allows to run
Iao Moonshadow:    a mini you
Iao Moonshadow:    eeks
zombiefan:    do the bots tell you other citizens ip addresses?
Good Person:    oh Shannon is alive lol
OzySEO:    can, if its your world
SirGreendown:    is it just me or does Catwoman look like Katy Perry in thye Dark Horse Music Video sorta
Shannon...:    yeah of course, GP *rolls eyes*  ;p
LizLiz:    so Bots ownership should be scrutimazed carefully then?
Good Person:    lol
OzySEO:    my ozybot wont show ip in AW/alpha, but it will in Comabt if i ask it too
LizLiz:    give a bot to some people they will tke all your builds out grrr nasty
zombiefan:    i might get a bot some day but willl have to study up on it all
LizLiz:    not everyone in AW has a platinum heart!
OzySEO:    bots right off the assembly line dont allow other ppl to control them, you have to tell your bot to allow other ppl to do that
SirGreendown:    I used to have bots
Iao Moonshadow:    have to be world owner / ct rights
LizLiz:    I am both LOL
Iao Moonshadow:    like a fancy computer
LizLiz:    youmean I can get a bot?
Iao Moonshadow:    robot
SirGreendown:    an Eclipse Evo, a Preston, and one of Andras' Mapper Bots
Good Person:    i had a brain once does that count lol
SirGreendown:    were the 3 bots I had
zombiefan:    :D
LizLiz:    I don't think my brain has toom for anyone else?
OzySEO:    you can use bots to work on your own builds, on your own land in public worlds
LizLiz:    room*
Good Person:    your brain is fine sis lol
Iao Moonshadow:    i rather build and make the bots clean house
Shannon...:    so you used to have a brain, GP ? did you replace it with Spam ? lol  jkg
Good Person:    LOL Moon
SirGreendown:    you will never believe this but I successfully snuck an Eclipse Evo into AWTeen
Good Person:    Shannon hush lol
LizLiz:    yeh but it's only got so musch space left after 75 years
Iao Moonshadow:    naughty boy gp
Good Person:    lol
Shannon...:    noooo GP  lol
SirGreendown:    Strike was actually ok with it as long as it stayed away from the GZ
Iao Moonshadow:    er... i meant sg
OzySEO:    the ToolBOT script i wrote, and updated, is basically a build editor without ever opening an object properties window
LizLiz:    LOL something about being tired sis?
LizLiz:    I took a nap duting the news this evening LOL
Iao Moonshadow:    phews
Good Person:    hey i am a sweet guy why pick on me lol
LizLiz:    GP you are sometimes fun to  pick on XXXX
Iao Moonshadow:    cause you're so pickable
OzySEO:    wanna change all textures, even if there's othe commands in the action line, no problem
Shannon...:    cause friends pick on friends, GP ? lol
Good Person:    ty sis hugs lol
zombiefan:    shares ding dong chocolate cakes?
OzySEO:    or color tint, scale, whatever
LizLiz:    we all Love you sooooo much GP
Shannon...:    did you sleep on your couch, Liz ?
Good Person:    you sure sis lol
LizLiz:    Ding Dongs yummie
Iao Moonshadow:    fried ding dongs
OzySEO:    can fly around and just click what you wanna change
Iao Moonshadow:    doesn't sound right...
SirGreendown:    It was in my own version of one of my beloved Idol I put up on a pedastal and annoyed everyone including Strike with my support of Strike Rapier's GZs
Good Person:    LOL Shannon
LizLiz:    Moon is that a Hawaiian thing?
Iao Moonshadow:    which one
Iao Moonshadow:    lol
LizLiz:    the fried cackes
SirGreendown:    even Strike was annoyed by my support of Strike
LizLiz:    cakes*
OzySEO:    or, you can keep doing it the hard way, either way, i got it, if ya want it
Iao Moonshadow:    oh! no its a carnival thing.  or one of those farm carnival things
LizLiz:    ahh OK
OzySEO:    gone smoking, bb
Iao Moonshadow:    like fried cheese..
Iao Moonshadow:    cotton candy
CharleyO:    mmm-mmm ... fried cheese !
Iao Moonshadow:    loads of peptobismal in the morning
Good Person:    your all nuts lol
zombiefan:    saw fire works this year but didnt feel like going to the parade
CharleyO:    i never did like cotton candy
Iao Moonshadow:    that too, honey glazed uts
LizLiz:    LOL
Good Person:    LOL Moon
LizLiz:    all that pork h;ps too  sis eh?
Iao Moonshadow:    finger smackin...good
Iao Moonshadow:    all them pork ribs you betchA
LizLiz:    lol the best
Good Person:    but Moon loves spam lol
LizLiz:    with all that sauce on them
Shannon...:    oh yeah, GP ? well you're a fruit cake  ;p
Iao Moonshadow:    no.... i do not love spam
Good Person:    am not lol
zombiefan:    dont burn a hole in your gut  :O
LizLiz:    omg Hawiian Pork chops yuummie
Shannon...:    am too  hehe
Good Person:    yes u do lol
Shannon...:    or hawaiian chicken
Good Person:    LOL zombie
Iao Moonshadow:    hell no
zombiefan:    :D
LizLiz:    roasted on an open pit
Good Person:    i give up all you women win lol
Iao Moonshadow:    pig yes, spam no
zombiefan:    some people use so much hot stuff that they eventually end up coughing up blood but thats rare
CharleyO:    Spam roasted on an open pit ... mmm-mmm
Iao Moonshadow:    or we actually steam in underground oven
Iao Moonshadow:    pit
Shannon...:    Yaaaay !! we win !!  lol
LizLiz:    no spam
Iao Moonshadow:    lol charley
Good Person:    Charley behave lol
LizLiz:    ohh yes underground is best
LizLiz:    Sharley goto your room!
LizLiz:    Charlie
Good Person:    lol sis
CharleyO:    LOL ... I am in my room .... lol
Iao Moonshadow:    part of the problem then
LizLiz:    they go to the [ottie you're full of it !
zombiefan:    wonders what's in charlies room :D
MeL:    hahah Liz
Iao Moonshadow:    *checks for smoke*
Good Person:    money zombie lol
LizLiz:    Pottie even
Chumana:    was wondering too, zombie :P
SirGreendown:    you know I have a huge area near the 2007 GZ
zombiefan:    how much money?  a few hundreds?  :O
CharleyO:    Zombie ... my room is very big ... lol ... lots of stuff in here.
LizLiz:    you gottsa sleepin the room you need to use the proper place
SirGreendown:    and in it is a propdump of SW City's Grand Central Station
Good Person:    yeah all junk zombie lol
zombiefan:    :D
LizLiz:    lol
SirGreendown:    that was from back in 2009
LizLiz:    I hate Pottie jokes  Love not war XXXX
CharleyO:    it has a living , Dining, Den, 2 bedrroms, & 2 fullbahts .... LOL
SirGreendown:    I was gonna build a huge city near the old Alpha LZ
Iao Moonshadow:    pottie jokes....
Good Person:    and bunkbeds too lol
Iao Moonshadow:    depends what kind i guess
SirGreendown:    I ended up having almost 100,000 objects in that build
CharleyO:    that's all in my room ... LOL
zombiefan:    alot of fishing poles and certain magazines in charlies room?  :D
LizLiz:    Depends helps LOL
Iao Moonshadow:    hahahaha
Iao Moonshadow:    quick one liz
LizLiz:    can't stop the smell tho
Good Person:    gee Charley you room hog lol
LizLiz:    hehe
SirGreendown:    It was abandoned when I left AW about a month into it's construction
CharleyO:    LOL GP
LizLiz:    that's 2 today did
Good Person:    pinches Shannon lol
Shannon...:    OUCH !!
SirGreendown:    who has seen that, it is really awful isn't it
LizLiz:    a gaff a day keeps the hourders away
Shannon...:    *pinches GP back*  lol
Chumana:    lol
SirGreendown:    I was a terrible builder
Good Person:    ouch lol
LizLiz:    was Sir Greendown I hope you improved?
SirGreendown:    it's is comically bad
Iao Moonshadow:    lol i used to overlap everyting my first builds oh please
SirGreendown:    yeah, this is from 2009 Liz
Shannon...:    *hits GP with a fly swatter*  hehe
zombiefan:    my room has guitars and a bunch of cds and dvds
LizLiz:    you been around long enough
LizLiz:    ahh OK
Iao Moonshadow:    flashy flashy crap aaaaallll over the place
Good Person:    Liz is a good builder but kuma is awsome lol shannon you brat
SirGreendown:    Iao you haven't seen awful until you've seen Jungle Land in AWTeen from 2009
Shannon...:    haha !
zombiefan:    will we ever see kuma dance?
Iao Moonshadow:    been around for awhile, and explored alot. lol betcha i have
LizLiz:    Lord I hipe my crap doesn't "Flash
Iao Moonshadow:    betcha betcha ;p
SirGreendown:    Jungletown was okay but only because of Ferruccio
LizLiz:    ill we ever see her in group fun?
Iao Moonshadow:    i remember when ferr would finish a build and announce for everyone to go see
LizLiz:    I keep hoping
CharleyO:    Probably not to both of those questions
LizLiz:    probably Charley she's not the type
Iao Moonshadow:    pretty cool work
SirGreendown:    I credit Ferr for helping me starting my Empire
Iao Moonshadow:    oh well then kudoos to ferr
CharleyO:    No, she isn't, i agree
Shannon...:    I remember talking to Ferruccio...wonder if he went to Minecraft
SirGreendown:    he was the person who showed me the basics and built a great house in Jungletown
LizLiz:    Ferr makes some awesome builds
zombiefan:    kuma needs a cute teddy bear cav
MeL:    he is a great builder
Iao Moonshadow:    yep
LizLiz:    I think she has one
SirGreendown:    guess what Iao
SirGreendown:    his house in my first town
Iao Moonshadow:    whaaat?
CharleyO:    yes, I think I saw Kuma use it before
SirGreendown:    is a TEXTURE on the AlphaWorld OP
LizLiz:    takes up a lot of resources tho on her computer
Good Person:    doesnt know how to build lol
LizLiz:    yes
Iao Moonshadow:    is this all gonna be on a test.
zombiefan:    you build great gp
Iao Moonshadow:    :-)
Good Person:    naw lol
Shannon...:    yeah you do, GP  :o)
Good Person:    you wished lol
OzySEO:    back
Kuma Bear:    i didn't do it    well  maybe i did  hmmmm i neve can tell
LizLiz:    I'm trying to teach him how to aquire an ego but that's not working
Good Person:    wb
Iao Moonshadow:    dude... so what is the texture. *turning blue hanging on for the end line*
Good Person:    LOL who sis
OzySEO:    but my cat demands attention
LizLiz:    Kuma bear darlinXXXX
zombiefan:    hi kuma
LizLiz:    you GP
CharleyO:    hiya Kuma
Shannon...:    Howdy Kuma Bear  :o)  *waves*
MeL:    Howdy Kuma  =)
Kuma Bear:    smiles to you zombifan
zombiefan:    :)
Kuma Bear:    hi ther e Shannon
LizLiz:    good to see you Kuma XX
Good Person:    hiya kuma
zombiefan:    come dance kuma!
Kuma Bear:    big wave and smile to Mel
Chumana:    Howdy Kuma :)
Good Person:    hellooooooooo Kuma
Kuma Bear:    h e l l o   G o o d   P e r s o n
zombiefan:    put it on global chat so she can see you
Good Person:    i did lol
SirGreendown:    hi Kuma
Catwoman:    little bear
Iao Moonshadow:    like speak into the big mike
LizLiz:    Kuma they told me to click some red thing but I couldn't find it??? lolol
Good Person:    red thing lol
LizLiz:    I'm usually on Global
MeL:    Liz?
MeL:    you see me?
LizLiz:    yeh MeL?
LizLiz:    yes MeL now I do
MeL:    come over here to the board please
zombiefan:    come be a youtube star kuma  ;)
Good Person:    Kuma is a star
Kuma Bear:    am to silly for that
MeL:    look on the board liz... on the right hand side.. there is 2 red arrows
Good Person:    no your not kuma
LizLiz:    ahh that's what they were talking about???
Kuma Bear:    well i can try
MeL:    yes maam
MeL:    whenyou cilck them it refreshes the radios
zombiefan:    come dance the macarena kuma!
Good Person:    cute toes Shannon lol
SirGreendown:    am I in it?
LizLiz:    ahh OK
Good Person:    hey no sleeping lol
Shannon...:    thanks GP
zombiefan:    i cant remember at the momet sir
MeL:    ^_~  Liz
zombiefan:    i only filmed 2 today
Shannon...:    my av is tired
Shannon...:    lol
zombiefan:    only 2 videos today
Good Person:    good seeing you Kuma
Good Person:    shannon your just plane lazy lol
zombiefan:    figuring out aw's video recording thing has been handy yet confusing at first
Iao Moonshadow:    night eveyone, take care
Shannon...:    ahh whatever GP  lol  ;p
Good Person:    cool zombie
TenYearsGone:    Night Iao
zombiefan:    night iao
MeL:    Night lao
CharleyO:    G'night Moonshadow c... sleep well
Chumana:    tc lao :)
MeL:    pinches
Good Person:    nite moon hugs
TenYearsGone:    Any you-tubes yet z?
zombiefan:    did you figure out how to record aw videos yet gp?
SirGreendown:    \Zombiefan
SirGreendown:    please
Good Person:    naw lol
Iao Moonshadow:    ooolala.  ;-)
SirGreendown:    film this
zombiefan:    what sir?
SirGreendown:    CY dancing
SirGreendown:    leg pops off
MeL:    haha
SirGreendown:    you should put it on YouTube
Chumana:    lol
LizLiz:    no idea why?
zombiefan:    lol sisr
zombiefan:    lol sir
CharleyO:    Alrighty then .... my eye lids are about in need to toothpicks to remain open ... soo .... G'night to All .... slepp well when ya do !
zombiefan:    night charlie
Good Person:    nite charley
Shannon...:    night Charley
Chumana:    nite nite Charley
zombiefan:    sir need some super glue lol
Good Person:    lol
SirGreendown:    Go CHIEFS!!!!
SirGreendown:    TOUCHDOWN KANSAS CITY!!!!
Good Person:    Shannon your such a show off lol
SirGreendown:    LET'S GO ROYALS!!!!!
» Immigration Officer:    Warning! The connection to the world is currently down. Your changes may be lost. (aw)
» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.
SirGreendown:    Jeremy Maclin
SirGreendown:    Jamaal Charles
SirGreendown:    Justin Houston
zombiefan:    it wont have sound though because i dont know what radio station is playing over here
SirGreendown:    Dontari Poe
SirGreendown:    Dee Ford
SirGreendown:    Tamba Hali
SirGreendown:    Marcus Peters
SirGreendown:    Chris Conley
SirGreendown:    Dustin Colquitt
SirGreendown:    Alex Smith
SirGreendown:    Cairo Santos
MeL:    o_o
SirGreendown:    ERIC BERRY!!
MeL:    chill
MeL:    ahhaa
SirGreendown:    Andy Reid, Big Red!
SirGreendown:    John Dorsey
zombiefan:    who are they?
MeL:    if you cant get the radio stations or they dont appear for you.. try checking your java andmake sure its updated
SirGreendown:    Kansas City Chiefs Players and Front Office
zombiefan:    my java works fine but for some reason it wont work with aw
Good Person:    thanks MeL
SirGreendown:    also Go Royals
SirGreendown:    Alcides Escobar
SirGreendown:    Salvador Perez
SirGreendown:    Lorenzo Cain
SirGreendown:    Mike "Golden m00se" Moustakas
SirGreendown:    Alex Gordon
SirGreendown:    Eric Hosmer
Good Person:    what is sir talking about ??
zombiefan:    football players?
SirGreendown:    Baseball Players now
Good Person:    oh ty lol
Shannon...:    some kind of sport he likes
SirGreendown:    for the Royals
SirGreendown:    they are favorites to win the World Series
SirGreendown:    and my favorite team
Good Person:    why is shannon standing like a zombie lol
SirGreendown:    Ned Yost is the manager
SirGreendown:    and Dayton Moore the GM
zombiefan:    lol  :D
Shannon...:    just because GP  lol
Good Person:    lol
zombiefan:    the dance thing quit on me a few times so i had to click the dance button again
Shannon...:    my avatar is talking...cant ya see her mouth moving ? lol
Good Person:    yes i see your mouth moving lol
Shannon...:    hehe
Shannon...:    :D
Good Person:    ok brb you all play nice lol
MeL:    Take it easy GP
Shannon...:    alrighty then GP
TenYearsGone puts on a set of Mickey Mouse ears and starts playing mice
zombiefan:    bring us back some donuts gp  :D
Good Person:    maybe lol brb
Shannon...:    go get yourself some more spam...its ok...I understand your spam addiction  ;p
Good Person:    hush lol
Shannon...:    nooo not gonna happen  ;p
MeL reminds people that tomorrow July 18th, at 11 pm vrt will be the "Adult Acronyms Game" in the world "Delight"
zombiefan:    we get to curse like sailors?  ;)
Good Person:    yeah and watch MeL cheat lol
MeL:    if you want
TenYearsGone:    No, z, we get to curse like we are trying to make sailors blush
Shannon...:    that's nice, Mel....too bad I'm not very good with games  :D
zombiefan:    lol  :D
MeL:    you can still come and dance shannon. haha
SirGreendown:    hopefully Matt will come on tomorrow
Kuma Bear:    i think i might just do some building  hmmmm  i think i do that often
SirGreendown:    or today I guess
MeL:    Kuma!.. you da builder
Shannon...:    yeah there's an idea  lol
Kuma Bear:    i only build some times
Kuma Bear:    well
Good Person:    cool kuma build me a spam factory lol
Kuma Bear:    lots of timrs
TenYearsGone:    Kuma Bear is going to build? That is extrordinary !
MeL:    haha
Kuma Bear:    hmmmmmm  now thats a good idea GP
zombiefan:    kuma builds great  :)
Kuma Bear:    i have been thining on it
Good Person:    :o)
SirGreendown:    he would fit right in in the NFL, there are a TON of Quarterbacks named Matthew
TenYearsGone:    wait, no... I used the wrong word
Good Person:    that she is zombie
TenYearsGone:    ordinary..... there, that is the word I was looking for
Kuma Bear:    aombiefan do you like zombie stuff?
Shannon...:    there's something to keep busy with...building
zombiefan:    yes kuma and i also like Rob Zombie the musician too
MeL:    or dancing and having fun.. Its the Weekend!
Good Person:    i love building but i am old and lazy lol
Kuma Bear:    well lucky Alpha has one zombie object  so i like to do zombie invasions   just for fun mind you
Shannon...:    you said it, GP...not me  hehe !
zombiefan:    gp needs more furniture in his builds  :D
Good Person:    lol
Good Person:    yeah yeah zombie lol
zombiefan:    :D
Good Person:    thats shannon job but she wont do it lol
SirGreendown:    Matt Schaub, Matt Ryan, Matt Cassel, Matt Barkley, Matt Moore, Matt Flynn, Matthew Stafford
Shannon...:    why does GP need more furniture ? did he forget to put that in his builds ? lol
Good Person:    LOL yes
SirGreendown:    oh and Matt Hasselbeck and Matt Leinart
SirGreendown:    are also current NFL Quarterbacks
Shannon...:    well, you're not paying me for putting furniture in....soooo  lol
Good Person:    awwwwww lol
Shannon...:    :P
Shannon...:    joking GP
WOODY.:    An Oklahoma man who killed his stepfather by giving him an "atomic wedgie" during a drunken brawl was sentenced Thursday to 30 years in prison
Good Person:    opps what happe n to zombie
Good Person:    i know lol
Shannon...:    she faded away
MeL:    isnt that summin.. a Atomic wedgie
Judge Duvet:    alright you just trying to learn team names or just peeps you schlep with
WOODY.:    i was like WTH
Shannon...:    WoW Woody !  :O
MeL:    summin weird there. has to be more to the story
Shannon...:    Hi Judge
Judge Duvet:    How's it going Shannon
WOODY.:    the storey
Good Person:    omg bro lol
Shannon...:    its ya doing, Judge ? :)
TenYearsGone:    wow... killed by an atomic (_V_) wedgie
MeL:    fly up gurl
zombiefan:    my aw crashed on me
Good Person:    wb zombie
Judge Duvet:    was just looking around skylab  here
MeL:    wb zombie
zombiefan:    thanks gp
Good Person:    yw
zombiefan:    thanks mel
Shannon...:    sorry zombie
Shannon...:    ;o\
zombiefan:    hi again shanon  :)
Shannon...:    wb zombie
zombiefan:    did aw crash on anybody else?
Good Person:    shannon so cute lol
zombiefan:    thanks
Shannon...:    hey again zombie  :)
Good Person:    nope
Shannon...:    hehe ty GP
Shannon...:    skylab huh ?
Good Person:    hey for horses lol yw Shannon
Judge Duvet:    haven't been here in a while
Shannon...:    didnt crash for me
LizLiz:    ok
Shannon...:    thats a good build, JUdge
Good Person:    hey liz sis you ok
zombiefan:    aw been crashing on my windows 8 computer alot recently for some reason
Good Person:    kick it zombie lol
Judge Duvet:    I had a lot of probs with cracks showing on this one
LizLiz:    mine is not allowing certain programming either
zombiefan:    lol  :D
Shannon...:    seems like I gotta move my av slowly or else it crashes sometimes
Shannon...:    a hammer will fix it  lol
zombiefan:    lol shannon
Good Person:    or spam cookies lol
LizLiz:    I can't get those thanks goodness LOL
Shannon...:    some of my builds had cracks too...I didn't build them that way...but some time after coming back thats what they looked like
Good Person:    lol sis
Judge Duvet:    I was working on vipers
TenYearsGone:    Not the first time I have heard of that, Shannon
Shannon...:    what is a viper ? a snake ?
Judge Duvet:    trying to get them to work as a remote ctrl glider
Good Person:    mine to shannon that why i use super glue lol
LizLiz:    a snake yes
Shannon...:    yeah Ten  :)
» Immigration Officer:    Warning! The connection to the world is currently down. Your changes may be lost. (aw)
» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.
Judge Duvet:    the viper is from stargate atlantis
TenYearsGone:    Yes, I ahve also heard that GP used to give wasps whacks to make soup or glue
Good Person:    lol
Shannon...:    or maybe you use spam to clog up the cracks, GP  :D
Good Person:    true lol
LizLiz:    I think I used too much spam LOL
Shannon...:    just like it may clog up arteries  lol
Good Person:    LOL Liz sis
Good Person:    naw shannon lol
Shannon...:    ;p
zombiefan:    woody sleeping?
Good Person:    as always lol
Shannon...:    perhaps hes in Facebook  :D
TenYearsGone:    I think he's re-reading the article about the atomic wedgie
Shannon...:    haha
Good Person:    lol Ten
zombiefan:    those fb games are loud for some reason
Shannon...:    yes they are
Good Person:    not to me lol
TenYearsGone:    that is because spam causes deafness
zombiefan:    i have to turn my sound way down before i play them
Shannon...:    thats cause maybe you can't hear, GP  lol
Good Person:    you poor babies lol
zombiefan:    lol  :D
Good Person:    sure can brat lol
Shannon...:    yeah if you say so
Shannon...:    :P
Good Person:    you see how she loves me lol
zombiefan:    ;)
Shannon...:    ahh you know we love ya, GP  :)
Good Person:    yeah i know :o)
WOODY.:    like a fat kid loves cake
Shannon...:    cool flying machine, Judge
Good Person:    LOL bro
Shannon...:    haha WOODY ! :P
Good Person:    dont say cake around zombie lol
zombiefan:    lol  :D
SirGreendown:    oops
Judge Duvet:    I see woody's back woodpecker for
SirGreendown:    in a Double-Header with the White Sox
zombiefan:    what might you all do later on today?
TenYearsGone:    that caps lock just sort of jumps right in the way at times
Good Person:    go nuts lol
SirGreendown:    blame my keyboard that time
Shannon...:    thats nice that you enjoy watching that, SirGreen
LizLiz:    RNWE'T we allnuts? anyway
LizLiz:    arne't we?
Good Person:    LOL sis
zombiefan:    if i lived near the beach i would go swimming later on today  :D
LizLiz:    I'm ready to kick this pc to the curb
Shannon...:    *thinks what I might do later on today*  probably sleep  lol
SirGreendown:    although I have been talking a lot like RichieG lately I have noticed
SirGreendown:    with all the Caps and profanity
zombiefan:    and i would stare at young beach guys as they walked by  lol
Shannon...:    if I lived near the beach again....I would go stand near it and smell the ocean breeze
Good Person:    when i go swimming i use my bath tub lol
SirGreendown:    I guess being away from AW may have contributed to that
Shannon...:    I would stare at beach guys when they werent looking at me  lol
zombiefan:    ;)
SirGreendown:    I naturally use profanity quite a bit
Good Person:    lol
Shannon...:    oh yeah GP   figures  lol
TenYearsGone:    I too speak profanity fluently, but they tend to frown on that here
LizLiz:    does anyone else have Cable ?
Good Person:    awwww but Shannon your such a cute beach babe lol
SirGreendown:    I've usually done ok in curbing it in AW, but lately I have let it slip
Shannon...:    I have cable, Liz
MeL:    I have cable liz
zombiefan:    i have fiber optic cable i think
Good Person:    me to sis
Shannon...:    lol GP
LizLiz:    doyou have any problem anytime with programs not downloading?
Good Person:    nope
zombiefan:    some times liz
LizLiz:    I'm not sure what mine is but I think that's it
Shannon...:    yeah sometimes
LizLiz:    ahh so I'm not the only one
LizLiz:    I'mgetting them here tomorrow it shouldn't be that way for all I pay them
MeL:    for the radios board here.. if you cant see it. or pick he stations. MaxPoLy has posted about a adobe update that is needed for this music to work,
SirGreendown:    have you guys noticed when I go away from AW for a period of time that and also my sports talk dials up several notches
zombiefan:    dial up internet sucked
Shannon...:    like for example...if one of the 3D programs dont download right...then I leave that program and come right back in and it loads the right way the second time
SirGreendown:    Google Fiber Rulez!!!!!!!
LizLiz:    that screen isn't loading for me?
Good Person:    i have no trouble downloading i am just old and slow lol
zombiefan:    it took maybe 30 minutes just to send somebody one song with dial up internet
MeL:    I know Liz. I dont know what to d for you hon. Iam sorry
Shannon...:    hahaha GP !!  :D
LizLiz:    you tried hon tthankyou for your effort XXX
MeL:    xxx
LizLiz:    I will get all over them tomorrow for all I pay them
Good Person:    ok brb i need my milk lol
SirGreendown:    why is it the file transfer didn't work yesterday when Mouxi tried to send me a file
Shannon...:    maybe you could use more memory in your computer, Liz ?
LizLiz:    no nrrf to be sorry sis youdid your best Huggs
MeL:    Hugss
SirGreendown:    I'm sure it is a file I may like
LizLiz:    ohh no I hae more memory than I could possibly use Shannon
Shannon...:    ok GP...go and drink your moo juice  hehe
LizLiz:    hon
LizLiz:    Intel Quad Core
zombiefan:    how about crangrape juice?
Shannon...:    well thats good, Liz
LizLiz:    I think I might need sleep LOL
SirGreendown:    considering Mouxi is only 11 years old, I don't think he would send anything harmful to me
LizLiz:    yes I know, it has to be Cable not working right
Shannon...:    yeah sleep is a good idea Liz  lol
LizLiz:    they are not perfecdt
LizLiz:    LOL yeh I can see me sleeping hehehe
SirGreendown:    he's the only person I've ever heard of using that feature
Shannon...:    maybe your graphic card needs to be updated, Liz ? I dunno
LizLiz:    as long as I can be here I'm good until tomorrow when I kick butt
LizLiz:    everything else is fine
Shannon...:    hmm
LizLiz:    WOODY did it LOL not
Good Person:    if liz kicks butt i better wear a pain over my butt lol
Shannon...:    haha
MeL:    you can wear a pain?
zombiefan:    lol
Good Person:    opps pan lol
LizLiz:    see dance machine works
Good Person:    yup
MeL:    your leg came off, SirG. hahah
Good Person:    lol
LizLiz:    I mean it works butthe Music center doesn't
LizLiz:    Sir G isonly half here
MeL:    that music center takes adobe flash player to work
MeL:    in aw
MeL:    some ppl dont have adobe flash.. and will have to download it
LizLiz:    yes so it's working  then something else is not working?
MeL:    or update it
LizLiz:    yup
Good Person:    i have that fladh player MeL
MeL:    probably needs a update is all
Good Person:    flash
LizLiz:    probably
MeL:    is the link to get it
MeL:    save it
LizLiz:    I wok on it in themotning when I'm not tired
MeL:    nods
Good Person:    thanks
LizLiz:    thankyuosis
MeL:    most welcome
zombiefan:    films shannon  ;)
Shannon...:    oh no  lol  :)
zombiefan:    hehehe
Good Person:    good idea lol
Shannon...:    xD
Good Person:    hmmmm kuma must be hard at work lol
Good Person:    Shannon what are u doing lol
Shannon...:    its a tea pot dance  lol
Good Person:    oh lol
zombiefan:    she's doing her yoga dance  ;)
Shannon...:    ;o)
Good Person:    lol cute
MeL:    2am.. ive got to get some sleep.. Thank you all for coming. hope you had fun.. dont forget!.. the Adult game is tomorrow at 11pm vrt in "Delight".. G' Night *Hugsss
Earendil37:    hi
Good Person:    nite MeL hugs
zombiefan:    night mel hugs
Shannon...:    night Mel...sleep well
Good Person:    man shes fast lol
Shannon...:    Hi Earendil
Good Person:    wow shannon lol
zombiefan:    dances!
Shannon...:    lol
LizLiz:    yeh I missed her completely
Earendil37:    hmm nice guy for woman
zombiefan:    getting better at making videos  ;)
Good Person:    cool
Shannon...:    good
LizLiz:    thank goodness for telegrams
SirGreendown:    Lets Go Royals!!!
zombiefan:    some of the songs suck though lol
LizLiz:    I wiah I could hear it
Good Person:    yup love those grams lol
zombiefan:    you can hear it through this link liz
Good Person:    hands liz my hearing aide lol
Shannon...:    =)
LizLiz:    GP I got a switch for you bro LOLOL
Shannon...:    haha
Good Person:    oh gee ty sis lol
perra:    1 brat aide ? lol
Good Person:    shut up perra brat lol
LizLiz:    thanks hon but that doesn't open for me XXXX
perra:    lol
Shannon...:    Hi perra ! *waves*  :)
perra:    shannon hugs
LizLiz:    GP loves a switch
Good Person:    yw sis
zombiefan:    hi perra hugs
Shannon...:    perra hugs
LizLiz:    as long as it's soft
perra:    Zom Hugs
Good Person:    do not lol
perra:    Liz hugs
LizLiz:    Huggs Perra Bro
Good Person:    sir move the mover please ty lol
WOODY.:    wow pass my bed time
Good Person:    awwwwwww nite woody bro
SirGreendown:    but it must be in the video
zombiefan:    night woody hugs
Shannon...:    you sure are up late Woody  lol
zombiefan:    you film some videos sir  :D
perra:    Woody Night my friend hugs sweet dreams
WOODY.:    nifgr everyone hugsssssssssssss
Shannon...:    night Woody
Good Person:    nite bro hugss
Shannon...:    sleep well
zombiefan:    film it with your bandicam sir
perra:    lol
SirGreendown:    my videos are more lengthy though
SirGreendown:    more like tours and exploration
Good Person:    who in theheck let Perra in lol
perra:    not you anyway
zombiefan:    you ran over gp sir :O
LizLiz:    doesn't this mean Nanavailable   >  nonav
perra:    when bro steps out i come in to see so you behave brat
Good Person:    gee ty zombie lol
zombiefan:    sir ran over you  :O
Good Person:    i know
Good Person:    i always behave ty
Shannon...:    yeah right GP  lol
perra:    you wish
zombiefan:    take sir to court hehehe
Good Person:    shhh shannon lol
Good Person:    naw lol
Shannon...:    haha  your little secret is out GP
Good Person:    yeah my big mouth lol
SirGreendown:    Sluggerrr is here
perra:    lol
Shannon...:    nice mover Sir
zombiefan:    you film some sir.  im getting tired of being the camera operator  lol
Good Person:    shannon loks like bird lol
Good Person:    looks
perra:    angel with wings i belive
Shannon...:    getting late...I gotta go...good night Liz, GP, zombie, Sir, etc. *waves*  :o)
zombiefan:    night shannon  :)
SirGreendown:    Alex Smith is at the party]
Good Person:    nite shannon hugs
LizLiz:    Nightr Shanon sis
Shannon...:    Hugs
LizLiz:    blessings
perra:    night shannon hugs sweet dreams
Shannon...:    God bless you LIz
LizLiz:    ty hon
Shannon...:    night perra  hugs
perra:    :D
SirGreendown:    now I'm KC Wolf
LizLiz:    tha dance machine works fine but I cannot get music
Good Person:    me o sis
Good Person:    to
zombiefan:    did you try the link i pasted liz?
LizLiz:    youtoo bro? so its not just me
perra:    have you add a coin in it ? lol
LizLiz:    yes Zombiefan hon thanyou
Good Person:    nope not just you sis
LizLiz:    Perra I had a PK look into it lready
perra:    ok
LizLiz:    ty abnyway hon
perra:    who build it ?
Good Person:    max did
perra:    ok
LizLiz:    the link? I don't know but GP is having the same trouble
LizLiz:    ahh well
perra:    And bach is not on ?
perra:    or awake
Good Person:    i will get it fixed
LizLiz:    not at the moment no
Good Person:    Bach is afk lol
zombiefan:    my java works but it wont work with aw
LizLiz:    ohh I swee him
perra:    <<< knocks on Bach door..hey my friend wake up
LizLiz:    mine is working also
LizLiz:    I jus checked everything
zombiefan:    we are at the dance party
LizLiz:    sound is wonderful in my AW landing spot
Good Person:    i just updated my flash player  too and no go lol
perra:    cool
LizLiz:    my musicc in AW is fine
LizLiz:    not in here tho
Good Person:    mine to sis

LizLiz:    the dance machine says nonav
LizLiz:    for me anyway
LizLiz:    ahh this one works
Good Person:    is Kuma still alive lol
LizLiz:    yes she was here earlier
zombiefan:    she might have went to sleep
SirGreendown:    she's probably building something EPIC
SirGreendown:    knowing her and how her builds are the absolute best
perra:    shes always build something
Good Person:    its ok shes a awesome builder
zombiefan:    she builds so great that aw should pay her to build
perra:    yea
LizLiz:    she is excellent
SirGreendown:    maybe even better than dare I say it SW City, although the SW'ians are great too
perra:    shes building while she sleep also hehe
SirGreendown:    but she's up in their caliber
SirGreendown:    she is one of ther Elites
SirGreendown:    James is too
perra:    yup
LizLiz:    I bet she does Perra
perra:    am sure
LizLiz:    dancing is working for me yaya
Good Person:    it works for me sis f12
LizLiz:    it's OK bro I missed the 1
SirGreendown:    I'm more of a game manager sort of the Alex Smith of builders, good, but not the very best
Good Person:    oh lol
LizLiz:    look... I'm doing it LOL
Good Person:    cool lol
LizLiz:    Perra is here LOL it's majic
perra:    hehe
LizLiz:    wellsomeone has to get accolade
LizLiz:    not coolade LOL
perra:    must see so brat behaves lol
zombiefan:    dances!
SirGreendown:    but I build bigger than anyone else
LizLiz:    ok good for you
LizLiz:    I can dance now LOL
Good Person:    ok i am going to go build before bed time hugs liz sis and hugs zombie
perra:    so Bach buddy stays in corner hmm
zombiefan:    night gp hugs
LizLiz:    oooh we can hide in the plant pots now LOLOL!
LizLiz:    Night GP
perra:    night gp take care now buddy
SirGreendown:    you could call me Sir Builds-A-Lot
LizLiz:    I'm going to hide in AW  see yougood folks later XXXXXXXXX
zombiefan:    night liz  hugs
perra:    see you Liz hugss
LizLiz:    you too Perra bro
perra:    <<< use tracker to see Liz lol
Good Person:    hiding from me sis lol
SirGreendown:    or SixYearsGone, hopefully I didn't upset you in some form SixYearsAgo
perra:    its a nice place here
LizLiz:    ahhh
SirGreendown:    just between you and me perra, GP is still online
LizLiz:    I lilke peretty places
perra:    dances some with zom before shes jumps in bed
zombiefan:    dances!
LizLiz:    hi GP Hi
perra:    :D
zombiefan:    :D
SirGreendown:    he's nestled between the AFK BlueRidge Boy and the AFK Iao Moonshadow on my online list
Good Person:    watch him zombies hes sneaky lol
zombiefan:    lol gp  :D
Good Person:    hiya sis
perra:    yea he said he should build some before he should sleep
SirGreendown:    wait
LizLiz:    ide you join us Perra?
SirGreendown:    GP and Iao get married
Good Person:    noooooo lol
SirGreendown:    and BlueRidge Boy could be their son
Good Person:    ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lol
perra:    hehe
zombiefan:    i thought iao didnt like spam lol
SirGreendown:    since he was when GP was married to Melody
Good Person:    she dont lol
LizLiz:    what nooo GP?
perra:    lol
Good Person:    lol sis
perra:    where is Melody for now havent seen her ?
LizLiz:    this took forecver to build GP
Good Person:    i bet sis
SirGreendown:    haven't seen Melody since January when she left AW
LizLiz:    but my memory is so bad I need the teleports listed
Good Person:    Perra shes over in SL with her new hubby lol
LizLiz:    good thing they are on the hard drive too
perra:    not even in fb i have seen her
perra:    ok gp
SirGreendown:    BlueRidge Boy mentioned she is doing RPGs or something
LizLiz:    Melody has a new hubvby in real life or just online?
LizLiz:    dang I keep clicking stuff
Good Person:    who knows sis she used me big time
perra:    she sure did
LizLiz:    just hang it on the shelf as experience
Good Person:    naw i hate people useing people lol
LizLiz:    I hate when people abur others tho
Good Person:    me too
perra:    arent we all gp
LizLiz:    sanme here GP
Good Person:    ok sis nice teleport center i am going to go build now
perra:    << love all people ( and hold my enemis closet me )
perra:    close
LizLiz:    OK gp
Good Person:    me too
SirGreendown:   Cincinnati Bengals Quarterback Andy Dalton
LizLiz:    YESa Perrs that's what my dad told me
perra:    yea Liz smart man
LizLiz:    good dad believe me
perra:    yep
perra:    i was razied so also
SirGreendown:    wow, the NFL mirrors AW in so many ways
LizLiz:    wonderful man and very intelligent as well as smart
LizLiz:    ohh I loved my dad so mush mum also
SirGreendown:    There is a ginger named Andy in the NFL too
perra:    now i pray for my dad only
LizLiz:    mine are both gone now bless them
perra:    i still have mom
perra:    to help and protect
perra:    i have dad as background on my computer plus in my sellphone
SirGreendown:    when is someone going to name a cit Rob Gronkowski or Travis Kelce?
LizLiz:    good Perra
perra:    hes always with me
LizLiz:    in my heart both mine are always there
SirGreendown:    why is there no citizen named Tom Brady?
perra:    yes Liz
perra:    becase no have that name maybe ? lol
zombiefan:    dances!
perra:    Dances!
LizLiz:    yes my name is not the same anymore for sure
Good Person:    brat sis lol
perra:    lol
LizLiz:    GP bro brat too LOL
SirGreendown:    someone should name a citizen NY Jets
Good Person:    yup lol
perra:    its rain here good
LizLiz:    AWW
zombiefan:    filming another video but when the song sucks i shut off the sound  lol
LizLiz:    there's fire in the canyon between here and California a huge one, I hope Kuma Bear is OK?
Good Person:    lol
perra:    meaning we should go and and shop now under early morning here
SirGreendown:    it's almost 3am
SirGreendown:    I best beheaded to sleep
perra:    every saturday they selling much things in a specil area close there i live
zombiefan:    2:48am over here
perra:    9.50 am
SirGreendown:    same here Zombiefan
perra:    they selling direkt from there´s car´s or trailers
perra:    used things
perra:    sorta
LizLiz:    -cool
perra:    its a lot off people there
perra:    take 3-4 hours to walk around whole area
perra:    << takes Zom with me with her´s red nice hair
perra:    hehe
LizLiz:    O love those open makets
zombiefan:    lol perra  :D
perra:    me to
perra:    hope it stop rains only
SirGreendown:    JOHN ELWAY IS A HORSE
perra:    you also in cal letters
perra:    cap
SirGreendown:    it's for the video
SirGreendown:    GO CHIEFS!!
SirGreendown:    CHIEFS KINGDOM
perra:    so have Rick been in here and take a dance ?
zombiefan:    you film some sir  lol
LizLiz:    not sure Perra
perra:    ok
perra:    i saw him on stairs way in aw gz
perra:    busy man much to do
LizLiz:    haven'tseen him in ages
perra:    hes here in aw now
Good Person:    ok all you brat good night perra behave hugs liz sis and hugs zombie lol
zombiefan:    night gp hugs!
LizLiz:    night bro XXXX
perra:    << always behave even if it is hard when i dance with Zom
perra:    night buddy
zombiefan:    :D
perra:    :D
perra:    sounds some rain stop hmm
LizLiz:    I need sleep folks Night and blessings to allXXXXXXXX
zombiefan:    night liz hugs
perra:    night Liz bless you girl hugs
LizLiz:    (((((everyone)))) GP perra ad those i don't see
perra:    but hear lol
LizLiz:    (((Z))))
Mita:    Wow you all still here?
zombiefan:    hi again mita
Mita:    hiya zombie
perra:    dances!
zombiefan:    dances!
perra:    lalala
perra:    Liz did you forget to go to sleep ? lol
LizLiz:    nite for real this time afk
perra:    night hugs
perra:    waves to Ten...
perra:    hi SlowChems
perra:    how goes it
perra:    good here also just quit dance in here hehe
perra:    so legs are tierd now lol
Mita:    ok  I dont know what peeps know and dont know.dont get all upset
perra:    stand still for now and rest some lol
perra:    <<< reboots
perra:    and all sleep
perra:    hi Sigi