Saturday, July 18, 2015

Last Nights TGIF

Well I'm not sure how this happened but after I had published this post I went back later to look and it was a clone of the Kuma Bear Tour.  And the original text about falling asleep by the bar was gone.  I could see on the smart phone I use on the security job that I had a huge prblem, but could not correct this untill early Sunday morning.  I will now have to put in a safe guard to prevent a repeat.  A real real fubar snafu for me.  Something that the LZ crowd may Derp about.

For someone who use to QA a news paper, this was a nightmare.

Anyway, here is the chat log from when I arrived to when I awoke next tothe Bar early Saturday morning.

* ActiveWorlds chat session: Fri Jul 17, 2015 8:57 PM *
» Immigration Officer:                                                                                                                   It was twenty years ago today...
"It was Wednesday June 28th, 1995. I don't recall the exact time. I think it was in the evening though... after a long day of work getting the identity server to work. My best guess would be around 8:00 pm PDT. On "day one", people could reserve an identity for the first time. This was the day that several people beat me establishing their identity. By the time I immigrated, I was citizen #4! I asked them if I could reset the citizen database to get citizen #1. They gladly agreed. Within the next few hours we had our first citizens of AlphaWorld."
» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.
shooterz:    oh no political humor never works
MeL:    lol
SirGreendown:    TheYoungTurks is good, msnbc is good too
ShelleSea:    lol
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL Tree
CharleyO:    LMAO Tree
Tree Saw:    these are Old !  hahaha
OklahomaTraveler:    That one is, but it's always funny!
CoLor:    msnbc ROFL
DarXide:    truth, lie truth lie!!!
Tiffany Lace:    lol
Tree Saw:    LOL darc
CharleyO:    LOL DarX
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL Darx
Tree Saw:    Did you hear about the Irish guy that walked OUT of a bar?
SirGreendown:    Facts and Truth have a Liberal bias
Zephyr Fox:    hello everyone
ShelleSea:    no he didnt Tree
Tiffany Lace:    hello
Tree Saw:    \o/  shrugggs .it .... coullld happen
CharleyO:    Hi ZF
DarXide:    lol Tree
ShelleSea:    no Irish man ever walked out of a bar!
Tree Saw:    lol sea   hahah ik, r
ShelleSea:    and you never seen me on his arm either!
Tree Saw:    heh hehe
OklahomaTraveler:    Two men walked into a bar... the third man ducked.
CharleyO:    LOL
ShelleSea:    wink wink
CoLor:    msnbc doesnt know a fact or truth if it bit them on their arse
Tree Saw:    DUCK DUCK GOoose
DarXide:    lol OT
MeL:    Howdy Suzy QQQQQ
OklahomaTraveler:    It took me several weeks to get that joke. :|
Lazysuzy o:    hello mellllllll
CharleyO:    Hi Suzy
MeL:    Howdy Zep
Tree Saw:    how bout...The difference in a chorus line and three ring circus?
OklahomaTraveler:    Why did the blonde jump off the cliff? She thought her maxi pad had wings.
OklahomaTraveler:    Hey Suzy! ;)
Zephyr Fox:    Hi MeL
Tiffany Lace:    omg
MeL:    gawd
CharleyO:    LOL OT
Lazysuzy o:    hey hey hello helo hellooooooo
Tree Saw:    a three ring circus has cunning stunts  (ooops i better go now)  lol
Mita:    that was bad
Tiffany Lace:    yes
CharleyO:    LOL Tree
ShelleSea:    woah Tree.. good thing that wasnt a typo
Tree Saw:    or the difference in a pick pocket and a window peeker?
ShelleSea:    Ide have messed that up and gtot boote3d fast
Tree Saw:    a pick pocket snatches watches.
Tree Saw:    i know sea  OR if you get dyslexic and try telling it
OklahomaTraveler:    LMAO Tree, nice.. LOL
Tree Saw:    ha ha !
CharleyO:    LOL Tree
Tree Saw:    i gotta go    (cuz its time i just turned into a pumpkin)
ShelleSea:    lol
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL I bet.
ShelleSea:    Bye Tree *hugs*
OklahomaTraveler:    Have a good one Tree!
Mita:    gnight Tree
Tree Saw:    and my favor show's on      HUGS ya all (grope hugs)  lol
CharleyO:    G'night Tree Saw
MeL:    Night TS
Tree Saw:    TY everyone   good nite  (all names inserted)  =) Mel ty
Tarza.:    Nite Tree
MeL:    =)
Tree Saw:    nn
OklahomaTraveler:    Woohoo!! Grope hugs!  Those are the best kind.. ;)
Chumana:    nite Tree
Zephyr Fox:    Cya Tree
OklahomaTraveler grope hugs all the ladies.. ;)
DarXide:    nite Tree
Tiffany Lace:    good night
ShelleSea:    Bye Ot
Chumana:    Hello Suzy :)
Lazysuzy o:    hello shum
OklahomaTraveler:    Wait, I'm leaving? :O
SirGreendown:    I finally saw the Zefoxville GZ
Lazysuzy o:    ops
Lazysuzy o:    chum
ShelleSea:    Sorry
Chumana:    np :)
ShelleSea:    I can't multi task anymore
ShelleSea:    lol
ShelleSea:    I'm chatting with someone in whispys
OklahomaTraveler:    wb Shelle
MeL:    need pratice
ShelleSea:    and umm well you know the rest
DarXide:    you need a math co processor
Lazysuzy o:    blame me... i whsiper to her
OklahomaTraveler:    It's all good..
ShelleSea:    omg.. now I have a telegram
Lazysuzy o:    NOT me
OklahomaTraveler winks at Shelle
ShelleSea:    I have lots of telegrams
Aussie Tiger:    miss popular lol
ShelleSea:    I didnt know I had them
ShelleSea:    *blushes*
OklahomaTraveler:    I got a telegraph once.
MeL:    duh
OklahomaTraveler:    There's a tab over there that says Telegrams.. every now and then you should probably open it. :P
DarXide:    during the johnson administration?
ShelleSea:    yeah, now ya tell me OT!
ShelleSea:    hahahaha
OklahomaTraveler:    Hey, just trying to help out. :D
SirGreendown:    I sent you a telegram OT
ShelleSea:    Awesomeness
Lazysuzy o:    dont believe OT at all hehehee
SirGreendown:    it's Morse Code
OklahomaTraveler:    Morse code.. nice.. :P
ShelleSea:    ok Suzy
OklahomaTraveler:    Suzy, people that do usually get in trouble. :P
ShelleSea:    :-)
Lazysuzy o:    ot is trouble with cap T
ShelleSea:    Ohhhhh
ShelleSea:    someone got your number OT
OklahomaTraveler rubs up against Suzy and gives her a grope hug.
Lazysuzy o:    he a naughty boy
Lazysuzy o:    seeee
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL It's common knowledge, I think. :P
ShelleSea:    is he, do tell
TenYearsGone:    Thanks , but we knew that already
ShelleSea:    lol
OklahomaTraveler:    So... A blonde crashed a helicopter. A police officer asked her what happened. She says, "It got cold so I turned off the fan."
SirGreendown:    (310) 278-8000  Donald Sterling's Office Phone Number
CharleyO:    LOL OT
Chumana:    haha
OklahomaTraveler:    867-5309  <-- best phone number in the world...
OklahomaTraveler:    ...and I bet you couldn't read that without singing it!
Tarza.:    hehe OT
CharleyO:    I did sing .... LOL
OklahomaTraveler:    ...and now you'll hit me because that song is going to be stuck in your head for days!
Tarza.:    When charley?
CharleyO:    When OT wrote ... 867-5309 ... lol
ShelleSea:    Good Lord
ShelleSea:    do you know how many kids are dialing that dang number right now
ShelleSea:    LOL
OklahomaTraveler:    See.. I bet you sang 867-5309 when Charley typed it too..
ShelleSea:    Jennjy Jenny nwho can I turn too..
CharleyO:    LOL
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL Shelle
SirGreendown: Everyone for me, watch this and think about James and Blakey and Jonathan1515 and francesco20 and maybe they will come on
ShelleSea:    hahahaha
SirGreendown:    don't make me do what Mouxi does
SirGreendown:    I will do what Mouxi does
SirGreendown:    PLEASE
SirGreendown:    PLEASE
Tarza.:    Whats that green?
SirGreendown:    PLEASE
SirGreendown:    PLEASE
ShelleSea:    eeesh
Chumana:    hmmm
OklahomaTraveler whacks Green.
Tiffany Lace:    HE seems excited
OklahomaTraveler:    stupid bot.
[Acro Nym]:    Same to you, OklahomaTraveler
Lazysuzy o:    HARDER OT
Chumana:    lol
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL Suzy, I bet you say that to all the guys.
OklahomaTraveler:    :O
Lazysuzy o:    um no
Chumana:    ooowa
Tiffany Lace:    lol
Lazysuzy o:    just you to do it harder on green
ShelleSea:    Shhh.. Dont tell Bach I walked thru him.. He'll find a way to chagre double..
OklahomaTraveler:    Bach is still here? :O
Lazysuzy o:    yellls at bach
ShelleSea:    oh my gosh
CharleyO:    LOL
MeL:    bach is AFK. he has a bad headache
Lazysuzy o:    cause of you guys???
ShelleSea:    I just obtained one too
OklahomaTraveler:    I meant his avatar..
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL Suzy, thanks..
SirGreendown:    smart Bot
OklahomaTraveler:    Two blondes were walking down the sidewalk. The first blonde said, "Hey, look at that dog with one eye," so the second blonde covered up one eye.
CharleyO:    LOL OT
Chumana:    geez, lol
SirGreendown:    I just called you smart Acro Nym
ShelleSea:    >-x
SirGreendown:    where is the response for compliments
Aussie Tiger:    oops still here... i"m out.. ya be good now ;)
OklahomaTraveler wants some of what Green is on.
SirGreendown:    Cool Bot
OklahomaTraveler:    Have a good one Aussie!
MeL:    Night Aussie
ShelleSea:    Bye AussieTiger *hugs*
CharleyO:    G'night Aussie
Chumana:    tc Aussie
Tarza.:    Nite Aussie
Aussie Tiger hugs SS dont be a stranger lady
ShelleSea:    awww, thank you!
Good Person:    hiya Sandy hugs
Tarza.:    Hi and Hugs GP
ShelleSea:    if I become a stranger, I'll be back
MeL:    ((((((((((((( Spam Brat)))))))))))))))
Tarza.:    How you doing Dave?
CharleyO:    Hiya GP
OklahomaTraveler:    Hey GP
Good Person:    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( MeL brat ))))))))))))))))))))))
ShelleSea:    GP?
Good Person:    yes lol
zombiefan:    hi gp hugs
Lazysuzy o:    yeah he still around
ShelleSea:    [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ GP ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Lazysuzy o:    bratty as ever
OklahomaTraveler:    A blonde came up to the librarian & yelled, "This book sucks! There's way too many characters & the story makes no sense!" The librarian said, "So you're the one who took our phone book."
» Immigration Officer:    Warning! The connection to the world is currently down. Your changes may be lost. (aw)
» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.
Good Person:    mutes Suzy lol
SirGreendown:    we need this band to be official
Good Person:    ty lol
Nattie:    hi Chumana
Tiffany Lace:    hi Good person
SirGreendown:    either GP or OT get the Guitar
ShelleSea:    hahaha Spam!\
OklahomaTraveler:    Hey, I always behave.. GP is the one that's always in trouble!
SirGreendown:    stand by the mic
Chumana:    Hi Tiff and Tox
Lazysuzy o:    bite me GP
ShelleSea:    thats too funny TYG!
SirGreendown:    next to Storm Raven
CharleyO:    hey ... GP brought a can of SPAM with him ....LOL
Good Person:    hiya Tiff
OklahomaTraveler watches GP bite Suzy..
Good Person:    ty Charley lol
zombiefan:    lol
Toxor:    Hey Chumana
ShelleSea:    look behind you gp
Tarza.:    Oh no..SPAM
SirGreendown:    GP, I hear Iao Moonshadow really loves Spam too
Tiffany Lace:    lol charley
SirGreendown:    you 2 should date
Good Person:    yup she does lol
SirGreendown:    she is from Hawaii
Tarza.:    I can eat it too if its cooked good.
SirGreendown:    Hawaiians love Spam
OklahomaTraveler:    Good-Moonshadow to wed.  Reception in the spam room.
ShelleSea:    I wonder if Mona Lisa loved Spam
ShelleSea:    maybe thats whats up with her smkile
ShelleSea:    smile*
Good Person:    OT hush lol
Good Person:    LOL SS
SirGreendown:    we need a 4th band member
Lazysuzy o:    writes that down for gp
TenYearsGone:    why are you running away from your lunch, GP? don't you like your lunch?
SirGreendown:    so far it's me, KoL, and Raven Warrior
OklahomaTraveler:    Well, it sounded better than Person-Iao..
ShelleSea:    lol
SirGreendown:    Urbane Chaos, Bluescruiser, would either one of you join this band
ShelleSea:    MoonPerson
Lazysuzy o:    lmao
zombiefan:    dances!
OklahomaTraveler:    I haven't used that name in years..
SirGreendown:    we need a Guitarist
ShelleSea:    Urban Chaos... interesting name actually
OklahomaTraveler:    always liked that name though.. Urbane Chaos.. :D
Good Person:    well zombie can play one lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Before that, I was Monkey Dancer.. better not to ask on that one.
CharleyO:    G'night Tarza ... dream a good dream!
ShelleSea:    yeah, it is a good name
Good Person:    nite Sandy hugs
zombiefan:    yes i can play a bit  :D
Tarza.:    Nite everyone.
zombiefan:    night tarza
Tiffany Lace:    goodnight
ShelleSea:    Night Tarza :-)
Lazysuzy o:    sweet dreams tarza
Toxor:    night Tarza
Chumana:    nite Tarza, tc
OklahomaTraveler:    I can't get it back I don't think though.. lost my email for that account. :(
Tarza.:    Hugs to all and sleep well.
SirGreendown:    so yeah
OklahomaTraveler:    Have a great one Tarza! <smooches>
Zephyr Fox:    Nite Tarza
MeL:    Night Tarza, Hugss
Tarza.:    Have a great day tomorrow....hugs
OklahomaTraveler:    wb Mel
SirGreendown:    we are a Fab Four
CharleyO:    WB MeL
MeL:    ty
zombiefan:    i been practicing Doors songs
OklahomaTraveler:    I thought Fab was a washing detergent.
ShelleSea:    wb MeL
SirGreendown:    TenYearsGone, SirGreendown, Alphaworldian, and Storm Raven
Good Person:    seee told ya i was a angel ask SS lol
MeL:    ty
CharleyO:    Cool, Zombie
SirGreendown:    and One Direction: AW Edition
ShelleSea:    dont ask me, I'm no Angel
Lazysuzy o:    pinch mel
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL GP, Right.
TenYearsGone:    We are here all week, folks. Be sure to tip your waitress
Good Person:    no me lol
Lazysuzy o:    gp aint no angel either
SirGreendown:    we are just like One Direction
OklahomaTraveler:    I had a waitress? :O
SirGreendown:    but in AW
TenYearsGone:    I think you tipped her.... over the railing
SirGreendown:    hence the name One Direction: AW Edition
ShelleSea:    hahaha OT
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL So that means you can't sing or play? :P
zombiefan:    there seems to be more light over here than on the other dance floors
Good Person:    zombie is OT behaving lol
zombiefan:    ot pretends to behave lol  :D
ShelleSea:    I like it in the dark over here
OklahomaTraveler:    Zombie, you just turned up your brightness..
ShelleSea:    it's soothing
Good Person:    lol
ShelleSea:    :-)
TenYearsGone:    Wait... I thought you said we were going to be a band?
Good Person:    lol OT
OklahomaTraveler:    GP, I haven't behaved since the wedding. :P
OklahomaTraveler winks at Zombie
Good Person:    yeah i know lol
CharleyO:    LOL OT
SirGreendown:    yeah, we are a Boy Band
zombiefan:    lol at ot  :P
Lazysuzy o:    i believe that GP is worse then OT
SirGreendown:    just like One Direction
OklahomaTraveler waits to get slapped!
Good Person:    am not ask zombie lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Oh GP is definitely worse than me. That's a given.
zombiefan:    how is that suzy?  :D
TenYearsGone:    No one said anything about lipsyncing studio vocalists while a beatbox drones on
OklahomaTraveler:    You should have seen what he was doing the other day!  WOW!
SirGreendown:    or when I was little it was NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys
Lazysuzy o:    cause i said so
TenYearsGone:    yeah, no... I am out
ShelleSea:    I can't believe you just typed all of that without typos TYG
SirGreendown:    and The Beatles must have been when you were young
OklahomaTraveler:    LMAO Ten
SirGreendown:    you left just like Zayn Malik
CharleyO:    LOL OT & Ten
Good Person:    SS its good to see you back bop OT for me lol
Lazysuzy o:    and i know how GP is anyway
OklahomaTraveler:    Back Bop?  Is that a new band name now too?
ShelleSea:    yeah, I'm good.. I wont be bopping anyone
Good Person:    LOL OT
zombiefan:    he wants his women to cook him spam 10 times a day?  lol
Good Person:    oh no the spam lol
OklahomaTraveler:    I remember when bands used to play real music.. not digized carp.
Good Person:    lol zombie
CharleyO:    Open that can of SPAm, GP ... lol
zombiefan:    :D
Good Person:    naw lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Hey, I keep my spam covered up in public.. and nobody ever cooks it!  Ouch!
OklahomaTraveler:    Wait, what are we talking about again??
Good Person:    LOL OT
CharleyO:    LOL OT
Toxor:    you can be a power trio
ShelleSea:    I am SO not going to say it!
OklahomaTraveler:    Shelle...
OklahomaTraveler:    thanks.
ShelleSea:    nope nope no way
CharleyO:    LOL
Good Person:    i hate spam it gives me gas lol
zombiefan:    :O
Lazysuzy o:    rolls eyes
CharleyO:    LOL
Tiffany Lace:    lol
SirGreendown:  Google Image Search results for Horse
Lazysuzy o:    liar liar pants on fire GP
OklahomaTraveler:    :O GP
OklahomaTraveler:    That explains why it's always foggy here.
CharleyO:    LOL
Good Person:    ok i will behave MeLs watching me lol
OklahomaTraveler:    I could say so many things here.. but I'll leave it alone. :P
zombiefan:    :D
OklahomaTraveler:    Mel likes your spam.
Good Person:    she loves it lol
MeL:    Thats all OT could talk about, was your spam
OklahomaTraveler:    She could eat it all day!
zombiefan:    make sure its not moldy!
CharleyO:    LOL MeL
MeL:    lol zombie
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL Mel, not so much.. LMAO
Good Person:    LOL MeL
ShelleSea:    hahahaha
OklahomaTraveler:    Moldy spam? ewwwwww...
ShelleSea:    puts a whole new meaning to meatloaf
Tiffany Lace:    lol
MeL:    eww
CharleyO:    LOL
Good Person:    i love meat loaf lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Moldy Spamloaf?  Aren't they playing in concert next week?
Good Person:    lol
CharleyO:    I heard they were, OT
CharleyO:    LOL
OklahomaTraveler:    I used to like meatloaf until they came out with their second album.
ShelleSea:    might make it on the grunge sc3ene
zombiefan:    likes meatloaf with ketchup yum
ShelleSea:    I never liked the stuff
Good Person:    me to zombie and hot sauce lol
zombiefan:    i never put hot sauce on mine before
Tiffany Lace:    hot sauce  wow
ShelleSea:    I made so much of it for the ex..
OklahomaTraveler:    There's a fine line between meatloaf and week old ground beef mixed with a bunch of carp and heated up to pretend it's food.
ShelleSea:    wished he would have choked on it just once..
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL Shelle
CharleyO:    GP, Zombie, & hot sauce?
Tiffany Lace:    awful
OklahomaTraveler:    Think nice thoughts.. :P
zombiefan:    lol charlie
ShelleSea:    naw
Tiffany Lace:    lol
Good Person:    shhhhhhh Charley
ShelleSea:    lol
CharleyO:    LOL
zombiefan:    :O
OklahomaTraveler:    Mr. Sea dies of Meatloaf clogged airways.
CharleyO:    LOL OT
OklahomaTraveler:    I know there's a punchline there somewhere, I just can't think of it..
ShelleSea:    And I finally just stood there and watched
ShelleSea:    lol
ShelleSea:    Poifect
Good Person:    lol
CharleyO:    lol
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL Shelle Smiles.
ShelleSea:    God knows I saved his life a few times
OklahomaTraveler:    Was it a seaside accident?
ShelleSea:    *sips my sunny margarita *
ShelleSea:    maybe...
CharleyO:    LOL OT
OklahomaTraveler:    LMAO
OklahomaTraveler:    You should be sipping your bloody mary.
zombiefan:    dances!
ShelleSea:    thats for breakfast
Good Person:    brb donut time and i dont share lol
ShelleSea:    WHAT.......
OklahomaTraveler:    Spamnuts!
CharleyO:    LOL GP
zombiefan:    bummer1
Tiffany Lace:    i like jelly
zombiefan:    bummer!
Tiffany Lace:    or plain
Tiffany Lace:    birthday soon huh zombie?
OklahomaTraveler:    I finally figured out what donuts are for.  They go on dobolts.  You use them to put dohouses together.
ShelleSea:    My b-day was Monday
OklahomaTraveler:    Happy Birthday Shelle.. :)
ShelleSea:    Thanks :-)
zombiefan:    yes tiffany
CharleyO:    happy belated Birthday Shelle
ShelleSea:    Thanks Carley :-)
Tiffany Lace:    NEAR mu moms
ShelleSea:    CHarley
Tiffany Lace:    near my moms
OklahomaTraveler:    Ok, who's going to hold down Shelle for her spankin?
ShelleSea:    haha
Tiffany Lace:    happy birthday shelle
OklahomaTraveler grins mischievously..
ShelleSea:    Thank you Tiff :-)
Tiffany Lace:    yw
CharleyO:    You hold  Shelle down, OT
ShelleSea:    I see you had ZERO takers on that 1 OT
OklahomaTraveler:    Oh no.. I get to do the spankin'..  I called it first!
CharleyO:    LOL
OklahomaTraveler:    Shelle, doesn't surprise me. :|
ShelleSea:    hahahaha
zombiefan:    lol
Chumana:    lol
ShelleSea:    I was awaiting the bum rush.. it never happened
OklahomaTraveler:    I was just waiting for the bum...
ShelleSea:    hahaha
CharleyO:    lol
Toxor:    they should let bums go at their own pace
Good Person:    lol very funny OT
OklahomaTraveler:    They do.  I love watching them.  Especially in mini-skirts.
ShelleSea:    I bet this big biker bar dude has alot of stories to tell
OklahomaTraveler:    Tight bums are the best.
OklahomaTraveler:    There's a biker dude here? :O
zombiefan:    :D
CharleyO:    lol
Good Person:    OT zombie watching you lol
OklahomaTraveler checks out Chumana's bum..
zombiefan:    im not watching ot. lol
Tiffany Lace:    I wonder if candyland is on tomorrow
Good Person:    why not lol
ShelleSea:    he comes to a stance like he was once in the marines
Chumana is happy she is not wearing shorty-shorts or a skirt
zombiefan:    :D
Tiffany Lace:    I miss it
ShelleSea:    I dont trust him
OklahomaTraveler checks out Zombie's bum.. wowzer!
OklahomaTraveler:    LOL Chumana
CharleyO:    LOL Chumana
Chumana:    hehe
zombiefan:    lot at ot  :P
Good Person:    awwwwww why Chumana lol
Chumana:    no comment
Good Person:    darn lol
zombiefan:    likes short shorts :D
OklahomaTraveler does too.. :D
Good Person:    i have pink ones lol
zombiefan:    :O
Chumana:    i figured so, GP
Tiffany Lace:    he he
zombiefan:    i meant womens short shorts hehheeh
OklahomaTraveler:    Well carp.. that ruined it all for me.
Lazysuzy o:    okay um brb ... have trouble here...
ShelleSea:    pink short6 shots and spam
CharleyO:    LOL
Good Person:    oh lol
ShelleSea:    dear God
Chumana:    hahaha
Good Person:    lol SS
Tiffany Lace:    lol
Good Person:    and my sock match too lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Dear God is right.. GP's bright pink short shorts are going to give me nightmares.. and I'm already disturbed enough.
Good Person:    LOL OT
CharleyO:    LOL OT
ShelleSea:    hahaha
OklahomaTraveler:    :O Knee high socks and short shorts?  Ya got that tube top on too? :O
SirGreendown:    you realize Server Movers can be added on bump in single-rider, right?
Good Person:    nope lol
CharleyO:    LOL
OklahomaTraveler never ever eats spam again.. see what it causes??
zombiefan:    some one turned my blue jeans pink once when they washed my blue jeans with my red clothers grrrrr!
Good Person:    LOL OT
Tiffany Lace:    ohhh thats awful
CharleyO:    LOL Zombie
Good Person:    oh my zombie
SirGreendown:    you should do that with the pole dance rides
SirGreendown:    add on bump single rider
Good Person:    OT loves pole dancing lol
SirGreendown:    it works with server movers
zombiefan:    throw him some nickels gp  :D
CharleyO:    LOL
Good Person:    naw lol
ShelleSea:    so, what do the stars mean?
OklahomaTraveler:    I got off the pole and got on the bar.. it's safer over here.  If I fall off drunk, I only go a few feet.. There's no safety bars on those poles!
Good Person:    how many years you been on aw
OklahomaTraveler:    Shelle, how dirty minded people are.
OklahomaTraveler:    or what GP said.
ShelleSea:    oh....
Good Person:    lol
ShelleSea:    hmm
SirGreendown:    ehmahgerd
SirGreendown:    guise
CharleyO:    Here you go, Shelle :
ShelleSea:    this could be a fun argument come Monday..
ShelleSea:    ty Charley :-)
CharleyO:    YW
Good Person:    Charley make a great GK lol
ShelleSea:    indeed
OklahomaTraveler:    Come Monday.. wasn't that a Jimmy Buffet song?
SirGreendown:    eye vill beith awn duh galleria zust belooo duh ParTay
zombiefan:    finally figured out how to record videos with aw's add on tab thing but the radio wont work over here for me
Good Person:    LOL OT
CharleyO:    that causes to many enemies, GP ..... lol
SirGreendown:    my name and pic will haunt this club
Good Person:    cool zombie
SirGreendown:    FOREVER!!!!
OklahomaTraveler:    I can never get the radio to work..
ShelleSea:    SirG just turned into Werner VonBron
Good Person:    lol Charley
OklahomaTraveler googles Werner VonBron..
Tiffany Lace:    wow what a guy
SirGreendown:    I will be under the Club in the Gallery
ShelleSea:    yeah he was an awesome guy
OklahomaTraveler:    Green, thanks for the warning. :P
zombiefan:    charlie could meet alot of cute women as gk  ;)
SirGreendown:    well once Bach or Wolvie or whoever gets around to it
Good Person:    <<< is cuter then OT lol
SirGreendown:    Heinz Haber
CharleyO:    LOL  Zombie
OklahomaTraveler:    GP!!!!!
zombiefan:    :D
Good Person:    yes
ShelleSea:    I met alot of cute women and I was under a rock at gz
ShelleSea:    lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Ok, well, I won't deny that.  Especially with those short shorts and tube socks. :P
Good Person:    LOL SS
ShelleSea:    nevermind, you had to be there
CharleyO:    LOL Shelle
Good Person:    LOL OT
OklahomaTraveler:    Shelle, do you have video? ;)
ShelleSea:    my ex kept that too
SirGreendown: Wehrner Von Braun
ShelleSea:    lol
SirGreendown:    and Heinz Haber
CharleyO:    lol
ShelleSea:    cant say I blame him
SirGreendown:    worked with Disney
Good Person:    OT you old goat lol
SirGreendown:    and were at the Opening of Disneyland 60 Years Ago today
OklahomaTraveler:    I've been called worse. LOL
SirGreendown:    on July 17th, 1955
OklahomaTraveler:    Green, you were there?
SirGreendown:    no
Good Person:    me to like brat lol
zombiefan:    what radio station are you all listening to over here?
ShelleSea:    OT, your font flows like someone I use to know in here....
SirGreendown:    Heinz Haber and Wehrner Von Braun were there
ShelleSea:    when I think of who it was I'll let ya know
CharleyO:    OT's font flows?
SirGreendown:    today is Disneyland's 60th Anniversary
OklahomaTraveler:    My font flows.. I never realized that.  Must be that time of the month.
SirGreendown:    July 17th
OklahomaTraveler:    :D
ShelleSea:    bwahahahaha
CharleyO:    LOL
Chumana:    O.o
MeL:    ahhahaa
Good Person:    tickles MeL lol
SirGreendown:    Disneyland is older than some of us
Good Person:    not as old as me lol
OklahomaTraveler grope hugs Mel..
OklahomaTraveler:    :O GP
zombiefan:    mel's cav is so cute that even i cant stop staring  ;)
MeL:    sorry Iam quiet.. been a hot day.  got up to 124.. think I got to ohot outside
Good Person:    lol OT
SirGreendown:    so you are older than 60 GP
Good Person:    yup
OklahomaTraveler:    Mel, same here..
zombiefan:    124 sounds way too hot
MeL:    i have having trouble breathign outside
CharleyO:    Wow ... about the same time I got up, too
ShelleSea:    I had to stop staring at MeL.. that pink was making my eyes sore
OklahomaTraveler:    I have to help with the market tomorrow and I'm worried about that.  I installed misters and cooling fans but it's not really helping any.
Good Person:    LOL SS
ShelleSea:    you ok MeL?
OklahomaTraveler:    I can't ever stop staring at Mel.. she's hypnotizing.
MeL:    not in this weather it wont Ot
zombiefan:    we never had 124 temperature over here in iowa
SirGreendown:    did you the average age of a viewer of The O'Reilly Factor is 72 Years Old
Good Person:    OT ??
SirGreendown:    Fox News' audience is literally dying
OklahomaTraveler:    I can't handle it much anymore myself.
OklahomaTraveler:    GP?
ShelleSea:    thats about right SirG
MeL:    me either. OT
Good Person:    go to your room
SirGreendown:    younger people are much more Liberal
OklahomaTraveler:    Fox is a load of crap anyway.. let it die.
ShelleSea:    72 and brain dead
OklahomaTraveler:    GP, Can I take Zombie, Chumana, and Mel with me? :D
ShelleSea:    lol
Good Person:    noooooooooooooooo
CharleyO:    LOL
zombiefan:    take us where ot?  lol
OklahomaTraveler:    It was worth a try..
OklahomaTraveler:    Zombie, nevermind.
Good Person:    in his room lol
zombiefan:    :O
SirGreendown:    watch CoLor says Fox News tells the truth, she is obviously dead wrong
OklahomaTraveler:    LMAO
ShelleSea:    do not go anywhere with OT....
CharleyO:    LOL
zombiefan:    with his video camera?  nasty dog!  :O
OklahomaTraveler:    Shelle, I have a shirt that says that.
Good Person:    LOL SS true
ShelleSea:    I bet!
Chumana:    wowzer zombie lol
OklahomaTraveler:    But this isn't the right time anyway.. because.. of.. well, you know.. my flow and all.
SirGreendown:    the biggie for me as to why I am a Democrat is Social Issues particularly LGBTQ Rights
OklahomaTraveler grins at Shelle
ShelleSea:    bwwwahahahaha
CharleyO:    LOL OT
SirGreendown:    but also the Economic and Foreign policies
Iao Moonshadow:    you're not pouring fast enough then OT
MeL:    Hugss lao
OklahomaTraveler:    LMAO Iao, I ain't sayin' a word..
ShelleSea:    That was perfect timing SirG
CharleyO:    Hiya Moonshadow
Good Person:    ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Moon ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) brat
zombiefan:    hi iao
OzySEO:    drink'em up, shoot'em down
OklahomaTraveler:    Moon, I heard that you and GP are getting hitched?
Iao Moonshadow:    heya Charley
Chumana:    Howdy lao
Iao Moonshadow:    hi zombie fan
Good Person:    what lol
Toxor:    Hi Iao and Ozy
SirGreendown:    Hi Iao, I found you a date
Iao Moonshadow:    ((((((((gp you spam brat)))))))
Iao Moonshadow:    what....
OzySEO:    hey Toxor
OklahomaTraveler:    Nothing, nothing at all..
ShelleSea:    Hello Ozy :-)
Tiffany Lace:    hi everyone
SirGreendown:    Good Person and you both love Spam
Iao Moonshadow:    hiya Toxor and Chumana
zombiefan:    hi tiffany
CharleyO:    Hi Ozy
OklahomaTraveler:    It's all Tiffany's fault anyway.
Chumana:    Howdy Ozy
Good Person:    hiya Tiff
Iao Moonshadow:    I can't stand spam
Tiffany Lace:    lol
OzySEO:    i'm on piano tonight, whos singing?
Tiffany Lace:    yeh blame me
Good Person:    fibber lol
OzySEO:    whers the guitarist?
zombiefan:    what radio station is playing over here?
SirGreendown:    you are from Hawaii Iao, Hawaiianhs love Spam
MeL rubs up against lao
OklahomaTraveler:    You're the one in lace. :P
Tiffany Lace:    that was fun ozy
Iao Moonshadow:    unless it is boiled twice, burnt to a crisp, and the last thing left on earth to eat
OklahomaTraveler never gets any rubs from Mel anymore.. :|
Iao Moonshadow:    who said SG lol
MeL rubs up against OT.. ( you big baby)
Iao Moonshadow:    i'm a native. but yes many do love spam.  i don't
CharleyO:    lol
ShelleSea:    >_>
OklahomaTraveler:    Woohoo!!!!!
Good Person:    Moon yourmore nutty then OT lol
SirGreendown:    I forget who 'twas
Iao Moonshadow:    gosh i hope so...
OklahomaTraveler:    Ok, I'm ready to go to my room now.. (Thanks Mel!)
Iao Moonshadow:    erm. wait.
MeL:    haha
CharleyO:    LOL OT
ShelleSea:    hahahaha
SirGreendown:    I think it was ChokelahomaVagabond
Iao Moonshadow pinches mel back
Good Person:    zombie needs to remarrie OT lol
MeL:    shakes it for lao   (((   (_I_)  ))))
zombiefan:    gp can marry ot  :D   hheheh
Good Person:    LOL MeL
OklahomaTraveler:    GP, I've been telling her that for awhile but all she does is slap me.  It's alright though..
CharleyO:    What? OT & Zombie got divorced???
ShelleSea:    re-marry
Good Person:    noooo lol
Iao Moonshadow:    bb-gun works
SirGreendown:    the mooning is honestly disgusting
OklahomaTraveler:    Charley, Yup.. actually, I think she was drugged anyway.
OklahomaTraveler moons Green.
SirGreendown:    0oh no
CharleyO:    Zombie drugged you, OT?
zombiefan:    gp and ot would look great together  :D
Iao Moonshadow:    *tosses a mask over sg's eyes
ShelleSea:    you two are virtually married?
Good Person:    zombie shhh lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Charley, she does that to all the guys, or so I've heard..
zombiefan:    hehehe
CharleyO:    LOL
SirGreendown:     oh noes
OklahomaTraveler:    Nah, Zombie is alright, but she couldn't handle the traveler.. :P
Good Person:    LOL
zombiefan:    yes ot is too nuts for me  :D
Chumana:    pa-ching
ShelleSea:    hahaha
OklahomaTraveler:    You like my what???
CharleyO:    LOL
zombiefan:    ewwww!
Chumana:    lol
OklahomaTraveler:    LMAO
ShelleSea:    Chumana says PaChing... poifect
Good Person:    OT get off the bar and get dressed lol
Chumana:    too late for that
OklahomaTraveler:    GP, Did I kick over your drink?  Sorry 'bout that..
Good Person:    lol
zombiefan:    throws ot some nickels!  lol
SirGreendown:  the stupidest documentary ever, What a Waste, It's a documentary about, Brady Quinn!!!!!
Good Person:    lol OT
Tiffany Lace:    Awww
OklahomaTraveler:    It's not a party unless someone is naked..
Chumana:    although he does have a nice "ebb and flow"
CharleyO:    LOL Chumana
OklahomaTraveler:    Hey, you gotta love my flow..
Good Person:    closes my eyes lol
Tiffany Lace:    no one naked here
Iao Moonshadow:    why waste my time if you say its so stupid of a waste of time.
Chumana:    :P
ShelleSea:    SirG, why dont you write your own documentary about someone that deserves it?
Iao Moonshadow:    thank goodness am half blind...
OklahomaTraveler:    Like, a documentary about me? :D
ShelleSea:    hahaha
Chumana:    lol lao
Good Person:    pinches Moon lol
OklahomaTraveler:    LMAO Iao, thanks for the vote of confidence.
ShelleSea:    geeezzz
CharleyO:    LOL
Iao Moonshadow:    you're welcome :-)
CharleyO:    LOL MeL
OklahomaTraveler:    Hey Kitty..
zombiefan:    enzo likes to experiment?
Lazysuzy o:    meow
ShelleSea:    I can't believe it's 1:06 and I'm sitting here, not drunk..
MeL:    over 3 years ago.. Rick started the pink drawers idea
Chumana:    lovely pic...
OklahomaTraveler:    Any link that says "Enzo" and has Pink Drawers in it should be banned.
MeL:    haha
OklahomaTraveler:    Shelle, that you know of..
zombiefan:    hi suzy  :D
Iao Moonshadow:    enzo is an experiment.  that guy behind the curtain
ShelleSea:    pretty sure I'm not..
OzySEO:    nice to have a couple of bouncers on the lower stage
Iao Moonshadow:    or av
Lazysuzy o:    back
TenYearsGone:    did you forget that I was being the spam can, Suzy ;)?
OklahomaTraveler:    Suzy, thanks for the warning.
Lazysuzy o:    um no ten
OklahomaTraveler:    wb Mel
MeL:    wb suzy
ShelleSea:    wb Suzy
Lazysuzy o:    thanks
TenYearsGone:    Oh, I thought you were dancing
CharleyO:    WB SuzyQ
OklahomaTraveler:    Oh, what a feeling..
Iao Moonshadow:    bouncers?  i don't wanna look to see which ones he means...
Chumana:    haha
ShelleSea:    maybe I am druck, the spam is talking..
ShelleSea:    drunk
OzySEO:    lol
Good Person:    LOL SS
OklahomaTraveler:    When the spam talks, you've had one too many.
CharleyO:    LOL
OzySEO:    that confirms it i thinl
OzySEO:    think
Chumana:    yup
Lazysuzy o:    that the trouble... DONT think
ShelleSea:    Oh, I forgot. I'm not in Kansas anymore..
OklahomaTraveler:    Kansas has seas?
Iao Moonshadow:    not thinking allowed
Iao Moonshadow:    *no even..
ShelleSea:    Thats why I'm not in Kansas anymore
CharleyO:    LOL Shelle
Iao Moonshadow:    welcome to hawaii!
SirGreendown:    Wish I could say that ShelleSea
ShelleSea:    :-)
OzySEO:    am i seeing things, or is TYG in his underwear?
OklahomaTraveler:    I tried to think once.. got tired of it and decided to go paint passing lines on curved roads.
Good Person:    <<< glad i am a angel and bops OT  lol
SirGreendown:    or Chelsea I guess
ShelleSea:    TYG is a can of spam
SirGreendown:    I am stuck in Kansas
ShelleSea:    seriously
Iao Moonshadow:    you kinda blend right on in with the beach already
Good Person:    yup he is
OklahomaTraveler:    :O Don't bop me!
Lazysuzy o:    GP you are the devil
SirGreendown:    Dictator Sam Brownback is a ruthless tyrant
Iao Moonshadow:    gp, i just finished dinner...
Chumana:    lol
OzySEO:    well, lets all strip and even things out, HAHA
Good Person:    am not ask MeL lol
Good Person:    awwwwww sorry moon lol
Lazysuzy o:    are too
Iao Moonshadow:    lol
OzySEO:    oh, thunder jacks already naked
ShelleSea:    thats pretty heavy Suzy, are you sure he's the Devil?
ShelleSea:    I mean I've met the Devil..
Lazysuzy o:    yes
Good Person:    LOL SS
Iao Moonshadow:    Deviled Spam
Lazysuzy o:    i have the picture to prove it
SirGreendown:    and all the typical Fox News Loving Gun Toting Gay Hating Christian Kansas Voter absolutely loves Sam Brownback
Toxor:    lol
CharleyO:    LOL Moonshadow
Good Person:    fake pics lol
ShelleSea:    Wait a sec...
zombiefan:    lol
ShelleSea:    SirG
OklahomaTraveler:    Shelle went down to Georgia, she had the devil to meet..
Good Person:    LOL OT
Iao Moonshadow:    whoooo nelly
ShelleSea:    I dont like fox news.. but I do love my guns
SirGreendown:    yeah
OzySEO:    ok, bands on a 5 minute break, i need a smoke, bb
MeL:    same here shelle.. cant take them away from us
SirGreendown:    I have to live in fear every day of being shot because I am gay
ShelleSea:    hell no
Iao Moonshadow:    that's like....way too many labels for me to follow
SirGreendown:    Guns are legal in schools in Kansas
OklahomaTraveler:    Guns and foxes work well together.. especially when you're hungry and need a new fur coat.
CharleyO:    lol
Good Person:    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Shannon )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
zombiefan:    hi shannon  :)
CharleyO:    hi Shannon
SirGreendown:    and anyone can have a gun without a license required
MeL:    Hugss Shannon
OklahomaTraveler:    Shannon!
Tiffany Lace:    mean
Chumana:    howdy Shannon
Shannon...:    hi zombie and Charley  :)
ShelleSea:    I own guns and I dont go around shooting gay people
Good Person:    i do my bb gun lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Tiff just called me mean. :O
Shannon...:    hi Chumana
MeL:    I own guns too
Shannon...:    hi ShelleSea
Lazysuzy o:    okay um sorry i will go out cause this conversation is um too hard for me right now...
Lazysuzy o:    bye
CharleyO:    Me too
OklahomaTraveler:    I shot a happy person by mistake once.  My rubber band slipped.  They wern't happy anymore.
Iao Moonshadow:    keep my silencer nice n quiet...
Lazysuzy o:    :(
Chumana:    tc Suzy
SirGreendown:    well I imagine most people in Kansas would shoot and kill me because of the fact I am gay
CharleyO:    LOL OT
Shannon...:    Hiya Mel  Hugss  :)
OklahomaTraveler:    Have a good one Suzy
Iao Moonshadow:    night suzy
MeL:    Hugss Shannon
ShelleSea:    How old are you SirG?
Shannon...:    GP  Hugssssss  :o)
SirGreendown:    they murder Abortion dioctors here too
SirGreendown:    I'm 20
OklahomaTraveler:    Think it's time for me to head out too.. it's late and I have to go try to round off infinity.
zombiefan:    night ot
MeL:    Night OT
MeL:    Night Suzy
Chumana:    tc OT
OklahomaTraveler:    Thanks Mel for another great party! :D
TenYearsGone:    They might, Sir Greendown, but maybe not because you are gay
Toxor:    nite OT
ShelleSea:    you are 20 years old?.... Move... Move to another state
Shannon...:    hi Tiffany
Good Person:    gee she always hugs me last lol
OklahomaTraveler:    Catch ya'll later on..
MeL:    ^_~
CharleyO:    G'night OT .... dream of spam
ShelleSea:    by7e by7e OT
CoLor:    SirG if u keep it in your pants and in your own bedroom and private like we adults do keep our love lives private you should be fine
Iao Moonshadow:    best for last i guess
SirGreendown:    I can't because my parents conttrol every aspect of my life
Good Person:    Moon behave lol
Iao Moonshadow:    make me. lol
Good Person:    naw lol
ShelleSea:    you are 20.. how does anyone control your life?
zombiefan:    come dance with us and the spam can shannon   ;)
ShelleSea:    do they control the air you breath?
Good Person:    LOL zombie
SirGreendown:    well the Supreme Court ruled I can legally marry
ShelleSea:    do you sleep in their bed?
Shannon...:    hi Moonshadow
zombiefan:    :D
Iao Moonshadow:    soooomtimes... all i need is the air that i breath...
Iao Moonshadow:    hiya Shannon :-)
SirGreendown:    I don't the Government imposing Christianity down people's throats
SirGreendown:    that is unconstitutional
ShelleSea:    I'm sorry, when I was 20 years old, I had my own place and worked a full time job.
zombiefan:    the spam can isnt moving much though  lol
MeL:    diddo Shelle
CoLor:    You can pretend all you want. but it will never be real. Because marriage is between a man and a woman. If you prefer to make a union between same genders its something else.
CharleyO:    me to, Shelle
Chumana:    same here
Good Person:    hes sleeping lol
Iao Moonshadow:    makes a good target though, zombie
ShelleSea:    right...
SirGreendown:    it is very clear in the First Amendment there should be a separation of Church and State
SirGreendown:    NO
SirGreendown:    NMO
TenYearsGone:    I am just waiting for GP to get hungry.... when he does, the spam can won't last long
Iao Moonshadow:    dag namit.
CoLor:    this nation was built on christianity and if you dont like it get out
MeL:    Easy SirG
Good Person:    Sir ??
Chumana:    hmmm
MeL:    stop it
CharleyO:    LOL Moonshadow
MeL:    change the subject
ShelleSea:    It's as easy as opening the door and walking out
ShelleSea:    oops
ShelleSea:    subject change!
Iao Moonshadow:    these boots are made for walkin.
Good Person:    LOL on you Moon
ShelleSea:    Well, I went for a walk today.. not... actually I went to eat and it was good.
Iao Moonshadow:    nancy....sinatra.
SirGreendown:    I want to die because of Bigots like CoLor who want to deny equal rights to me and may others
ShelleSea:    then I went to the beach for like 4 hours
ShelleSea:    got buirnt
ShelleSea:    it felt good
ShelleSea:    lol
Catwoman:    guten morgen
ShelleSea:    guten morgan Cat
Good Person:    hiya CW hugs
Chumana:    Good morning Cat
CharleyO:    G'morning Cat!
zombiefan:    morning catwoman
MeL:    Howdy Catwoman
Iao Moonshadow:    quite frankly, when you pull of a subject filled with labels and heated perspectives involved, prepare to be burned.
Tiffany Lace:    g morning catwoman
Good Person:    Moon your crazy lol
Iao Moonshadow:    better to party on right here...with good people
Tiffany Lace:    guten morgan
CoLor:    SirGreendown I have/had friends that are gay or bisexual. they never accused others with names because they held differeing views.
TenYearsGone:    No, GP. Iao is right
MeL:    Color....
MeL:    change the subject
Good Person:    nice dress Shannon
CoLor:    It is how life is. we respect each others right to hold a personal view. And I would hope you would enjoy life.
Iao Moonshadow:    and you are one of the sirgreendown.  so chill with us.
CoLor:    ok Mel
CharleyO:    SirG is gone
Iao Moonshadow:    said my peace.  i'm good.
zombiefan:    opens spam can  lol
TenYearsGone:    ow!
Good Person:    nooo lol
zombiefan:    :D
Iao Moonshadow:    gah, *grabs clothes pins*
CharleyO:    LOL Zombie
Good Person:    LOL Moon
Chumana:    hahaha
zombiefan:    lol
Good Person:    hiya Liz sis hugs
zombiefan:    hi catwoman
Catwoman:    lol
Tiffany Lace:    hello
Good Person:    hello Tiff
Iao Moonshadow:    hiya catwoman
Tiffany Lace:    hello again huh ?
Catwoman:    hi to all and hugs around
Good Person:    nope lol
zombiefan:    hugs
Catwoman:    hu tiff ??
Catwoman:    lol
CharleyO:    Hugs Cat
Tiffany Lace:    Danke
Toxor:    hi Catwoman
Catwoman:    bitte tiff
Good Person:    Liz ??
Tiffany Lace:    :)
Shannon...:    Hi Cat  :)
Catwoman:    i need my coffee
Shannon...:    Hi Toxor
Toxor:    Hey Shannon
Tiffany Lace:    I need something hot too
Shannon...:    Hi Thunder Jack and Nattie
Iao Moonshadow:    couple of surfer boys work
Catwoman:    hello Sir
SirGreendown:    hi
Nattie:    hi shannon
Good Person:    hands Tiff some hot spam lol
CharleyO:    LOL Moonshadow
Tiffany Lace:    hi sir
Tiffany Lace:    wb
zombiefan:    how much is a p30 world?
Shannon...:    Hi Color
Catwoman:    come dance Sir G
OzySEO:    30 liters of p
CharleyO:    lol Ozy
OzySEO:    oh wait, no thats not right
Shannon...:    hi Zephyr
Shannon...:    Hey Liz  hugss  :)
Iao Moonshadow:    wonderful, was dieing for the information aaaallll night
zombiefan:    my world expires in maybe 12 days and am thinking of upgrading from p20 to p30 if the price is right
LizLiz:    someone hold on to GP in case he gets lost LOL
Good Person:    hey Liz sis hugs
Iao Moonshadow:    48
Iao Moonshadow:    hiya lizliz
LizLiz:    Hey GP beo (((((you))))
Good Person:    LOL sis
LizLiz:    Bro
zombiefan:    hi liz
LizLiz:    Hi Moonshadow
LizLiz:    Hi Zombiefan
zombiefan:    i got to go click the dance button again brb
Good Person:    ok lol
CharleyO:    Zombie ... this should help :
CharleyO:    Hi liz
LizLiz:    I douldn't find the T so I couldn't 'click' it LOL
LizLiz:    Hi Charlie O
Good Person:    lol sis u nut
OzySEO:    alright, got me a couple of hotties
zombiefan:    dances!
LizLiz:    TJ and Nattie Hi you both XXXXX
zombiefan:    thanks charlie
Good Person:    hotties ??
SirGreendown: the Brady Quinn Documentary, a Documentary about a really awful Quarterback who really really sucks, but he is good looking, but that's the only good thing about him
LizLiz:    yup that's me bro GP
CharleyO:    Yw
Good Person:    lol sis
Nattie:    hi Liz
Iao Moonshadow:    you can also click the coin icon too zombiefan
LizLiz:    good to see you both Nattie
zombiefan:    thanks iao
LizLiz:    I love our Kitties
Chumana:    Hello Liz
LizLiz:    Hi Chumana hon XX
Good Person:    did SS leave
LizLiz:    ok ok Hi OSEO XXXXX
CharleyO:    yes, I think she did
Thunder Jack:    hello Liz
Good Person:    darn lol
OzySEO:    hey
Iao Moonshadow:    nice to see ya thunder jack and nattie
LizLiz:    good to see youTJ
zombiefan:    dances!
Thunder Jack:    dittos
LizLiz:    inally a nice party place for us eh?
Good Person:    yup brat party sis lol
OzySEO:    thats the biggest can of spam i ever seen
Good Person:    LOL
zombiefan:    :D
Chumana:    looks good in here, yes :)
OzySEO:    need 2 slices of bread for the spam
Good Person:    LOL
zombiefan:    with some mayo?
Iao Moonshadow:    and a torch
Good Person:    and hot sauce lol
Chumana:    oh heck ya :P
Chumana:    avocado
zombiefan:    the spam can is gone  :D
Chumana:    uh oh
Good Person:    cute slippers Shannon lol
Chumana:    we gotta eat Ten, now?
TenYearsGone:    mover must have timed out
Good Person:    lol ewwww
zombiefan:    ten might like that  lol
Shannon...:    ty GP  :P
Good Person:    lool
Good Person:    yw ;op
Chumana puts on some sterile gloves first :P
Shannon...:    they are sandals, GP
Good Person:    oh sorry all Moon fault lol
CharleyO:    LOL Chumana
TenYearsGone moves away slightly so it does not look like he is slow dancing with GP
Iao Moonshadow is just the crazy lady in the corner
Good Person:    lol Ten
zombiefan:    :D
Chumana:    lol...but its okay if you want to
TenYearsGone:    I have a comment, but I will refrain because I don't want to poke the bear
Chumana:    lol
Iao Moonshadow:    reloads. say what?
zombiefan:    what radio station is playing over here?
Good Person:    Liz you ok ?
LizLiz:    yeh GP bro
Good Person:    pokes MeL lol
MeL:    Hugss Liz
Toxor:    goodnight everyone and thanks MeL for the party
MeL:    Night Toxor  =)
zombiefan:    night toxor
TenYearsGone:    Niht Tox
Iao Moonshadow:    night Toxor
CharleyO:    G'night Toxor ... sleep well
Chumana:    nite Toxor, sleep well
TenYearsGone:    night, too
Shannon...:    night Toxor
OzySEO:    listening to my own music, alice cooper, schools out, which reminds me, new roller coaster in aws
Tiffany Lace:    NICE
Chumana:    cool
OzySEO:    called schools out roller coaster, lol
CharleyO:    And it works great, too!
zombiefan:    likes some alice cooper songs
Shannon...:    I used to listen to Alice Cooper years ago
Tiffany Lace:    goodnight everyone
OzySEO:    i got alot done since you saw it Charley, no signs to click, just walk in
Chumana:    nite nite Tiff
LizLiz:    Bite Tiffany
Iao Moonshadow:    night Tiffany
Shannon...:    night Tiffany
CharleyO:    G'night Tiffany ... sleep well
Good Person:    nite Tiff hugs
CharleyO:    Cool, Ozy ... I'll have to ride it again
Tiffany Lace:    see you all soon..hugs too
zombiefan:    night tiffany
OzySEO:    maybe an incentive for ppl to take a building class, teacher take'em on a ride after class, lol
Good Person:    lol
Iao Moonshadow:    they'll be eyeing i the whole class
CharleyO:    good idea ... lol
Iao Moonshadow:    or skip school :p
OzySEO:    lol
OzySEO:    its only 2 laps
Good Person:    Moon behave lol
Iao Moonshadow:    seriously, that WAS behaving
Chumana:    hehe
Good Person:    you sure lol
LizLiz:    GP you gotta let your hair down sometime LOL
Iao Moonshadow:    positivbe
zombiefan:    he has hair?  :O
Good Person:    i did sis lol
LizLiz:    do it to it Moon
Iao Moonshadow:    positive too..
CharleyO:    LOL Zombie
OzySEO:    only cost, your bank account number, pin number, ssn, to ride, no worries
Good Person:    yes i have hair lol
OzySEO:    only $1
zombiefan:    :D
Shannon...:    nice cowboy hat, that where you keep all your spam ? ;p
LizLiz:    get your groove on while you still can
TenYearsGone:    I tried to make one of those physics roller coasters once.... it was a bit too erratic, so I called it the Vomit Comet right before deleting it
Iao Moonshadow:    ah, i got hair.  was this a vote?
Good Person:    LOL Shannon noo lol
Chumana:    lol
CharleyO:    lol
OzySEO:    well, i got a bot script to easily create the tracks now, got an X1?
LizLiz:    only ifyou re in a contest Moonshadow
LizLiz:    I'll vote for ya
Iao Moonshadow:    ut oh, what i do now?
Iao Moonshadow:    *blush* I sorry just in case
CharleyO:    LOL
Good Person:    me to brat of the year lol
zombiefan:    sound like lots of studying to create a bot
LizLiz:    never apologise
Iao Moonshadow:    okay, i'm not sorry just in case
LizLiz:    the world is not your task-master
Iao Moonshadow:    *hugs*
LizLiz:    Hugs sis
Good Person:    bots are lazy like me lol
OzySEO:    na, get an X1, run the script, its easy, only 6 verbal commands
Iao Moonshadow:    bots are trainable, gp...
LizLiz:    GP you are not lazy
OzySEO:    exactly, lazy, thats how i wrote the script
Good Person:    am so ask Shannon sis lol
LizLiz:    hey I trained GP well enough right GP?
Iao Moonshadow:    lol
Good Person:    yup lol
Chumana:    lol
LizLiz:    GP throw herup then
CharleyO:    LOL
Good Person:    lol sis
SirGreendown:    Ozy, I would like that script in case I ever get around to paying for bot rights
OzySEO:    takes about 40 minutes to an hour to build a realistic life sized roller coaster track
LizLiz:    no use keepinh sickness in yourself
LizLiz:    Shannon behave???
OzySEO:    even provides for errors, and restarting from where ever you want
CharleyO:    That's true, Liz
Good Person:    wow you got to pay for bot rights
SirGreendown:    it will come in handy for the 2 Theme Parks I will build
SirGreendown:    including a full Disneyland
OzySEO:    for bot rights, but not the bot, or my scripts
LizLiz:    YEH you didn't know that GP?
SirGreendown:    in AWTeen
MeL:    wbSirG
LizLiz:    theygotta eat, they are not fat enough
zombiefan:    i thought the bots were free
Good Person:    sis Shannon dont know how to behave lol
SirGreendown:    I would like that script, please
OzySEO:    i got 2 bot limit GP, one dedicated to Combat 24/7, the other limit i play with, different bots, scripts, 2's enough mostly
Good Person:    i have three
SirGreendown:    I'll probably pay for bot rights at some point in the future
Iao Moonshadow:    fun with bots
OzySEO:    well, then your set
Good Person:    yup
Iao Moonshadow:    gonna have baby spam bots all over the place now
OzySEO:    it just means you can have any 3 running at one time
Good Person:    LOL Moon
OzySEO:    you can still have 20 bots, just can only run 3 at a time
Good Person:    bots dont have babies lol
zombiefan:    i dont know much about the bots yet
Good Person:    i do
Iao Moonshadow:    need paintball script to spray em all
Good Person:    lol moon
OzySEO:    they're just sub programs that aw allows to run
Iao Moonshadow:    a mini you
Iao Moonshadow:    eeks
zombiefan:    do the bots tell you other citizens ip addresses?
Good Person:    oh Shannon is alive lol
OzySEO:    can, if its your world
SirGreendown:    is it just me or does Catwoman look like Katy Perry in thye Dark Horse Music Video sorta
Shannon...:    yeah of course, GP *rolls eyes*  ;p
LizLiz:    so Bots ownership should be scrutimazed carefully then?
Good Person:    lol
OzySEO:    my ozybot wont show ip in AW/alpha, but it will in Comabt if i ask it too
LizLiz:    give a bot to some people they will tke all your builds out grrr nasty
zombiefan:    i might get a bot some day but willl have to study up on it all
LizLiz:    not everyone in AW has a platinum heart!
OzySEO:    bots right off the assembly line dont allow other ppl to control them, you have to tell your bot to allow other ppl to do that
SirGreendown:    I used to have bots
Iao Moonshadow:    have to be world owner / ct rights
LizLiz:    I am both LOL
Iao Moonshadow:    like a fancy computer
LizLiz:    youmean I can get a bot?
Iao Moonshadow:    robot
SirGreendown:    an Eclipse Evo, a Preston, and one of Andras' Mapper Bots
Good Person:    i had a brain once does that count lol
SirGreendown:    were the 3 bots I had
zombiefan:    :D
LizLiz:    I don't think my brain has toom for anyone else?
OzySEO:    you can use bots to work on your own builds, on your own land in public worlds
LizLiz:    room*
Good Person:    your brain is fine sis lol
Iao Moonshadow:    i rather build and make the bots clean house
Shannon...:    so you used to have a brain, GP ? did you replace it with Spam ? lol  jkg
Good Person:    LOL Moon
SirGreendown:    you will never believe this but I successfully snuck an Eclipse Evo into AWTeen
Good Person:    Shannon hush lol
LizLiz:    yeh but it's only got so musch space left after 75 years
Iao Moonshadow:    naughty boy gp
Good Person:    lol
Shannon...:    noooo GP  lol
SirGreendown:    Strike was actually ok with it as long as it stayed away from the GZ
Iao Moonshadow:    er... i meant sg
OzySEO:    the ToolBOT script i wrote, and updated, is basically a build editor without ever opening an object properties window
LizLiz:    LOL something about being tired sis?
LizLiz:    I took a nap duting the news this evening LOL
Iao Moonshadow:    phews
Good Person:    hey i am a sweet guy why pick on me lol
LizLiz:    GP you are sometimes fun to  pick on XXXX
Iao Moonshadow:    cause you're so pickable
OzySEO:    wanna change all textures, even if there's othe commands in the action line, no problem
Shannon...:    cause friends pick on friends, GP ? lol
Good Person:    ty sis hugs lol
zombiefan:    shares ding dong chocolate cakes?
OzySEO:    or color tint, scale, whatever
LizLiz:    we all Love you sooooo much GP
Shannon...:    did you sleep on your couch, Liz ?
Good Person:    you sure sis lol
LizLiz:    Ding Dongs yummie
Iao Moonshadow:    fried ding dongs
OzySEO:    can fly around and just click what you wanna change
Iao Moonshadow:    doesn't sound right...
SirGreendown:    It was in my own version of one of my beloved Idol I put up on a pedastal and annoyed everyone including Strike with my support of Strike Rapier's GZs
Good Person:    LOL Shannon
LizLiz:    Moon is that a Hawaiian thing?
Iao Moonshadow:    which one
Iao Moonshadow:    lol
LizLiz:    the fried cackes
SirGreendown:    even Strike was annoyed by my support of Strike
LizLiz:    cakes*
OzySEO:    or, you can keep doing it the hard way, either way, i got it, if ya want it
Iao Moonshadow:    oh! no its a carnival thing.  or one of those farm carnival things
LizLiz:    ahh OK
OzySEO:    gone smoking, bb
Iao Moonshadow:    like fried cheese..
Iao Moonshadow:    cotton candy
CharleyO:    mmm-mmm ... fried cheese !
Iao Moonshadow:    loads of peptobismal in the morning
Good Person:    your all nuts lol
zombiefan:    saw fire works this year but didnt feel like going to the parade
CharleyO:    i never did like cotton candy
Iao Moonshadow:    that too, honey glazed uts
LizLiz:    LOL
Good Person:    LOL Moon
LizLiz:    all that pork h;ps too  sis eh?
Iao Moonshadow:    finger smackin...good
Iao Moonshadow:    all them pork ribs you betchA
LizLiz:    lol the best
Good Person:    but Moon loves spam lol
LizLiz:    with all that sauce on them
Shannon...:    oh yeah, GP ? well you're a fruit cake  ;p
Iao Moonshadow:    no.... i do not love spam
Good Person:    am not lol
zombiefan:    dont burn a hole in your gut  :O
LizLiz:    omg Hawiian Pork chops yuummie
Shannon...:    am too  hehe
Good Person:    yes u do lol
Shannon...:    or hawaiian chicken
Good Person:    LOL zombie
Iao Moonshadow:    hell no
zombiefan:    :D
LizLiz:    roasted on an open pit
Good Person:    i give up all you women win lol
Iao Moonshadow:    pig yes, spam no
zombiefan:    some people use so much hot stuff that they eventually end up coughing up blood but thats rare
CharleyO:    Spam roasted on an open pit ... mmm-mmm
Iao Moonshadow:    or we actually steam in underground oven
Iao Moonshadow:    pit
Shannon...:    Yaaaay !! we win !!  lol
LizLiz:    no spam
Iao Moonshadow:    lol charley
Good Person:    Charley behave lol
LizLiz:    ohh yes underground is best
LizLiz:    Sharley goto your room!
LizLiz:    Charlie
Good Person:    lol sis
CharleyO:    LOL ... I am in my room .... lol
Iao Moonshadow:    part of the problem then
LizLiz:    they go to the [ottie you're full of it !
zombiefan:    wonders what's in charlies room :D
MeL:    hahah Liz
Iao Moonshadow:    *checks for smoke*
Good Person:    money zombie lol
LizLiz:    Pottie even
Chumana:    was wondering too, zombie :P
SirGreendown:    you know I have a huge area near the 2007 GZ
zombiefan:    how much money?  a few hundreds?  :O
CharleyO:    Zombie ... my room is very big ... lol ... lots of stuff in here.
LizLiz:    you gottsa sleepin the room you need to use the proper place
SirGreendown:    and in it is a propdump of SW City's Grand Central Station
Good Person:    yeah all junk zombie lol
zombiefan:    :D
LizLiz:    lol
SirGreendown:    that was from back in 2009
LizLiz:    I hate Pottie jokes  Love not war XXXX
CharleyO:    it has a living , Dining, Den, 2 bedrroms, & 2 fullbahts .... LOL
SirGreendown:    I was gonna build a huge city near the old Alpha LZ
Iao Moonshadow:    pottie jokes....
Good Person:    and bunkbeds too lol
Iao Moonshadow:    depends what kind i guess
SirGreendown:    I ended up having almost 100,000 objects in that build
CharleyO:    that's all in my room ... LOL
zombiefan:    alot of fishing poles and certain magazines in charlies room?  :D
LizLiz:    Depends helps LOL
Iao Moonshadow:    hahahaha
Iao Moonshadow:    quick one liz
LizLiz:    can't stop the smell tho
Good Person:    gee Charley you room hog lol
LizLiz:    hehe
SirGreendown:    It was abandoned when I left AW about a month into it's construction
CharleyO:    LOL GP
LizLiz:    that's 2 today did
Good Person:    pinches Shannon lol
Shannon...:    OUCH !!
SirGreendown:    who has seen that, it is really awful isn't it
LizLiz:    a gaff a day keeps the hourders away
Shannon...:    *pinches GP back*  lol
Chumana:    lol
SirGreendown:    I was a terrible builder
Good Person:    ouch lol
LizLiz:    was Sir Greendown I hope you improved?
SirGreendown:    it's is comically bad
Iao Moonshadow:    lol i used to overlap everyting my first builds oh please
SirGreendown:    yeah, this is from 2009 Liz
Shannon...:    *hits GP with a fly swatter*  hehe
zombiefan:    my room has guitars and a bunch of cds and dvds
LizLiz:    you been around long enough
LizLiz:    ahh OK
Iao Moonshadow:    flashy flashy crap aaaaallll over the place
Good Person:    Liz is a good builder but kuma is awsome lol shannon you brat
SirGreendown:    Iao you haven't seen awful until you've seen Jungle Land in AWTeen from 2009
Shannon...:    haha !
zombiefan:    will we ever see kuma dance?
Iao Moonshadow:    been around for awhile, and explored alot. lol betcha i have
LizLiz:    Lord I hipe my crap doesn't "Flash
Iao Moonshadow:    betcha betcha ;p
SirGreendown:    Jungletown was okay but only because of Ferruccio
LizLiz:    ill we ever see her in group fun?
Iao Moonshadow:    i remember when ferr would finish a build and announce for everyone to go see
LizLiz:    I keep hoping
CharleyO:    Probably not to both of those questions
LizLiz:    probably Charley she's not the type
Iao Moonshadow:    pretty cool work
SirGreendown:    I credit Ferr for helping me starting my Empire
Iao Moonshadow:    oh well then kudoos to ferr
CharleyO:    No, she isn't, i agree
Shannon...:    I remember talking to Ferruccio...wonder if he went to Minecraft
SirGreendown:    he was the person who showed me the basics and built a great house in Jungletown
LizLiz:    Ferr makes some awesome builds
zombiefan:    kuma needs a cute teddy bear cav
MeL:    he is a great builder
Iao Moonshadow:    yep
LizLiz:    I think she has one
SirGreendown:    guess what Iao
SirGreendown:    his house in my first town
Iao Moonshadow:    whaaat?
CharleyO:    yes, I think I saw Kuma use it before
SirGreendown:    is a TEXTURE on the AlphaWorld OP
LizLiz:    takes up a lot of resources tho on her computer
Good Person:    doesnt know how to build lol
LizLiz:    yes
Iao Moonshadow:    is this all gonna be on a test.
zombiefan:    you build great gp
Iao Moonshadow:    :-)
Good Person:    naw lol
Shannon...:    yeah you do, GP  :o)
Good Person:    you wished lol
OzySEO:    back
Kuma Bear:    i didn't do it    well  maybe i did  hmmmm i neve can tell
LizLiz:    I'm trying to teach him how to aquire an ego but that's not working
Good Person:    wb
Iao Moonshadow:    dude... so what is the texture. *turning blue hanging on for the end line*
Good Person:    LOL who sis
OzySEO:    but my cat demands attention
LizLiz:    Kuma bear darlinXXXX
zombiefan:    hi kuma
LizLiz:    you GP
CharleyO:    hiya Kuma
Shannon...:    Howdy Kuma Bear  :o)  *waves*
MeL:    Howdy Kuma  =)
Kuma Bear:    smiles to you zombifan
zombiefan:    :)
Kuma Bear:    hi ther e Shannon
LizLiz:    good to see you Kuma XX
Good Person:    hiya kuma
zombiefan:    come dance kuma!
Kuma Bear:    big wave and smile to Mel
Chumana:    Howdy Kuma :)
Good Person:    hellooooooooo Kuma
Kuma Bear:    h e l l o   G o o d   P e r s o n
zombiefan:    put it on global chat so she can see you
Good Person:    i did lol
SirGreendown:    hi Kuma
Catwoman:    little bear
Iao Moonshadow:    like speak into the big mike
LizLiz:    Kuma they told me to click some red thing but I couldn't find it??? lolol
Good Person:    red thing lol
LizLiz:    I'm usually on Global
MeL:    Liz?
MeL:    you see me?
LizLiz:    yeh MeL?
LizLiz:    yes MeL now I do
MeL:    come over here to the board please
zombiefan:    come be a youtube star kuma  ;)
Good Person:    Kuma is a star
Kuma Bear:    am to silly for that
MeL:    look on the board liz... on the right hand side.. there is 2 red arrows
Good Person:    no your not kuma
LizLiz:    ahh that's what they were talking about???
Kuma Bear:    well i can try
MeL:    yes maam
MeL:    whenyou cilck them it refreshes the radios
zombiefan:    come dance the macarena kuma!
Good Person:    cute toes Shannon lol
SirGreendown:    am I in it?
LizLiz:    ahh OK
Good Person:    hey no sleeping lol
Shannon...:    thanks GP
zombiefan:    i cant remember at the momet sir
MeL:    ^_~  Liz
zombiefan:    i only filmed 2 today
Shannon...:    my av is tired
Shannon...:    lol
zombiefan:    only 2 videos today
Good Person:    good seeing you Kuma
Good Person:    shannon your just plane lazy lol
zombiefan:    figuring out aw's video recording thing has been handy yet confusing at first
Iao Moonshadow:    night eveyone, take care
Shannon...:    ahh whatever GP  lol  ;p
Good Person:    cool zombie
TenYearsGone:    Night Iao
zombiefan:    night iao
MeL:    Night lao
CharleyO:    G'night Moonshadow c... sleep well
Chumana:    tc lao :)
MeL:    pinches
Good Person:    nite moon hugs
TenYearsGone:    Any you-tubes yet z?
zombiefan:    did you figure out how to record aw videos yet gp?
SirGreendown:    \Zombiefan
SirGreendown:    please
Good Person:    naw lol
Iao Moonshadow:    ooolala.  ;-)
SirGreendown:    film this
zombiefan:    what sir?
SirGreendown:    CY dancing
SirGreendown:    leg pops off
MeL:    haha
SirGreendown:    you should put it on YouTube
Chumana:    lol
LizLiz:    no idea why?
zombiefan:    lol sisr
zombiefan:    lol sir
CharleyO:    Alrighty then .... my eye lids are about in need to toothpicks to remain open ... soo .... G'night to All .... slepp well when ya do !
zombiefan:    night charlie
Good Person:    nite charley
Shannon...:    night Charley
Chumana:    nite nite Charley
zombiefan:    sir need some super glue lol
Good Person:    lol
SirGreendown:    Go CHIEFS!!!!
SirGreendown:    TOUCHDOWN KANSAS CITY!!!!
Good Person:    Shannon your such a show off lol
SirGreendown:    LET'S GO ROYALS!!!!!
» Immigration Officer:    Warning! The connection to the world is currently down. Your changes may be lost. (aw)
» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.
SirGreendown:    Jeremy Maclin
SirGreendown:    Jamaal Charles
SirGreendown:    Justin Houston
zombiefan:    it wont have sound though because i dont know what radio station is playing over here
SirGreendown:    Dontari Poe
SirGreendown:    Dee Ford
SirGreendown:    Tamba Hali
SirGreendown:    Marcus Peters
SirGreendown:    Chris Conley
SirGreendown:    Dustin Colquitt
SirGreendown:    Alex Smith
SirGreendown:    Cairo Santos
MeL:    o_o
SirGreendown:    ERIC BERRY!!
MeL:    chill
MeL:    ahhaa
SirGreendown:    Andy Reid, Big Red!
SirGreendown:    John Dorsey
zombiefan:    who are they?
MeL:    if you cant get the radio stations or they dont appear for you.. try checking your java andmake sure its updated
SirGreendown:    Kansas City Chiefs Players and Front Office
zombiefan:    my java works fine but for some reason it wont work with aw
Good Person:    thanks MeL
SirGreendown:    also Go Royals
SirGreendown:    Alcides Escobar
SirGreendown:    Salvador Perez
SirGreendown:    Lorenzo Cain
SirGreendown:    Mike "Golden m00se" Moustakas
SirGreendown:    Alex Gordon
SirGreendown:    Eric Hosmer
Good Person:    what is sir talking about ??
zombiefan:    football players?
SirGreendown:    Baseball Players now
Good Person:    oh ty lol
Shannon...:    some kind of sport he likes
SirGreendown:    for the Royals
SirGreendown:    they are favorites to win the World Series
SirGreendown:    and my favorite team
Good Person:    why is shannon standing like a zombie lol
SirGreendown:    Ned Yost is the manager
SirGreendown:    and Dayton Moore the GM
zombiefan:    lol  :D
Shannon...:    just because GP  lol
Good Person:    lol
zombiefan:    the dance thing quit on me a few times so i had to click the dance button again
Shannon...:    my avatar is talking...cant ya see her mouth moving ? lol
Good Person:    yes i see your mouth moving lol
Shannon...:    hehe
Shannon...:    :D
Good Person:    ok brb you all play nice lol
MeL:    Take it easy GP
Shannon...:    alrighty then GP
TenYearsGone puts on a set of Mickey Mouse ears and starts playing mice
zombiefan:    bring us back some donuts gp  :D
Good Person:    maybe lol brb
Shannon...:    go get yourself some more spam...its ok...I understand your spam addiction  ;p
Good Person:    hush lol
Shannon...:    nooo not gonna happen  ;p
MeL reminds people that tomorrow July 18th, at 11 pm vrt will be the "Adult Acronyms Game" in the world "Delight"
zombiefan:    we get to curse like sailors?  ;)
Good Person:    yeah and watch MeL cheat lol
MeL:    if you want
TenYearsGone:    No, z, we get to curse like we are trying to make sailors blush
Shannon...:    that's nice, Mel....too bad I'm not very good with games  :D
zombiefan:    lol  :D
MeL:    you can still come and dance shannon. haha
SirGreendown:    hopefully Matt will come on tomorrow
Kuma Bear:    i think i might just do some building  hmmmm  i think i do that often
SirGreendown:    or today I guess
MeL:    Kuma!.. you da builder
Shannon...:    yeah there's an idea  lol
Kuma Bear:    i only build some times
Kuma Bear:    well
Good Person:    cool kuma build me a spam factory lol
Kuma Bear:    lots of timrs
TenYearsGone:    Kuma Bear is going to build? That is extrordinary !
MeL:    haha
Kuma Bear:    hmmmmmm  now thats a good idea GP
zombiefan:    kuma builds great  :)
Kuma Bear:    i have been thining on it
Good Person:    :o)
SirGreendown:    he would fit right in in the NFL, there are a TON of Quarterbacks named Matthew
TenYearsGone:    wait, no... I used the wrong word
Good Person:    that she is zombie
TenYearsGone:    ordinary..... there, that is the word I was looking for
Kuma Bear:    aombiefan do you like zombie stuff?
Shannon...:    there's something to keep busy with...building
zombiefan:    yes kuma and i also like Rob Zombie the musician too
MeL:    or dancing and having fun.. Its the Weekend!
Good Person:    i love building but i am old and lazy lol
Kuma Bear:    well lucky Alpha has one zombie object  so i like to do zombie invasions   just for fun mind you
Shannon...:    you said it, GP...not me  hehe !
zombiefan:    gp needs more furniture in his builds  :D
Good Person:    lol
Good Person:    yeah yeah zombie lol
zombiefan:    :D
Good Person:    thats shannon job but she wont do it lol
SirGreendown:    Matt Schaub, Matt Ryan, Matt Cassel, Matt Barkley, Matt Moore, Matt Flynn, Matthew Stafford
Shannon...:    why does GP need more furniture ? did he forget to put that in his builds ? lol
Good Person:    LOL yes
SirGreendown:    oh and Matt Hasselbeck and Matt Leinart
SirGreendown:    are also current NFL Quarterbacks
Shannon...:    well, you're not paying me for putting furniture in....soooo  lol
Good Person:    awwwwww lol
Shannon...:    :P
Shannon...:    joking GP
WOODY.:    An Oklahoma man who killed his stepfather by giving him an "atomic wedgie" during a drunken brawl was sentenced Thursday to 30 years in prison
Good Person:    opps what happe n to zombie
Good Person:    i know lol
Shannon...:    she faded away
MeL:    isnt that summin.. a Atomic wedgie
Judge Duvet:    alright you just trying to learn team names or just peeps you schlep with
WOODY.:    i was like WTH
Shannon...:    WoW Woody !  :O
MeL:    summin weird there. has to be more to the story
Shannon...:    Hi Judge
Judge Duvet:    How's it going Shannon
WOODY.:    the storey
Good Person:    omg bro lol
Shannon...:    its ya doing, Judge ? :)
TenYearsGone:    wow... killed by an atomic (_V_) wedgie
MeL:    fly up gurl
zombiefan:    my aw crashed on me
Good Person:    wb zombie
Judge Duvet:    was just looking around skylab  here
MeL:    wb zombie
zombiefan:    thanks gp
Good Person:    yw
zombiefan:    thanks mel
Shannon...:    sorry zombie
Shannon...:    ;o\
zombiefan:    hi again shanon  :)
Shannon...:    wb zombie
zombiefan:    did aw crash on anybody else?
Good Person:    shannon so cute lol
zombiefan:    thanks
Shannon...:    hey again zombie  :)
Good Person:    nope
Shannon...:    hehe ty GP
Shannon...:    skylab huh ?
Good Person:    hey for horses lol yw Shannon
Judge Duvet:    haven't been here in a while
Shannon...:    didnt crash for me
LizLiz:    ok
Shannon...:    thats a good build, JUdge
Good Person:    hey liz sis you ok
zombiefan:    aw been crashing on my windows 8 computer alot recently for some reason
Good Person:    kick it zombie lol
Judge Duvet:    I had a lot of probs with cracks showing on this one
LizLiz:    mine is not allowing certain programming either
zombiefan:    lol  :D
Shannon...:    seems like I gotta move my av slowly or else it crashes sometimes
Shannon...:    a hammer will fix it  lol
zombiefan:    lol shannon
Good Person:    or spam cookies lol
LizLiz:    I can't get those thanks goodness LOL
Shannon...:    some of my builds had cracks too...I didn't build them that way...but some time after coming back thats what they looked like
Good Person:    lol sis
Judge Duvet:    I was working on vipers
TenYearsGone:    Not the first time I have heard of that, Shannon
Shannon...:    what is a viper ? a snake ?
Judge Duvet:    trying to get them to work as a remote ctrl glider
Good Person:    mine to shannon that why i use super glue lol
LizLiz:    a snake yes
Shannon...:    yeah Ten  :)
» Immigration Officer:    Warning! The connection to the world is currently down. Your changes may be lost. (aw)
» Immigration Officer:    Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.
Judge Duvet:    the viper is from stargate atlantis
TenYearsGone:    Yes, I ahve also heard that GP used to give wasps whacks to make soup or glue
Good Person:    lol
Shannon...:    or maybe you use spam to clog up the cracks, GP  :D
Good Person:    true lol
LizLiz:    I think I used too much spam LOL
Shannon...:    just like it may clog up arteries  lol
Good Person:    LOL Liz sis
Good Person:    naw shannon lol
Shannon...:    ;p
zombiefan:    woody sleeping?
Good Person:    as always lol
Shannon...:    perhaps hes in Facebook  :D
TenYearsGone:    I think he's re-reading the article about the atomic wedgie
Shannon...:    haha
Good Person:    lol Ten
zombiefan:    those fb games are loud for some reason
Shannon...:    yes they are
Good Person:    not to me lol
TenYearsGone:    that is because spam causes deafness
zombiefan:    i have to turn my sound way down before i play them
Shannon...:    thats cause maybe you can't hear, GP  lol
Good Person:    you poor babies lol
zombiefan:    lol  :D
Good Person:    sure can brat lol
Shannon...:    yeah if you say so
Shannon...:    :P
Good Person:    you see how she loves me lol
zombiefan:    ;)
Shannon...:    ahh you know we love ya, GP  :)
Good Person:    yeah i know :o)
WOODY.:    like a fat kid loves cake
Shannon...:    cool flying machine, Judge
Good Person:    LOL bro
Shannon...:    haha WOODY ! :P
Good Person:    dont say cake around zombie lol
zombiefan:    lol  :D
SirGreendown:    oops
Judge Duvet:    I see woody's back woodpecker for
SirGreendown:    in a Double-Header with the White Sox
zombiefan:    what might you all do later on today?
TenYearsGone:    that caps lock just sort of jumps right in the way at times
Good Person:    go nuts lol
SirGreendown:    blame my keyboard that time
Shannon...:    thats nice that you enjoy watching that, SirGreen
LizLiz:    RNWE'T we allnuts? anyway
LizLiz:    arne't we?
Good Person:    LOL sis
zombiefan:    if i lived near the beach i would go swimming later on today  :D
LizLiz:    I'm ready to kick this pc to the curb
Shannon...:    *thinks what I might do later on today*  probably sleep  lol
SirGreendown:    although I have been talking a lot like RichieG lately I have noticed
SirGreendown:    with all the Caps and profanity
zombiefan:    and i would stare at young beach guys as they walked by  lol
Shannon...:    if I lived near the beach again....I would go stand near it and smell the ocean breeze
Good Person:    when i go swimming i use my bath tub lol
SirGreendown:    I guess being away from AW may have contributed to that
Shannon...:    I would stare at beach guys when they werent looking at me  lol
zombiefan:    ;)
SirGreendown:    I naturally use profanity quite a bit
Good Person:    lol
Shannon...:    oh yeah GP   figures  lol
TenYearsGone:    I too speak profanity fluently, but they tend to frown on that here
LizLiz:    does anyone else have Cable ?
Good Person:    awwww but Shannon your such a cute beach babe lol
SirGreendown:    I've usually done ok in curbing it in AW, but lately I have let it slip
Shannon...:    I have cable, Liz
MeL:    I have cable liz
zombiefan:    i have fiber optic cable i think
Good Person:    me to sis
Shannon...:    lol GP
LizLiz:    doyou have any problem anytime with programs not downloading?
Good Person:    nope
zombiefan:    some times liz
LizLiz:    I'm not sure what mine is but I think that's it
Shannon...:    yeah sometimes
LizLiz:    ahh so I'm not the only one
LizLiz:    I'mgetting them here tomorrow it shouldn't be that way for all I pay them
MeL:    for the radios board here.. if you cant see it. or pick he stations. MaxPoLy has posted about a adobe update that is needed for this music to work,
SirGreendown:    have you guys noticed when I go away from AW for a period of time that and also my sports talk dials up several notches
zombiefan:    dial up internet sucked
Shannon...:    like for example...if one of the 3D programs dont download right...then I leave that program and come right back in and it loads the right way the second time
SirGreendown:    Google Fiber Rulez!!!!!!!
LizLiz:    that screen isn't loading for me?
Good Person:    i have no trouble downloading i am just old and slow lol
zombiefan:    it took maybe 30 minutes just to send somebody one song with dial up internet
MeL:    I know Liz. I dont know what to d for you hon. Iam sorry
Shannon...:    hahaha GP !!  :D
LizLiz:    you tried hon tthankyou for your effort XXX
MeL:    xxx
LizLiz:    I will get all over them tomorrow for all I pay them
Good Person:    ok brb i need my milk lol
SirGreendown:    why is it the file transfer didn't work yesterday when Mouxi tried to send me a file
Shannon...:    maybe you could use more memory in your computer, Liz ?
LizLiz:    no nrrf to be sorry sis youdid your best Huggs
MeL:    Hugss
SirGreendown:    I'm sure it is a file I may like
LizLiz:    ohh no I hae more memory than I could possibly use Shannon
Shannon...:    ok GP...go and drink your moo juice  hehe
LizLiz:    hon
LizLiz:    Intel Quad Core
zombiefan:    how about crangrape juice?
Shannon...:    well thats good, Liz
LizLiz:    I think I might need sleep LOL
SirGreendown:    considering Mouxi is only 11 years old, I don't think he would send anything harmful to me
LizLiz:    yes I know, it has to be Cable not working right
Shannon...:    yeah sleep is a good idea Liz  lol
LizLiz:    they are not perfecdt
LizLiz:    LOL yeh I can see me sleeping hehehe
SirGreendown:    he's the only person I've ever heard of using that feature
Shannon...:    maybe your graphic card needs to be updated, Liz ? I dunno
LizLiz:    as long as I can be here I'm good until tomorrow when I kick butt
LizLiz:    everything else is fine
Shannon...:    hmm
LizLiz:    WOODY did it LOL not
Good Person:    if liz kicks butt i better wear a pain over my butt lol
Shannon...:    haha
MeL:    you can wear a pain?
zombiefan:    lol
Good Person:    opps pan lol
LizLiz:    see dance machine works
Good Person:    yup
MeL:    your leg came off, SirG. hahah
Good Person:    lol
LizLiz:    I mean it works butthe Music center doesn't
LizLiz:    Sir G isonly half here
MeL:    that music center takes adobe flash player to work
MeL:    in aw
MeL:    some ppl dont have adobe flash.. and will have to download it
LizLiz:    yes so it's working  then something else is not working?
MeL:    or update it
LizLiz:    yup
Good Person:    i have that fladh player MeL
MeL:    probably needs a update is all
Good Person:    flash
LizLiz:    probably
MeL:    is the link to get it
MeL:    save it
LizLiz:    I wok on it in themotning when I'm not tired
MeL:    nods
Good Person:    thanks
LizLiz:    thankyuosis
MeL:    most welcome
zombiefan:    films shannon  ;)
Shannon...:    oh no  lol  :)
zombiefan:    hehehe
Good Person:    good idea lol
Shannon...:    xD
Good Person:    hmmmm kuma must be hard at work lol
Good Person:    Shannon what are u doing lol
Shannon...:    its a tea pot dance  lol
Good Person:    oh lol
zombiefan:    she's doing her yoga dance  ;)
Shannon...:    ;o)
Good Person:    lol cute
MeL:    2am.. ive got to get some sleep.. Thank you all for coming. hope you had fun.. dont forget!.. the Adult game is tomorrow at 11pm vrt in "Delight".. G' Night *Hugsss
Earendil37:    hi
Good Person:    nite MeL hugs
zombiefan:    night mel hugs
Shannon...:    night Mel...sleep well
Good Person:    man shes fast lol
Shannon...:    Hi Earendil
Good Person:    wow shannon lol
zombiefan:    dances!
Shannon...:    lol
LizLiz:    yeh I missed her completely
Earendil37:    hmm nice guy for woman
zombiefan:    getting better at making videos  ;)
Good Person:    cool
Shannon...:    good
LizLiz:    thank goodness for telegrams
SirGreendown:    Lets Go Royals!!!
zombiefan:    some of the songs suck though lol
LizLiz:    I wiah I could hear it
Good Person:    yup love those grams lol
zombiefan:    you can hear it through this link liz
Good Person:    hands liz my hearing aide lol
Shannon...:    =)
LizLiz:    GP I got a switch for you bro LOLOL
Shannon...:    haha
Good Person:    oh gee ty sis lol
perra:    1 brat aide ? lol
Good Person:    shut up perra brat lol
LizLiz:    thanks hon but that doesn't open for me XXXX
perra:    lol
Shannon...:    Hi perra ! *waves*  :)
perra:    shannon hugs
LizLiz:    GP loves a switch
Good Person:    yw sis
zombiefan:    hi perra hugs
Shannon...:    perra hugs
LizLiz:    as long as it's soft
perra:    Zom Hugs
Good Person:    do not lol
perra:    Liz hugs
LizLiz:    Huggs Perra Bro
Good Person:    sir move the mover please ty lol
WOODY.:    wow pass my bed time
Good Person:    awwwwwww nite woody bro
SirGreendown:    but it must be in the video
zombiefan:    night woody hugs
Shannon...:    you sure are up late Woody  lol
zombiefan:    you film some videos sir  :D
perra:    Woody Night my friend hugs sweet dreams
WOODY.:    nifgr everyone hugsssssssssssss
Shannon...:    night Woody
Good Person:    nite bro hugss
Shannon...:    sleep well
zombiefan:    film it with your bandicam sir
perra:    lol
SirGreendown:    my videos are more lengthy though
SirGreendown:    more like tours and exploration
Good Person:    who in theheck let Perra in lol
perra:    not you anyway
zombiefan:    you ran over gp sir :O
LizLiz:    doesn't this mean Nanavailable   >  nonav
perra:    when bro steps out i come in to see so you behave brat
Good Person:    gee ty zombie lol
zombiefan:    sir ran over you  :O
Good Person:    i know
Good Person:    i always behave ty
Shannon...:    yeah right GP  lol
perra:    you wish
zombiefan:    take sir to court hehehe
Good Person:    shhh shannon lol
Good Person:    naw lol
Shannon...:    haha  your little secret is out GP
Good Person:    yeah my big mouth lol
SirGreendown:    Sluggerrr is here
perra:    lol
Shannon...:    nice mover Sir
zombiefan:    you film some sir.  im getting tired of being the camera operator  lol
Good Person:    shannon loks like bird lol
Good Person:    looks
perra:    angel with wings i belive
Shannon...:    getting late...I gotta go...good night Liz, GP, zombie, Sir, etc. *waves*  :o)
zombiefan:    night shannon  :)
SirGreendown:    Alex Smith is at the party]
Good Person:    nite shannon hugs
LizLiz:    Nightr Shanon sis
Shannon...:    Hugs
LizLiz:    blessings
perra:    night shannon hugs sweet dreams
Shannon...:    God bless you LIz
LizLiz:    ty hon
Shannon...:    night perra  hugs
perra:    :D
SirGreendown:    now I'm KC Wolf
LizLiz:    tha dance machine works fine but I cannot get music
Good Person:    me o sis
Good Person:    to
zombiefan:    did you try the link i pasted liz?
LizLiz:    youtoo bro? so its not just me
perra:    have you add a coin in it ? lol
LizLiz:    yes Zombiefan hon thanyou
Good Person:    nope not just you sis
LizLiz:    Perra I had a PK look into it lready
perra:    ok
LizLiz:    ty abnyway hon
perra:    who build it ?
Good Person:    max did
perra:    ok
LizLiz:    the link? I don't know but GP is having the same trouble
LizLiz:    ahh well
perra:    And bach is not on ?
perra:    or awake
Good Person:    i will get it fixed
LizLiz:    not at the moment no
Good Person:    Bach is afk lol
zombiefan:    my java works but it wont work with aw
LizLiz:    ohh I swee him
perra:    <<< knocks on Bach door..hey my friend wake up
LizLiz:    mine is working also
LizLiz:    I jus checked everything
zombiefan:    we are at the dance party
LizLiz:    sound is wonderful in my AW landing spot
Good Person:    i just updated my flash player  too and no go lol
perra:    cool
LizLiz:    my musicc in AW is fine
LizLiz:    not in here tho
Good Person:    mine to sis

LizLiz:    the dance machine says nonav
LizLiz:    for me anyway
LizLiz:    ahh this one works
Good Person:    is Kuma still alive lol
LizLiz:    yes she was here earlier
zombiefan:    she might have went to sleep
SirGreendown:    she's probably building something EPIC
SirGreendown:    knowing her and how her builds are the absolute best
perra:    shes always build something
Good Person:    its ok shes a awesome builder
zombiefan:    she builds so great that aw should pay her to build
perra:    yea
LizLiz:    she is excellent
SirGreendown:    maybe even better than dare I say it SW City, although the SW'ians are great too
perra:    shes building while she sleep also hehe
SirGreendown:    but she's up in their caliber
SirGreendown:    she is one of ther Elites
SirGreendown:    James is too
perra:    yup
LizLiz:    I bet she does Perra
perra:    am sure
LizLiz:    dancing is working for me yaya
Good Person:    it works for me sis f12
LizLiz:    it's OK bro I missed the 1
SirGreendown:    I'm more of a game manager sort of the Alex Smith of builders, good, but not the very best
Good Person:    oh lol
LizLiz:    look... I'm doing it LOL
Good Person:    cool lol
LizLiz:    Perra is here LOL it's majic
perra:    hehe
LizLiz:    wellsomeone has to get accolade
LizLiz:    not coolade LOL
perra:    must see so brat behaves lol
zombiefan:    dances!
SirGreendown:    but I build bigger than anyone else
LizLiz:    ok good for you
LizLiz:    I can dance now LOL
Good Person:    ok i am going to go build before bed time hugs liz sis and hugs zombie
perra:    so Bach buddy stays in corner hmm
zombiefan:    night gp hugs
LizLiz:    oooh we can hide in the plant pots now LOLOL!
LizLiz:    Night GP
perra:    night gp take care now buddy
SirGreendown:    you could call me Sir Builds-A-Lot
LizLiz:    I'm going to hide in AW  see yougood folks later XXXXXXXXX
zombiefan:    night liz  hugs
perra:    see you Liz hugss
LizLiz:    you too Perra bro
perra:    <<< use tracker to see Liz lol
Good Person:    hiding from me sis lol
SirGreendown:    or SixYearsGone, hopefully I didn't upset you in some form SixYearsAgo
perra:    its a nice place here
LizLiz:    ahhh
SirGreendown:    just between you and me perra, GP is still online
LizLiz:    I lilke peretty places
perra:    dances some with zom before shes jumps in bed
zombiefan:    dances!
LizLiz:    hi GP Hi
perra:    :D
zombiefan:    :D
SirGreendown:    he's nestled between the AFK BlueRidge Boy and the AFK Iao Moonshadow on my online list
Good Person:    watch him zombies hes sneaky lol
zombiefan:    lol gp  :D
Good Person:    hiya sis
perra:    yea he said he should build some before he should sleep
SirGreendown:    wait
LizLiz:    ide you join us Perra?
SirGreendown:    GP and Iao get married
Good Person:    noooooo lol
SirGreendown:    and BlueRidge Boy could be their son
Good Person:    ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lol
perra:    hehe
zombiefan:    i thought iao didnt like spam lol
SirGreendown:    since he was when GP was married to Melody
Good Person:    she dont lol
LizLiz:    what nooo GP?
perra:    lol
Good Person:    lol sis
perra:    where is Melody for now havent seen her ?
LizLiz:    this took forecver to build GP
Good Person:    i bet sis
SirGreendown:    haven't seen Melody since January when she left AW
LizLiz:    but my memory is so bad I need the teleports listed
Good Person:    Perra shes over in SL with her new hubby lol
LizLiz:    good thing they are on the hard drive too
perra:    not even in fb i have seen her
perra:    ok gp
SirGreendown:    BlueRidge Boy mentioned she is doing RPGs or something
LizLiz:    Melody has a new hubvby in real life or just online?
LizLiz:    dang I keep clicking stuff
Good Person:    who knows sis she used me big time
perra:    she sure did
LizLiz:    just hang it on the shelf as experience
Good Person:    naw i hate people useing people lol
LizLiz:    I hate when people abur others tho
Good Person:    me too
perra:    arent we all gp
LizLiz:    sanme here GP
Good Person:    ok sis nice teleport center i am going to go build now
perra:    << love all people ( and hold my enemis closet me )
perra:    close
LizLiz:    OK gp
Good Person:    me too
SirGreendown:   Cincinnati Bengals Quarterback Andy Dalton
LizLiz:    YESa Perrs that's what my dad told me
perra:    yea Liz smart man
LizLiz:    good dad believe me
perra:    yep
perra:    i was razied so also
SirGreendown:    wow, the NFL mirrors AW in so many ways
LizLiz:    wonderful man and very intelligent as well as smart
LizLiz:    ohh I loved my dad so mush mum also
SirGreendown:    There is a ginger named Andy in the NFL too
perra:    now i pray for my dad only
LizLiz:    mine are both gone now bless them
perra:    i still have mom
perra:    to help and protect
perra:    i have dad as background on my computer plus in my sellphone
SirGreendown:    when is someone going to name a cit Rob Gronkowski or Travis Kelce?
LizLiz:    good Perra
perra:    hes always with me
LizLiz:    in my heart both mine are always there
SirGreendown:    why is there no citizen named Tom Brady?
perra:    yes Liz
perra:    becase no have that name maybe ? lol
zombiefan:    dances!
perra:    Dances!
LizLiz:    yes my name is not the same anymore for sure
Good Person:    brat sis lol
perra:    lol
LizLiz:    GP bro brat too LOL
SirGreendown:    someone should name a citizen NY Jets
Good Person:    yup lol
perra:    its rain here good
LizLiz:    AWW
zombiefan:    filming another video but when the song sucks i shut off the sound  lol
LizLiz:    there's fire in the canyon between here and California a huge one, I hope Kuma Bear is OK?
Good Person:    lol
perra:    meaning we should go and and shop now under early morning here
SirGreendown:    it's almost 3am
SirGreendown:    I best beheaded to sleep
perra:    every saturday they selling much things in a specil area close there i live
zombiefan:    2:48am over here
perra:    9.50 am
SirGreendown:    same here Zombiefan
perra:    they selling direkt from there´s car´s or trailers
perra:    used things
perra:    sorta
LizLiz:    -cool
perra:    its a lot off people there
perra:    take 3-4 hours to walk around whole area
perra:    << takes Zom with me with her´s red nice hair
perra:    hehe
LizLiz:    O love those open makets
zombiefan:    lol perra  :D
perra:    me to
perra:    hope it stop rains only
SirGreendown:    JOHN ELWAY IS A HORSE
perra:    you also in cal letters
perra:    cap
SirGreendown:    it's for the video
SirGreendown:    GO CHIEFS!!
SirGreendown:    CHIEFS KINGDOM
perra:    so have Rick been in here and take a dance ?
zombiefan:    you film some sir  lol
LizLiz:    not sure Perra
perra:    ok
perra:    i saw him on stairs way in aw gz
perra:    busy man much to do
LizLiz:    haven'tseen him in ages
perra:    hes here in aw now
Good Person:    ok all you brat good night perra behave hugs liz sis and hugs zombie lol
zombiefan:    night gp hugs!
LizLiz:    night bro XXXX
perra:    << always behave even if it is hard when i dance with Zom
perra:    night buddy
zombiefan:    :D
perra:    :D
perra:    sounds some rain stop hmm
LizLiz:    I need sleep folks Night and blessings to allXXXXXXXX
zombiefan:    night liz hugs
perra:    night Liz bless you girl hugs
LizLiz:    (((((everyone)))) GP perra ad those i don't see
perra:    but hear lol
LizLiz:    (((Z))))
Mita:    Wow you all still here?
zombiefan:    hi again mita
Mita:    hiya zombie
perra:    dances!
zombiefan:    dances!
perra:    lalala
perra:    Liz did you forget to go to sleep ? lol
LizLiz:    nite for real this time afk
perra:    night hugs
perra:    waves to Ten...
perra:    hi SlowChems
perra:    how goes it
perra:    good here also just quit dance in here hehe
perra:    so legs are tierd now lol
Mita:    ok  I dont know what peeps know and dont know.dont get all upset
perra:    stand still for now and rest some lol
perra:    <<< reboots
perra:    and all sleep
perra:    hi Sigi

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